sbt.internal.EvaluateConfigurations.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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sbt is an interactive build tool
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* sbt
* Copyright 2023, Scala center
* Copyright 2011 - 2022, Lightbend, Inc.
* Copyright 2008 - 2010, Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE)
package sbt
package internal
import sbt.internal.util.{
import compiler.{ Eval, EvalImports }
import sbt.internal.util.complete.DefaultParsers.validID
import Def.{ ScopedKey, Setting }
import Scope.GlobalScope
import sbt.SlashSyntax0._
import sbt.internal.parser.SbtParser
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* This file is responsible for compiling the .sbt files used to configure sbt builds.
* Compilation is done in three phases:
* 1. Parsing high-level constructs (definitions, settings, imports)
* 2. Compiling scala code into local .class files
* 3. Evaluating the expressions and obtaining in-memory objects of the results (Setting[_] instances, or val references).
private[sbt] object EvaluateConfigurations {
type LazyClassLoaded[T] = ClassLoader => T
private[sbt] case class TrackedEvalResult[T](generated: Seq[File], result: LazyClassLoaded[T])
* This represents the parsed expressions in a build sbt, as well as where they were defined.
private[this] final class ParsedFile(
val imports: Seq[(String, Int)],
val definitions: Seq[(String, LineRange)],
val settings: Seq[(String, LineRange)]
/** The keywords we look for when classifying a string as a definition. */
private[this] val DefinitionKeywords = Seq("lazy val ", "def ", "val ")
* Using an evaluating instance of the scala compiler, a sequence of files and
* the default imports to use, this method will take a ClassLoader of sbt-classes and
* return a parsed, compiled + evaluated [[LoadedSbtFile]]. The result has
* raw sbt-types that can be accessed and used.
def apply(eval: Eval, srcs: Seq[File], imports: Seq[String]): LazyClassLoaded[LoadedSbtFile] = {
val loadFiles = srcs.sortBy(_.getName) map { src =>
evaluateSbtFile(eval, src, IO.readLines(src), imports, 0)
loader =>
loadFiles.foldLeft(LoadedSbtFile.empty) { (loaded, load) =>
loaded merge load(loader)
* Reads a given .sbt file and evaluates it into a sequence of setting values.
* Note: This ignores any non-Setting[_] values in the file.
def evaluateConfiguration(
eval: Eval,
src: File,
imports: Seq[String]
): LazyClassLoaded[Seq[Setting[_]]] =
evaluateConfiguration(eval, src, IO.readLines(src), imports, 0)
* Parses a sequence of build.sbt lines into a [[ParsedFile]]. The result contains
* a fragmentation of all imports, settings and definitions.
* @param builtinImports The set of import statements to add to those parsed in the .sbt file.
private[this] def parseConfiguration(
file: File,
lines: Seq[String],
builtinImports: Seq[String],
offset: Int
): ParsedFile = {
val (importStatements, settingsAndDefinitions) = splitExpressions(file, lines)
val allImports = => (s, -1)) ++ addOffset(offset, importStatements)
val (definitions, settings) = splitSettingsDefinitions(
addOffsetToRange(offset, settingsAndDefinitions)
new ParsedFile(allImports, definitions, settings)
* Evaluates a parsed sbt configuration file.
* @param eval The evaluating scala compiler instance we use to handle evaluating scala configuration.
* @param file The file we've parsed
* @param imports The default imports to use in this .sbt configuration
* @param lines The lines of the configuration we'd like to evaluate.
* @return Just the Setting[_] instances defined in the .sbt file.
def evaluateConfiguration(
eval: Eval,
file: File,
lines: Seq[String],
imports: Seq[String],
offset: Int
): LazyClassLoaded[Seq[Setting[_]]] = {
val l = evaluateSbtFile(eval, file, lines, imports, offset)
loader => l(loader).settings
* Evaluates a parsed sbt configuration file.
* @param eval The evaluating scala compiler instance we use to handle evaluating scala configuration.
* @param file The file we've parsed
* @param imports The default imports to use in this .sbt configuration.
* @return A function which can take an sbt classloader and return the raw types/configuration
* which was compiled/parsed for the given file.
private[sbt] def evaluateSbtFile(
eval: Eval,
file: File,
lines: Seq[String],
imports: Seq[String],
offset: Int
): LazyClassLoaded[LoadedSbtFile] = {
// TODO - Store the file on the LoadedSbtFile (or the parent dir) so we can accurately do
// detection for which project project manipulations should be applied.
val name = file.getPath
val parsed = parseConfiguration(file, lines, imports, offset)
val (importDefs, definitions) =
if (parsed.definitions.isEmpty) (Nil, DefinedSbtValues.empty)
else {
val definitions =
evaluateDefinitions(eval, name, parsed.imports, parsed.definitions, Some(file))
val imp = BuildUtil.importAllRoot(definitions.enclosingModule :: Nil)
(imp, DefinedSbtValues(definitions))
val allImports = => (s, -1)) ++ parsed.imports
val dslEntries = parsed.settings map {
case (dslExpression, range) =>
evaluateDslEntry(eval, name, allImports, dslExpression, range)
// Tracks all the files we generated from evaluating the sbt file.
val allGeneratedFiles = (definitions.generated ++ dslEntries.flatMap(_.generated))
loader => {
val projects = {
val compositeProjects = definitions.values(loader).collect {
case p: CompositeProject => p
CompositeProject.expand(compositeProjects).map(resolveBase(file.getParentFile, _))
val (settingsRaw, manipulationsRaw) =
dslEntries map (_.result apply loader) partition {
case DslEntry.ProjectSettings(_) => true
case _ => false
val settings = settingsRaw flatMap {
case DslEntry.ProjectSettings(settings) => settings
case _ => Nil
val manipulations = manipulationsRaw map {
case DslEntry.ProjectManipulation(f) => f
// TODO -get project manipulations.
new LoadedSbtFile(
/** move a project to be relative to this file after we've evaluated it. */
private[this] def resolveBase(f: File, p: Project) = p.copy(base = IO.resolve(f, p.base))
def addOffset(offset: Int, lines: Seq[(String, Int)]): Seq[(String, Int)] = { case (s, i) => (s, i + offset) }
def addOffsetToRange(offset: Int, ranges: Seq[(String, LineRange)]): Seq[(String, LineRange)] = { case (s, r) => (s, r shift offset) }
* The name of the class we cast DSL "setting" (vs. definition) lines to.
val SettingsDefinitionName = {
val _ = classOf[DslEntry] // this line exists to try to provide a compile-time error when the following line needs to be changed
* This actually compiles a scala expression which represents a sbt.internals.DslEntry.
* @param eval The mechanism to compile and evaluate Scala expressions.
* @param name The name for the thing we're compiling
* @param imports The scala imports to have in place when we compile the expression
* @param expression The scala expression we're compiling
* @param range The original position in source of the expression, for error messages.
* @return A method that given an sbt classloader, can return the actual [[sbt.internal.DslEntry]] defined by
* the expression, and the sequence of .class files generated.
private[sbt] def evaluateDslEntry(
eval: Eval,
name: String,
imports: Seq[(String, Int)],
expression: String,
range: LineRange
): TrackedEvalResult[DslEntry] = {
// TODO - Should we try to namespace these between.sbt files? IF they hash to the same value, they may actually be
// exactly the same setting, so perhaps we don't care?
val result = try {
imports = new EvalImports(imports, name),
srcName = name,
tpeName = Some(SettingsDefinitionName),
line = range.start
} catch {
case e: sbt.compiler.EvalException => throw new MessageOnlyException(e.getMessage)
// TODO - keep track of configuration classes defined.
loader => {
val pos = RangePosition(name, range shift 1)
* This actually compiles a scala expression which represents a Seq[Setting[_]], although the
* expression may be just a single setting.
* @param eval The mechanism to compile and evaluate Scala expressions.
* @param name The name for the thing we're compiling
* @param imports The scala imports to have in place when we compile the expression
* @param expression The scala expression we're compiling
* @param range The original position in source of the expression, for error messages.
* @return A method that given an sbt classloader, can return the actual Seq[Setting[_]] defined by
* the expression.
// Build DSL now includes non-Setting[_] type settings.
// Note: This method is used by the SET command, so we may want to evaluate that sucker a bit.
def evaluateSetting(
eval: Eval,
name: String,
imports: Seq[(String, Int)],
expression: String,
range: LineRange
): LazyClassLoaded[Seq[Setting[_]]] =
evaluateDslEntry(eval, name, imports, expression, range).result andThen {
case DslEntry.ProjectSettings(values) => values
case _ => Nil
* Splits a set of lines into (imports, expressions). That is,
* anything on the right of the tuple is a scala expression (definition or setting).
private[sbt] def splitExpressions(
file: File,
lines: Seq[String]
): (Seq[(String, Int)], Seq[(String, LineRange)]) = {
val split = SbtParser(file, lines)
// TODO - Look at pulling the parsed expression trees from the SbtParser and stitch them back into a different
// scala compiler rather than re-parsing.
(split.imports, split.settings)
private[this] def splitSettingsDefinitions(
lines: Seq[(String, LineRange)]
): (Seq[(String, LineRange)], Seq[(String, LineRange)]) =
lines partition { case (line, _) => isDefinition(line) }
private[this] def isDefinition(line: String): Boolean = {
val trimmed = line.trim
DefinitionKeywords.exists(trimmed startsWith _)
private[this] def extractedValTypes: Seq[String] =
private[this] def evaluateDefinitions(
eval: Eval,
name: String,
imports: Seq[(String, Int)],
definitions: Seq[(String, LineRange)],
file: Option[File]
): compiler.EvalDefinitions = {
val convertedRanges = { case (s, r) => (s, r.start to r.end) }
new EvalImports(imports, name),
object Index {
def taskToKeyMap(data: Settings[Scope]): Map[Task[_], ScopedKey[Task[_]]] = {
val pairs = data.scopes flatMap (
scope => collect {
case AttributeEntry(key, value: Task[_]) =>
(value, ScopedKey(scope, key.asInstanceOf[AttributeKey[Task[_]]]))
pairs.toMap[Task[_], ScopedKey[Task[_]]]
def allKeys(settings: Seq[Setting[_]]): Set[ScopedKey[_]] = {
val result = new java.util.HashSet[ScopedKey[_]]
settings.foreach { s =>
if (!s.key.key.isLocal && result.add(s.key)) {
s.dependencies.foreach(k => if (!k.key.isLocal) result.add(s.key))
def attributeKeys(settings: Settings[Scope]): Set[AttributeKey[_]] =[AttributeKey[_]]
def stringToKeyMap(settings: Set[AttributeKey[_]]): Map[String, AttributeKey[_]] =
private[this] def stringToKeyMap0(
settings: Set[AttributeKey[_]]
)(label: AttributeKey[_] => String): Map[String, AttributeKey[_]] = {
val multiMap = settings.groupBy(label)
val duplicates = multiMap.iterator
.collect { case (k, xs) if xs.size > 1 => (k, }
.collect {
case (k, xs) if xs.size > 1 => (k, xs)
if (duplicates.isEmpty)
multiMap.collect { case (k, v) if validID(k) => (k, v.head) } toMap
duplicates map { case (k, tps) => "'" + k + "' (" + tps.mkString(", ") + ")" } mkString ("Some keys were defined with the same name but different types: ", ", ", "")
private[this] type TriggerMap = collection.mutable.HashMap[Task[_], Seq[Task[_]]]
def triggers(ss: Settings[Scope]): Triggers[Task] = {
val runBefore = new TriggerMap
val triggeredBy = new TriggerMap foreach (
_.entries foreach {
case AttributeEntry(_, value: Task[_]) =>
val as =
update(runBefore, value, as get Keys.runBefore)
update(triggeredBy, value, as get Keys.triggeredBy)
case _ => ()
val onComplete = (GlobalScope / Keys.onComplete) get ss getOrElse (() => ())
new Triggers[Task](runBefore, triggeredBy, map => { onComplete(); map })
private[this] def update(map: TriggerMap, base: Task[_], tasksOpt: Option[Seq[Task[_]]]): Unit =
for (tasks <- tasksOpt; task <- tasks)
map(task) = base +: map.getOrElse(task, Nil)