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sbt.internal.BuildStructure.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * sbt
 * Copyright 2023, Scala center
 * Copyright 2011 - 2022, Lightbend, Inc.
 * Copyright 2008 - 2010, Mark Harrah
 * Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE)

package sbt
package internal


import Def.{ ScopeLocal, ScopedKey, Setting, displayFull }
import BuildPaths.outputDirectory
import Scope.GlobalScope
import BuildStreams.Streams
import sbt.LocalRootProject
import sbt.internal.util.{ AttributeEntry, AttributeKey, AttributeMap, Attributed, Settings }
import sbt.util.Logger
import scala.annotation.nowarn

final class BuildStructure(
    val units: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit],
    val root: URI,
    val settings: Seq[Setting[_]],
    val data: Settings[Scope],
    val index: StructureIndex,
    val streams: State => Streams,
    val delegates: Scope => Seq[Scope],
    val scopeLocal: ScopeLocal,
    private[sbt] val compiledMap: Map[ScopedKey[_], Def.Compiled[_]],
) {
  @deprecated("Used the variant that takes a compiledMap", "1.4.0")
  def this(
      units: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit],
      root: URI,
      settings: Seq[Setting[_]],
      data: Settings[Scope],
      index: StructureIndex,
      streams: State => Streams,
      delegates: Scope => Seq[Scope],
      scopeLocal: ScopeLocal,
  ) = this(units, root, settings, data, index, streams, delegates, scopeLocal, Map.empty)

  val extra: BuildUtil[ResolvedProject] = BuildUtil(root, units, index.keyIndex, data)

  /** The root project for the specified build.  Throws if no build or empty build. */
  val rootProject: URI => String = extra.rootProjectID

  /** All the projects in all builds. */
  def allProjects: Seq[ResolvedProject] = eachBuild((_, p) => p)

  /** References to all the projects in all the builds. */
  def allProjectRefs: Seq[ProjectRef] = eachBuild((b, p) => ProjectRef(b,

  /** Both the projects and the projects reference of all the projects in all the builds. */
  def allProjectPairs: Seq[(ResolvedProject, ProjectRef)] =
    eachBuild((b, p) => p -> ProjectRef(b,

  /** All the projects in the specified build. */
  def allProjects(build: URI): Seq[ResolvedProject] = eachProject(build, identity)

  /** The references to all the projects in the specified build. */
  def allProjectRefs(build: URI): Seq[ProjectRef] = eachProject(build, p => ProjectRef(build,

  /** Foreach project in each build apply the specified function. */
  private[this] def eachBuild[A](f: (URI, ResolvedProject) => A): Seq[A] =
    units.iterator.flatMap { case (build, unit) =>, _)) }.toIndexedSeq

  /** Foreach project in the specified build apply the specified function. */
  private[this] def eachProject[A](build: URI, f: ResolvedProject => A): Seq[A] =


// information that is not original, but can be reconstructed from the rest of BuildStructure
final class StructureIndex(
    val keyMap: Map[String, AttributeKey[_]],
    val taskToKey: Map[Task[_], ScopedKey[Task[_]]],
    val triggers: Triggers[Task],
    val keyIndex: KeyIndex,
    val aggregateKeyIndex: KeyIndex,

 * A resolved build unit.  (`ResolvedBuildUnit` would be a better name to distinguish it from the loaded, but unresolved `BuildUnit`.)
 * @param unit The loaded, but unresolved [[BuildUnit]] this was resolved from.
 * @param defined The definitive map from project IDs to resolved projects.
 *                These projects have had `Reference`s resolved and [[AutoPlugin]]s evaluated.
 * @param rootProjects The list of project IDs for the projects considered roots of this build.
 *                The first root project is used as the default in several situations where a project is not otherwise selected.
final class LoadedBuildUnit(
    val unit: BuildUnit,
    val defined: Map[String, ResolvedProject],
    val rootProjects: Seq[String],
    val buildSettings: Seq[Setting[_]]
) extends BuildUnitBase {

   * The project to use as the default when one is not otherwise selected.
   * `LocalRootProject` resolves to this from within the same build.
  val root = rootProjects.headOption.getOrElse(
    throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
      s"assertion failed: No root projects defined for build unit $unit"

  /** The base directory of the build unit (not the build definition).*/
  def localBase = unit.localBase

   * The classpath to use when compiling against this build unit's publicly visible code.
   * It includes build definition and plugin classes and classes for .sbt file statements and expressions.
  def classpath: Seq[File] = ++ unit.plugins.classpath ++ unit.definitions.dslDefinitions.classpath

   * The class loader to use for this build unit's publicly visible code.
   * It includes build definition and plugin classes and classes for .sbt file statements and expressions.
  def loader = unit.definitions.dslDefinitions.classloader(unit.definitions.loader)

  /** The imports to use for .sbt files, `consoleProject` and other contexts that use code from the build definition. */
  def imports = BuildUtil.getImports(unit)

  def projects: Iterable[ResolvedProject] = defined.values

  override def toString = unit.toString

// TODO: figure out how to deprecate and drop buildNames
 * The built and loaded build definition, including loaded but unresolved [[Project]]s, for a build unit (for a single URI).
 * @param base The base directory of the build definition, typically `/project/`.
 * @param loader The ClassLoader containing all classes and plugins for the build definition project.
 *               Note that this does not include classes for .sbt files.
 * @param builds The list of [[BuildDef]]s for the build unit.
 *               In addition to auto-discovered [[BuildDef]]s, this includes any auto-generated default [[BuildDef]]s.
 * @param projects The list of all [[Project]]s from all [[BuildDef]]s.
 *                 These projects have not yet been resolved, but they have had auto-plugins applied.
 *                 In particular, each [[Project]]'s `autoPlugins` field is populated according to their configured `plugins`
 *                 and their `settings` and `configurations` updated as appropriate.
 * @param buildNames No longer used and will be deprecated once feasible.
final class LoadedDefinitions(
    val base: File,
    val target: Seq[File],
    val loader: ClassLoader,
    val builds: Seq[BuildDef],
    val projects: Seq[Project],
    val buildNames: Seq[String],
    val dslDefinitions: DefinedSbtValues
) {
  def this(
      base: File,
      target: Seq[File],
      loader: ClassLoader,
      builds: Seq[BuildDef],
      projects: Seq[Project],
      buildNames: Seq[String]
  ) = this(base, target, loader, builds, projects, buildNames, DefinedSbtValues.empty)

/** Auto-detected top-level modules (as in `object X`) of type `T` paired with their source names. */
final class DetectedModules[T](val modules: Seq[(String, T)]) {

   * The source names of the modules.  This is "X" in `object X`, as opposed to the implementation class name "X$".
   * The names are returned in a stable order such that `names zip values` pairs a name with the actual module.
  def names: Seq[String] =

   * The singleton value of the module.
   * The values are returned in a stable order such that `names zip values` pairs a name with the actual module.
  def values: Seq[T] =

/** Auto-detected auto plugin. */
case class DetectedAutoPlugin(name: String, value: AutoPlugin, hasAutoImport: Boolean)

 * Auto-discovered modules for the build definition project.  These include modules defined in build definition sources
 * as well as modules in binary dependencies.
 * @param builds The [[BuildDef]]s detected in the build definition.
 *               This does not include the default [[BuildDef]] that sbt creates if none is defined.
final class DetectedPlugins(
    val autoPlugins: Seq[DetectedAutoPlugin],
    val builds: DetectedModules[BuildDef]
) {

   * Sequence of import expressions for the build definition.
   *  This includes the names of the [[BuildDef]], and [[DetectedAutoPlugin]] modules,
   *  but not the [[AutoPlugin]] modules.
  lazy val imports: Seq[String] = BuildUtil.getImports(builds.names) ++
    BuildUtil.importAllRoot(autoImports(autoPluginAutoImports)) ++
    BuildUtil.importAll(autoImports(topLevelAutoPluginAutoImports)) ++

  private[this] lazy val (autoPluginAutoImports, topLevelAutoPluginAutoImports) =
      .flatMap {
        case DetectedAutoPlugin(name, _, hasAutoImport) => if (hasAutoImport) Some(name) else None

  /** Selects the right [[AutoPlugin]]s from a [[Project]]. */
  def deducePluginsFromProject(p: Project, log: Logger): Seq[AutoPlugin] = {
    val ps0 = p.plugins
    val allDetected = autoPlugins.toList map { _.value }
    val detected = p match {
      case _: GeneratedRootProject => allDetected filterNot { _ == sbt.plugins.IvyPlugin }
      case _                       => allDetected
    Plugins.deducer(detected)(ps0, log)

  private[this] def autoImports(pluginNames: Seq[String]) = + ".autoImport")

  private[this] def nonTopLevelPlugin(name: String) = name.contains('.')

 * The built and loaded build definition project.
 * @param base The base directory for the build definition project (not the base of the project itself).
 * @param pluginData Evaluated tasks/settings from the build definition for later use.
 *                   This is necessary because the build definition project is discarded.
 * @param loader The class loader for the build definition project, notably excluding classes used for .sbt files.
 * @param detected Auto-detected modules in the build definition.
final class LoadedPlugins(
    val base: File,
    val pluginData: PluginData,
    val loader: ClassLoader,
    val detected: DetectedPlugins
) {
  def fullClasspath: Seq[Attributed[File]] = pluginData.classpath
  def classpath = data(fullClasspath)

 * The loaded, but unresolved build unit.
 * @param uri The uniquely identifying URI for the build.
 * @param localBase The working location of the build on the filesystem.
 *        For local URIs, this is the same as `uri`, but for remote URIs, this is the local copy or workspace allocated for the build.
final class BuildUnit(
    val uri: URI,
    val localBase: File,
    val definitions: LoadedDefinitions,
    val plugins: LoadedPlugins
) {
  override def toString =
    if (uri.getScheme == "file") localBase.toString
    else (uri.toString + " (locally: " + localBase + ")")

final class LoadedBuild(val root: URI, val units: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit]) {

  def allProjectRefs: Seq[(ProjectRef, ResolvedProject)] =
    units.iterator.flatMap {
      case (build, unit) => => ProjectRef(build, -> p)

  def extra(data: Settings[Scope])(keyIndex: KeyIndex): BuildUtil[ResolvedProject] =
    BuildUtil(root, units, keyIndex, data)

  private[sbt] def autos = GroupedAutoPlugins(units)

final class PartBuild(val root: URI, val units: Map[URI, PartBuildUnit])

sealed trait BuildUnitBase { def rootProjects: Seq[String]; def buildSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] }

final class PartBuildUnit(
    val unit: BuildUnit,
    val defined: Map[String, Project],
    val rootProjects: Seq[String],
    val buildSettings: Seq[Setting[_]]
) extends BuildUnitBase {

  def resolve(f: Project => ResolvedProject): LoadedBuildUnit =
    new LoadedBuildUnit(unit, defined.mapValues(f).toMap, rootProjects, buildSettings)

  def resolveRefs(f: ProjectReference => ProjectRef): LoadedBuildUnit = resolve(_ resolve f)

object BuildStreams {
  type Streams = sbt.std.Streams[ScopedKey[_]]

  final val GlobalPath = "_global"
  final val BuildUnitPath = "_build"
  final val StreamsDirectory = "streams"
  private final val RootPath = "_root"

  def mkStreams(
      units: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit],
      root: URI,
      data: Settings[Scope]
  ): State => Streams = s => {
    (s get Keys.stateStreams) getOrElse {
        path(units, root, data)(_),
        displayFull: ScopedKey[_] => String,
        LogManager.construct(data, s), {
          val factory =
          (file: File) => factory(file.toPath)

  def path(units: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit], root: URI, data: Settings[Scope])(
      scoped: ScopedKey[_]
  ): File =
    resolvePath(projectPath(units, root, scoped, data), nonProjectPath(scoped))

  def resolvePath(base: File, components: Seq[String]): File =
    components.foldLeft(base)((b, p) => new File(b, p))

  def pathComponent[T](axis: ScopeAxis[T], scoped: ScopedKey[_], label: String)(
      show: T => String
  ): String =
    axis match {
      case Zero      => GlobalPath
      case This      => sys.error(s"Unresolved This reference for $label in ${displayFull(scoped)}")
      case Select(t) => show(t)

  def nonProjectPath[T](scoped: ScopedKey[T]): Seq[String] = {
    val scope = scoped.scope
    pathComponent(scope.config, scoped, "config")( ::
      pathComponent(scope.task, scoped, "task")(_.label) ::
      pathComponent(scope.extra, scoped, "extra")(showAMap) ::
      scoped.key.label :: previousComponent(scope.extra)

  private def previousComponent(value: ScopeAxis[AttributeMap]): List[String] =
    value match {
      case Select(am) =>
        am.get(Previous.scopedKeyAttribute) match {
          case Some(sk) =>
            val project = sk.scope.project match {
              case Zero                                           => GlobalPath
              case Select(BuildRef(_))                            => BuildUnitPath
              case Select(ProjectRef(_, id))                      => id
              case Select(LocalProject(id))                       => id
              case Select(RootProject(_))                         => RootPath
              case Select(LocalRootProject)                       => LocalRootProject.toString
              case Select(ThisBuild) | Select(ThisProject) | This =>
                // Don't want to crash if somehow an unresolved key makes it in here.
            List(Previous.DependencyDirectory, project) ++ nonProjectPath(sk)
          case _ => Nil
      case _ => Nil
  def showAMap(a: AttributeMap): String =
      .flatMap {
        // The Previous.scopedKeyAttribute is an implementation detail that allows us to get a
        // more specific cache directory for a task stream.
        case AttributeEntry(key, _) if key == Previous.scopedKeyAttribute => Nil
        case AttributeEntry(key, value)                                   => s"${key.label}=$value" :: Nil
      .mkString(" ")

  def projectPath(
      units: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit],
      root: URI,
      scoped: ScopedKey[_],
      data: Settings[Scope]
  ): File =
    scoped.scope.project match {
      case Zero                             => refTarget(GlobalScope, units(root).localBase, data) / GlobalPath
      case Select(br @ BuildRef(uri))       => refTarget(br, units(uri).localBase, data) / BuildUnitPath
      case Select(pr @ ProjectRef(uri, id)) => refTarget(pr, units(uri).defined(id).base, data)
      case Select(pr) =>
        sys.error("Unresolved project reference (" + pr + ") in " + displayFull(scoped))
      case This => sys.error("Unresolved project reference (This) in " + displayFull(scoped))

  def refTarget(ref: ResolvedReference, fallbackBase: File, data: Settings[Scope]): File =
    refTarget(GlobalScope.copy(project = Select(ref)), fallbackBase, data)

  def refTarget(scope: Scope, fallbackBase: File, data: Settings[Scope]): File =
    ( in scope get data getOrElse outputDirectory(fallbackBase)) / StreamsDirectory

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