sbt.EvaluateTask.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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sbt is an interactive build tool
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* sbt
* Copyright 2023, Scala center
* Copyright 2011 - 2022, Lightbend, Inc.
* Copyright 2008 - 2010, Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE)
package sbt
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import sbt.Def.{ ScopedKey, Setting, dummyState }
import sbt.Keys.{ TaskProgress => _, name => _, _ }
import sbt.Project.richInitializeTask
import sbt.Scope.Global
import sbt.SlashSyntax0._
import sbt.internal.Aggregation.KeyValue
import sbt.internal.TaskName._
import sbt.internal._
import sbt.internal.langserver.ErrorCodes
import sbt.internal.util.{ Terminal => ITerminal, _ }
import sbt.librarymanagement.{ Resolver, UpdateReport }
import sbt.std.Transform.DummyTaskMap
import sbt.util.{ Logger, Show }
import sbt.BuildSyntax._
import sbt.internal.bsp.BuildTargetIdentifier
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.Console.RED
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
* An API that allows you to cancel executing tasks upon some signal.
* For example, this is implemented by the TaskEngine;
* invoking `cancelAndShutdown()` allows you to cancel the current task execution.
trait RunningTaskEngine {
/** Attempts to kill and shutdown the running task engine.*/
def cancelAndShutdown(): Unit
* A strategy for being able to cancel tasks.
* Implementations of this trait determine what will trigger `cancel()` for
* the task engine, providing in the `start` method.
* All methods on this API are expected to be called from the same thread.
trait TaskCancellationStrategy {
/** The state used by this task. */
type State
* Called when task evaluation starts.
* @param canceller An object that can cancel the current task evaluation session.
* @return Whatever state you need to cleanup in your finish method.
def onTaskEngineStart(canceller: RunningTaskEngine): State
/** Called when task evaluation completes, either in success or failure. */
def onTaskEngineFinish(state: State): Unit
object TaskCancellationStrategy {
/** An empty handler that does not cancel tasks. */
object Null extends TaskCancellationStrategy {
type State = Unit
def onTaskEngineStart(canceller: RunningTaskEngine): Unit = ()
def onTaskEngineFinish(state: Unit): Unit = ()
override def toString: String = "Null"
/** Cancel handler which registers for SIGINT and cancels tasks when it is received. */
object Signal extends TaskCancellationStrategy {
type State = Signals.Registration
def onTaskEngineStart(canceller: RunningTaskEngine): Signals.Registration =
Signals.register(() => canceller.cancelAndShutdown())
def onTaskEngineFinish(registration: Signals.Registration): Unit = registration.remove()
override def toString: String = "Signal"
* The new API for running tasks.
* This represents all the hooks possible when running the task engine.
* We expose this trait so that we can, in a binary compatible way, modify what is used
* inside this configuration and how to construct it.
sealed trait EvaluateTaskConfig {
def restrictions: Seq[Tags.Rule]
def checkCycles: Boolean
def progressReporter: ExecuteProgress[Task]
def cancelStrategy: TaskCancellationStrategy
/** If true, we force a finalizer/gc run (or two) after task execution completes when needed. */
def forceGarbageCollection: Boolean
/** Interval to force GC. */
def minForcegcInterval: Duration
object EvaluateTaskConfig {
/** Raw constructor for EvaluateTaskConfig. */
def apply(
restrictions: Seq[Tags.Rule],
checkCycles: Boolean,
progressReporter: ExecuteProgress[Task],
cancelStrategy: TaskCancellationStrategy,
forceGarbageCollection: Boolean,
minForcegcInterval: Duration
): EvaluateTaskConfig =
private[this] case class DefaultEvaluateTaskConfig(
restrictions: Seq[Tags.Rule],
checkCycles: Boolean,
progressReporter: ExecuteProgress[Task],
cancelStrategy: TaskCancellationStrategy,
forceGarbageCollection: Boolean,
minForcegcInterval: Duration
) extends EvaluateTaskConfig
final case class PluginData(
dependencyClasspath: Seq[Attributed[File]],
definitionClasspath: Seq[Attributed[File]],
resolvers: Option[Vector[Resolver]],
report: Option[UpdateReport],
scalacOptions: Seq[String],
javacOptions: Seq[String],
unmanagedSourceDirectories: Seq[File],
unmanagedSources: Seq[File],
managedSourceDirectories: Seq[File],
managedSources: Seq[File],
classDirectory: Option[File],
buildTarget: Option[BuildTargetIdentifier]
) {
val classpath: Seq[Attributed[File]] = definitionClasspath ++ dependencyClasspath
object PluginData {
private[sbt] def apply(depClasspath: Def.Classpath): PluginData =
PluginData(depClasspath, Nil, None, None, Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil, None, None)
object EvaluateTask {
import Keys.state
import std.Transform
lazy private val sharedProgress = new TaskTimings(reportOnShutdown = true)
def taskTimingProgress: Option[ExecuteProgress[Task]] =
if (SysProp.taskTimingsOnShutdown) Some(sharedProgress)
else None
private val capturedThunk = new AtomicReference[() => Unit]()
def onShutdown(): Unit = {
val thunk = capturedThunk.getAndSet(null)
if (thunk != null) thunk()
// our own implementation of shutdown hook, because the "sbt -timings help" command was not working with the JVM shutdown hook,
// which is a little hard to control.
def addShutdownHandler[A](thunk: () => A): Unit = {
() =>
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
System.err.println(s"Caught exception running shutdown hook: $e")
lazy private val sharedTraceEvent = new TaskTraceEvent()
def taskTraceEvent: Option[ExecuteProgress[Task]] =
if (SysProp.traces) {
} else None
// sbt-pgp calls this
@deprecated("No longer used", "1.3.0")
private[sbt] def defaultProgress(): ExecuteProgress[Task] = ExecuteProgress.empty[Task]
val SystemProcessors = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors
def extractedTaskConfig(
extracted: Extracted,
structure: BuildStructure,
state: State
): EvaluateTaskConfig = {
val rs = restrictions(extracted, structure)
val canceller = cancelStrategy(extracted, structure, state)
val progress = executeProgress(extracted, structure, state)
val fgc = forcegc(extracted, structure)
val mfi = minForcegcInterval(extracted, structure)
EvaluateTaskConfig(rs, false, progress, canceller, fgc, mfi)
def defaultRestrictions(maxWorkers: Int) = Tags.limitAll(maxWorkers) :: Nil
def defaultRestrictions(extracted: Extracted, structure: BuildStructure): Seq[Tags.Rule] =
Tags.limitAll(maxWorkers(extracted, structure)) :: Nil
def restrictions(state: State): Seq[Tags.Rule] = {
val extracted = Project.extract(state)
restrictions(extracted, extracted.structure)
def restrictions(extracted: Extracted, structure: BuildStructure): Seq[Tags.Rule] =
defaultRestrictions(extracted, structure),
def maxWorkers(extracted: Extracted, structure: BuildStructure): Int =
if (getSetting(Keys.parallelExecution, true, extracted, structure))
def cancelable(extracted: Extracted, structure: BuildStructure): Boolean =
getSetting(Keys.cancelable, false, extracted, structure)
def cancelStrategy(
extracted: Extracted,
structure: BuildStructure,
state: State
): TaskCancellationStrategy =
getSetting(Keys.taskCancelStrategy, { (_: State) =>
}, extracted, structure)(state)
private[sbt] def executeProgress(
extracted: Extracted,
structure: BuildStructure,
state: State
): ExecuteProgress2 = {
.map { progress =>
new ExecuteProgress2 {
override def beforeCommand(cmd: String, state: State): Unit =
progress.beforeCommand(cmd, state)
override def afterCommand(cmd: String, result: Either[Throwable, State]): Unit =
progress.afterCommand(cmd, result)
override def initial(): Unit = progress.initial()
override def afterRegistered(
task: Task[_],
allDeps: Iterable[Task[_]],
pendingDeps: Iterable[Task[_]]
): Unit =
progress.afterRegistered(task, allDeps, pendingDeps)
override def afterReady(task: Task[_]): Unit = progress.afterReady(task)
override def beforeWork(task: Task[_]): Unit = progress.beforeWork(task)
override def afterWork[A](task: Task[A], result: Either[Task[A], Result[A]]): Unit =
progress.afterWork(task, result)
override def afterCompleted[A](task: Task[A], result: Result[A]): Unit =
progress.afterCompleted(task, result)
override def afterAllCompleted(results: RMap[Task, Result]): Unit =
override def stop(): Unit = {
// TODO: this is not a typo, but a questionable decision in 6559c3a0 that is probably obsolete
.getOrElse {
val maker: Seq[Keys.TaskProgress] = getSetting(
val reporters = ++ state.get(Keys.taskProgress) ++
(if (SysProp.taskTimings)
new TaskTimings(reportOnShutdown = false, state.globalLogging.full) :: Nil
else Nil)
val cmdProgress = getSetting(Keys.commandProgress, Seq(), extracted, structure)
ExecuteProgress2.aggregate(reporters match {
case xs if xs.isEmpty => cmdProgress
case xs if xs.size == 1 => cmdProgress :+ new ExecuteProgressAdapter(xs.head)
case xs => cmdProgress :+ new ExecuteProgressAdapter(ExecuteProgress.aggregate[Task](xs))
// TODO - Should this pull from Global or from the project itself?
private[sbt] def forcegc(extracted: Extracted, structure: BuildStructure): Boolean =
getSetting((Global / Keys.forcegc), GCUtil.defaultForceGarbageCollection, extracted, structure)
// TODO - Should this pull from Global or from the project itself?
private[sbt] def minForcegcInterval(extracted: Extracted, structure: BuildStructure): Duration =
(Global / Keys.minForcegcInterval),
def getSetting[T](
key: SettingKey[T],
default: T,
extracted: Extracted,
structure: BuildStructure
): T =
(extracted.currentRef / key).get(
def injectSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
Global / state ::= dummyState,
Global / streamsManager ::= Def.dummyStreamsManager,
Global / executionRoots ::= dummyRoots,
@deprecated("Use variant which doesn't take a logger", "1.1.1")
def evalPluginDef(log: Logger)(pluginDef: BuildStructure, state: State): PluginData =
evalPluginDef(pluginDef, state)
def evalPluginDef(pluginDef: BuildStructure, state: State): PluginData = {
val root = ProjectRef(pluginDef.root, Load.getRootProject(pluginDef.units)(pluginDef.root))
val pluginKey = pluginData
val config = extractedTaskConfig(Project.extract(state), pluginDef, state)
val evaluated =
apply(pluginDef, ScopedKey(pluginKey.scope, pluginKey.key), state, root, config)
val (newS, result) = evaluated getOrElse sys.error(
"Plugin data does not exist for plugin definition at " + pluginDef.root
Project.runUnloadHooks(newS) // discard states
* Evaluates `taskKey` and returns the new State and the result of the task wrapped in Some.
* If the task is not defined, None is returned. The provided task key is resolved against the current project `ref`.
* Task execution is configured according to settings defined in the loaded project.
def apply[T](
structure: BuildStructure,
taskKey: ScopedKey[Task[T]],
state: State,
ref: ProjectRef
): Option[(State, Result[T])] =
extractedTaskConfig(Project.extract(state), structure, state)
* Evaluates `taskKey` and returns the new State and the result of the task wrapped in Some.
* If the task is not defined, None is returned. The provided task key is resolved against the current project `ref`.
* `config` configures concurrency and canceling of task execution.
def apply[T](
structure: BuildStructure,
taskKey: ScopedKey[Task[T]],
state: State,
ref: ProjectRef,
config: EvaluateTaskConfig
): Option[(State, Result[T])] = {
withStreams(structure, state) { str =>
for ((task, toNode) <- getTask(structure, taskKey, state, str, ref))
yield runTask(task, state, str, structure.index.triggers, config)(toNode)
def logIncResult(result: Result[_], state: State, streams: Streams) = result match {
case Inc(i) => logIncomplete(i, state, streams); case _ => ()
def logIncomplete(result: Incomplete, state: State, streams: Streams): Unit = {
val all = Incomplete linearize result
val keyed =
all collect { case Incomplete(Some(key: ScopedKey[_]), _, msg, _, ex) => (key, msg, ex) }
import ExceptionCategory._
for ((key, msg, Some(ex)) <- keyed) {
def log = getStreams(key, streams).log
ExceptionCategory(ex) match {
case AlreadyHandled => ()
case m: MessageOnly => if (msg.isEmpty) log.error(m.message)
case f: Full => log.trace(f.exception)
for ((key, msg, ex) <- keyed if msg.isDefined || ex.isDefined) {
val msgString = (msg.toList ++"\n\t")
val log = getStreams(key, streams).log
val display = contextDisplay(state, ITerminal.isColorEnabled)
val errorMessage = "(" + + ") " + msgString
state.respondError(ErrorCodes.InternalError, errorMessage)
private[this] def contextDisplay(state: State, highlight: Boolean) =
Project.showContextKey(state, if (highlight) Some(RED) else None)
def suppressedMessage(key: ScopedKey[_])(implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]): String =
"Stack trace suppressed. Run 'last %s' for the full log.".format(
def getStreams(key: ScopedKey[_], streams: Streams): TaskStreams =
streams(ScopedKey(Project.fillTaskAxis(key).scope, Keys.streams.key))
def withStreams[T](structure: BuildStructure, state: State)(f: Streams => T): T = {
val str = std.Streams.closeable(structure.streams(state))
try {
} finally {
def getTask[T](
structure: BuildStructure,
taskKey: ScopedKey[Task[T]],
state: State,
streams: Streams,
ref: ProjectRef
): Option[(Task[T], NodeView[Task])] = {
val thisScope = Load.projectScope(ref)
val resolvedScope = Scope.replaceThis(thisScope)(taskKey.scope)
for (t <-, taskKey.key))
yield (t, nodeView(state, streams, taskKey :: Nil))
def nodeView[HL <: HList](
state: State,
streams: Streams,
roots: Seq[ScopedKey[_]],
dummies: DummyTaskMap = DummyTaskMap(Nil)
): NodeView[Task] =
(dummyRoots, roots) :: (Def.dummyStreamsManager, streams) :: (dummyState, state) :: dummies
@deprecated("use to obtain an instance of State", "1.4.2")
val lastEvaluatedState: AtomicReference[SafeState] = new AtomicReference()
@deprecated("use currentlyRunningTaskEngine", "1.4.2")
val currentlyRunningEngine: AtomicReference[(SafeState, RunningTaskEngine)] =
new AtomicReference()
private[sbt] val currentlyRunningTaskEngine: AtomicReference[RunningTaskEngine] =
new AtomicReference()
* The main method for the task engine.
* See also Aggregation.runTasks.
def runTask[T](
root: Task[T],
state: State,
streams: Streams,
triggers: Triggers[Task],
config: EvaluateTaskConfig
)(implicit taskToNode: NodeView[Task]): (State, Result[T]) = {
import ConcurrentRestrictions.{ cancellableCompletionService, tagged, tagsKey }
val log = state.log
s"Running task... Cancel: ${config.cancelStrategy}, check cycles: ${config.checkCycles}, forcegc: ${config.forceGarbageCollection}"
def tagMap(t: Task[_]): Tags.TagMap =
val tags =
tagged[Task[_]](tagMap, Tags.predicate(config.restrictions))
val (service, shutdownThreads) =
cancellableCompletionService[Task[_], Completed](
(s: String) => log.warn(s),
(t: Task[_]) => tagMap(t).contains(Tags.Sentinel)
def shutdownImpl(force: Boolean): Unit = {
// First ensure that all threads are stopped for task execution.
// Now we run the gc cleanup to force finalizers to clear out file handles (yay GC!)
if (config.forceGarbageCollection) {
GCUtil.forceGcWithInterval(config.minForcegcInterval, log)
def shutdown(): Unit = shutdownImpl(false)
// propagate the defining key for reporting the origin
def overwriteNode(i: Incomplete): Boolean = i.node match {
case Some(t: Task[_]) => transformNode(t).isEmpty
case _ => true
def run() = {
val x = new Execute[Task](
Execute.config(config.checkCycles, overwriteNode),
val (newState, result) =
try {
val results = x.runKeep(root)(service)
storeValuesForPrevious(results, state, streams)
applyResults(results, state, root)
} catch { case inc: Incomplete => (state, Inc(inc)) } finally shutdown()
val replaced = transformInc(result)
logIncResult(replaced, state, streams)
(newState, replaced)
object runningEngine extends RunningTaskEngine {
def cancelAndShutdown(): Unit = {
log.warn("Canceling execution...")
// Register with our cancel handler we're about to start.
val strat = config.cancelStrategy
val cancelState = strat.onTaskEngineStart(runningEngine)
try run()
finally {
private[this] def storeValuesForPrevious(
results: RMap[Task, Result],
state: State,
streams: Streams
): Unit =
for (referenced <- (Global / Previous.references) get Project.structure(state).data)
Previous.complete(referenced, results, streams)
def applyResults[T](
results: RMap[Task, Result],
state: State,
root: Task[T]
): (State, Result[T]) = {
(stateTransform(results)(state), results(root))
def stateTransform(results: RMap[Task, Result]): State => State =
results.toTypedSeq flatMap {
case results.TPair(_, Value(KeyValue(_, st: StateTransform))) => Some(st.transform)
case results.TPair(Task(info, _), Value(v)) => get transformState
case _ => Nil
def transformInc[T](result: Result[T]): Result[T] =
// taskToKey needs to be before liftAnonymous. liftA only lifts non-keyed (anonymous) Incompletes. { i =>
Incomplete.transformBU(i)(convertCyclicInc andThen taskToKey andThen liftAnonymous)
def taskToKey: Incomplete => Incomplete = {
case in @ Incomplete(Some(node: Task[_]), _, _, _, _) => in.copy(node = transformNode(node))
case i => i
type AnyCyclic = Execute[({ type A[_] <: AnyRef })#A]#CyclicException[_]
def convertCyclicInc: Incomplete => Incomplete = {
case in @ Incomplete(
Some(c: Execute[({ type A[_] <: AnyRef })#A @unchecked]#CyclicException[_])
) =>
in.copy(directCause = Some(new RuntimeException(convertCyclic(c))))
case i => i
def convertCyclic(c: AnyCyclic): String =
(c.caller, match {
case (caller: Task[_], target: Task[_]) =>
c.toString + (if (caller eq target) "(task: " + name(caller) + ")"
else "(caller: " + name(caller) + ", target: " + name(target) + ")")
case _ => c.toString
def liftAnonymous: Incomplete => Incomplete = {
case i @ Incomplete(_, _, None, causes, None) =>
causes.find(inc => inc.node.isEmpty && (inc.message.isDefined || inc.directCause.isDefined)) match {
case Some(lift) => i.copy(directCause = lift.directCause, message = lift.message)
case None => i
case i => i
@deprecated("Use processResult2 which doesn't take the unused log param", "1.1.1")
def processResult[T](result: Result[T], log: Logger, show: Boolean = false): T =
processResult2(result, show)
def processResult2[T](result: Result[T], show: Boolean = false): T =
onResult(result) { v =>
if (show) println("Result: " + v); v
@deprecated("Use variant that doesn't take log", "1.1.1")
def onResult[T, S](result: Result[T], log: Logger)(f: T => S): S = onResult(result)(f)
def onResult[T, S](result: Result[T])(f: T => S): S =
result match {
case Value(v) => f(v)
case Inc(inc) => throw inc
// if the return type Seq[Setting[_]] is not explicitly given, scalac hangs
val injectStreams: ScopedKey[_] => Seq[Setting[_]] = scoped =>
if (scoped.key == streams.key) {
Seq(scoped.scope / streams := {
(streamsManager map { mgr =>
val stream = mgr(scoped)
} else {