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sbt.internal.DefaultBackgroundJobService.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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sbt is an interactive build tool
* sbt
* Copyright 2023, Scala center
* Copyright 2011 - 2022, Lightbend, Inc.
* Copyright 2008 - 2010, Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE)
package sbt
package internal
import java.io.{ Closeable, File, FileInputStream, IOException }
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
import java.nio.file.{ FileVisitResult, Files, Path, SimpleFileVisitor }
import java.security.{ DigestInputStream, MessageDigest }
import java.util.concurrent.{ ConcurrentHashMap, TimeUnit }
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicLong, AtomicReference }
import sbt.Def.{ Classpath, ScopedKey, Setting }
import sbt.Scope.GlobalScope
import sbt.SlashSyntax0._
import sbt.internal.inc.classpath.ClasspathFilter
import sbt.internal.util.{ Attributed, ManagedLogger }
import sbt.io.syntax._
import sbt.io.{ Hash, IO }
import sbt.util.Logger
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Try
import sbt.util.LoggerContext
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
* Interface between sbt and a thing running in the background.
private[sbt] abstract class BackgroundJob {
def humanReadableName: String
@deprecated("Use awaitTermination that takes a duration argument", "1.4.0")
final def awaitTermination(): Unit = awaitTermination(Duration.Inf)
def awaitTermination(duration: Duration): Unit
/** This waits till the job ends, and returns inner error via `Try`. */
@deprecated("Use awaitTerminationTry that takes a duration argument", "1.4.0")
final def awaitTerminationTry(): Try[Unit] = {
// This implementation is provided only for backward compatibility.
/** This waits till the job ends, and returns inner error via `Try`. */
def awaitTerminationTry(duration: Duration): Try[Unit] = {
// This implementation is provided only for backward compatibility.
def shutdown(): Unit
// this should be true on construction and stay true until
// the job is complete
def isRunning(): Boolean
// called after stop or on spontaneous exit, closing the result
// removes the listener
def onStop(listener: () => Unit)(implicit ex: ExecutionContext): Closeable
// do we need this or is the spawning task good enough?
// def tags: SomeType
private[sbt] abstract class AbstractJobHandle extends JobHandle {
override def toString =
s"JobHandle(${id}, ${humanReadableName}, ${Def.showFullKey.show(spawningTask)})"
private[sbt] abstract class AbstractBackgroundJobService extends BackgroundJobService {
private val nextId = new AtomicLong(1)
private val pool = new BackgroundThreadPool()
private val context = LoggerContext(useLog4J)
private[sbt] def serviceTempDirBase: File
private[sbt] def useLog4J: Boolean
private val serviceTempDirRef = new AtomicReference[File]
private def serviceTempDir: File = serviceTempDirRef.synchronized {
serviceTempDirRef.get match {
case null =>
val dir = IO.createUniqueDirectory(serviceTempDirBase)
case s => s
// hooks for sending start/stop events
protected def onAddJob(@deprecated("unused", "") job: JobHandle): Unit = ()
protected def onRemoveJob(@deprecated("unused", "") job: JobHandle): Unit = ()
// this mutable state could conceptually go on State except
// that then every task that runs a background job would have
// to be a command, so not sure what to do here.
private final var jobSet = Set.empty[ThreadJobHandle]
private def addJob(job: ThreadJobHandle): Unit = synchronized {
jobSet += job
private def removeJob(job: ThreadJobHandle): Unit = synchronized {
jobSet -= job
override def jobs: Vector[ThreadJobHandle] = jobSet.toVector
final class ThreadJobHandle(
override val id: Long,
override val spawningTask: ScopedKey[_],
val logger: ManagedLogger,
val workingDirectory: File,
val job: BackgroundJob
) extends AbstractJobHandle {
// EC for onStop handler below
implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext =
def humanReadableName: String = job.humanReadableName
job.onStop { () =>
override final def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case handle: JobHandle if handle.id == id => true
case _ => false
override final def hashCode(): Int = id.hashCode
private val unknownTask = TaskKey[Unit]("unknownTask", "Dummy value")
// we use this if we deserialize a handle for a job that no longer exists
private final class DeadHandle(override val id: Long, override val humanReadableName: String)
extends AbstractJobHandle {
override val spawningTask: ScopedKey[_] = unknownTask
def doRunInBackground(
spawningTask: ScopedKey[_],
state: State,
start: (Logger, File) => BackgroundJob
): JobHandle = {
val id = nextId.getAndIncrement()
val extracted = Project.extract(state)
val logger =
LogManager.constructBackgroundLog(extracted.structure.data, state, context)(spawningTask)
val workingDir = serviceTempDir / s"job-$id"
val job = try {
new ThreadJobHandle(id, spawningTask, logger, workingDir, start(logger, workingDir))
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
// TODO: Fix this
// logger.close()
throw e
override def runInBackground(spawningTask: ScopedKey[_], state: State)(
start: (Logger, File) => Unit
): JobHandle = {
pool.run(this, spawningTask, state)(start)
override private[sbt] def runInBackgroundWithLoader(spawningTask: ScopedKey[_], state: State)(
start: (Logger, File) => (Option[ClassLoader], () => Unit)
): JobHandle = {
pool.runWithLoader(this, spawningTask, state)(start)
override final def close(): Unit = shutdown()
override def shutdown(): Unit = {
val deadline = 10.seconds.fromNow
while (jobSet.nonEmpty && !deadline.isOverdue) {
jobSet.headOption.foreach {
case handle: ThreadJobHandle @unchecked =>
if (handle.job.isRunning) {
jobSet = jobSet - handle
case _ => //
private def withHandle(job: JobHandle)(f: ThreadJobHandle => Unit): Unit = job match {
case handle: ThreadJobHandle @unchecked => f(handle)
case _: DeadHandle @unchecked => () // nothing to stop or wait for
case other =>
s"BackgroundJobHandle does not originate with the current BackgroundJobService: $other"
override def stop(job: JobHandle): Unit =
override def waitFor(job: JobHandle): Unit =
override def toString(): String = s"BackgroundJobService(jobs=${jobs.map(_.id).mkString})"
* Copies products to the working directory, and the rest to the serviceTempDir of this service,
* both wrapped in a stamp of the file contents.
* This is intended to minimize the file copying and accumulation of the unused JAR file.
* Since working directory is wiped out when the background job ends, the product JAR is deleted too.
* Meanwhile, the rest of the dependencies are cached for the duration of this service.
* @param products the portion of the classpath that is generated by the task
* @param full the entire classpath of the task
* @param workingDirectory the directory into which jars and class files are copied
* @param hashFileContents toggles whether or not the contents of each files should be hashed
* to determine whether it has changed. When false, the last modified
* time is used instead.
* @return a classpath pointing to jar and class files in the working directory
override private[sbt] def copyClasspath(
products: Classpath,
full: Classpath,
workingDirectory: File,
hashFileContents: Boolean
): Classpath = {
def syncTo(dir: File)(source0: Attributed[File]): Attributed[File] = {
val source = source0.data
val hash8 = Hash.toHex(Hash(source.toString)).take(8)
val id: File => String = if (hashFileContents) hash else lastModified
val dest = dir / hash8 / id(source) / source.getName
if (!dest.exists) {
if (source.isDirectory) IO.copyDirectory(source, dest)
else IO.copyFile(source, dest)
val xs = (products.toVector map { syncTo(workingDirectory / "target") }) ++
((full diff products) map { syncTo(serviceTempDir / "target") })
/** An alternative to sbt.io.Hash that handles java.io.File being a directory. */
private def hash(f: File): String = {
val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA")
val buffer = new Array[Byte](8192)
new SimpleFileVisitor[Path]() {
override def visitFile(file: Path, attrs: BasicFileAttributes): FileVisitResult = {
val dis = new DigestInputStream(new FileInputStream(file.toFile), digest)
try {
while (dis.read(buffer) >= 0) ()
} catch {
case _: IOException => FileVisitResult.TERMINATE
} finally dis.close()
* Computes the last modified time of a file or the maximum last file of the contents of a
* directory.
* @param f the file or directory for which we calculate the last modified time
* @return the last modified time of the file or the maximum last modified time of the contents
* of the directory.
private def lastModified(f: File): String = {
var lastModified = 0L
new SimpleFileVisitor[Path]() {
override def visitFile(file: Path, attrs: BasicFileAttributes): FileVisitResult = {
val lm = attrs.lastModifiedTime.toMillis
if (lm > lastModified) lastModified = lm
/** Copies classpath to temporary directories. */
override def copyClasspath(
products: Classpath,
full: Classpath,
workingDirectory: File
): Classpath =
copyClasspath(products, full, workingDirectory, hashFileContents = true)
private[sbt] object BackgroundThreadPool {
sealed trait Status
case object Waiting extends Status
final case class Running(thread: Thread) extends Status
// the oldThread is None if we never ran
final case class Stopped(oldThread: Option[Thread]) extends Status
private[sbt] class BackgroundThreadPool extends java.io.Closeable {
private val nextThreadId = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger(1)
private val threadGroup = Thread.currentThread.getThreadGroup()
private val threadFactory = new java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory() {
override def newThread(runnable: Runnable): Thread = {
val thread =
new Thread(threadGroup, runnable, s"sbt-bg-threads-${nextThreadId.getAndIncrement}")
// Do NOT setDaemon because then the code in TaskExit.scala in sbt will insta-kill
// the backgrounded process, at least for the case of the run task.
private[internal] val executor = new java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor(
0, /* corePoolSize */
32, /* maxPoolSize, max # of bg tasks */
/* keep alive unused threads this long (if corePoolSize < maxPoolSize) */
new java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue[Runnable](),
private class BackgroundRunnable(val taskName: String, body: () => Unit)
extends BackgroundJob
with Runnable {
import BackgroundThreadPool._
private val finishedLatch = new java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch(1)
// synchronize to read/write this, no sync to just read
private var status: Status = Waiting
// This is used to capture exceptions that are caught in this background job.
private var exitTry: Option[Try[Unit]] = None
// double-finally for extra paranoia that we will finishedLatch.countDown
override def run() =
try {
val go = synchronized {
status match {
case Waiting =>
status = Running(Thread.currentThread())
case Stopped(_) =>
case Running(_) =>
throw new RuntimeException("Impossible status of bg thread")
try {
if (go) {
exitTry = Option(Try(body()))
} finally cleanup()
} finally finishedLatch.countDown()
private class StopListener(val callback: () => Unit, val executionContext: ExecutionContext)
extends Closeable {
override def close(): Unit = removeListener(this)
override def hashCode: Int = System.identityHashCode(this)
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case r: AnyRef => this eq r
case _ => false
// access is synchronized
private var stopListeners = Set.empty[StopListener]
private def removeListener(listener: StopListener): Unit = synchronized {
stopListeners -= listener
def cleanup(): Unit = {
// avoid holding any lock while invoking callbacks, and
// handle callbacks being added by other callbacks, just
// to be all fancy.
while (synchronized { stopListeners.nonEmpty }) {
val listeners = synchronized {
val list = stopListeners.toList
stopListeners = Set.empty
listeners.foreach { l =>
l.executionContext.execute(() => l.callback())
override def onStop(listener: () => Unit)(implicit ex: ExecutionContext): Closeable =
synchronized {
val result = new StopListener(listener, ex)
stopListeners += result
override def awaitTermination(duration: Duration): Unit = {
val finished = duration match {
case fd: FiniteDuration => finishedLatch.await(fd.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
case _ => finishedLatch.await(); true
exitTry.foreach(_.fold(e => throw e, identity))
if (!finished) throw new TimeoutException
override def humanReadableName: String = taskName
override def isRunning(): Boolean =
status match {
case Waiting => true // we start as running from BackgroundJob perspective
case Running(thread) => thread.isAlive()
case Stopped(threadOption) => threadOption.map(_.isAlive()).getOrElse(false)
override def shutdown(): Unit =
synchronized {
status match {
case Waiting =>
status = Stopped(None) // makes run() not run the body
case Running(thread) =>
status = Stopped(Some(thread))
case Stopped(threadOption) =>
// sleep to avoid consuming a lot of CPU
try {
} catch {
case e: InterruptedException =>
// try to interrupt again! woot!
private class BackgroundRunnableWithLoader(
val loader: Option[ClassLoader],
taskName: String,
body: () => Unit
) extends BackgroundRunnable(taskName, body) {
override def awaitTermination(duration: Duration): Unit = {
try super.awaitTermination(duration)
finally loader.foreach {
case ac: AutoCloseable => ac.close()
case cp: ClasspathFilter => cp.close()
case _ =>
def run(manager: AbstractBackgroundJobService, spawningTask: ScopedKey[_], state: State)(
work: (Logger, File) => Unit
): JobHandle = {
def start(logger: Logger, workingDir: File): BackgroundJob = {
val runnable = new BackgroundRunnable(spawningTask.key.label, { () =>
work(logger, workingDir)
manager.doRunInBackground(spawningTask, state, start _)
private[sbt] def runWithLoader(
manager: AbstractBackgroundJobService,
spawningTask: ScopedKey[_],
state: State
getWork: (Logger, File) => (Option[ClassLoader], () => Unit)
): JobHandle = {
def start(logger: Logger, workingDir: File): BackgroundJob = {
val (loader, work) = getWork(logger, workingDir)
val runnable = new BackgroundRunnableWithLoader(loader, spawningTask.key.label, work)
manager.doRunInBackground(spawningTask, state, start _)
override def close(): Unit = {
private[sbt] class DefaultBackgroundJobService(
private[sbt] val serviceTempDirBase: File,
override private[sbt] val useLog4J: Boolean
) extends AbstractBackgroundJobService {
@deprecated("Use the constructor that specifies the background job temporary directory", "1.4.0")
def this() = this(IO.createTemporaryDirectory, false)
private[sbt] object DefaultBackgroundJobService {
private[this] val backgroundJobServices = new ConcurrentHashMap[File, DefaultBackgroundJobService]
private[sbt] def shutdown(): Unit = {
private[sbt] lazy val backgroundJobServiceSetting: Setting[_] =
(GlobalScope / Keys.bgJobService) := {
val path = (GlobalScope / sbt.Keys.bgJobServiceDirectory).value
val useLog4J = (GlobalScope / Keys.useLog4J).value
val newService = new DefaultBackgroundJobService(path, useLog4J)
backgroundJobServices.putIfAbsent(path, newService) match {
case null => newService
case s =>
private[sbt] lazy val backgroundJobServiceSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Def.settings(
(GlobalScope / Keys.bgJobServiceDirectory) := {
sbt.Keys.appConfiguration.value.baseDirectory / "target" / "bg-jobs"
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