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sbt.Project.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * sbt
 * Copyright 2023, Scala center
 * Copyright 2011 - 2022, Lightbend, Inc.
 * Copyright 2008 - 2010, Mark Harrah
 * Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE)

package sbt

import java.util.Locale
import Project._
import BasicKeys.serverLogLevel
import Keys.{
import Scope.{ Global, ThisScope }
import sbt.SlashSyntax0._
import Def.{ Flattened, Initialize, ScopedKey, Setting }
import sbt.internal.{
import sbt.internal.util.{ AttributeKey, AttributeMap, Dag, Relation, Settings, ~> }
import sbt.internal.util.Types.{ const, idFun }
import sbt.internal.util.complete.DefaultParsers
import sbt.internal.server.ServerHandler
import sbt.librarymanagement.Configuration
import sbt.util.{ Show, Level }
import sjsonnew.JsonFormat

import language.experimental.macros
import scala.concurrent.TimeoutException
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

sealed trait ProjectDefinition[PR <: ProjectReference] {

   * The project ID is used to uniquely identify a project within a build.
   * It is used to refer to a project from the command line and in the scope of keys.
  def id: String

  /** The base directory for the project.*/
  def base: File

   * The configurations for this project.  These are groups of related tasks and the main reason
   * to list them here is when one configuration extends another.  In this case, a setting lookup
   * in one configuration will fall back to the configurations it extends configuration if the setting doesn't exist.
  def configurations: Seq[Configuration]

   * The explicitly defined sequence of settings that configure this project.
   * These do not include the automatically appended settings as configured by `auto`.
  def settings: Seq[Setting[_]]

   * The references to projects that are aggregated by this project.
   * When a task is run on this project, it will also be run on aggregated projects.
  def aggregate: Seq[PR]

  /** The references to projects that are classpath dependencies of this project. */
  def dependencies: Seq[ClasspathDep[PR]]

  /** The references to projects that are aggregate and classpath dependencies of this project. */
  def uses: Seq[PR] = aggregate ++
  def referenced: Seq[PR] = uses

   * The defined [[Plugins]] associated with this project.
   * A [[AutoPlugin]] is a common label that is used by plugins to determine what settings, if any, to add to a project.
  def plugins: Plugins

  /** Indicates whether the project was created organically, or was generated synthetically. */
  def projectOrigin: ProjectOrigin

  /** The [[AutoPlugin]]s enabled for this project.  This value is only available on a loaded Project. */
  private[sbt] def autoPlugins: Seq[AutoPlugin]

  override final def hashCode: Int = id.hashCode ^ base.hashCode ^ getClass.hashCode

  override final def equals(o: Any) = o match {
    case p: ProjectDefinition[_] => p.getClass == this.getClass && == id && p.base == base
    case _                       => false

  override def toString = {
    val agg = ifNonEmpty("aggregate", aggregate)
    val dep = ifNonEmpty("dependencies", dependencies)
    val conf = ifNonEmpty("configurations", configurations)
    val autos = ifNonEmpty("autoPlugins",
    val fields = s"id $id" :: s"base: $base" :: agg ::: dep ::: conf ::: (s"plugins: List($plugins)" :: autos)
    s"Project(${fields.mkString(", ")})"

  private[this] def ifNonEmpty[T](label: String, ts: Iterable[T]): List[String] =
    if (ts.isEmpty) Nil else s"$label: $ts" :: Nil

trait CompositeProject {
  def componentProjects: Seq[Project]

private[sbt] object CompositeProject {

   *  Expand user defined projects with the component projects of `compositeProjects`.
   *  If two projects with the same id appear in the user defined projects and
   *  in `compositeProjects.componentProjects`, the user defined project wins.
   *  This is necessary for backward compatibility with the idioms:
   *  {{{
   *    lazy val foo = crossProject
   *    lazy val fooJS = foo.js.settings(...)
   *    lazy val fooJVM = foo.jvm.settings(...)
   *  }}}
   *  and the rarer:
   *  {{{
   *    lazy val fooJS = foo.js.settings(...)
   *    lazy val foo = crossProject
   *    lazy val fooJVM = foo.jvm.settings(...)
   *  }}}
  def expand(compositeProjects: Seq[CompositeProject]): Seq[Project] = {
    val userProjects = compositeProjects.collect { case p: Project => p }
    for (p <- compositeProjects.flatMap(_.componentProjects)) yield {
      userProjects.find( == match {
        case Some(userProject) => userProject
        case None              => p


sealed trait Project extends ProjectDefinition[ProjectReference] with CompositeProject {
  def componentProjects: Seq[Project] = this :: Nil

  private[sbt] def copy(
      id: String = id,
      base: File = base,
      aggregate: Seq[ProjectReference] = aggregate,
      dependencies: Seq[ClasspathDep[ProjectReference]] = dependencies,
      settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = settings,
      configurations: Seq[Configuration] = configurations
  ): Project =
    copy2(id, base, aggregate, dependencies, settings, configurations)

  private[this] def copy2(
      id: String = id,
      base: File = base,
      aggregate: Seq[ProjectReference] = aggregate,
      dependencies: Seq[ClasspathDep[ProjectReference]] = dependencies,
      settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = settings,
      configurations: Seq[Configuration] = configurations,
      plugins: Plugins = plugins,
      autoPlugins: Seq[AutoPlugin] = autoPlugins,
      projectOrigin: ProjectOrigin = projectOrigin,
  ): Project =
      aggregate = aggregate,
      dependencies = dependencies,
      settings = settings,

  def resolve(resolveRef: ProjectReference => ProjectRef): ResolvedProject = {
    def resolveRefs(prs: Seq[ProjectReference]) = prs map resolveRef
    def resolveDeps(ds: Seq[ClasspathDep[ProjectReference]]) = ds map resolveDep
    def resolveDep(d: ClasspathDep[ProjectReference]) =
      ResolvedClasspathDependency(resolveRef(d.project), d.configuration)
      aggregate = resolveRefs(aggregate),
      dependencies = resolveDeps(dependencies),

  def resolveBuild(resolveRef: ProjectReference => ProjectReference): Project = {
    def resolveRefs(prs: Seq[ProjectReference]) = prs map resolveRef
    def resolveDeps(ds: Seq[ClasspathDep[ProjectReference]]) = ds map resolveDep
    def resolveDep(d: ClasspathDep[ProjectReference]) =
      ClasspathDependency(resolveRef(d.project), d.configuration)
    copy2(aggregate = resolveRefs(aggregate), dependencies = resolveDeps(dependencies))

   * Applies the given functions to this Project.
   * The second function is applied to the result of applying the first to this Project and so on.
   * The intended use is a convenience for applying default configuration provided by a plugin.
  def configure(transforms: (Project => Project)*): Project = Function.chain(transforms)(this)

  def withId(id: String) = copy(id = id)

  /** Sets the base directory for this project.*/
  def in(dir: File): Project = copy(base = dir)

  /** Adds configurations to this project.  Added configurations replace existing configurations with the same name.*/
  def overrideConfigs(cs: Configuration*): Project =
    copy(configurations = Defaults.overrideConfigs(cs: _*)(configurations))

   * Adds configuration at the *start* of the configuration list for this project.  Previous configurations replace this prefix
   * list with the same name.
  private[sbt] def prefixConfigs(cs: Configuration*): Project =
    copy(configurations = Defaults.overrideConfigs(configurations: _*)(cs))

  /** Adds new configurations directly to this project.  To override an existing configuration, use `overrideConfigs`. */
  def configs(cs: Configuration*): Project = copy(configurations = configurations ++ cs)

  /** Adds classpath dependencies on internal or external projects. */
  def dependsOn(deps: ClasspathDep[ProjectReference]*): Project =
    copy(dependencies = dependencies ++ deps)

   * Adds projects to be aggregated.  When a user requests a task to run on this project from the command line,
   * the task will also be run in aggregated projects.
  def aggregate(refs: ProjectReference*): Project =
    copy(aggregate = (aggregate: Seq[ProjectReference]) ++ refs)

  /** Appends settings to the current settings sequence for this project. */
  def settings(ss: Def.SettingsDefinition*): Project =
    copy(settings = (settings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]]) ++ Def.settings(ss: _*))

   * Sets the [[AutoPlugin]]s of this project.
   * A [[AutoPlugin]] is a common label that is used by plugins to determine what settings, if any, to enable on a project.
  def enablePlugins(ns: Plugins*): Project = setPlugins(ns.foldLeft(plugins)(Plugins.and))

  /** Disable the given plugins on this project. */
  def disablePlugins(ps: AutoPlugin*): Project =
    setPlugins(Plugins.and(plugins, Plugins.And( => Plugins.Exclude(p)).toList)))

  private[sbt] def setPlugins(ns: Plugins): Project = copy2(plugins = ns)

  /** Definitively set the [[AutoPlugin]]s for this project. */
  private[sbt] def setAutoPlugins(autos: Seq[AutoPlugin]): Project = copy2(autoPlugins = autos)

  /** Definitively set the [[ProjectOrigin]] for this project. */
  private[sbt] def setProjectOrigin(origin: ProjectOrigin): Project = copy2(projectOrigin = origin)

sealed trait ResolvedProject extends ProjectDefinition[ProjectRef] {

  /** The [[AutoPlugin]]s enabled for this project as computed from [[plugins]].*/
  def autoPlugins: Seq[AutoPlugin]


sealed trait ClasspathDep[PR <: ProjectReference] {
  def project: PR; def configuration: Option[String]

final case class ResolvedClasspathDependency(project: ProjectRef, configuration: Option[String])
    extends ClasspathDep[ProjectRef]

final case class ClasspathDependency(project: ProjectReference, configuration: Option[String])
    extends ClasspathDep[ProjectReference]

object Project extends ProjectExtra {

  private abstract class ProjectDef[PR <: ProjectReference](
      val id: String,
      val base: File,
      val aggregate: Seq[PR],
      val dependencies: Seq[ClasspathDep[PR]],
      val settings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]],
      val configurations: Seq[Configuration],
      val plugins: Plugins,
      val autoPlugins: Seq[AutoPlugin],
      val projectOrigin: ProjectOrigin
  ) extends ProjectDefinition[PR] {
    // checks for cyclic references here instead of having to do it in Scope.delegates

  def apply(id: String, base: File): Project =
    unresolved(id, base, Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil, Plugins.empty, Nil, ProjectOrigin.Organic)

  def showContextKey(state: State): Show[ScopedKey[_]] =
    showContextKey(state, None)

  def showContextKey(state: State, keyNameColor: Option[String]): Show[ScopedKey[_]] =
    if (isProjectLoaded(state)) showContextKey2(session(state), keyNameColor)
    else Def.showFullKey

  @deprecated("Use showContextKey2 which doesn't take the unused structure param", "1.1.1")
  def showContextKey(
      session: SessionSettings,
      structure: BuildStructure,
      keyNameColor: Option[String] = None
  ): Show[ScopedKey[_]] =
    showContextKey2(session, keyNameColor)

  def showContextKey2(
      session: SessionSettings,
      keyNameColor: Option[String] = None
  ): Show[ScopedKey[_]] =
    Def.showRelativeKey2(session.current, keyNameColor)

  def showLoadingKey(
      loaded: LoadedBuild,
      keyNameColor: Option[String] = None
  ): Show[ScopedKey[_]] =
      ProjectRef(loaded.root, loaded.units(loaded.root).rootProjects.head),

  /** This is a variation of def apply that mixes in GeneratedRootProject. */
  private[sbt] def mkGeneratedRoot(
      id: String,
      base: File,
      aggregate: Seq[ProjectReference]
  ): Project = {
    validProjectID(id).foreach(errMsg => sys.error(s"Invalid project ID: $errMsg"))
    val plugins = Plugins.empty
    val origin = ProjectOrigin.GenericRoot
    new ProjectDef(id, base, aggregate, Nil, Nil, Nil, plugins, Nil, origin)
      with Project
      with GeneratedRootProject

  /** Returns None if `id` is a valid Project ID or Some containing the parser error message if it is not.*/
  def validProjectID(id: String): Option[String] =
    DefaultParsers.parse(id, DefaultParsers.ID).left.toOption

  private[this] def validProjectIDStart(id: String): Boolean =
    DefaultParsers.parse(id, DefaultParsers.IDStart).isRight

  /** Constructs a valid Project ID based on `id` and returns it in Right or returns the error message in Left if one cannot be constructed.*/
  def normalizeProjectID(id: String): Either[String, String] = {
    val attempt = normalizeBase(id)
    val refined =
      if (attempt.length < 1) "root"
      else if (!validProjectIDStart(attempt.substring(0, 1))) "root-" + attempt
      else attempt
  private[this] def normalizeBase(s: String) =
    s.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).replaceAll("""\W+""", "-")

   * Normalize a String so that it is suitable for use as a dependency management module identifier.
   * This is a best effort implementation, since valid characters are not documented or consistent.
  def normalizeModuleID(id: String): String = normalizeBase(id)

  private def resolved(
      id: String,
      base: File,
      aggregate: Seq[ProjectRef],
      dependencies: Seq[ClasspathDep[ProjectRef]],
      settings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]],
      configurations: Seq[Configuration],
      plugins: Plugins,
      autoPlugins: Seq[AutoPlugin],
      origin: ProjectOrigin
  ): ResolvedProject =
    new ProjectDef[ProjectRef](
    ) with ResolvedProject

  private def unresolved(
      id: String,
      base: File,
      aggregate: Seq[ProjectReference],
      dependencies: Seq[ClasspathDep[ProjectReference]],
      settings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]],
      configurations: Seq[Configuration],
      plugins: Plugins,
      autoPlugins: Seq[AutoPlugin],
      origin: ProjectOrigin
  ): Project = {
    validProjectID(id).foreach(errMsg => sys.error("Invalid project ID: " + errMsg))
    new ProjectDef[ProjectReference](
    ) with Project

  final class Constructor(p: ProjectReference) {
    def %(conf: Configuration): ClasspathDependency = %(

    def %(conf: String): ClasspathDependency = ClasspathDependency(p, Some(conf))

  def getOrError[T](state: State, key: AttributeKey[T], msg: String): T =
    state get key getOrElse sys.error(msg)

  def structure(state: State): BuildStructure =
    getOrError(state, stateBuildStructure, "No build loaded.")

  def session(state: State): SessionSettings =
    getOrError(state, sessionSettings, "Session not initialized.")

  def isProjectLoaded(state: State): Boolean =
    (state has sessionSettings) && (state has stateBuildStructure)

  def extract(state: State): Extracted = extract(session(state), structure(state))

  private[sbt] def extract(se: SessionSettings, st: BuildStructure): Extracted =
    Extracted(st, se, se.current)(showContextKey2(se))

  def getProjectForReference(ref: Reference, structure: BuildStructure): Option[ResolvedProject] =
    ref match { case pr: ProjectRef => getProject(pr, structure); case _ => None }

  def getProject(ref: ProjectRef, structure: BuildStructure): Option[ResolvedProject] =
    getProject(ref, structure.units)

  def getProject(ref: ProjectRef, structure: LoadedBuild): Option[ResolvedProject] =
    getProject(ref, structure.units)

  def getProject(ref: ProjectRef, units: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit]): Option[ResolvedProject] =
    (units get get ref.project)

  def runUnloadHooks(s: State): State = {
    val previousOnUnload = orIdentity(s get Keys.onUnload.key)

  def setProject(session: SessionSettings, structure: BuildStructure, s: State): State =
    setProject(session, structure, s, identity)

  def setProject(
      session: SessionSettings,
      structure: BuildStructure,
      s: State,
      preOnLoad: State => State
  ): State = {
    val unloaded = runUnloadHooks(s)
    val (onLoad, onUnload) = getHooks(
    val newAttrs = unloaded.attributes
      .put(stateBuildStructure, structure)
      .put(sessionSettings, session)
      .put(Keys.onUnload.key, onUnload)
    val newState = unloaded.copy(attributes = newAttrs)
    // TODO: Fix this
      preOnLoad(updateCurrent(newState)) /*LogManager.setGlobalLogLevels(updateCurrent(newState),*/

  def orIdentity[T](opt: Option[T => T]): T => T = opt getOrElse idFun

  def getHook[T](key: SettingKey[T => T], data: Settings[Scope]): T => T =
    orIdentity((Global / key) get data)

  def getHooks(data: Settings[Scope]): (State => State, State => State) =
    (getHook(Keys.onLoad, data), getHook(Keys.onUnload, data))

  def current(state: State): ProjectRef = session(state).current

  def updateCurrent(s: State): State = {
    val structure = Project.structure(s)
    val ref = Project.current(s)
    Load.getProject(structure.units,, ref.project)
    val msg = (ref / Keys.onLoadMessage) get getOrElse ""
    if (!msg.isEmpty)
    def get[T](k: SettingKey[T]): Option[T] = (ref / k) get
    def commandsIn(axis: ResolvedReference) = (axis / commands) get toList

    val allCommands = commandsIn(ref) ++ commandsIn(BuildRef( ++ ((Global / commands) get toList)
    val history = get(historyPath) flatMap idFun
    val prompt = get(shellPrompt)
    val newPrompt = get(colorShellPrompt)
    val trs = ((Global / templateResolverInfos) get
    val startSvr: Option[Boolean] = get(autoStartServer)
    val host: Option[String] = get(serverHost)
    val port: Option[Int] = get(serverPort)
    val enabledBsp: Option[Boolean] = get(bspEnabled)
    val timeout: Option[Option[FiniteDuration]] = get(serverIdleTimeout)
    val authentication: Option[Set[ServerAuthentication]] = get(serverAuthentication)
    val connectionType: Option[ConnectionType] = get(serverConnectionType)
    val srvLogLevel: Option[Level.Value] = (ref / serverLog / logLevel).get(
    val hs: Option[Seq[ServerHandler]] = get(ThisBuild / fullServerHandlers)
    val commandDefs = allCommands.distinct.flatten[Command].map(_ tag (projectCommand, true))
    val newDefinedCommands = commandDefs ++ BasicCommands.removeTagged(
    val winSecurityLevel = get(windowsServerSecurityLevel).getOrElse(2)
    val useJni = get(serverUseJni).getOrElse(false)
    val newAttrs =
        .put(historyPath.key, history)
        .put(windowsServerSecurityLevel.key, winSecurityLevel)
        .put(serverUseJni.key, useJni)
        .setCond(bspEnabled.key, enabledBsp)
        .setCond(autoStartServer.key, startSvr)
        .setCond(serverPort.key, port)
        .setCond(serverHost.key, host)
        .setCond(serverAuthentication.key, authentication)
        .setCond(serverConnectionType.key, connectionType)
        .setCond(serverIdleTimeout.key, timeout)
        .put(historyPath.key, history)
        .put(templateResolverInfos.key, trs)
        .setCond(shellPrompt.key, prompt)
        .setCond(colorShellPrompt.key, newPrompt)
        .setCond(serverLogLevel, srvLogLevel)
        .setCond(fullServerHandlers.key, hs)
      attributes = newAttrs,
      definedCommands = newDefinedCommands

  def setCond[T](key: AttributeKey[T], vopt: Option[T], attributes: AttributeMap): AttributeMap =
    attributes.setCond(key, vopt)

  private[sbt] def checkTargets(data: Settings[Scope]): Option[String] = {
    val dups = overlappingTargets(allTargets(data))
    if (dups.isEmpty)
    else {
      val dupStrs = dups map {
        case (dir, scopes) =>
      Some(s"Overlapping output directories:${dupStrs.mkString}")
  private[this] def overlappingTargets(
      targets: Seq[(ProjectRef, File)]
  ): Map[File, Seq[ProjectRef]] =
    targets.groupBy(_._2).filter(_._2.size > 1).mapValues(

  private[this] def allTargets(data: Settings[Scope]): Seq[(ProjectRef, File)] = {
    import ScopeFilter._
    val allProjects = ScopeFilter(Make.inAnyProject)
    val targetAndRef = Def.setting { (Keys.thisProjectRef.value, }
    new SettingKeyAll(Def.optional(targetAndRef)(idFun))
      .flatMap(x => x)

  def equal(a: ScopedKey[_], b: ScopedKey[_], mask: ScopeMask): Boolean =
    a.key == b.key && Scope.equal(a.scope, b.scope, mask)

  def fillTaskAxis(scoped: ScopedKey[_]): ScopedKey[_] =
    ScopedKey(Scope.fillTaskAxis(scoped.scope, scoped.key), scoped.key)

  def mapScope(f: Scope => Scope) = λ[ScopedKey ~> ScopedKey](k => ScopedKey(f(k.scope), k.key))

  def transform(g: Scope => Scope, ss: Seq[Def.Setting[_]]): Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = {
    val f = mapScope(g) mapKey f mapReferenced f)
  def transformRef(g: Scope => Scope, ss: Seq[Def.Setting[_]]): Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = {
    val f = mapScope(g) mapReferenced f)

  def delegates(structure: BuildStructure, scope: Scope, key: AttributeKey[_]): Seq[ScopedKey[_]] =
    structure.delegates(scope).map(d => ScopedKey(d, key))

  def scopedKeyData(
      structure: BuildStructure,
      scope: Scope,
      key: AttributeKey[_]
  ): Option[ScopedKeyData[_]] =, key) map { v =>
      ScopedKeyData(ScopedKey(scope, key), v)

  def details(structure: BuildStructure, actual: Boolean, scope: Scope, key: AttributeKey[_])(
      implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]
  ): String = {
    val scoped = ScopedKey(scope, key)

    val data = scopedKeyData(structure, scope, key) map { _.description } getOrElse {
      "No entry for key."
    val description = key.description match {
      case Some(desc) => "Description:\n\t" + desc + "\n"; case None => ""

    val definingScope =, key)
    val providedBy = definingScope match {
      case Some(sc) => "Provided by:\n\t" + Scope.display(sc, key.label) + "\n"
      case None     => ""
    val definingScoped = definingScope match {
      case Some(sc) => ScopedKey(sc, key); case None => scoped
    val comp =
      Def.compiled(structure.settings, actual)(structure.delegates, structure.scopeLocal, display)
    val definedAt = comp get definingScoped map { c =>
    } getOrElse ""

    val cMap = Def.flattenLocals(comp)
    val related = cMap.keys.filter(k => k.key == key && k.scope != scope)
    def derivedDependencies(c: ScopedKey[_]): List[ScopedKey[_]] =
        .map(_.settings.flatMap(s => if (s.isDerived) s.dependencies else Nil))

    val depends = cMap.get(scoped) match {
      case Some(c) => c.dependencies.toSet; case None => Set.empty
    val derivedDepends: Set[ScopedKey[_]] = derivedDependencies(definingScoped).toSet

    val reverse = reverseDependencies(cMap, scoped)
    val derivedReverse = reverse.filter(r => derivedDependencies(r).contains(definingScoped)).toSet

    def printDepScopes(
        baseLabel: String,
        derivedLabel: String,
        scopes: Iterable[ScopedKey[_]],
        derived: Set[ScopedKey[_]]
    ): String = {
      val label = s"$baseLabel${if (derived.isEmpty) "" else s" (D=$derivedLabel)"}"
      val prefix: ScopedKey[_] => String =
        if (derived.isEmpty) const("") else sk => if (derived(sk)) "D " else "  "
      printScopes(label, scopes, prefix = prefix)

    def printScopes(
        label: String,
        scopes: Iterable[ScopedKey[_]],
        max: Int = Int.MaxValue,
        prefix: ScopedKey[_] => String = const("")
    ) =
      if (scopes.isEmpty) ""
      else {
        val (limited, more) =
          if (scopes.size <= max) (scopes, "\n") else (scopes.take(max), "\n...\n") => prefix(sk) + + ":\n\t", "\n\t", more)

    data + "\n" +
      description +
      providedBy +
      definedAt +
      printDepScopes("Dependencies", "derived from", depends, derivedDepends) +
      printDepScopes("Reverse dependencies", "derives", reverse, derivedReverse) +
      printScopes("Delegates", delegates(structure, scope, key)) +
      printScopes("Related", related, 10)
  def settingGraph(structure: BuildStructure, basedir: File, scoped: ScopedKey[_])(
      implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]
  ): SettingGraph =
    SettingGraph(structure, basedir, scoped, 0)
  def graphSettings(structure: BuildStructure, basedir: File)(
      implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]
  ): Unit = {
    def graph(actual: Boolean, name: String) =
      graphSettings(structure, actual, name, new File(basedir, name + ".dot"))
    graph(true, "actual_dependencies")
    graph(false, "declared_dependencies")
  def graphSettings(structure: BuildStructure, actual: Boolean, graphName: String, file: File)(
      implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]
  ): Unit = {
    val rel = relation(structure, actual)
    val keyToString = _
    DotGraph.generateGraph(file, graphName, rel, keyToString, keyToString)
  def relation(structure: BuildStructure, actual: Boolean)(
      implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]
  ): Relation[ScopedKey[_], ScopedKey[_]] =
    relation(structure.settings, actual)(structure.delegates, structure.scopeLocal, display)

  private[sbt] def relation(settings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]], actual: Boolean)(
      implicit delegates: Scope => Seq[Scope],
      scopeLocal: Def.ScopeLocal,
      display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]
  ): Relation[ScopedKey[_], ScopedKey[_]] = {
    val cMap = Def.flattenLocals(Def.compiled(settings, actual))
    val emptyRelation = Relation.empty[ScopedKey[_], ScopedKey[_]]
    cMap.foldLeft(emptyRelation) { case (r, (key, value)) => r + (key, value.dependencies) }

  def showDefinitions(key: AttributeKey[_], defs: Seq[Scope])(
      implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]
  ): String =
    showKeys( => ScopedKey(scope, key)))

  def showUses(defs: Seq[ScopedKey[_]])(implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]): String =

  private[this] def showKeys(s: Seq[ScopedKey[_]])(implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]): String ="\n\t", "\n\t", "\n\n")

  def definitions(structure: BuildStructure, actual: Boolean, key: AttributeKey[_])(
      implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]
  ): Seq[Scope] =
    relation(structure, actual)(display)._1s.toSeq flatMap { sk =>
      if (sk.key == key) sk.scope :: Nil else Nil
  def usedBy(structure: BuildStructure, actual: Boolean, key: AttributeKey[_])(
      implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]
  ): Seq[ScopedKey[_]] =
    relation(structure, actual)(display).all.toSeq flatMap {
      case (a, b) => if (b.key == key) List[ScopedKey[_]](a) else Nil
  def reverseDependencies(
      cMap: Map[ScopedKey[_], Flattened],
      scoped: ScopedKey[_]
  ): Iterable[ScopedKey[_]] =
    for ((key, compiled) <- cMap; dep <- compiled.dependencies if dep == scoped) yield key

  def setAll(extracted: Extracted, settings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]]): SessionSettings =
    SettingCompletions.setAll(extracted, settings).session

  val ExtraBuilds = AttributeKey[List[URI]](
    "Extra build URIs to load in addition to the ones defined by the project."
  def extraBuilds(s: State): List[URI] = getOrNil(s, ExtraBuilds)
  def getOrNil[T](s: State, key: AttributeKey[List[T]]): List[T] = s get key getOrElse Nil
  def setExtraBuilds(s: State, extra: List[URI]): State = s.put(ExtraBuilds, extra)
  def addExtraBuilds(s: State, extra: List[URI]): State =
    setExtraBuilds(s, extra ::: extraBuilds(s))
  def removeExtraBuilds(s: State, remove: List[URI]): State =
    updateExtraBuilds(s, _.filterNot(remove.toSet))
  def updateExtraBuilds(s: State, f: List[URI] => List[URI]): State =
    setExtraBuilds(s, f(extraBuilds(s)))

  // used by Coursier integration
  private[sbt] def transitiveInterDependencies(
      state: State,
      projectRef: ProjectRef
  ): Seq[ProjectRef] = {
    def dependencies(map: Map[ProjectRef, Seq[ProjectRef]], id: ProjectRef): Set[ProjectRef] = {
      def helper(map: Map[ProjectRef, Seq[ProjectRef]], acc: Set[ProjectRef]): Set[ProjectRef] =
        if (acc.exists(map.contains)) {
          val (kept, rem) = map.partition { case (k, _) => acc(k) }
          helper(rem, acc ++ kept.valuesIterator.flatten)
        } else
      helper(map - id, map.getOrElse(id, Nil).toSet)
    val allProjectsDeps: Map[ProjectRef, Seq[ProjectRef]] =
      (for {
        (p, ref) <- Project.structure(state).allProjectPairs
      } yield ref ->
    val deps = dependencies(allProjectsDeps.toMap, projectRef)
    Project.structure(state).allProjectRefs.filter(p => deps(p))

  object LoadAction extends Enumeration {
    val Return, Current, Plugins = Value
  import LoadAction._
  import DefaultParsers._

  val loadActionParser = token(Space ~> ("plugins" ^^^ Plugins | "return" ^^^ Return)) ?? Current

  val ProjectReturn =
    AttributeKey[List[File]]("project-return", "Maintains a stack of builds visited using reload.")
  def projectReturn(s: State): List[File] = getOrNil(s, ProjectReturn)
  def inPluginProject(s: State): Boolean = projectReturn(s).length > 1
  def setProjectReturn(s: State, pr: List[File]): State =
    s.copy(attributes = s.attributes.put(ProjectReturn, pr))

  def loadAction(s: State, action: LoadAction.Value): (State, File) = action match {
    case Return =>
      projectReturn(s) match {
        case _ /* current */ :: returnTo :: rest =>
          (setProjectReturn(s, returnTo :: rest), returnTo)
        case _ => sys.error("Not currently in a plugin definition")

    case Current =>
      val base = s.configuration.baseDirectory
      projectReturn(s) match {
        case Nil => (setProjectReturn(s, base :: Nil), base); case x :: _ => (s, x)

    case Plugins =>
      val (newBase, oldStack) =
        if (Project.isProjectLoaded(s))
          (Project.extract(s).currentUnit.unit.plugins.base, projectReturn(s))
        else // support changing to the definition project if it fails to load
          (BuildPaths.projectStandard(s.baseDir), s.baseDir :: Nil)
      val newS = setProjectReturn(s, newBase :: oldStack)
      (newS, newBase)

  def runTask[T](
      taskKey: ScopedKey[Task[T]],
      state: State,
      checkCycles: Boolean = false
  ): Option[(State, Result[T])] = {
    val extracted = Project.extract(state)
    val ch = EvaluateTask.cancelStrategy(extracted, extracted.structure, state)
    val p = EvaluateTask.executeProgress(extracted, extracted.structure, state)
    val r = EvaluateTask.restrictions(state)
    val fgc = EvaluateTask.forcegc(extracted, extracted.structure)
    val mfi = EvaluateTask.minForcegcInterval(extracted, extracted.structure)
    runTask(taskKey, state, EvaluateTaskConfig(r, checkCycles, p, ch, fgc, mfi))

  def runTask[T](
      taskKey: ScopedKey[Task[T]],
      state: State,
      config: EvaluateTaskConfig
  ): Option[(State, Result[T])] = {
    val extracted = Project.extract(state)
    EvaluateTask(extracted.structure, taskKey, state, extracted.currentRef, config)

  def projectToRef(p: Project): ProjectReference = LocalProject(

  implicit def projectToLocalProject(p: Project): LocalProject = LocalProject(

  final class RichTaskSessionVar[S](i: Def.Initialize[Task[S]]) {
    import SessionVar.{ persistAndSet, resolveContext, set, transform => tx }

    def updateState(f: (State, S) => State): Def.Initialize[Task[S]] = i(t => tx(t, f))

    def storeAs(key: TaskKey[S])(implicit f: JsonFormat[S]): Def.Initialize[Task[S]] = {
      Keys.resolvedScoped.zipWith(i) { (scoped, task) =>
          (state, value) => persistAndSet(resolveContext(key, scoped.scope, state), state, value)(f)

    def keepAs(key: TaskKey[S]): Def.Initialize[Task[S]] = {
      i.zipWith(Keys.resolvedScoped) { (t, scoped) =>
        tx(t, (state, value) => set(resolveContext(key, scoped.scope, state), state, value))

  /** implicitly injected to tasks that return PromiseWrap.
  final class RichTaskPromise[A](i: Def.Initialize[Task[PromiseWrap[A]]]) {
    import scala.concurrent.Await
    import scala.concurrent.duration._

    def await: Def.Initialize[Task[A]] = await(Duration.Inf)

    def await(atMost: Duration): Def.Initialize[Task[A]] =
        .task {
          val p = i.value
          var result: Option[A] = None
          if (atMost == Duration.Inf) {
            while (result.isEmpty) {
              try {
                result = Some(Await.result(p.underlying.future, Duration("1s")))
              } catch {
                case _: TimeoutException => ()
          } else {
            result = Some(Await.result(p.underlying.future, atMost))

  import scala.reflect.macros._

  def projectMacroImpl(c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[Project] = {
    import c.universe._
    val enclosingValName = std.KeyMacro.definingValName(
      methodName =>
        s"""$methodName must be directly assigned to a val, such as `val x = $methodName`. Alternatively, you can use `sbt.Project.apply`"""
    val name = c.Expr[String](Literal(Constant(enclosingValName)))
    reify { Project(name.splice, new File(name.splice)) }

private[sbt] trait GeneratedRootProject

trait ProjectExtra {
  implicit def configDependencyConstructor[T](
      p: T
  )(implicit ev: T => ProjectReference): Constructor =
    new Constructor(p)

  implicit def classpathDependency[T](
      p: T
  )(implicit ev: T => ProjectReference): ClasspathDependency = ClasspathDependency(p, None)

  // These used to be in Project so that they didn't need to get imported (due to Initialize being nested in Project).
  // Moving Initialize and other settings types to Def and decoupling Project, Def, and Structure means these go here for now
  implicit def richInitializeTask[T](init: Initialize[Task[T]]): Scoped.RichInitializeTask[T] =
    new Scoped.RichInitializeTask(init)

  implicit def richInitializeInputTask[T](
      init: Initialize[InputTask[T]]
  ): Scoped.RichInitializeInputTask[T] =
    new Scoped.RichInitializeInputTask(init)

  implicit def richInitialize[T](i: Initialize[T]): Scoped.RichInitialize[T] =
    new Scoped.RichInitialize[T](i)

  implicit def richTaskSessionVar[T](init: Initialize[Task[T]]): Project.RichTaskSessionVar[T] =
    new Project.RichTaskSessionVar(init)

  implicit def sbtRichTaskPromise[A](
      i: Initialize[Task[PromiseWrap[A]]]
  ): Project.RichTaskPromise[A] =
    new Project.RichTaskPromise(i)

  def inThisBuild(ss: Seq[Setting[_]]): Seq[Setting[_]] =
    inScope(ThisScope.copy(project = Select(ThisBuild)))(ss)

  def inConfig(conf: Configuration)(ss: Seq[Setting[_]]): Seq[Setting[_]] =
    inScope(ThisScope.copy(config = Select(conf)))((configuration :== conf) +: ss)

  def inTask(t: Scoped)(ss: Seq[Setting[_]]): Seq[Setting[_]] =
    inScope(ThisScope.copy(task = Select(t.key)))(ss)

  def inScope(scope: Scope)(ss: Seq[Setting[_]]): Seq[Setting[_]] =
    Project.transform(Scope.replaceThis(scope), ss)

  private[sbt] def inThisBuild[T](i: Initialize[T]): Initialize[T] =
    inScope(ThisScope.copy(project = Select(ThisBuild)), i)

  private[sbt] def inConfig[T](conf: Configuration, i: Initialize[T]): Initialize[T] =
    inScope(ThisScope.copy(config = Select(conf)), i)

  private[sbt] def inTask[T](t: Scoped, i: Initialize[T]): Initialize[T] =
    inScope(ThisScope.copy(task = Select(t.key)), i)

  private[sbt] def inScope[T](scope: Scope, i: Initialize[T]): Initialize[T] =
    i mapReferenced Project.mapScope(Scope.replaceThis(scope))

   * Creates a new Project.  This is a macro that expects to be assigned directly to a val.
   * The name of the val is used as the project ID and the name of the base directory of the project.
  def project: Project = macro Project.projectMacroImpl

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