sbt.Def.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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sbt is an interactive build tool
The newest version!
* sbt
* Copyright 2023, Scala center
* Copyright 2011 - 2022, Lightbend, Inc.
* Copyright 2008 - 2010, Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE)
package sbt
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import sbt.KeyRanks.{ DTask, Invisible }
import sbt.Scope.{ GlobalScope, ThisScope }
import sbt.internal.util.Types.const
import sbt.internal.util.complete.Parser
import sbt.internal.util.{ Terminal => ITerminal, _ }
import Util._
import sbt.util.Show
import xsbti.VirtualFile
/** A concrete settings system that uses `sbt.Scope` for the scope type. */
object Def extends Init[Scope] with TaskMacroExtra with InitializeImplicits {
type Classpath = Seq[Attributed[File]]
type VirtualClasspath = Seq[Attributed[VirtualFile]]
def settings(ss: SettingsDefinition*): Seq[Setting[_]] = ss.flatMap(_.settings)
val triggeredBy = AttributeKey[Seq[Task[_]]]("triggered-by")
val runBefore = AttributeKey[Seq[Task[_]]]("run-before")
val resolvedScoped = SettingKey[ScopedKey[_]](
"The ScopedKey for the referencing setting or task.",
private[sbt] val taskDefinitionKey = AttributeKey[ScopedKey[_]](
"Internal: used to map a task back to its ScopedKey.",
lazy val showFullKey: Show[ScopedKey[_]] = showFullKey(None)
def showFullKey(keyNameColor: Option[String]): Show[ScopedKey[_]] =
Show[ScopedKey[_]]((key: ScopedKey[_]) => displayFull(key, keyNameColor))
@deprecated("Use showRelativeKey2 which doesn't take the unused multi param", "1.1.1")
def showRelativeKey(
current: ProjectRef,
multi: Boolean,
keyNameColor: Option[String] = None
): Show[ScopedKey[_]] =
showRelativeKey2(current, keyNameColor)
def showRelativeKey2(
current: ProjectRef,
keyNameColor: Option[String] = None,
): Show[ScopedKey[_]] =
key => {
val color: String => String = withColor(_, keyNameColor)
.getOrElse {
Scope.display(key.scope, color(key.key.label), ref => displayRelative2(current, ref))
private[sbt] def showShortKey(
keyNameColor: Option[String],
): Show[ScopedKey[_]] = {
def displayShort(
project: Reference
): String = {
val trailing = " /"
project match {
case BuildRef(_) => "ThisBuild" + trailing
case ProjectRef(_, x) => x + trailing
case _ => Reference.display(project) + trailing
key =>
withColor(key.key.label, keyNameColor),
ref => displayShort(ref)
@deprecated("Use showBuildRelativeKey2 which doesn't take the unused multi param", "1.1.1")
def showBuildRelativeKey(
currentBuild: URI,
multi: Boolean,
keyNameColor: Option[String] = None,
): Show[ScopedKey[_]] =
showBuildRelativeKey2(currentBuild, keyNameColor)
def showBuildRelativeKey2(
currentBuild: URI,
keyNameColor: Option[String] = None,
): Show[ScopedKey[_]] =
key =>
withColor(key.key.label, keyNameColor),
ref => displayBuildRelative(currentBuild, ref)
* Returns a String expression for the given [[Reference]] (BuildRef, [[ProjectRef]], etc)
* relative to the current project.
def displayRelativeReference(current: ProjectRef, project: Reference): String =
displayRelative(current, project, false)
@deprecated("Use displayRelative2 which doesn't take the unused multi param", "1.1.1")
def displayRelative(current: ProjectRef, multi: Boolean, project: Reference): String =
displayRelative2(current, project)
def displayRelative2(current: ProjectRef, project: Reference): String =
displayRelative(current, project, true)
* Constructs the String of a given [[Reference]] relative to current.
* Note that this no longer takes "multi" parameter, and omits the subproject id at all times.
private[sbt] def displayRelative(
current: ProjectRef,
project: Reference,
trailingSlash: Boolean
): String = {
import Reference.{ display => displayRef }
@tailrec def loop(ref: Reference): String = ref match {
case ProjectRef(b, p) => if (b == loop(LocalProject(p)) else displayRef(ref)
case BuildRef(b) => if (b == loop(ThisBuild) else displayRef(ref)
case RootProject(b) => if (b == loop(LocalRootProject) else displayRef(ref)
case LocalProject(p) => if (p == current.project) "" else p
case ThisBuild => "ThisBuild"
case LocalRootProject => ""
case ThisProject => ""
val str = loop(project)
if (trailingSlash && !str.isEmpty) s"$str /"
else str
@deprecated("Use variant without multi", "1.1.1")
def displayBuildRelative(currentBuild: URI, multi: Boolean, project: Reference): String =
displayBuildRelative(currentBuild, project)
def displayBuildRelative(currentBuild: URI, project: Reference): String =
project match {
case BuildRef(`currentBuild`) => "ThisBuild /"
case ProjectRef(`currentBuild`, x) => x + " /"
case _ => Reference.display(project) + " /"
def displayFull(scoped: ScopedKey[_]): String = displayFull(scoped, None)
def displayFull(scoped: ScopedKey[_], keyNameColor: Option[String]): String =
Scope.display(scoped.scope, withColor(scoped.key.label, keyNameColor))
def displayMasked(scoped: ScopedKey[_], mask: ScopeMask): String =
Scope.displayMasked(scoped.scope, scoped.key.label, mask)
def displayMasked(scoped: ScopedKey[_], mask: ScopeMask, showZeroConfig: Boolean): String =
Scope.displayMasked(scoped.scope, scoped.key.label, mask, showZeroConfig)
def withColor(s: String, color: Option[String]): String =
withColor(s, color, useColor = ITerminal.isColorEnabled)
def withColor(s: String, color: Option[String], useColor: Boolean): String = color match {
case Some(c) if useColor => c + s + scala.Console.RESET
case _ => s
override def deriveAllowed[T](s: Setting[T], allowDynamic: Boolean): Option[String] =
super.deriveAllowed(s, allowDynamic) orElse
(if (s.key.scope != ThisScope)
s"Scope cannot be defined for ${definedSettingString(s)}".some
else none) orElse
.find(k => k.scope != ThisScope)
k =>
s"Scope cannot be defined for dependency ${k.key.label} of ${definedSettingString(s)}"
override def intersect(s1: Scope, s2: Scope)(
implicit delegates: Scope => Seq[Scope]
): Option[Scope] =
if (s2 == GlobalScope) Some(s1) // s1 is more specific
else if (s1 == GlobalScope) Some(s2) // s2 is more specific
else super.intersect(s1, s2)
private[this] def definedSettingString(s: Setting[_]): String =
s"derived setting ${s.key.key.label}${positionString(s)}"
private[this] def positionString(s: Setting[_]): String =
s.positionString match { case None => ""; case Some(pos) => s" defined at $pos" }
* A default Parser for splitting input into space-separated arguments.
* `argLabel` is an optional, fixed label shown for an argument during tab completion.
def spaceDelimited(argLabel: String = ""): Parser[Seq[String]] =
/** Lifts the result of a setting initialization into a Task. */
def toITask[T](i: Initialize[T]): Initialize[Task[T]] = map(i)(std.TaskExtra.inlineTask)
def toSParser[T](p: Parser[T]): State => Parser[T] = const(p)
def toISParser[T](p: Initialize[Parser[T]]): Initialize[State => Parser[T]] = p(toSParser)
def toIParser[T](p: Initialize[InputTask[T]]): Initialize[State => Parser[Task[T]]] = p(_.parser)
import std.SettingMacro.{ settingDynMacroImpl, settingMacroImpl }
import std.TaskMacro.{
import std._
import language.experimental.macros
def task[T](t: T): Def.Initialize[Task[T]] = macro taskMacroImpl[T]
def taskDyn[T](t: Def.Initialize[Task[T]]): Def.Initialize[Task[T]] = macro taskDynMacroImpl[T]
def setting[T](t: T): Def.Initialize[T] = macro settingMacroImpl[T]
def settingDyn[T](t: Def.Initialize[T]): Def.Initialize[T] = macro settingDynMacroImpl[T]
def inputTask[T](t: T): Def.Initialize[InputTask[T]] = macro inputTaskMacroImpl[T]
def inputTaskDyn[T](t: Def.Initialize[Task[T]]): Def.Initialize[InputTask[T]] =
macro inputTaskDynMacroImpl[T]
def taskIf[T](a: T): Def.Initialize[Task[T]] = macro taskIfMacroImpl[T]
private[sbt] def selectITask[A, B](
fab: Initialize[Task[Either[A, B]]],
fin: Initialize[Task[A => B]]
): Initialize[Task[B]] =
fab.zipWith(fin)((ab, in) =>, in))
import Scoped.syntax._
// derived from select
private[sbt] def branchS[A, B, C](
x: Def.Initialize[Task[Either[A, B]]]
)(l: Def.Initialize[Task[A => C]])(r: Def.Initialize[Task[B => C]]): Def.Initialize[Task[C]] = {
val lhs = {
val innerLhs: Def.Initialize[Task[Either[A, Either[B, C]]]] = Either[A, B]) =>
val innerRhs: Def.Initialize[Task[A => Either[B, C]]] = A => C) => fn.andThen(Right(_)))
selectITask(innerLhs, innerRhs)
selectITask(lhs, r)
// derived from select
def ifS[A](
x: Def.Initialize[Task[Boolean]]
)(t: Def.Initialize[Task[A]])(e: Def.Initialize[Task[A]]): Def.Initialize[Task[A]] = {
val condition: Def.Initialize[Task[Either[Unit, Unit]]] = Boolean) => if (p) Left(()) else Right(()))
val left: Def.Initialize[Task[Unit => A]] = A) => { _ => a })
val right: Def.Initialize[Task[Unit => A]] = A) => { _ => a })
/** Returns `PromiseWrap[A]`, which is a wrapper around `scala.concurrent.Promise`.
* When a task is typed promise (e.g. `Def.Initialize[Task[PromiseWrap[A]]]`),an implicit
* method called `await` is injected which will run in a thread outside of concurrent restriction budget.
def promise[A]: PromiseWrap[A] = new PromiseWrap[A]()
// The following conversions enable the types Initialize[T], Initialize[Task[T]], and Task[T] to
// be used in task and setting macros as inputs with an ultimate result of type T
implicit def macroValueI[T](@deprecated("unused", "") in: Initialize[T]): MacroValue[T] = ???
implicit def macroValueIT[T](@deprecated("unused", "") in: Initialize[Task[T]]): MacroValue[T] =
implicit def macroValueIInT[T](
@deprecated("unused", "") in: Initialize[InputTask[T]]
): InputEvaluated[T] = ???
implicit def taskMacroValueIT[T](
@deprecated("unused", "") in: Initialize[Task[T]]
): MacroTaskValue[T] = ???
implicit def macroPrevious[T](@deprecated("unused", "") in: TaskKey[T]): MacroPrevious[T] = ???
// The following conversions enable the types Parser[T], Initialize[Parser[T]], and
// Initialize[State => Parser[T]] to be used in the inputTask macro as an input with an ultimate
// result of type T
implicit def parserInitToInput[T](
@deprecated("unused", "") p: Initialize[Parser[T]]
): ParserInput[T] = ???
implicit def parserInitStateToInput[T](
@deprecated("unused", "") p: Initialize[State => Parser[T]]
): ParserInput[T] = ???
def settingKey[T](description: String): SettingKey[T] = macro std.KeyMacro.settingKeyImpl[T]
def taskKey[T](description: String): TaskKey[T] = macro std.KeyMacro.taskKeyImpl[T]
def inputKey[T](description: String): InputKey[T] = macro std.KeyMacro.inputKeyImpl[T]
class InitOps[T](private val x: Initialize[T]) extends AnyVal {
def toTaskable: Taskable[T] = x
class InitTaskOps[T](private val x: Initialize[Task[T]]) extends AnyVal {
def toTaskable: Taskable[T] = x
/** This works around Scala 2.12.12's
* "a pure expression does nothing in statement position"
* {{{
* Def.unit(copyResources.value)
* Def.unit(compile.value)
* }}}
def unit(a: Any): Unit = ()
private[sbt] def dummy[T: Manifest](name: String, description: String): (TaskKey[T], Task[T]) =
(TaskKey[T](name, description, DTask), dummyTask(name))
private[sbt] def dummyTask[T](name: String): Task[T] = {
import std.TaskExtra.{ task => newTask, _ }
val base: Task[T] = newTask(
sys.error("Dummy task '" + name + "' did not get converted to a full task.")
) named name
base.copy(info =, true))
private[sbt] def isDummy(t: Task[_]): Boolean = getOrElse false
private[sbt] val isDummyTask = AttributeKey[Boolean](
"Internal: used to identify dummy tasks. sbt injects values for these tasks at the start of task execution.",
private[sbt] val (stateKey, dummyState) = dummy[State]("state", "Current build state.")
private[sbt] val (streamsManagerKey, dummyStreamsManager) = Def.dummy[std.Streams[ScopedKey[_]]](
"Streams manager, which provides streams for different contexts."
// these need to be mixed into the sbt package object
// because the target doesn't involve Initialize or anything in Def
trait TaskMacroExtra {
implicit def macroValueT[T](@deprecated("unused", "") in: Task[T]): std.MacroValue[T] = ???
implicit def macroValueIn[T](@deprecated("unused", "") in: InputTask[T]): std.InputEvaluated[T] =
implicit def parserToInput[T](@deprecated("unused", "") in: Parser[T]): std.ParserInput[T] = ???
implicit def stateParserToInput[T](
@deprecated("unused", "") in: State => Parser[T]
): std.ParserInput[T] = ???
sealed trait InitializeImplicits0 { self: Def.type =>
implicit def initOps[T](x: Def.Initialize[T]): Def.InitOps[T] = new Def.InitOps(x)
sealed trait InitializeImplicits extends InitializeImplicits0 { self: Def.type =>
implicit def initTaskOps[T](x: Def.Initialize[Task[T]]): Def.InitTaskOps[T] =
new Def.InitTaskOps(x)