sbt.Scope.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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sbt is an interactive build tool
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* sbt
* Copyright 2023, Scala center
* Copyright 2011 - 2022, Lightbend, Inc.
* Copyright 2008 - 2010, Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE)
package sbt
import sbt.internal.util.{ AttributeKey, AttributeMap, Dag }
import sbt.internal.util.Util._
final case class Scope(
project: ScopeAxis[Reference],
config: ScopeAxis[ConfigKey],
task: ScopeAxis[AttributeKey[_]],
extra: ScopeAxis[AttributeMap]
) {
@deprecated(Scope.inIsDeprecated, "1.5.0")
def in(project: Reference, config: ConfigKey): Scope =
copy(project = Select(project), config = Select(config))
@deprecated(Scope.inIsDeprecated, "1.5.0")
def in(config: ConfigKey, task: AttributeKey[_]): Scope =
copy(config = Select(config), task = Select(task))
@deprecated(Scope.inIsDeprecated, "1.5.0")
def in(project: Reference, task: AttributeKey[_]): Scope =
copy(project = Select(project), task = Select(task))
@deprecated(Scope.inIsDeprecated, "1.5.0")
def in(project: Reference, config: ConfigKey, task: AttributeKey[_]): Scope =
copy(project = Select(project), config = Select(config), task = Select(task))
@deprecated(Scope.inIsDeprecated, "1.5.0")
def in(project: Reference): Scope = copy(project = Select(project))
@deprecated(Scope.inIsDeprecated, "1.5.0")
def in(config: ConfigKey): Scope = copy(config = Select(config))
@deprecated(Scope.inIsDeprecated, "1.5.0")
def in(task: AttributeKey[_]): Scope = copy(task = Select(task))
override def toString: String = this match {
case Scope(Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero) => "Global"
case Scope(_, _, _, This) => s"$project / $config / $task"
case _ => s"Scope($project, $config, $task, $extra)"
object Scope {
val ThisScope: Scope = Scope(This, This, This, This)
val Global: Scope = Scope(Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero)
val GlobalScope: Scope = Global
private[sbt] final val inIsDeprecated =
"`in` is deprecated; migrate to slash syntax -"
def resolveScope(thisScope: Scope, current: URI, rootProject: URI => String): Scope => Scope =
resolveProject(current, rootProject) compose replaceThis(thisScope) compose subThisProject
def resolveBuildScope(thisScope: Scope, current: URI): Scope => Scope =
buildResolve(current) compose replaceThis(thisScope) compose subThisProject
def replaceThis(thisScope: Scope): Scope => Scope =
(scope: Scope) =>
subThis(thisScope.project, scope.project),
subThis(thisScope.config, scope.config),
subThis(thisScope.task, scope.task),
subThis(thisScope.extra, scope.extra)
def subThis[T](sub: ScopeAxis[T], into: ScopeAxis[T]): ScopeAxis[T] =
if (into == This) sub else into
* `Select(ThisProject)` cannot be resolved by [[resolveProject]] (it doesn't know what to replace it with), so we
* perform this transformation so that [[replaceThis]] picks it up.
def subThisProject: Scope => Scope = {
case s @ Scope(Select(ThisProject), _, _, _) => s.copy(project = This)
case s => s
def fillTaskAxis(scope: Scope, key: AttributeKey[_]): Scope =
scope.task match {
case _: Select[_] => scope
case _ => scope.copy(task = Select(key))
def mapReference(f: Reference => Reference): Scope => Scope = {
case Scope(Select(ref), a, b, c) => Scope(Select(f(ref)), a, b, c)
case x => x
def resolveProject(uri: URI, rootProject: URI => String): Scope => Scope =
mapReference(ref => resolveReference(uri, rootProject, ref))
def buildResolve(uri: URI): Scope => Scope =
mapReference(ref => resolveBuildOnly(uri, ref))
def resolveBuildOnly(current: URI, ref: Reference): Reference =
ref match {
case br: BuildReference => resolveBuild(current, br)
case pr: ProjectReference => resolveProjectBuild(current, pr)
def resolveBuild(current: URI, ref: BuildReference): BuildReference =
ref match {
case ThisBuild => BuildRef(current)
case BuildRef(uri) => BuildRef(resolveBuild(current, uri))
def resolveProjectBuild(current: URI, ref: ProjectReference): ProjectReference =
ref match {
case LocalRootProject => RootProject(current)
case LocalProject(id) => ProjectRef(current, id)
case RootProject(uri) => RootProject(resolveBuild(current, uri))
case ProjectRef(uri, id) => ProjectRef(resolveBuild(current, uri), id)
case ThisProject => ThisProject // haven't exactly "resolved" anything..
def resolveBuild(current: URI, uri: URI): URI =
if (!uri.isAbsolute && current.isOpaque && uri.getSchemeSpecificPart == ".")
current // this handles the shortcut of referring to the current build using "."
IO.directoryURI(current resolve uri)
def resolveReference(
current: URI,
rootProject: URI => String,
ref: Reference
): ResolvedReference =
ref match {
case br: BuildReference => resolveBuildRef(current, br)
case pr: ProjectReference => resolveProjectRef(current, rootProject, pr)
def resolveProjectRef(
current: URI,
rootProject: URI => String,
ref: ProjectReference
): ProjectRef =
ref match {
case LocalRootProject => ProjectRef(current, rootProject(current))
case LocalProject(id) => ProjectRef(current, id)
case RootProject(uri) => val u = resolveBuild(current, uri); ProjectRef(u, rootProject(u))
case ProjectRef(uri, id) => ProjectRef(resolveBuild(current, uri), id)
case ThisProject => sys.error("Cannot resolve ThisProject w/o the current project")
def resolveBuildRef(current: URI, ref: BuildReference): BuildRef =
ref match {
case ThisBuild => BuildRef(current)
case BuildRef(uri) => BuildRef(resolveBuild(current, uri))
def display(config: ConfigKey): String = guessConfigIdent( + " /"
private[sbt] val configIdents: Map[String, String] =
"it" -> "IntegrationTest",
"scala-tool" -> "ScalaTool",
"plugin" -> "CompilerPlugin"
private[sbt] val configIdentsInverse: Map[String, String] =
configIdents map { _.swap }
private[sbt] def guessConfigIdent(conf: String): String =
configIdents.applyOrElse(conf, (x: String) => x.capitalize)
private[sbt] def unguessConfigIdent(conf: String): String =
configIdentsInverse.applyOrElse(conf, (x: String) => x.take(1).toLowerCase + x.drop(1))
def displayConfigKey012Style(config: ConfigKey): String = + ":"
def display(scope: Scope, sep: String): String =
displayMasked(scope, sep, showProject, ScopeMask())
def display(scope: Scope, sep: String, showProject: Reference => String): String =
displayMasked(scope, sep, showProject, ScopeMask())
private[sbt] def displayPedantic(scope: Scope, sep: String): String =
displayMasked(scope, sep, showProject, ScopeMask(), true)
def displayMasked(scope: Scope, sep: String, mask: ScopeMask): String =
displayMasked(scope, sep, showProject, mask)
def displayMasked(scope: Scope, sep: String, mask: ScopeMask, showZeroConfig: Boolean): String =
displayMasked(scope, sep, showProject, mask, showZeroConfig)
def displayMasked(
scope: Scope,
sep: String,
showProject: Reference => String,
mask: ScopeMask
): String =
displayMasked(scope, sep, showProject, mask, false)
* Allows the user to override the result of `Scope.display` or `Scope.displayMasked` for a
* particular scope. This can be used to enhance super shell and/or error reporting for tasks
* that use mangled names. For example, one might have:
* {{{
* val mangledKey = TaskKey[Unit]("foo_slash_bar")
* val attributeMap = AttributeMap.empty.put(Scope.customShowString("foo/bar"))
* val sanitizedKey = mangledKey.copy(scope = mangledKey.copy(extra = Select(attributeMap)))
* sanitizedKey := { ... }
* }}}
* Now whenever the `foo_slash_bar` task specified by sanitizedKey is evaluated, it will display
* "foo/bar" in super shell progress and in the error message if an error is thrown.
val customShowString = AttributeKey[String]("scope-custom-show-string")
* unified slash style introduced in sbt 1.1.0.
* By default, sbt will no longer display the Zero-config,
* so `name` will render as `name` as opposed to `{uri}proj/Zero/name`.
* Technically speaking an unspecified configuration axis defaults to
* the scope delegation (first configuration defining the key, then Zero).
def displayMasked(
scope: Scope,
sep: String,
showProject: Reference => String,
mask: ScopeMask,
showZeroConfig: Boolean
): String = {
import scope.{ project, config, task, extra }
extra.toOption.flatMap(_.get(customShowString)).getOrElse {
val zeroConfig = if (showZeroConfig) "Zero /" else ""
val configPrefix = config.foldStrict(display, zeroConfig, "./")
val taskPrefix = task.foldStrict(_.label + " /", "", "./")
val extras = extra.foldStrict(, nil, nil)
val postfix = if (extras.isEmpty) "" else extras.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
if (scope == GlobalScope) "Global / " + sep + postfix
appendSpace(projectPrefix(project, showProject)),
private[sbt] def appendSpace(s: String): String =
if (s == "") ""
else s + " "
def equal(a: Scope, b: Scope, mask: ScopeMask): Boolean =
(!mask.project || a.project == b.project) &&
(!mask.config || a.config == b.config) &&
(!mask.task || a.task == b.task) &&
(!mask.extra || a.extra == b.extra)
def projectPrefix(
project: ScopeAxis[Reference],
show: Reference => String = showProject
): String =
project.foldStrict(show, "Zero /", "./")
def projectPrefix012Style(
project: ScopeAxis[Reference],
show: Reference => String = showProject
): String =
project.foldStrict(show, "*/", "./")
def showProject = (ref: Reference) => Reference.display(ref) + " /"
def showProject012Style = (ref: Reference) => Reference.display(ref) + "/"
@deprecated("No longer used", "1.1.3")
def transformTaskName(s: String) = {
val parts = s.split("-+")
(parts.take(1) ++ parts.drop(1).map(_.capitalize)).mkString
@deprecated("Use variant without extraInherit", "1.1.1")
def delegates[Proj](
refs: Seq[(ProjectRef, Proj)],
configurations: Proj => Seq[ConfigKey],
resolve: Reference => ResolvedReference,
rootProject: URI => String,
projectInherit: ProjectRef => Seq[ProjectRef],
configInherit: (ResolvedReference, ConfigKey) => Seq[ConfigKey],
taskInherit: AttributeKey[_] => Seq[AttributeKey[_]],
extraInherit: (ResolvedReference, AttributeMap) => Seq[AttributeMap]
): Scope => Seq[Scope] =
// *Inherit functions should be immediate delegates and not include argument itself. Transitivity will be provided by this method
def delegates[Proj](
refs: Seq[(ProjectRef, Proj)],
configurations: Proj => Seq[ConfigKey],
resolve: Reference => ResolvedReference,
rootProject: URI => String,
projectInherit: ProjectRef => Seq[ProjectRef],
configInherit: (ResolvedReference, ConfigKey) => Seq[ConfigKey],
taskInherit: AttributeKey[_] => Seq[AttributeKey[_]],
): Scope => Seq[Scope] = {
val index = delegates(refs, configurations, projectInherit, configInherit)
scope => indexedDelegates(resolve, index, rootProject, taskInherit)(scope)
@deprecated("Use variant without extraInherit", "1.1.1")
def indexedDelegates(
resolve: Reference => ResolvedReference,
index: DelegateIndex,
rootProject: URI => String,
taskInherit: AttributeKey[_] => Seq[AttributeKey[_]],
extraInherit: (ResolvedReference, AttributeMap) => Seq[AttributeMap]
)(rawScope: Scope): Seq[Scope] =
indexedDelegates(resolve, index, rootProject, taskInherit)(rawScope)
def indexedDelegates(
resolve: Reference => ResolvedReference,
index: DelegateIndex,
rootProject: URI => String,
taskInherit: AttributeKey[_] => Seq[AttributeKey[_]],
)(rawScope: Scope): Seq[Scope] = {
val scope = Scope.replaceThis(GlobalScope)(rawScope)
// This is a hot method that gets called many times
def expandDelegateScopes(
resolvedProj: ResolvedReference
)(pLin: Seq[ScopeAxis[ResolvedReference]]): Vector[Scope] = {
val tLin = scope.task match {
case t @ Select(_) => linearize(t)(taskInherit)
case _ => withZeroAxis(scope.task)
// val eLin = withZeroAxis(scope.extra)
// The following while loops handroll the nested for-expression + flatMap
// projAxes flatMap nonProjectScopes(resolvedProj)
// ...
// for (c <- cLin; t <- tLin; e <- eLin) yield Scope(px, c, t, e)
val res = Vector.newBuilder[Scope]
val pIt = pLin.iterator
while (pIt.hasNext) {
val px =
val p = px.toOption getOrElse resolvedProj
val configProj = p match {
case pr: ProjectRef => pr
case br: BuildRef => ProjectRef(, rootProject(
val cLin = scope.config match {
case Select(conf) => index.config(configProj, conf)
case _ => withZeroAxis(scope.config)
val cLinIt = cLin.iterator
while (cLinIt.hasNext) {
val c =
val tLinIt = tLin.iterator
while (tLinIt.hasNext) {
val t =
if (scope.extra.isSelect) {
res += Scope(px, c, t, scope.extra)
res += Scope(px, c, t, Zero)
scope.project match {
case Zero | This => globalProjectDelegates(scope)
case Select(proj) =>
val resolvedProj = resolve(proj)
val projAxes: Seq[ScopeAxis[ResolvedReference]] =
resolvedProj match {
case pr: ProjectRef => index.project(pr)
case br: BuildRef =>
List(Select(br): ScopeAxis[ResolvedReference], Zero: ScopeAxis[ResolvedReference])
private val zeroL = List(Zero)
def withZeroAxis[T](base: ScopeAxis[T]): Seq[ScopeAxis[T]] =
if (base.isSelect) List(base, Zero: ScopeAxis[T])
else zeroL
def withGlobalScope(base: Scope): Seq[Scope] =
if (base == GlobalScope) GlobalScope :: Nil else base :: GlobalScope :: Nil
def withRawBuilds(ps: Seq[ScopeAxis[ProjectRef]]): Seq[ScopeAxis[ResolvedReference]] =
(ps: Seq[ScopeAxis[ResolvedReference]]) ++
((ps flatMap rawBuild).distinct: Seq[ScopeAxis[ResolvedReference]]) :+
(Zero: ScopeAxis[ResolvedReference])
def rawBuild(ps: ScopeAxis[ProjectRef]): Seq[ScopeAxis[BuildRef]] = ps match {
case Select(ref) => Select(BuildRef( :: Nil; case _ => Nil
def delegates[Proj](
refs: Seq[(ProjectRef, Proj)],
configurations: Proj => Seq[ConfigKey],
projectInherit: ProjectRef => Seq[ProjectRef],
configInherit: (ResolvedReference, ConfigKey) => Seq[ConfigKey]
): DelegateIndex = {
val pDelegates = refs map {
case (ref, project) =>
(ref, delegateIndex(ref, configurations(project))(projectInherit, configInherit))
} toMap;
new DelegateIndex0(pDelegates)
private[this] def delegateIndex(ref: ProjectRef, confs: Seq[ConfigKey])(
projectInherit: ProjectRef => Seq[ProjectRef],
configInherit: (ResolvedReference, ConfigKey) => Seq[ConfigKey]
): ProjectDelegates = {
val refDelegates = withRawBuilds(linearize(Select(ref), false)(projectInherit))
val configs = confs map { c =>
axisDelegates(configInherit, ref, c)
new ProjectDelegates(ref, refDelegates, configs.toMap)
def axisDelegates[T](
direct: (ResolvedReference, T) => Seq[T],
ref: ResolvedReference,
init: T
): (T, Seq[ScopeAxis[T]]) =
(init, linearize(Select(init))(direct(ref, _)))
def linearize[T](axis: ScopeAxis[T], appendZero: Boolean = true)(
inherit: T => Seq[T]
): Seq[ScopeAxis[T]] =
axis match {
case Select(x) => topologicalSort[T](x, appendZero)(inherit)
case Zero | This => if (appendZero) Zero :: Nil else Nil
def topologicalSort[T](node: T, appendZero: Boolean)(
dependencies: T => Seq[T]
): Seq[ScopeAxis[T]] = {
val o = Dag.topologicalSortUnchecked(node)(dependencies).map(x => Select(x): ScopeAxis[T])
if (appendZero) o ::: (Zero: ScopeAxis[T]) :: Nil
else o
def globalProjectDelegates(scope: Scope): Seq[Scope] =
if (scope == GlobalScope)
GlobalScope :: Nil
for {
c <- withZeroAxis(scope.config)
t <- withZeroAxis(scope.task)
e <- withZeroAxis(scope.extra)
} yield Scope(Zero, c, t, e)