sbt.internal.Aggregation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* sbt
* Copyright 2023, Scala center
* Copyright 2011 - 2022, Lightbend, Inc.
* Copyright 2008 - 2010, Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE)
package sbt
package internal
import java.text.DateFormat
import sbt.Def.ScopedKey
import sbt.Keys.{ showSuccess, showTiming, timingFormat }
import sbt.SlashSyntax0._
import sbt.internal.util.complete.Parser
import sbt.internal.util.complete.Parser.{ failure, seq, success }
import sbt.internal.util._
import sbt.internal.client.NetworkClient
import sbt.std.Transform.DummyTaskMap
import sbt.util.{ Logger, Show }
import scala.annotation.nowarn
sealed trait Aggregation
object Aggregation {
final case class ShowConfig(
settingValues: Boolean,
taskValues: Boolean,
print: String => Unit,
success: Boolean
final case class Complete[T](
start: Long,
stop: Long,
results: sbt.Result[Seq[KeyValue[T]]],
state: State
final case class KeyValue[+T](key: ScopedKey[_], value: T)
def defaultShow(state: State, showTasks: Boolean): ShowConfig =
settingValues = true,
taskValues = showTasks,
s =>,
success = true
def printSettings(xs: Seq[KeyValue[_]], print: String => Unit)(
implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]
): Unit =
xs match {
case KeyValue(_, x: Seq[_]) :: Nil => print(x.mkString("* ", "\n* ", ""))
case KeyValue(_, x) :: Nil => print(x.toString)
case _ =>
xs foreach (kv => print( + "\n\t" + kv.value.toString))
type Values[T] = Seq[KeyValue[T]]
type AnyKeys = Values[_]
def seqParser[T](ps: Values[Parser[T]]): Parser[Seq[KeyValue[T]]] =
seq( { case KeyValue(k, p) => => KeyValue(k, v)) })
def applyTasks[T](
s: State,
ps: Values[Parser[Task[T]]],
show: ShowConfig
)(implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]): Parser[() => State] =
Command.applyEffect(seqParser(ps))(ts => runTasks(s, ts, DummyTaskMap(Nil), show))
private def showRun[T](complete: Complete[T], show: ShowConfig)(
implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]
): Unit = {
import complete._
val log = state.log
val extracted = Project.extract(state)
val success = results match { case Value(_) => true; case Inc(_) => false }
results.toEither.right.foreach { r =>
if (show.taskValues) printSettings(r, show.print)
if (show.success && !state.get(suppressShow).getOrElse(false))
printSuccess(start, stop, extracted, success, log)
def timedRun[T](
s: State,
ts: Values[Task[T]],
extra: DummyTaskMap
): Complete[T] = {
import EvaluateTask._
import std.TaskExtra._
val extracted = Project extract s
import extracted.structure
val toRun = ts map { case KeyValue(k, t) => => KeyValue(k, v)) } join;
val roots = ts map { case KeyValue(k, _) => k }
val config = extractedTaskConfig(extracted, structure, s)
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
val (newS, result) = withStreams(structure, s) { str =>
val transform = nodeView(s, str, roots, extra)
runTask(toRun, s, str, structure.index.triggers, config)(transform)
val stop = System.currentTimeMillis
Complete(start, stop, result, newS)
def runTasks[HL <: HList, T](
s: State,
ts: Values[Task[T]],
extra: DummyTaskMap,
show: ShowConfig
)(implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]): State = {
val complete = timedRun[T](s, ts, extra)
showRun(complete, show)
complete.results match {
case Inc(i) => complete.state.handleError(i)
case Value(_) => complete.state
def printSuccess(
start: Long,
stop: Long,
extracted: Extracted,
success: Boolean,
log: Logger
): Unit = {
import extracted._
def get(key: SettingKey[Boolean]): Boolean =
(currentRef / key).get( getOrElse true
if (get(showSuccess)) {
if (get(showTiming)) {
val msg = timingString(start, stop,, currentRef)
if (success) log.success(msg) else if (Terminal.get.isSuccessEnabled) log.error(msg)
} else if (success)
private def timingString(
startTime: Long,
endTime: Long,
data: Settings[Scope],
currentRef: ProjectRef,
): String = {
val format = (currentRef / timingFormat).get(data) getOrElse defaultFormat
timing(format, startTime, endTime)
def timing(format: java.text.DateFormat, startTime: Long, endTime: Long): String = {
NetworkClient.timing(format, startTime, endTime)
def defaultFormat: DateFormat = {
import java.text.DateFormat
DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.MEDIUM)
def applyDynamicTasks[I](
s: State,
inputs: Values[InputTask[I]],
show: ShowConfig
)(implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]): Parser[() => State] = {
val parsers =
for (KeyValue(k, it) <- inputs)
yield it.parser(s).map(v => KeyValue(k, v))
Command.applyEffect(seq(parsers)) { roots =>
runTasks(s, roots, DummyTaskMap(Nil), show)
def evaluatingParser(s: State, show: ShowConfig)(keys: Seq[KeyValue[_]])(
implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]
): Parser[() => State] = {
// to make the call sites clearer
def separate[L](in: Seq[KeyValue[_]])(
f: KeyValue[_] => Either[KeyValue[L], KeyValue[_]]
): (Seq[KeyValue[L]], Seq[KeyValue[_]]) =
val kvs = keys.toList
if (kvs.isEmpty)
failure("No such setting/task")
else {
val (inputTasks, other) = separate[InputTask[_]](kvs) {
case KeyValue(k, v: InputTask[_]) => Left(KeyValue(k, v))
case kv => Right(kv)
val (tasks, settings) = separate[Task[_]](other) {
case KeyValue(k, v: Task[_]) => Left(KeyValue(k, v))
case kv => Right(kv)
// currently, disallow input tasks to be mixed with normal tasks.
// This occurs in `all` or `show`, which support multiple tasks.
// Previously, multiple tasks could be run in one execution, but they were all for the same key, just in different scopes.
// When `all` was added, it allowed different keys and thus opened the possibility for mixing settings,
// tasks, and input tasks in the same call. The code below allows settings and tasks to be mixed, but not input tasks.
// One problem with input tasks in `all` is that many input tasks consume all input and would need syntactic delimiters.
// Once that is addressed, the tasks constructed by the input tasks would need to be combined with the explicit tasks.
if (inputTasks.nonEmpty) {
if (other.nonEmpty) {
val inputStrings ="Input task(s):\n\t", "\n\t", "\n")
val otherStrings ="Task(s)/setting(s):\n\t", "\n\t", "\n")
failure(s"Cannot mix input tasks with plain tasks/settings. $inputStrings $otherStrings")
} else
applyDynamicTasks(s, maps(inputTasks)(castToAny), show)
} else {
val base =
if (tasks.isEmpty) success(() => s)
applyTasks(s, maps(tasks)(x => success(castToAny(x))), show) { res => () =>
val newState = res()
if (show.settingValues && settings.nonEmpty) printSettings(settings, show.print)
// this is a hack to avoid duplicating method implementations
private[this] def castToAny[T[_]](t: T[_]): T[Any] = t.asInstanceOf[T[Any]]
private[this] def maps[T, S](vs: Values[T])(f: T => S): Values[S] =
vs map { case KeyValue(k, v) => KeyValue(k, f(v)) }
def projectAggregates[Proj](
proj: Option[Reference],
extra: BuildUtil[Proj],
reverse: Boolean
): Seq[ProjectRef] = {
val resRef = => extra.projectRefFor(extra.resolveRef(p)))
ref => if (reverse) extra.aggregates.reverse(ref) else extra.aggregates.forward(ref)
def aggregate[T, Proj](
key: ScopedKey[T],
rawMask: ScopeMask,
extra: BuildUtil[Proj],
reverse: Boolean = false
): Seq[ScopedKey[T]] = {
val mask = rawMask.copy(project = true)
Dag.topologicalSort(key) { k =>
if (reverse)
reverseAggregatedKeys(k, extra, mask)
else if (aggregationEnabled(k,
aggregatedKeys(k, extra, mask)
def reverseAggregatedKeys[T](
key: ScopedKey[T],
extra: BuildUtil[_],
mask: ScopeMask
): Seq[ScopedKey[T]] =
projectAggregates(key.scope.project.toOption, extra, reverse = true) flatMap { ref =>
val toResolve = key.scope.copy(project = Select(ref))
val resolved = Resolve(extra, Zero, key.key, mask)(toResolve)
val skey = ScopedKey(resolved, key.key)
if (aggregationEnabled(skey, skey :: Nil else Nil
def aggregatedKeys[T](
key: ScopedKey[T],
extra: BuildUtil[_],
mask: ScopeMask
): Seq[ScopedKey[T]] =
projectAggregates(key.scope.project.toOption, extra, reverse = false) map { ref =>
val toResolve = key.scope.copy(project = Select(ref))
val resolved = Resolve(extra, Zero, key.key, mask)(toResolve)
ScopedKey(resolved, key.key)
def aggregationEnabled(key: ScopedKey[_], data: Settings[Scope]): Boolean =
Keys.aggregate in Scope.fillTaskAxis(key.scope, key.key) get data getOrElse true
private[sbt] val suppressShow =
AttributeKey[Boolean]("suppress-aggregation-show", Int.MaxValue)