sbt.internal.Load.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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sbt is an interactive build tool
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* sbt
* Copyright 2023, Scala center
* Copyright 2011 - 2022, Lightbend, Inc.
* Copyright 2008 - 2010, Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE)
package sbt
package internal
import sbt.BuildPaths._
import sbt.Def.{ ScopeLocal, ScopedKey, Setting, isDummy }
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt.Project.inScope
import sbt.Scope.GlobalScope
import sbt.SlashSyntax0._
import sbt.compiler.{ Eval, EvalReporter }
import sbt.internal.BuildStreams._
import{ ScalaInstance, ZincLmUtil, ZincUtil }
import sbt.internal.server.BuildServerEvalReporter
import sbt.internal.util.Types.const
import sbt.internal.util.{ Attributed, Settings, ~> }
import{ GlobFilter, IO, Path }
import sbt.librarymanagement.ivy.{ InlineIvyConfiguration, IvyDependencyResolution, IvyPaths }
import sbt.librarymanagement.{ Configuration, Configurations, Resolver }
import sbt.nio.Settings
import sbt.util.{ Logger, Show }
import xsbti.compile.{ ClasspathOptionsUtil, Compilers }
import scala.annotation.{ nowarn, tailrec }
import scala.collection.mutable
private[sbt] object Load {
// note that there is State passed in but not pulled out
def defaultLoad(
state: State,
baseDirectory: File,
log: Logger,
isPlugin: Boolean = false,
topLevelExtras: List[URI] = Nil
): (() => Eval, BuildStructure) = {
val (base, config) = timed("Load.defaultLoad until apply", log) {
val globalBase = getGlobalBase(state)
val base = baseDirectory.getCanonicalFile
val rawConfig = defaultPreGlobal(state, base, globalBase, log)
val config0 = defaultWithGlobal(state, base, rawConfig, globalBase)
val config =
if (isPlugin) enableSbtPlugin(config0) else config0.copy(extraBuilds = topLevelExtras)
(base, config)
val result = apply(base, state, config)
def defaultPreGlobal(
state: State,
baseDirectory: File,
globalBase: File,
log: Logger
): LoadBuildConfiguration = {
val app = state.configuration
val provider = app.provider
val scalaProvider = app.provider.scalaProvider
val launcher = scalaProvider.launcher
val stagingDirectory = getStagingDirectory(state, globalBase).getCanonicalFile
val loader = getClass.getClassLoader
val classpath = Attributed.blankSeq(provider.mainClasspath ++ scalaProvider.jars)
val ivyConfiguration =
.withPaths(IvyPaths(baseDirectory, bootIvyHome(state.configuration)))
val dependencyResolution = IvyDependencyResolution(ivyConfiguration)
val si = ScalaInstance(scalaProvider.version, scalaProvider.launcher)
val zincDir = BuildPaths.getZincDirectory(state, globalBase)
val classpathOptions = ClasspathOptionsUtil.noboot(si.version)
val scalac = ZincLmUtil.scalaCompiler(
scalaInstance = si,
classpathOptions = classpathOptions,
globalLock = launcher.globalLock,
componentProvider = app.provider.components,
secondaryCacheDir = Option(zincDir),
dependencyResolution = dependencyResolution,
compilerBridgeSource = ZincLmUtil.getDefaultBridgeSourceModule(scalaProvider.version),
scalaJarsTarget = zincDir,
log = log
val compilers = ZincUtil.compilers(
instance = si,
classpathOptions = classpathOptions,
javaHome = None,
val evalPluginDef: (BuildStructure, State) => PluginData = EvaluateTask.evalPluginDef _
val delegates = defaultDelegates
val pluginMgmt = PluginManagement(loader)
val inject = InjectSettings(injectGlobal(state), Nil, const(Nil))
s => EvaluateTask.injectStreams(s) ++ Settings.inject(s),
private def bootIvyHome(app: xsbti.AppConfiguration): Option[File] =
try {
} catch {
case _: NoSuchMethodError => None
def injectGlobal(state: State): Seq[Setting[_]] =
((GlobalScope / appConfiguration) :== state.configuration) +:
LogManager.settingsLogger(state) +:
def defaultWithGlobal(
state: State,
base: File,
rawConfig: LoadBuildConfiguration,
globalBase: File,
): LoadBuildConfiguration = {
val globalPluginsDir = getGlobalPluginsDirectory(state, globalBase)
val withGlobal = loadGlobal(state, base, globalPluginsDir, rawConfig)
val globalSettings = configurationSources(getGlobalSettingsDirectory(state, globalBase))
loadGlobalSettings(base, globalBase, globalSettings, withGlobal)
def loadGlobalSettings(
base: File,
globalBase: File,
files: Seq[File],
config: LoadBuildConfiguration
): LoadBuildConfiguration = {
val compiled: ClassLoader => Seq[Setting[_]] =
if (files.isEmpty || base == globalBase) const(Nil)
else buildGlobalSettings(globalBase, files, config)
config.copy(injectSettings = config.injectSettings.copy(projectLoaded = compiled))
def buildGlobalSettings(
base: File,
files: Seq[File],
config: LoadBuildConfiguration
): ClassLoader => Seq[Setting[_]] = {
val eval = mkEval(data(config.globalPluginClasspath), base, defaultEvalOptions)
val imports =
BuildUtil.baseImports ++ config.detectedGlobalPlugins.imports
loader => {
val loaded = EvaluateConfigurations(eval, files, imports)(loader)
// TODO - We have a potential leak of config-classes in the global directory right now.
// We need to find a way to clean these safely, or at least warn users about
// unused class files that could be cleaned when multiple sbt instances are not running.
def loadGlobal(
state: State,
base: File,
global: File,
config: LoadBuildConfiguration
): LoadBuildConfiguration =
if (base != global && global.exists) {
val gp = GlobalPlugin.load(global, state, config)
config.copy(globalPlugin = Some(gp))
} else
def defaultDelegates: LoadedBuild => Scope => Seq[Scope] = (lb: LoadedBuild) => {
val rootProject = getRootProject(lb.units)
def resolveRef(project: Reference): ResolvedReference =
Scope.resolveReference(lb.root, rootProject, project)
(_: ResolvedProject) => ConfigKey(,
project => projectInherit(lb, project),
(project, config) => configInherit(lb, project, config, rootProject),
task => task.extend,
def configInherit(
lb: LoadedBuild,
ref: ResolvedReference,
config: ConfigKey,
rootProject: URI => String
): Seq[ConfigKey] =
ref match {
case pr: ProjectRef => configInheritRef(lb, pr, config)
case BuildRef(uri) => configInheritRef(lb, ProjectRef(uri, rootProject(uri)), config)
def configInheritRef(lb: LoadedBuild, ref: ProjectRef, config: ConfigKey): Seq[ConfigKey] =
configurationOpt(lb.units,, ref.project, config).toList
.map(c => ConfigKey(
def projectInherit(lb: LoadedBuild, ref: ProjectRef): Seq[ProjectRef] = {
val _ = getProject(lb.units,, ref.project)
// build, load, and evaluate all units.
// 1) Compile all plugin definitions
// 2) Evaluate plugin definitions to obtain and compile plugins and get the resulting classpath for the build definition
// 3) Instantiate Plugins on that classpath
// 4) Compile all build definitions using plugin classpath
// 5) Load build definitions.
// 6) Load all configurations using build definitions and plugins (their classpaths and loaded instances).
// 7) Combine settings from projects, plugins, and configurations
// 8) Evaluate settings
def apply(
rootBase: File,
s: State,
config: LoadBuildConfiguration
): (() => Eval, BuildStructure) = {
val log = config.log
// load, which includes some resolution, but can't fill in project IDs yet, so follow with full resolution
val partBuild = timed("Load.apply: load", log) { load(rootBase, s, config) }
val loaded = timed("Load.apply: resolveProjects", log) {
val projects = loaded.units
lazy val rootEval = lazyEval(loaded.units(loaded.root).unit)
val settings = timed("Load.apply: finalTransforms", log) {
finalTransforms(buildConfigurations(loaded, getRootProject(projects), config.injectSettings))
val delegates = timed("Load.apply: config.delegates", log) {
val (cMap, data) = timed("Load.apply: Def.make(settings)...", log) {
// When settings.size is 100000, Def.make takes around 10s.
if (settings.size > 10000) {"resolving key references (${settings.size} settings) ...")
Project.checkTargets(data) foreach sys.error
val index = timed("Load.apply: structureIndex", log) {
structureIndex(data, settings, loaded.extra(data), projects)
val streams = timed("Load.apply: mkStreams", log) { mkStreams(projects, loaded.root, data) }
val bs = new BuildStructure(
(rootEval, bs)
// map dependencies on the special tasks:
// 1. the scope of 'streams' is the same as the defining key and has the task axis set to the defining key
// 2. the defining key is stored on constructed tasks: used for error reporting among other things
// 3. resolvedScoped is replaced with the defining key as a value
// Note: this must be idempotent.
def finalTransforms(ss: Seq[Setting[_]]): Seq[Setting[_]] = {
def mapSpecial(to: ScopedKey[_]) = λ[ScopedKey ~> ScopedKey](
(key: ScopedKey[_]) =>
if (key.key == streams.key) {
ScopedKey(Scope.fillTaskAxis(Scope.replaceThis(to.scope)(key.scope), to.key), key.key)
} else key
def setDefining[T] =
(key: ScopedKey[T], value: T) =>
value match {
case tk: Task[t] => setDefinitionKey(tk, key).asInstanceOf[T]
case ik: InputTask[t] => ik.mapTask(tk => setDefinitionKey(tk, key)).asInstanceOf[T]
case _ => value
def setResolved(defining: ScopedKey[_]) = λ[ScopedKey ~> Option](
(key: ScopedKey[_]) =>
key.key match {
case resolvedScoped.key => Some(defining.asInstanceOf[A1$])
case _ => None
s => s mapConstant setResolved(s.key) mapReferenced mapSpecial(s.key) mapInit setDefining
def setDefinitionKey[T](tk: Task[T], key: ScopedKey[_]): Task[T] =
if (isDummy(tk)) tk else Task(, key),
def structureIndex(
data: Settings[Scope],
settings: Seq[Setting[_]],
extra: KeyIndex => BuildUtil[_],
projects: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit]
): StructureIndex = {
val keys = Index.allKeys(settings)
val attributeKeys = Index.attributeKeys(data) ++
val scopedKeys = keys ++ data.allKeys((s, k) => ScopedKey(s, k)).toVector
val projectsMap = projects.mapValues(_.defined.keySet).toMap
val configsMap: Map[String, Seq[Configuration]] =
projects.values.flatMap(bu => bu.defined map { case (k, v) => (k, v.configurations) }).toMap
val keyIndex = KeyIndex(scopedKeys.toVector, projectsMap, configsMap)
val aggIndex = KeyIndex.aggregate(scopedKeys.toVector, extra(keyIndex), projectsMap, configsMap)
new StructureIndex(
// Reevaluates settings after modifying them. Does not recompile or reload any build components.
def reapply(newSettings: Seq[Setting[_]], structure: BuildStructure)(
implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]
): BuildStructure = {
val transformed = finalTransforms(newSettings)
val (cMap, newData) =
Def.makeWithCompiledMap(transformed)(structure.delegates, structure.scopeLocal, display)
def extra(index: KeyIndex) = BuildUtil(structure.root, structure.units, index, newData)
val newIndex = structureIndex(newData, transformed, extra, structure.units)
val newStreams = mkStreams(structure.units, structure.root, newData)
new BuildStructure(
units = structure.units,
root = structure.root,
settings = transformed,
data = newData,
index = newIndex,
streams = newStreams,
delegates = structure.delegates,
scopeLocal = structure.scopeLocal,
compiledMap = cMap,
@deprecated("No longer used. For binary compatibility", "1.2.1")
def reapply(
newSettings: Seq[Setting[_]],
structure: BuildStructure,
log: Logger
)(implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]): BuildStructure = {
reapply(newSettings, structure)
def buildConfigurations(
loaded: LoadedBuild,
rootProject: URI => String,
injectSettings: InjectSettings
): Seq[Setting[_]] = {
(((GlobalScope / loadedBuild) :== loaded) +:
transformProjectOnly(loaded.root, rootProject, ++
inScope(GlobalScope)( ++
loaded.units.toSeq.flatMap {
case (uri, build) =>
val pluginBuildSettings =
val projectSettings = build.defined flatMap {
case (id, project) =>
val ref = ProjectRef(uri, id)
val defineConfig: Seq[Setting[_]] =
for (c <- project.configurations)
yield ((ref / ConfigKey( / configuration) :== c)
val builtin: Seq[Setting[_]] =
(thisProject :== project) +: (thisProjectRef :== ref) +: defineConfig
val settings = builtin ++ project.settings ++ injectSettings.project
// map This to thisScope, Select(p) to mapRef(uri, rootProject, p)
transformSettings(projectScope(ref), uri, rootProject, settings)
val buildScope = Scope(Select(BuildRef(uri)), Zero, Zero, Zero)
val buildBase = baseDirectory :== build.localBase
val settings3 = pluginBuildSettings ++ (buildBase +: build.buildSettings)
val buildSettings = transformSettings(buildScope, uri, rootProject, settings3)
buildSettings ++ projectSettings
def transformProjectOnly(
uri: URI,
rootProject: URI => String,
settings: Seq[Setting[_]]
): Seq[Setting[_]] =
Project.transform(Scope.resolveProject(uri, rootProject), settings)
def transformSettings(
thisScope: Scope,
uri: URI,
rootProject: URI => String,
settings: Seq[Setting[_]]
): Seq[Setting[_]] = {
val transformed = Project.transform(Scope.resolveScope(thisScope, uri, rootProject), settings)
def projectScope(project: Reference): Scope = Scope(Select(project), Zero, Zero, Zero)
def lazyEval(unit: BuildUnit): () => Eval = {
lazy val eval = mkEval(unit)
() => eval
def mkEval(unit: BuildUnit): Eval = {
val defs = unit.definitions
mkEval( ++ unit.plugins.classpath, defs.base, unit.plugins.pluginData.scalacOptions)
def mkEval(classpath: Seq[File], base: File, options: Seq[String]): Eval =
mkEval(classpath, base, options, EvalReporter.console)
def mkEval(
classpath: Seq[File],
base: File,
options: Seq[String],
mkReporter: => EvalReporter
): Eval =
new Eval(options, classpath, mkReporter, Some(evalOutputDirectory(base)))
* This will clean up left-over files in the config-classes directory if they are no longer used.
* @param base The base directory for the build, should match the one passed into `mkEval` method.
def cleanEvalClasses(base: File, keep: Seq[File]): Unit = {
val baseTarget = evalOutputDirectory(base)
val keepSet =
// If there are no keeper files, this may be because cache was up-to-date and
// the files aren't properly returned, even though they should be.
// TODO - figure out where the caching of whether or not to generate classfiles occurs, and
// put cleanups there, perhaps.
if (keepSet.nonEmpty) {
def keepFile(f: File) = keepSet(f.getCanonicalPath)
val existing = (baseTarget.allPaths.get).filterNot(_.isDirectory)
val toDelete = existing.filterNot(keepFile)
if (toDelete.nonEmpty) {
/** Loads the unresolved build units and computes its settings.
* @param root The root directory.
* @param s The given state.
* @param config The configuration of the loaded build.
* @return An instance of [[PartBuild]] with all the unresolved build units.
def load(root: File, s: State, config: LoadBuildConfiguration): PartBuild = {
val manager = config.pluginManagement.shift
// Forced type ascription, otherwise scalac does not compile it
val newConfig: LoadBuildConfiguration =
config.copy(pluginManagement = manager, extraBuilds = Nil)
val loader = builtinLoader(s, newConfig)
loadURI(IO.directoryURI(root), loader, config.extraBuilds.toList)
/** Creates a loader for the build.
* @param s The given state.
* @param config The configuration of the loaded build.
* @return A [[BuildLoader]].
def builtinLoader(s: State, config: LoadBuildConfiguration): BuildLoader = {
val fail = (uri: URI) => sys.error("Invalid build URI (no handler available): " + uri)
val resolver = (info: BuildLoader.ResolveInfo) => RetrieveUnit(info)
val build = (info: BuildLoader.BuildInfo) =>
Some(() => loadUnit(info.uri, info.base, info.state, info.config))
val loader = BuildLoader.componentLoader
val components = BuildLoader.components(resolver, build, full = loader)
BuildLoader(components, fail, s, config)
private def loadURI(uri: URI, loader: BuildLoader, extra: List[URI]): PartBuild = {
val (referenced, map, newLoaders) = loadAll(uri +: extra, Map.empty, loader, Map.empty)
checkAll(referenced, map)
val build = new PartBuild(uri, map)
newLoaders transformAll build
def addOverrides(unit: BuildUnit, loaders: BuildLoader): BuildLoader =
loaders updatePluginManagement PluginManagement.extractOverrides(unit.plugins.fullClasspath)
def addResolvers(unit: BuildUnit, isRoot: Boolean, loaders: BuildLoader): BuildLoader =
unit.definitions.builds.flatMap(_.buildLoaders).toList match {
case Nil => loaders
case x :: xs =>
val resolver = xs.foldLeft(x) { _ | _ }
if (isRoot) loaders.setRoot(resolver) else loaders.addNonRoot(unit.uri, resolver)
def loaded(unit: BuildUnit): (PartBuildUnit, List[ProjectReference]) = {
val defined = projects(unit)
val firstDefined = defined match {
case Nil => sys.error("No projects defined in build unit " + unit)
case Seq(first, _*) => first
// since base directories are resolved at this point (after 'projects'),
// we can compare Files instead of converting to URIs
def isRoot(p: Project) = p.base == unit.localBase
val externals = referenced(defined).toList
val explicitRoots = unit.definitions.builds.flatMap(_.rootProject)
val projectsInRoot = if (explicitRoots.isEmpty) defined.filter(isRoot) else explicitRoots
val rootProjects = if (projectsInRoot.isEmpty) firstDefined :: Nil else projectsInRoot
val partBuildUnit = new PartBuildUnit(
unit, => (, d)).toMap,,
(partBuildUnit, externals)
def buildSettings(unit: BuildUnit): Seq[Setting[_]] = {
val buildScope = GlobalScope.copy(project = Select(BuildRef(unit.uri)))
val resolve = Scope.resolveBuildScope(buildScope, unit.uri)
Project.transform(resolve, unit.definitions.builds.flatMap(_.settings))
@tailrec private def loadAll(
bases: List[URI],
references: Map[URI, List[ProjectReference]],
loaders: BuildLoader,
builds: Map[URI, PartBuildUnit]
): (Map[URI, List[ProjectReference]], Map[URI, PartBuildUnit], BuildLoader) = {
def loadURI(base: URI, bases: List[URI]) = {
val (loadedBuild, refs) = loaded(loaders(base))
val uris = refs.flatMap(Reference.uri)
val buildUnit = loadedBuild.unit
val resolvers = addResolvers(buildUnit, builds.isEmpty, loaders.resetPluginDepth)
val updatedLoader = addOverrides(buildUnit, resolvers)
val updatedReferences = references.updated(base, refs)
val updatedBuilds = builds.updated(base, loadedBuild)
val sortedRemaining = uris.reverse_:::(bases).sorted
(sortedRemaining, updatedReferences, updatedLoader, updatedBuilds)
bases match {
case b :: bs =>
if (builds contains b) loadAll(bs, references, loaders, builds)
else {
val (newBases, newReferences, newLoaders, newBuilds) = loadURI(b, bs)
loadAll(newBases, newReferences, newLoaders, newBuilds)
case Nil => (references, builds, loaders)
def checkProjectBase(buildBase: File, projectBase: File): Unit = {
buildBase == projectBase || IO.relativize(buildBase, projectBase).isDefined,
s"directory $projectBase is not contained in build root $buildBase"
def checkBuildBase(base: File) = checkDirectory(base)
def checkDirectory(base: File): Unit = {
assert(base.isAbsolute, "Not absolute: " + base)
if (base.isFile)
sys.error("Not a directory: " + base)
else if (!base.exists)
IO createDirectory base
def resolveAll(builds: Map[URI, PartBuildUnit]): Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit] = {
val rootProject = getRootProject(builds)
builds map {
case (uri, unit) =>
(uri, unit.resolveRefs(ref => Scope.resolveProjectRef(uri, rootProject, ref)))
def checkAll(
referenced: Map[URI, List[ProjectReference]],
builds: Map[URI, PartBuildUnit]
): Unit = {
val rootProject = getRootProject(builds)
for ((uri, refs) <- referenced; ref <- refs) {
val ProjectRef(refURI, refID) = Scope.resolveProjectRef(uri, rootProject, ref)
val loadedUnit = builds(refURI)
if (!(loadedUnit.defined contains refID)) {
val projectIDs = loadedUnit.defined.keys.toSeq.sorted
sys.error(s"""No project '$refID' in '$refURI'.
|Valid project IDs: ${projectIDs.mkString(", ")}""".stripMargin)
def resolveBase(against: File): Project => Project = {
def resolve(f: File) = {
val fResolved = new File(IO.directoryURI(IO.resolve(against, f)))
checkProjectBase(against, fResolved)
p => p.copy(base = resolve(p.base))
def resolveProjects(loaded: PartBuild): LoadedBuild = {
val rootProject = getRootProject(loaded.units)
val units = loaded.units map {
case (uri, unit) =>
(uri, resolveProjects(uri, unit, rootProject))
new LoadedBuild(loaded.root, units)
def resolveProjects(
uri: URI,
unit: PartBuildUnit,
rootProject: URI => String
): LoadedBuildUnit = {
val resolve = (_: Project).resolve(ref => Scope.resolveProjectRef(uri, rootProject, ref))
new LoadedBuildUnit(
def projects(unit: BuildUnit): Seq[Project] = {
// we don't have the complete build graph loaded, so we don't have the rootProject function yet.
// Therefore, we use resolveProjectBuild instead of resolveProjectRef. After all builds are loaded, we can fully resolve ProjectReferences.
val resolveBuild = (_: Project).resolveBuild(ref => Scope.resolveProjectBuild(unit.uri, ref))
// although the default loader will resolve the project base directory, other loaders may not, so run resolveBase here as well compose resolveBase(unit.localBase))
def getRootProject(map: Map[URI, BuildUnitBase]): URI => String =
uri => getBuild(map, uri).rootProjects.headOption getOrElse emptyBuild(uri)
def getConfiguration(
map: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit],
uri: URI,
id: String,
conf: ConfigKey
): Configuration =
configurationOpt(map, uri, id, conf) getOrElse noConfiguration(uri, id,
def configurationOpt(
map: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit],
uri: URI,
id: String,
conf: ConfigKey
): Option[Configuration] =
getProject(map, uri, id).configurations.find( ==
def getProject(map: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit], uri: URI, id: String): ResolvedProject =
getBuild(map, uri).defined.getOrElse(id, noProject(uri, id))
def getBuild[T](map: Map[URI, T], uri: URI): T = map.getOrElse(uri, noBuild(uri))
def emptyBuild(uri: URI) = sys.error(s"no root project defined for build unit '$uri'")
def noBuild(uri: URI) = sys.error(s"build unit '$uri' not defined.")
def noProject(uri: URI, id: String) = sys.error(s"no project '$id' defined in '$uri'.")
def noConfiguration(uri: URI, id: String, conf: String) =
sys.error(s"no configuration '$conf' defined in project '$id' in '$uri'")
// Called from builtinLoader
def loadUnit(uri: URI, localBase: File, s: State, config: LoadBuildConfiguration): BuildUnit =
timed(s"Load.loadUnit($uri, ...)", config.log) {
val log = config.log
val normBase = localBase.getCanonicalFile
val defDir = projectStandard(normBase)
val plugs = timed("Load.loadUnit: plugins", log) {
plugins(defDir, s, config.copy(pluginManagement = config.pluginManagement.forPlugin))
val defsScala = timed("Load.loadUnit: defsScala", log) {
val buildLevelExtraProjects = plugs.detected.autoPlugins flatMap { d =>
d.value.extraProjects map { _.setProjectOrigin(ProjectOrigin.ExtraProject) }
// NOTE - because we create an eval here, we need a clean-eval later for this URI.
lazy val eval = timed("Load.loadUnit: mkEval", log) {
def mkReporter(settings: EvalReporter =
plugs.pluginData.buildTarget match {
case None => EvalReporter.console(settings)
case Some(buildTarget) =>
new BuildServerEvalReporter(buildTarget, new ConsoleReporter(settings))
mkEval(plugs.classpath, defDir, plugs.pluginData.scalacOptions, mkReporter)
val initialProjects = defsScala.flatMap(b => projectsFromBuild(b, normBase)) ++ buildLevelExtraProjects
val hasRootAlreadyDefined = defsScala.exists(_.rootProject.isDefined)
val memoSettings = new mutable.HashMap[File, LoadedSbtFile]
def loadProjects(ps: Seq[Project], createRoot: Boolean) =
() => eval,
val loadedProjectsRaw = timed("Load.loadUnit: loadedProjectsRaw", log) {
loadProjects(initialProjects, !hasRootAlreadyDefined)
// TODO - As of sbt 0.13.6 we should always have a default root project from
// here on, so the autogenerated build aggregated can be removed from this code. ( I think)
// We may actually want to move it back here and have different flags in loadTransitive...
val hasRoot = loadedProjectsRaw.projects.exists(_.base == normBase) || defsScala.exists(
val (loadedProjects, defaultBuildIfNone, keepClassFiles) =
if (hasRoot)
else {
val existingIDs =
val refs = => ProjectRef(uri, id))
val defaultID = autoID(normBase, config.pluginManagement.context, existingIDs)
val b = BuildDef.defaultAggregated(defaultID, refs)
val defaultProjects = timed("Load.loadUnit: defaultProjects", log) {
loadProjects(projectsFromBuild(b, normBase), false)
defaultProjects.projects ++ loadedProjectsRaw.projects,
defaultProjects.generatedConfigClassFiles ++ loadedProjectsRaw.generatedConfigClassFiles
// Now we clean stale class files.
// TODO - this may cause issues with multiple sbt clients, but that should be deprecated pending sbt-server anyway
timed("Load.loadUnit: cleanEvalClasses", log) {
cleanEvalClasses(defDir, keepClassFiles)
val defs = if (defsScala.isEmpty) defaultBuildIfNone :: Nil else defsScala
// HERE we pull out the defined vals from memoSettings and unify them all so
// we can use them later.
val valDefinitions = memoSettings.values.foldLeft(DefinedSbtValues.empty) { (prev, sbtFile) =>
val loadedDefs = new LoadedDefinitions(
new BuildUnit(uri, normBase, loadedDefs, plugs)
private[this] def autoID(
localBase: File,
context: PluginManagement.Context,
existingIDs: Seq[String]
): String = {
def normalizeID(f: File) = Project.normalizeProjectID(f.getName) match {
case Right(id) => id
case Left(msg) => sys.error(autoIDError(f, msg))
@tailrec def nthParentName(f: File, i: Int): String =
if (f eq null) BuildDef.defaultID(localBase)
else if (i <= 0) normalizeID(f)
else nthParentName(f.getParentFile, i - 1)
val pluginDepth = context.pluginProjectDepth
val postfix = "-build" * pluginDepth
val idBase =
if (context.globalPluginProject) "global-plugins" else nthParentName(localBase, pluginDepth)
val tryID = idBase + postfix
if (existingIDs.contains(tryID)) BuildDef.defaultID(localBase) else tryID
private[this] def autoIDError(base: File, reason: String): String =
"Could not derive root project ID from directory " + base.getAbsolutePath + ":\n" +
reason + "\nRename the directory or explicitly define a root project."
private[this] def projectsFromBuild(b: BuildDef, base: File): Seq[Project] =
// Lame hackery to keep track of our state.
private[this] case class LoadedProjects(
projects: Seq[Project],
generatedConfigClassFiles: Seq[File]
* Loads a new set of projects, including any transitively defined projects underneath this one.
* We have two assumptions here:
* 1. The first `Project` instance we encounter defines AddSettings and gets to specify where we pull other settings.
* 2. Any project manipulation (enable/disablePlugins) is ok to be added in the order we encounter it.
* Any further setting is ignored.
* Note: Lots of internal details in here that shouldn't be otherwise exposed.
* TODO - We want to attach the known (at this time) vals/lazy vals defined in each project's
* build.sbt to that project so we can later use this for the `set` command.
* @param newProjects A sequence of projects we have not yet loaded, but will try to.
* @param buildBase The `baseDirectory` for the entire build.
* @param plugins A misnomer, this is actually the compiled BuildDefinition (classpath and such) for this project.
* @param eval A mechanism of generating an "Eval" which can compile scala code for us.
* @param injectSettings Settings we need to inject into projects.
* @param acc An accumulated list of loaded projects, originally in newProjects.
* @param memoSettings A recording of all sbt files that have been loaded so far.
* @param log The logger used for this project.
* @param makeOrDiscoverRoot True if we should auto-generate a root project.
* @param buildUri The URI of the build this is loading
* @param context The plugin management context for autogenerated IDs.
* @param generatedConfigClassFiles
* @param extraSbtFiles
* @return The completely resolved/updated sequence of projects defined, with all settings expanded.
private[this] def loadTransitive(
newProjects: Seq[Project],
buildBase: File,
plugins: LoadedPlugins,
eval: () => Eval,
injectSettings: InjectSettings,
acc: Seq[Project],
memoSettings: mutable.Map[File, LoadedSbtFile],
log: Logger,
makeOrDiscoverRoot: Boolean,
buildUri: URI,
context: PluginManagement.Context,
generatedConfigClassFiles: Seq[File],
extraSbtFiles: Seq[File]
): LoadedProjects =
/*timed(s"Load.loadTransitive(${ })", log)*/ {
def load(newProjects: Seq[Project], acc: Seq[Project], generated: Seq[File]) = {
// load all relevant configuration files (.sbt, as .scala already exists at this point)
def discover(base: File): DiscoveredProjects = {
val auto =
if (base == buildBase) AddSettings.allDefaults
else AddSettings.defaultSbtFiles
val extraFiles =
if (base == buildBase && isMetaBuildContext(context)) extraSbtFiles
else Nil
discoverProjects(auto, base, extraFiles, plugins, eval, memoSettings)
// Step two:
// a. Apply all the project manipulations from .sbt files in order
// b. Deduce the auto plugins for the project
// c. Finalize a project with all its settings/configuration.
def finalizeProject(
p: Project,
files: Seq[File],
extraFiles: Seq[File],
expand: Boolean
): (Project, Seq[Project]) = {
val configFiles = files.flatMap(f => memoSettings.get(f))
val p1: Project = Function.chain(configFiles.flatMap(_.manipulations))(p)
val autoPlugins: Seq[AutoPlugin] =
try plugins.detected.deducePluginsFromProject(p1, log)
catch { case e: AutoPluginException => throw translateAutoPluginException(e, p) }
val p2 =
resolveProject(p1, autoPlugins, plugins, injectSettings, memoSettings, extraFiles, log)
val projectLevelExtra =
if (expand) {
} else Nil
(p2, projectLevelExtra)
// Discover any new project definition for the base directory of this project, and load all settings.
def discoverAndLoad(p: Project, rest: Seq[Project]): LoadedProjects = {
val DiscoveredProjects(rootOpt, discovered, files, extraFiles, generated) = discover(
// TODO: We assume here the project defined in a build.sbt WINS because the original was a
// phony. However, we may want to 'merge' the two, or only do this if the original was a
// default generated project.
val root = rootOpt.getOrElse(p)
val (finalRoot, projectLevelExtra) = finalizeProject(root, files, extraFiles, true)
val newProjects = rest ++ discovered ++ projectLevelExtra
val newAcc = acc :+ finalRoot
val newGenerated = generated ++ generatedConfigClassFiles
load(newProjects, newAcc, newGenerated)
// Load all config files AND finalize the project at the root directory, if it exists.
// Continue loading if we find any more.
newProjects match {
case Seq(next, rest @ _*) =>
log.debug(s"[Loading] Loading project ${} @ ${next.base}")
discoverAndLoad(next, rest)
case Nil if makeOrDiscoverRoot =>
log.debug(s"[Loading] Scanning directory $buildBase")
val DiscoveredProjects(rootOpt, discovered, files, extraFiles, generated) = discover(
val discoveredIdsStr =",")
val (root, expand, moreProjects, otherProjects) = rootOpt match {
case Some(root) =>
log.debug(s"[Loading] Found root project ${} w/ remaining $discoveredIdsStr")
(root, true, discovered, LoadedProjects(Nil, Nil))
case None =>
log.debug(s"[Loading] Found non-root projects $discoveredIdsStr")
// Here we do something interesting... We need to create an aggregate root project
val otherProjects = load(discovered, acc, Nil)
val root = {
val existingIds =
val defaultID = autoID(buildBase, context, existingIds)
val refs = => ProjectRef(buildUri, id))
if (discovered.isEmpty || java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean("sbt.root.ivyplugin"))
BuildDef.defaultAggregatedProject(defaultID, buildBase, refs)
else BuildDef.generatedRootWithoutIvyPlugin(defaultID, buildBase, refs)
(root, false, Nil, otherProjects)
val (finalRoot, projectLevelExtra) =
timed(s"Load.loadTransitive: finalizeProject($root)", log) {
finalizeProject(root, files, extraFiles, expand)
val newProjects = moreProjects ++ projectLevelExtra
val newAcc = finalRoot +: (acc ++ otherProjects.projects)
val newGenerated =
generated ++ otherProjects.generatedConfigClassFiles ++ generatedConfigClassFiles
load(newProjects, newAcc, newGenerated)
case Nil =>
val projectIds ="(", ", ", ")")
log.debug(s"[Loading] Done in $buildBase, returning: $projectIds")
LoadedProjects(acc, generatedConfigClassFiles)
private[this] def translateAutoPluginException(
e: AutoPluginException,
project: Project
): AutoPluginException =
e.withPrefix(s"error determining plugins for project '${}' in ${project.base}:\n")
* Represents the results of flushing out a directory and discovering all the projects underneath it.
* THis will return one completely loaded project, and any newly discovered (and unloaded) projects.
* @param root The project at "root" directory we were looking, or non if non was defined.
* @param nonRoot Any sub-projects discovered from this directory
* @param sbtFiles Any sbt file loaded during this discovery (used later to complete the project).
* @param generatedFiles Any .class file that was generated when compiling/discovering these projects.
private[this] case class DiscoveredProjects(
root: Option[Project],
nonRoot: Seq[Project],
sbtFiles: Seq[File],
extraSbtFiles: Seq[File],
generatedFiles: Seq[File]
* This method attempts to resolve/apply all configuration loaded for a project. It is responsible for the following:
* Ordering all Setting[_]s for the project
* @param p The project with manipulation.
* @param projectPlugins The deduced list of plugins for the given project.
* @param loadedPlugins The project definition (and classloader) of the build.
* @param globalUserSettings All the settings contributed from the ~/.sbt/ directory
* @param memoSettings A recording of all loaded files (our files should reside in there). We should need not load any
* sbt file to resolve a project.
* @param extraSbtFiles Extra *.sbt files.
* @param log A logger to report auto-plugin issues to.
private[sbt] def resolveProject(
p: Project,
projectPlugins: Seq[AutoPlugin],
loadedPlugins: LoadedPlugins,
globalUserSettings: InjectSettings,
memoSettings: mutable.Map[File, LoadedSbtFile],
extraSbtFiles: Seq[File],
log: Logger
): Project =
timed(s"Load.resolveProject(${})", log) {
import AddSettings._
val autoConfigs = projectPlugins.flatMap(_.projectConfigurations)
// 3. Use AddSettings instance to order all Setting[_]s appropriately
val allSettings = {
// TODO - This mechanism of applying settings could be off... It's in two places now...
lazy val defaultSbtFiles = configurationSources(p.base)
lazy val sbtFiles = defaultSbtFiles ++ extraSbtFiles
// Filter the AutoPlugin settings we included based on which ones are
// intended in the AddSettings.AutoPlugins filter.
def autoPluginSettings(f: AutoPlugins) =
// Grab all the settings we already loaded from sbt files
def settings(files: Seq[File]): Seq[Setting[_]] = {
if (files.nonEmpty)
s"${"loading settings for project ${} from ", ",", " ...")}"
for {
file <- files
config <- (memoSettings get file).toSeq
setting <- config.settings
} yield setting
// Expand the AddSettings instance into a real Seq[Setting[_]] we'll use on the project
def expandSettings(auto: AddSettings): Seq[Setting[_]] = auto match {
case BuildScalaFiles => p.settings
case User => globalUserSettings.cachedProjectLoaded(loadedPlugins.loader)
case sf: SbtFiles => settings( => IO.resolve(p.base, f)))
case sf: DefaultSbtFiles => settings(sbtFiles.filter(sf.include))
case p: AutoPlugins => autoPluginSettings(p)
case q: Sequence =>
q.sequence.foldLeft(Seq.empty[Setting[_]]) { (b, add) =>
b ++ expandSettings(add)
val auto = AddSettings.allDefaults
// Finally, a project we can use in buildStructure.
p.copy(settings = allSettings)
.prefixConfigs(autoConfigs: _*)
* This method attempts to discover all Project/settings it can using the configured AddSettings and project base.
* @param auto The AddSettings of the defining project (or default) we use to determine which build.sbt files to read.
* @param projectBase The directory we're currently loading projects/definitions from.
* @param eval A mechanism of executing/running scala code.
* @param memoSettings A recording of all files we've parsed.
private[this] def discoverProjects(
auto: AddSettings,
projectBase: File,
extraSbtFiles: Seq[File],
loadedPlugins: LoadedPlugins,
eval: () => Eval,
memoSettings: mutable.Map[File, LoadedSbtFile]
): DiscoveredProjects = {
// Default sbt files to read, if needed
lazy val defaultSbtFiles = configurationSources(projectBase)
lazy val sbtFiles = defaultSbtFiles ++ extraSbtFiles
// Classloader of the build
val loader = loadedPlugins.loader
// How to load an individual file for use later.
// TODO - We should import vals defined in other sbt files here, if we wish to
// share. For now, build.sbt files have their own unique namespace.
def loadSettingsFile(src: File): LoadedSbtFile =
// How to merge SbtFiles we read into one thing
def merge(ls: Seq[LoadedSbtFile]): LoadedSbtFile = ls.foldLeft(LoadedSbtFile.empty) {
_ merge _
// Loads a given file, or pulls from the cache.
def memoLoadSettingsFile(src: File): LoadedSbtFile =
memoSettings.getOrElse(src, {
val lf = loadSettingsFile(src)
memoSettings.put(src, lf.clearProjects) // don't load projects twice
// Loads a set of sbt files, sorted by their lexical name (current behavior of sbt).
def loadFiles(fs: Seq[File]): LoadedSbtFile =
// Finds all the build files associated with this project
import AddSettings.{ DefaultSbtFiles, SbtFiles, Sequence }
def associatedFiles(auto: AddSettings): Seq[File] = auto match {
case sf: SbtFiles => => IO.resolve(projectBase, f)).filterNot(_.isHidden)
case sf: DefaultSbtFiles => sbtFiles.filter(sf.include).filterNot(_.isHidden)
case q: Sequence =>
q.sequence.foldLeft(Seq.empty[File]) { (b, add) =>
b ++ associatedFiles(add)
case _ => Seq.empty
val rawFiles = associatedFiles(auto)
val loadedFiles = loadFiles(rawFiles)
val rawProjects = loadedFiles.projects
val (root, nonRoot) = rawProjects.partition(_.base == projectBase)
// TODO - good error message if more than one root project
def globalPluginClasspath(globalPlugin: Option[GlobalPlugin]): Seq[Attributed[File]] =
globalPlugin match {
case Some(cp) =>
case None => Nil
/** These are the settings defined when loading a project "meta" build. */
val autoPluginSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = inScope(GlobalScope in LocalRootProject)(
sbtPlugin :== true,
isMetaBuild :== true,
pluginData := {
val prod = (Configurations.Runtime / exportedProducts).value
val cp = (Configurations.Runtime / fullClasspath).value
val opts = (Configurations.Compile / scalacOptions).value
val javaOpts = (Configurations.Compile / javacOptions).value
val unmanagedSrcDirs = (Configurations.Compile / unmanagedSourceDirectories).value
val unmanagedSrcs = (Configurations.Compile / unmanagedSources).value
val managedSrcDirs = (Configurations.Compile / managedSourceDirectories).value
val managedSrcs = (Configurations.Compile / managedSources).value
val buildTarget = (Configurations.Compile / bspTargetIdentifier).value
val clsDir = (Configurations.Compile / classDirectory).value
removeEntries(cp, prod),
scalacOptions += "-Wconf:cat=unused-nowarn:s",
onLoadMessage := ("loading project definition from " + baseDirectory.value)
private[this] def removeEntries(
cp: Seq[Attributed[File]],
remove: Seq[Attributed[File]]
): Seq[Attributed[File]] = {
val files = data(remove).toSet
cp filter { f =>
def enableSbtPlugin(config: LoadBuildConfiguration): LoadBuildConfiguration =
injectSettings = config.injectSettings.copy(
global = autoPluginSettings ++,
project = config.pluginManagement.inject ++ config.injectSettings.project
def activateGlobalPlugin(config: LoadBuildConfiguration): LoadBuildConfiguration =
config.globalPlugin match {
case Some(gp) =>
config.copy(injectSettings = config.injectSettings.copy(project = gp.inject))
case None => config
def plugins(dir: File, s: State, config: LoadBuildConfiguration): LoadedPlugins = {
val context = config.pluginManagement.context
val extraSbtFiles: Seq[File] =
if (isMetaBuildContext(context)) s.get(BasicKeys.extraMetaSbtFiles).getOrElse(Nil)
else Nil
if (hasDefinition(dir) || extraSbtFiles.nonEmpty)
buildPlugins(dir, s, enableSbtPlugin(activateGlobalPlugin(config)))
noPlugins(dir, config)
private def isMetaBuildContext(context: PluginManagement.Context): Boolean =
!context.globalPluginProject && context.pluginProjectDepth == 1
def hasDefinition(dir: File): Boolean = {
(dir * -GlobFilter(DefaultTargetName)).get.nonEmpty
def noPlugins(dir: File, config: LoadBuildConfiguration): LoadedPlugins =
loadPluginDefinition(dir, config, PluginData(config.globalPluginClasspath))
def buildPlugins(dir: File, s: State, config: LoadBuildConfiguration): LoadedPlugins =
loadPluginDefinition(dir, config, buildPluginDefinition(dir, s, config))
/** Loads the plugins.
* @param dir The base directory for the build.
* @param config The configuration for the build.
* @param pluginData The data required to load plugins.
* @return An instance of the loaded build with plugin information.
def loadPluginDefinition(
dir: File,
config: LoadBuildConfiguration,
pluginData: PluginData
): LoadedPlugins = {
val definitionClasspath = pluginData.definitionClasspath
val dependencyClasspath = pluginData.dependencyClasspath
val pluginLoader: ClassLoader =
pluginDefinitionLoader(config, dependencyClasspath, definitionClasspath)
val fullDependencyClasspath: Def.Classpath =
buildPluginClasspath(config, pluginData.dependencyClasspath)
val newData = pluginData.copy(dependencyClasspath = fullDependencyClasspath)
loadPlugins(dir, newData, pluginLoader)
/** Constructs the classpath required to load plugins, the so-called
* dependency classpath, from the provided classpath and the current config.
* @param config The configuration that declares classpath entries.
* @param depcp The user-defined dependency classpath.
* @return A classpath aggregating both without repeated entries.
def buildPluginClasspath(
config: LoadBuildConfiguration,
depcp: Seq[Attributed[File]]
): Def.Classpath = {
if (depcp.isEmpty) config.classpath
else (depcp ++ config.classpath).distinct
/** Creates a classloader with a hierarchical structure, where the parent
* classloads the dependency classpath and the return classloader classloads
* the definition classpath.
* @param config The configuration for the whole sbt build.
* @param dependencyClasspath The dependency classpath (sbt dependencies).
* @param definitionClasspath The definition classpath for build definitions.
* @return A classloader ready to class load plugins.
def pluginDefinitionLoader(
config: LoadBuildConfiguration,
dependencyClasspath: Def.Classpath,
definitionClasspath: Def.Classpath
): ClassLoader = {
val manager = config.pluginManagement
val parentLoader: ClassLoader = {
if (dependencyClasspath.isEmpty) manager.initialLoader
else {
// Load only the dependency classpath for the common plugin classloader
val loader = manager.loader
// Load the definition classpath separately to avoid conflicts, see #511.
if (definitionClasspath.isEmpty) parentLoader
else ClasspathUtil.toLoader(data(definitionClasspath).map(_.toPath), parentLoader)
def buildPluginDefinition(dir: File, s: State, config: LoadBuildConfiguration): PluginData = {
val (eval, pluginDef) = apply(dir, s, config)
val pluginState = Project.setProject(Load.initialSession(pluginDef, eval), pluginDef, s)
config.evalPluginDef(Project.structure(pluginState), pluginState)
def loadPlugins(dir: File, data: PluginData, loader: ClassLoader): LoadedPlugins =
new LoadedPlugins(dir, data, loader, PluginDiscovery.discoverAll(data, loader))
def initialSession(structure: BuildStructure, rootEval: () => Eval, s: State): SessionSettings = {
val session = s get Keys.sessionSettings
val currentProject = session map (_.currentProject) getOrElse Map.empty
val currentBuild = session map (_.currentBuild) filter (
uri => structure.units.keys exists (uri ==)
) getOrElse structure.root
new SessionSettings(
projectMap(structure, currentProject),
def initialSession(structure: BuildStructure, rootEval: () => Eval): SessionSettings =
new SessionSettings(
projectMap(structure, Map.empty),
def projectMap(structure: BuildStructure, current: Map[URI, String]): Map[URI, String] = {
val units = structure.units
val getRoot = getRootProject(units)
def project(uri: URI) = {
current get uri filter { p =>
structure allProjects uri map ( contains p
} getOrElse getRoot(uri)
} => (uri, project(uri))).toMap
def defaultEvalOptions: Seq[String] = Nil
def referenced[PR <: ProjectReference](definitions: Seq[ProjectDefinition[PR]]): Seq[PR] =
definitions flatMap { _.referenced }
final class EvaluatedConfigurations(val eval: Eval, val settings: Seq[Setting[_]])
final case class InjectSettings(
global: Seq[Setting[_]],
project: Seq[Setting[_]],
projectLoaded: ClassLoader => Seq[Setting[_]]
) {
private val cache: mutable.Map[String, Seq[Setting[_]]] = mutable.Map.empty
// Cache based on the underlying URL values of the classloader
def cachedProjectLoaded(cl: ClassLoader): Seq[Setting[_]] =
cl match {
case cl: URLClassLoader =>
cache.getOrElseUpdate(classLoaderToHash(Some(cl)), projectLoaded(cl))
case _ => projectLoaded(cl)
private def classLoaderToHash(o: Option[ClassLoader]): String =
o match {
case Some(cl: URLClassLoader) =>
cl.getURLs.toList.toString + classLoaderToHash(Option(cl.getParent))
case Some(cl: ClassLoader) =>
cl.toString + classLoaderToHash(Option(cl.getParent))
case _ => "null"
/** Variable to control the indentation of the timing logs. */
private var timedIndentation: Int = 0
/** Debugging method to time how long it takes to run various compilation tasks. */
private[sbt] def timed[T](label: String, log: Logger)(t: => T): T = {
timedIndentation += 1
val start = System.nanoTime
val result = t
val elapsed = System.nanoTime - start
timedIndentation -= 1
val prefix = " " * 2 * timedIndentation
log.debug(s"$prefix$label took ${elapsed / 1e6}ms")
final case class LoadBuildConfiguration(
stagingDirectory: File,
classpath: Def.Classpath,
loader: ClassLoader,
compilers: Compilers,
evalPluginDef: (BuildStructure, State) => PluginData,
delegates: LoadedBuild => Scope => Seq[Scope],
scopeLocal: ScopeLocal,
pluginManagement: PluginManagement,
injectSettings: Load.InjectSettings,
globalPlugin: Option[GlobalPlugin],
extraBuilds: Seq[URI],
log: Logger
) {
lazy val globalPluginClasspath: Def.Classpath =
Load.buildPluginClasspath(this, Load.globalPluginClasspath(globalPlugin))
lazy val detectedGlobalPlugins: DetectedPlugins = {
val pluginData = globalPlugin match {
case Some(info) =>
val data =
case None => PluginData(globalPluginClasspath)
val baseDir = globalPlugin match {
case Some(x) => x.base
case _ => stagingDirectory
val globalPlugins = Load.loadPluginDefinition(baseDir, this, pluginData)
final class IncompatiblePluginsException(msg: String, cause: Throwable)
extends Exception(msg, cause)