sbt.TestFramework.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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sbt is an interactive build tool
* sbt
* Copyright 2023, Scala center
* Copyright 2011 - 2022, Lightbend, Inc.
* Copyright 2008 - 2010, Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE)
package sbt
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import testing.{ Task => TestTask, _ }
import org.scalatools.testing.{ Framework => OldFramework }
import{ ClasspathUtilities, DualLoader }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import sbt.internal.util.ManagedLogger
import sbt.protocol.testing.TestResult
object TestFrameworks {
val ScalaCheck = TestFramework("org.scalacheck.ScalaCheckFramework")
val ScalaTest =
TestFramework("", "")
val Specs = TestFramework("org.specs.runner.SpecsFramework")
val Specs2 =
TestFramework("org.specs2.runner.Specs2Framework", "org.specs2.runner.SpecsFramework")
val JUnit = TestFramework("com.novocode.junit.JUnitFramework")
val MUnit = TestFramework("munit.Framework")
val ZIOTest = TestFramework("zio.test.sbt.ZTestFramework")
val WeaverTestCats = TestFramework("weaver.framework.CatsEffect")
val Hedgehog = TestFramework("hedgehog.sbt.Framework")
val All: Seq[TestFramework] =
Seq(ScalaCheck, Specs2, Specs, ScalaTest, JUnit, MUnit, ZIOTest, WeaverTestCats, Hedgehog)
final class TestFramework(val implClassNames: String*) extends Serializable {
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case x: TestFramework => (this.implClassNames.toList == x.implClassNames.toList)
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = {
37 * (17 + implClassNames.##) + "TestFramework".##
override def toString: String = {
"TestFramework(" + implClassNames.mkString(", ") + ")"
private def createFramework(
loader: ClassLoader,
log: ManagedLogger,
frameworkClassNames: List[String]
): Option[Framework] = {
def logError(e: Throwable): Option[Framework] = {
s"""Error loading test framework ($e).
|This often means that you are using a layered class loader that cannot reach the sbt.testing.Framework class.
|The most likely cause is that your project has a runtime dependency on your
|test framework, e.g. ScalaTest. To fix this, you can try to set
| Test / classLoaderLayeringStrategy := ClassLoaderLayeringStrategy.ScalaLibrary
| Test / classLoaderLayeringStrategy := ClassLoaderLayeringStrategy.Flat""".stripMargin
frameworkClassNames match {
case head :: tail =>
try {
Some(Class.forName(head, true, loader).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance() match {
case newFramework: Framework => newFramework
case oldFramework: OldFramework => new FrameworkWrapper(oldFramework)
} catch {
case e: NoClassDefFoundError =>
throw e
case e: MatchError =>
throw e
case _: ClassNotFoundException =>
log.debug("Framework implementation '" + head + "' not present.")
createFramework(loader, log, tail)
case Nil =>
def create(loader: ClassLoader, log: ManagedLogger): Option[Framework] =
createFramework(loader, log, implClassNames.toList)
final class TestDefinition(
val name: String,
val fingerprint: Fingerprint,
val explicitlySpecified: Boolean,
val selectors: Array[Selector]
) {
override def toString = "Test " + name + " : " + TestFramework.toString(fingerprint)
override def equals(t: Any) =
t match {
case r: TestDefinition => name == && TestFramework.matches(fingerprint, r.fingerprint)
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = (name.hashCode, TestFramework.hashCode(fingerprint)).hashCode
final class TestRunner(
delegate: Runner,
listeners: Vector[TestReportListener],
log: ManagedLogger
) {
final def tasks(testDefs: Set[TestDefinition]): Array[TestTask] =
.map(df => new TaskDef(, df.fingerprint, df.explicitlySpecified, df.selectors))
final def run(taskDef: TaskDef, testTask: TestTask): (SuiteResult, Seq[TestTask]) = {
val testDefinition = new TestDefinition(
log.debug("Running " + taskDef)
val name =
def runTest() = {
// here we get the results! here is where we'd pass in the event listener
val results = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Event]
val handler = new EventHandler { def handle(e: Event): Unit = { results += e } }
val loggers: Vector[ContentLogger] = listeners.flatMap(_.contentLogger(testDefinition))
def errorEvents(e: Throwable): Array[sbt.testing.Task] = {
val taskDef = testTask.taskDef
val event = new Event {
val status = Status.Error
val throwable = new OptionalThrowable(e)
val fullyQualifiedName = taskDef.fullyQualifiedName
val selector = new TestSelector(name)
val fingerprint = taskDef.fingerprint
val duration = -1L
results += event
val nestedTasks =
try testTask.execute(handler,
catch {
case e: NoClassDefFoundError => errorEvents(e)
case NonFatal(e) => errorEvents(e)
case e: IllegalAccessError => errorEvents(e)
} finally {
val event = TestEvent(results.toList)
(SuiteResult(results.toList), nestedTasks.toSeq)
try {
val (suiteResult, nestedTasks) = runTest()
safeListenersCall(_.endGroup(name, suiteResult.result))
(suiteResult, nestedTasks)
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
safeListenersCall(_.endGroup(name, e))
(SuiteResult.Error, Seq.empty[TestTask])
protected def safeListenersCall(call: (TestReportListener) => Unit): Unit =
TestFramework.safeForeach(listeners, log)(call)
object TestFramework {
def apply(implClassNames: String*): TestFramework = new TestFramework(implClassNames: _*)
def getFingerprints(framework: Framework): Seq[Fingerprint] =
framework.getClass.getMethod("fingerprints").invoke(framework) match {
case fingerprints: Array[Fingerprint] => fingerprints.toList
case _ => sys.error("Could not call 'fingerprints' on framework " + framework)
private[sbt] def safeForeach[T](it: Iterable[T], log: ManagedLogger)(f: T => Unit): Unit =
i =>
try f(i)
catch { case NonFatal(e) => log.trace(e); log.error(e.toString) }
private[sbt] def hashCode(f: Fingerprint): Int = f match {
case s: SubclassFingerprint => (s.isModule, s.superclassName).hashCode
case a: AnnotatedFingerprint => (a.isModule, a.annotationName).hashCode
case _ => 0
def matches(a: Fingerprint, b: Fingerprint) =
(a, b) match {
case (a: SubclassFingerprint, b: SubclassFingerprint) =>
a.isModule == b.isModule && a.superclassName == b.superclassName
case (a: AnnotatedFingerprint, b: AnnotatedFingerprint) =>
a.isModule == b.isModule && a.annotationName == b.annotationName
case _ => false
def toString(f: Fingerprint): String =
f match {
case sf: SubclassFingerprint => "subclass(" + sf.isModule + ", " + sf.superclassName + ")"
case af: AnnotatedFingerprint => "annotation(" + af.isModule + ", " + af.annotationName + ")"
case _ => f.toString
def testTasks(
frameworks: Map[TestFramework, Framework],
runners: Map[TestFramework, Runner],
testLoader: ClassLoader,
tests: Vector[TestDefinition],
log: ManagedLogger,
listeners: Vector[TestReportListener]
): (() => Unit, Vector[(String, TestFunction)], TestResult => () => Unit) = {
val mappedTests = testMap(frameworks.values.toSeq, tests)
if (mappedTests.isEmpty)
(() => (), Vector(), _ => () => ())
createTestTasks(testLoader, {
case (tf, r) => (frameworks(tf), new TestRunner(r, listeners, log))
}, mappedTests, tests, log, listeners)
private[this] def order(
mapped: Map[String, TestFunction],
inputs: Vector[TestDefinition]
): Vector[(String, TestFunction)] =
for (d <- inputs; act <- mapped.get( yield (, act)
def testMap(
frameworks: Seq[Framework],
tests: Seq[TestDefinition]
): Map[Framework, Set[TestDefinition]] = {
import scala.collection.mutable.{ HashMap, HashSet, Set }
val map = new HashMap[Framework, Set[TestDefinition]]
def assignTest(test: TestDefinition): Unit = {
def isTestForFramework(framework: Framework) = getFingerprints(framework).exists { t =>
matches(t, test.fingerprint)
frameworks.find(isTestForFramework).foreach { framework =>
map.getOrElseUpdate(framework, new HashSet[TestDefinition]) += test
if (frameworks.nonEmpty)
for (test <- tests) assignTest(test)
private def createTestTasks(
loader: ClassLoader,
runners: Map[Framework, TestRunner],
tests: Map[Framework, Set[TestDefinition]],
ordered: Vector[TestDefinition],
log: ManagedLogger,
listeners: Vector[TestReportListener]
): (() => Unit, Vector[(String, TestFunction)], TestResult => (() => Unit)) = {
val testsListeners = listeners collect { case tl: TestsListener => tl }
def foreachListenerSafe(f: TestsListener => Unit): () => Unit =
() => safeForeach(testsListeners, log)(f)
val startTask = foreachListenerSafe(_.doInit())
val testTasks =
Map(tests.toSeq.flatMap {
case (framework, testDefinitions) =>
val runner = runners(framework)
val testTasks = withContextLoader(loader) { runner.tasks(testDefinitions) }
for (testTask <- testTasks) yield {
val taskDef = testTask.taskDef
(taskDef.fullyQualifiedName, createTestFunction(loader, taskDef, runner, testTask))
}: _*)
val endTask = (result: TestResult) => foreachListenerSafe(_.doComplete(result))
(startTask, order(testTasks, ordered), endTask)
private[this] def withContextLoader[T](loader: ClassLoader)(eval: => T): T = {
val oldLoader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader
try {
} finally {
@deprecated("1.3.0", "This has been replaced by the ClassLoaders.test task.")
def createTestLoader(
classpath: Seq[File],
scalaInstance: ScalaInstance,
tempDir: File
): ClassLoader = {
val interfaceJar = IO.classLocationPath(classOf[testing.Framework]).toFile
val interfaceFilter = (name: String) =>
name.startsWith("org.scalatools.testing.") || name.startsWith("sbt.testing.")
val notInterfaceFilter = (name: String) => !interfaceFilter(name)
val dual = new DualLoader(
x => true,
x => false
val main = ClasspathUtilities.makeLoader(classpath, dual, scalaInstance, tempDir)
// TODO - There's actually an issue with the classpath facility such that unmanagedScalaInstances are not added
// to the classpath correctly. We have a temporary workaround here.
val cp: Seq[File] =
if (scalaInstance.isManagedVersion) interfaceJar +: classpath
else scalaInstance.allJars ++ (interfaceJar +: classpath)
ClasspathUtilities.filterByClasspath(cp, main)
def createTestFunction(
loader: ClassLoader,
taskDef: TaskDef,
runner: TestRunner,
testTask: TestTask
): TestFunction =
new TestFunction(
(r: TestRunner) => withContextLoader(loader) {, testTask) }
) {
def tags = testTask.tags
abstract class TestFunction(
val taskDef: TaskDef,
val runner: TestRunner,
fun: (TestRunner) => (SuiteResult, Seq[TestTask])
) {
def apply(): (SuiteResult, Seq[TestTask]) = fun(runner)
def tags: Seq[String]