sbt.internal.RemoteCache.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* sbt
* Copyright 2023, Scala center
* Copyright 2011 - 2022, Lightbend, Inc.
* Copyright 2008 - 2010, Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE)
package sbt
package internal
import java.nio.file.Path
import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.{ DefaultArtifact, Artifact => IArtifact }
import org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.DownloadOptions
import org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.DependencyResolver
import sbt.Defaults.prefix
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt.Project._
import sbt.ScopeFilter.Make._
import sbt.SlashSyntax0._
import sbt.coursierint.LMCoursier
import{ HashUtil, JarUtils }
import sbt.internal.librarymanagement._
import sbt.internal.remotecache._
import sbt.librarymanagement._
import sbt.librarymanagement.ivy.{ Credentials, IvyPaths, UpdateOptions }
import sbt.librarymanagement.syntax._
import sbt.nio.FileStamp
import sbt.nio.Keys.{ inputFileStamps, outputFileStamps }
import sbt.std.TaskExtra._
import sbt.util.InterfaceUtil.toOption
import sbt.util.Logger
import scala.annotation.nowarn
object RemoteCache {
final val cachedCompileClassifier = "cached-compile"
final val cachedTestClassifier = "cached-test"
final val commitLength = 10
def gitCommitId: String =
scala.sys.process.Process("git rev-parse HEAD").!!.trim.take(commitLength)
def gitCommitIds(n: Int): List[String] =
.Process("git log -n " + n.toString + " --format=%H")
lazy val defaultCacheLocation: File = SysProp.globalLocalCache
lazy val globalSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
remoteCacheId := "",
remoteCacheIdCandidates := Nil,
pushRemoteCacheTo :== None,
localCacheDirectory :== defaultCacheLocation,
pushRemoteCache / ivyPaths := {
val app = appConfiguration.value
val base = app.baseDirectory.getCanonicalFile
// base is used only to resolve relative paths, which should never happen
IvyPaths(base, localCacheDirectory.value)
lazy val projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = (Seq(
pushRemoteCache := (Def.taskDyn {
val arts = (pushRemoteCacheConfiguration / remoteCacheArtifacts).value
val configs = arts flatMap { art =>
art.packaged.scopedKey.scope match {
case Scope(_, Select(c), _, _) => Some(c)
case _ => None
val filter = ScopeFilter(configurations = inConfigurationsByKeys(configs: _*))
Def.task {
val _ = pushRemoteCache.all(filter).value
pullRemoteCache := (Def.taskDyn {
val arts = (pushRemoteCacheConfiguration / remoteCacheArtifacts).value
val configs = arts flatMap { art =>
art.packaged.scopedKey.scope match {
case Scope(_, Select(c), _, _) => Some(c)
case _ => None
val filter = ScopeFilter(configurations = inConfigurationsByKeys(configs: _*))
Def.task {
val _ = pullRemoteCache.all(filter).value
pushRemoteCacheConfiguration / remoteCacheArtifacts := {
enabledOnly(remoteCacheArtifact.toSettingKey, defaultArtifactTasks).apply(_.join).value
pushRemoteCacheConfiguration / publishMavenStyle := true,
Compile / packageCache / pushRemoteCacheArtifact := true,
Test / packageCache / pushRemoteCacheArtifact := true,
Compile / packageCache / artifact := Artifact(moduleName.value, cachedCompileClassifier),
Test / packageCache / artifact := Artifact(moduleName.value, cachedTestClassifier),
remoteCachePom / pushRemoteCacheArtifact := true,
remoteCachePom := {
val s = streams.value
val config = (remoteCachePom / makePomConfiguration).value
val publisher = Keys.publisher.value
publisher.makePomFile((pushRemoteCache / ivyModule).value, config, s.log)
remoteCachePom / artifactPath := {
Defaults.prefixArtifactPathSetting(makePom / artifact, "remote-cache").value
remoteCachePom / makePomConfiguration := {
val config = makePomConfiguration.value
config.withFile((remoteCachePom / artifactPath).value)
remoteCachePom / remoteCacheArtifact := {
PomRemoteCacheArtifact((makePom / artifact).value, remoteCachePom)
remoteCacheResolvers := pushRemoteCacheTo.value.toVector,
) ++ inTask(pushRemoteCache)(
ivyPaths := (Scope.Global / pushRemoteCache / ivyPaths).value,
ivyConfiguration := {
val config0 = Classpaths.mkIvyConfiguration.value
.withResolutionCacheDir(crossTarget.value / "alt-resolution")
ivySbt := {
Credentials.register(credentials.value, streams.value.log)
val config0 = ivyConfiguration.value
new IvySbt(config0)
) ++ inTask(pullRemoteCache)(
dependencyResolution := Defaults.dependencyResolutionTask.value,
csrConfiguration := {
val rs = pushRemoteCacheTo.value.toVector ++ remoteCacheResolvers.value.toVector
) ++ inConfig(Compile)(configCacheSettings(compileArtifact(Compile, cachedCompileClassifier)))
++ inConfig(Test)(configCacheSettings(testArtifact(Test, cachedTestClassifier))))
def getResourceFilePaths() = Def.task {
val syncDir = crossTarget.value / (prefix( + "sync")
val file = syncDir / "copy-resource"
def configCacheSettings[A <: RemoteCacheArtifact](
cacheArtifactTask: Def.Initialize[Task[A]]
): Seq[Def.Setting[_]] =
Seq( := {
val original =
val artp = artifactPath.value
val af = compileAnalysisFile.value
IO.copyFile(original, artp)
// skip zip manipulation if the artp is a blank file
if (af.exists && artp.length() > 0) {
JarUtils.includeInJar(artp, Vector(af -> s"META-INF/"))
val rf = getResourceFilePaths.value
if (rf.exists) {
JarUtils.includeInJar(artp, Vector(rf -> s"META-INF/copy-resources.txt"))
// val testStream = (test / streams).?.value
// testStream foreach { s =>
// val sf = Defaults.succeededFile(s.cacheDirectory)
// if (sf.exists) {
// JarUtils.includeInJar(artp, Vector(sf -> s"META-INF/succeeded_tests"))
// }
// }
pushRemoteCacheArtifact := true,
remoteCacheArtifact := cacheArtifactTask.value,
packagedArtifact := (artifact.value -> packageCache.value),
artifactPath := Defaults.artifactPathSetting(artifact).value
) ++ inTask(pushRemoteCache)(
moduleSettings := {
val smi = scalaModuleInfo.value
ModuleDescriptorConfiguration(remoteCacheProjectId.value, projectInfo.value)
}, := (Def.task {
val s = streams.value
val config = pushRemoteCacheConfiguration.value
val is = (pushRemoteCache / ivySbt).value
val m = new is.Module(moduleSettings.value)
IvyActions.publish(m, config, s.log)
} tag (Tags.Publish, Tags.Network)).value,
) ++ Seq(
remoteCacheIdCandidates := List(remoteCacheId.value),
remoteCacheProjectId := {
val o = organization.value
val m = moduleName.value
val id = remoteCacheId.value
val c = (projectID / crossVersion).value
val v = toVersion(id)
ModuleID(o, m, v).cross(c)
remoteCacheId := {
val inputs = (unmanagedSources / inputFileStamps).value
val cp = (externalDependencyClasspath / outputFileStamps).?.value.getOrElse(Nil)
val extraInc = (extraIncOptions.value) flatMap {
case (k, v) =>
Vector(k, v)
combineHash(extractHash(inputs) ++ extractHash(cp) ++ extraInc)
pushRemoteCacheConfiguration := {
(pushRemoteCacheConfiguration / publishMavenStyle).value,
if (isSnapshot.value) "integration" else "release", => ConfigRef(,
(pushRemoteCacheConfiguration / packagedArtifacts).value.toVector,
(pushRemoteCacheConfiguration / checksums).value.toVector,
pushRemoteCacheConfiguration / packagedArtifacts := Def.taskDyn {
val artifacts = (pushRemoteCacheConfiguration / remoteCacheArtifacts).value
.map(a => => (a.artifact, file)))
pushRemoteCacheConfiguration / remoteCacheArtifacts := {
List((packageCache / remoteCacheArtifact).value)
pullRemoteCache := {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val log = streams.value.log
val r = remoteCacheResolvers.value.head
val p = remoteCacheProjectId.value
val ids = remoteCacheIdCandidates.value
val is = (pushRemoteCache / ivySbt).value
val m = new is.Module((pushRemoteCache / moduleSettings).value)
val smi = scalaModuleInfo.value
val artifacts = (pushRemoteCacheConfiguration / remoteCacheArtifacts).value
val nonPom = artifacts.filterNot(isPomArtifact).toVector
val copyResources = getResourceFilePaths.value
m.withModule(log) {
case (ivy, md, _) =>
val resolver = ivy.getSettings.getResolver(
if (resolver eq null) sys.error(s"undefined resolver '${}'")
val cross = CrossVersion(p, smi)
val crossf: String => String = cross.getOrElse(identity _)
var found = false
ids foreach {
id: String =>
val v = toVersion(id)
val modId = p.withRevision(v).withName(crossf(
val ivyId = IvySbt.toID(modId)
if (found) ()
else {
val rawa = nonPom map { _.artifact }
val seqa = CrossVersion.substituteCross(rawa, cross)
val as = seqa map { a =>
val extra = a.classifier match {
case Some(c) => Map("e:classifier" -> c)
case None => Map.empty
new DefaultArtifact(ivyId, null,, a.`type`, a.extension, extra.asJava)
pullFromMavenRepo0(as, resolver, log) match {
case Right(xs0) =>
val jars = xs0.distinct
nonPom.foreach { art =>
val classifier = art.artifact.classifier
findJar(classifier, v, jars) match {
case Some(jar) =>
extractJar(art, jar, copyResources)"remote cache artifact extracted for $p $classifier")
case None =>"remote cache artifact not found for $p $classifier")
found = true
case Left(e) =>
val classifier =" ")"remote cache artifact not found for $p $classifier")
def isPomArtifact(artifact: RemoteCacheArtifact): Boolean =
artifact match {
case _: PomRemoteCacheArtifact => true
case _ => false
def compileArtifact(
configuration: Configuration,
classifier: String
): Def.Initialize[Task[CompileRemoteCacheArtifact]] = Def.task {
Artifact(moduleName.value, classifier),
configuration / packageCache,
(configuration / classDirectory).value,
(configuration / compileAnalysisFile).value
def testArtifact(
configuration: Configuration,
classifier: String
): Def.Initialize[Task[TestRemoteCacheArtifact]] = Def.task {
Artifact(moduleName.value, classifier),
configuration / packageCache,
(configuration / classDirectory).value,
(configuration / compileAnalysisFile).value,
Defaults.succeededFile((configuration / test / streams).value.cacheDirectory)
private def toVersion(v: String): String = s"0.0.0-$v"
private lazy val doption = new DownloadOptions
private def pullFromMavenRepo0(
artifacts: Vector[IArtifact],
r: DependencyResolver,
log: Logger
): Either[Throwable, Vector[File]] = {
try {
val files =, doption).getArtifactsReports.toVector map {
report =>
if (report == null) sys.error(s"failed to download $artifacts: " + r.toString)
report.getDownloadStatus match {
case DownloadStatus.NO =>
val o = report.getArtifactOrigin
if (o.isLocal) {
val localFile = new File(o.getLocation)
if (!localFile.exists) sys.error(s"$localFile doesn't exist")
else localFile
} else report.getLocalFile
case DownloadStatus.SUCCESSFUL =>
case DownloadStatus.FAILED =>
sys.error(s"failed to download $artifacts: " + r.toString)
} catch {
case e: Throwable => Left(e)
private def findJar(classifier: Option[String], ver: String, jars: Vector[File]): Option[File] = {
val suffix = classifier.fold(ver)(c => s"$ver-$c.jar")
private def extractJar(
cacheArtifact: RemoteCacheArtifact,
jar: File,
copyResources: File
): Unit =
cacheArtifact match {
case a: CompileRemoteCacheArtifact =>
extractCache(jar, a.extractDirectory, preserveLastModified = true) { output =>
extractAnalysis(output, a.analysisFile)
extractResourceList(output, copyResources)
case a: TestRemoteCacheArtifact =>
extractCache(jar, a.extractDirectory, preserveLastModified = true) { output =>
extractAnalysis(output, a.analysisFile)
extractTestResult(output, a.testResult)
case a: CustomRemoteCacheArtifact =>
extractCache(jar, a.extractDirectory, a.preserveLastModified)(_ => ())
case _ =>
private def extractCache(jar: File, output: File, preserveLastModified: Boolean)(
processOutput: File => Unit
): Unit = {
IO.unzip(jar, output, preserveLastModified = preserveLastModified)
// preserve semanticdb dir
Option((output / "META-INF").listFiles).foreach(
_.iterator.filterNot(_.getName == "semanticdb").foreach(IO.delete)
private def extractAnalysis(output: File, analysisFile: File): Unit = {
val metaDir = output / "META-INF"
val expandedAnalysis = metaDir / ""
if (expandedAnalysis.exists) {
IO.move(expandedAnalysis, analysisFile)
private def extractResourceList(output: File, copyResources: File): Unit = {
val metaDir = output / "META-INF"
val extractedCopyResources = metaDir / "copy-resources.txt"
if (extractedCopyResources.exists) {
IO.move(extractedCopyResources, copyResources)
private def extractTestResult(output: File, testResult: File): Unit = {
//val expandedTestResult = output / "META-INF" / "succeeded_tests"
//if (expandedTestResult.exists) {
// IO.move(expandedTestResult, testResult)
private def defaultArtifactTasks: Seq[TaskKey[File]] =
Seq(Compile / packageCache, Test / packageCache)
private def enabledOnly[A](
key: SettingKey[A],
pkgTasks: Seq[TaskKey[File]]
): Def.Initialize[Seq[A]] =
(Classpaths.forallIn(key, pkgTasks) zipWith
Classpaths.forallIn(pushRemoteCacheArtifact, pkgTasks))(_ zip _ collect {
case (a, true) => a
private def extractHash(inputs: Seq[(Path, FileStamp)]): Vector[String] =
inputs.toVector map {
case (_, stamp0) => toOption(stamp0.stamp.getHash).getOrElse("cafe")
private def combineHash(vs: Vector[String]): String = {
val hashValue = HashUtil.farmHash(vs.sorted.mkString("").getBytes("UTF-8"))