sbt.internal.nio.CheckBuildSources.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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sbt is an interactive build tool
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* sbt
* Copyright 2023, Scala center
* Copyright 2011 - 2022, Lightbend, Inc.
* Copyright 2008 - 2010, Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE)
package sbt
package internal.nio
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicBoolean, AtomicReference }
import sbt.BasicCommandStrings.{ RebootCommand, Shutdown, TerminateAction }
import sbt.Keys.{ baseDirectory, pollInterval, state }
import sbt.Scope.Global
import sbt.SlashSyntax0._
import sbt.internal.CommandStrings.LoadProject
import sbt.internal.SysProp
import sbt.internal.util.{ AttributeKey, Terminal }
import sbt.nio.FileChanges
import sbt.nio.FileStamp
import sbt.nio.Keys._
import sbt.nio.file.{ FileAttributes, FileTreeView, Glob, ** }
import sbt.nio.file.syntax._
import sbt.nio.Settings
import sbt.util.Logger
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Deadline => SDeadline, _ }
* This class is used to determine whether sbt needs to automatically reload
* the build because its source files have changed. In general, it will use
* a FileTreeRepository to monitor the build source directories and it will
* only actually check whether any sources have changed if the monitor has
* detected any events. Because it's using asynchronous monitoring by default,
* the automatic reloading should not be relied upon in batch scripting. It is
* possible to configure this feature by setting
* `Global / onChangedBuildSource / pollInterval`. When this value is set to
* 0.seconds, then it will poll every time. Otherwise, it will only repoll
* the build files if the poll interval has elapsed.
private[sbt] class CheckBuildSources extends AutoCloseable {
private[this] val repository = new AtomicReference[FileTreeRepository[FileAttributes]]
private[this] val pollingPeriod = new AtomicReference[FiniteDuration]
private[this] val sources = new AtomicReference[Seq[Glob]](Nil)
private[this] val needUpdate = new AtomicBoolean(true)
private[this] val lastPolled = new AtomicReference[SDeadline](
private[this] val previousStamps = new AtomicReference[Seq[(Path, FileStamp)]]
private[sbt] def fileTreeRepository: Option[FileTreeRepository[FileAttributes]] =
private def getStamps(force: Boolean) = {
val now =
val lp = lastPolled.getAndSet(now)
if (force || lp + pollingPeriod.get <= now) {
FileTreeView.default.list(sources.get) flatMap {
case (p, a) if a.isRegularFile => FileStamp.hash(p).map(p -> _)
case _ => None
} else previousStamps.get
private def reset(state: State): Unit = {
val extracted = Project.extract(state)
val interval = extracted.get(checkBuildSources / pollInterval)
val newSources = extracted.get(Global / checkBuildSources / fileInputs)
if (interval >= 0.seconds || "polling" == SysProp.watchMode) {
} else {
repository.get match {
case null =>
val repo = FileTreeRepository.default
repo.addObserver(_ => needUpdate.set(true))
newSources.foreach(g => repo.register(g).foreach(_.close()))
case r =>
val previousSources = sources.getAndSet(newSources)
if (previousSources != newSources) {
fileTreeRepository.foreach(r => newSources.foreach(g => r.register(g).foreach(_.close())))
previousStamps.set(getStamps(force = true))
private def needCheck(state: State, cmd: String): Boolean = {
val allCmds = state.remainingCommands
.dropWhile(!_.startsWith(BasicCommandStrings.MapExec)) :+ cmd
val commands =
allCmds.flatMap(_.split(";").flatMap(_.trim.split(" ").headOption).filterNot(_.isEmpty))
val filter = (c: String) =>
c == LoadProject || c == RebootCommand || c == TerminateAction || c == Shutdown ||
val resetState = commands.exists(filter)
if (resetState) {
previousStamps.set(getStamps(force = true))
// We don't need to do a check since we just updated the stamps since
// we are about to perform a reload or reboot.
@inline private def forceCheck = fileTreeRepository.isEmpty
private[sbt] def needsReload(
state: State,
exec: Exec
): Boolean = {
val name =
val loggerOrTerminal =
name.flatMap( match {
case Some(t) => Right(t)
case _ => Left(state.globalLogging.full)
needsReload(state, loggerOrTerminal, exec.commandLine)
private def needsReload(
state: State,
loggerOrTerminal: Either[Logger, Terminal],
cmd: String
): Boolean = {
(needCheck(state, cmd) && (forceCheck || needUpdate.compareAndSet(true, false))) && {
val extracted = Project.extract(state)
val onChanges = extracted.get(Global / onChangedBuildSource)
val current = getStamps(force = false)
val previous = previousStamps.getAndSet(current)
Settings.changedFiles(previous, current) match {
case fileChanges @ FileChanges(created, deleted, modified, _) if fileChanges.hasChanges =>
val rawPrefix = s"build source files have changed\n" +
(if (created.nonEmpty) s"new files: ${created.mkString("\n ", "\n ", "\n")}"
else "") +
(if (deleted.nonEmpty)
s"deleted files: ${deleted.mkString("\n ", "\n ", "\n")}"
else "") +
(if (modified.nonEmpty)
s"modified files: ${modified.mkString("\n ", "\n ", "\n")}"
else "")
val prefix = rawPrefix.linesIterator.filterNot(_.trim.isEmpty).mkString("\n")
if (onChanges == ReloadOnSourceChanges) {
val msg = s"$prefix\nReloading sbt..."
loggerOrTerminal match {
case Right(t) => msg.linesIterator.foreach(l => t.printStream.println(s"[info] $l"))
case Left(l) =>
} else {
val tail = "Apply these changes by running `reload`.\nAutomatically reload the " +
"build when source changes are detected by setting " +
"`Global / onChangedBuildSource := ReloadOnSourceChanges`.\nDisable this " +
"warning by setting `Global / onChangedBuildSource := IgnoreSourceChanges`."
val msg = s"$prefix\n$tail"
loggerOrTerminal match {
case Right(t) =>
val prefix = s"[${Def.withColor("warn", Some(AnsiColor.YELLOW), t.isColorEnabled)}]"
msg.linesIterator.foreach(l => t.printStream.println(s"$prefix $l"))
case Left(l) => l.warn(msg)
case _ => false
override def close(): Unit = {}
private[sbt] object CheckBuildSources {
private[sbt] val CheckBuildSourcesKey =
AttributeKey[CheckBuildSources]("check-build-source", "", KeyRanks.Invisible)
* Reuse the same instance of CheckBuildSources across reloads but reset the state. This
* should allow the `set` command to work with checkBuildSources / fileInputs and
* checkBuildSources / pollInterval. The latter makes it possible to switch between
* the asynchronous and polling implementations during the same sbt session.
private[sbt] def init(state: State): State = state.get(CheckBuildSourcesKey) match {
case Some(cbs) =>
case _ =>
val cbs = new CheckBuildSources
state.put(CheckBuildSourcesKey, cbs)
private[sbt] def needReloadImpl: Def.Initialize[Task[StateTransform]] = Def.task {
val st = state.value
st.get(CheckBuildSourcesKey) match {
case Some(cbs) if (cbs.needsReload(st, Exec("", None))) =>
StateTransform("reload" :: (_: State))
case _ => StateTransform(identity)
private[sbt] def buildSourceFileInputs: Def.Initialize[Seq[Glob]] = Def.setting {
if (onChangedBuildSource.value != IgnoreSourceChanges) {
val baseDir = (LocalRootProject / baseDirectory).value
val projectDir = baseDir / "project"
def projectGlobs(projectDir: File, globs: Seq[Glob]): Seq[Glob] = {
val glob = projectDir.toGlob
val updatedGlobs = globs ++ Seq(
glob / "*.{sbt,scala,java}",
// We only want to recursively look in source because otherwise we have to search
// the project target directories which is expensive.
glob / "src" / ** / "*.{scala,java}"
val nextLevel = projectDir / "project"
if (nextLevel.exists) projectGlobs(nextLevel, updatedGlobs) else updatedGlobs
projectGlobs(projectDir, baseDir.toGlob / "*.sbt" :: Nil)
} else Nil