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Show all versions of zinc-classfile_2.12 Show documentation
Incremental compiler of Scala
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* Zinc - The incremental compiler for Scala.
* Copyright Scala Center, Lightbend, and Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package sbt
package internal
package inc
package classfile
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
import{ BufferedInputStream, InputStream, File, DataInputStream }
import scala.annotation.{ switch, tailrec }
import sbt.util.Logger
// Loosely based on jdepend.framework.ClassFileParser by Mike Clark, Clarkware Consulting, Inc.
// (BSD license at time of initial port; MIT license as of 2022)
// Note that unlike the rest of sbt, some things might be null.
// For debugging this, it's useful to uncomment this:
// logger.setLevel(sbt.util.Level.Debug)
// in ParserSpecification and/or JavaCompilerForUnitTesting
import Constants._
private[sbt] object Parser {
def apply(file: Path, log: Logger): ClassFile =
Using.bufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(file))(parse(file.toString, log)).right.get
def apply(file: File, log: Logger): ClassFile =
Using.fileInputStream(file)(parse(file.toString, log)).right.get
def apply(url: URL, log: Logger): ClassFile =
usingUrlInputStreamWithoutCaching(url)(parse(url.toString, log)).right.get
// JarURLConnection with caching enabled will never close the jar
private val usingUrlInputStreamWithoutCaching = Using.resource((u: URL) =>
ErrorHandling.translate("Error opening " + u + ": ") {
val urlConnection = u.openConnection()
new BufferedInputStream(urlConnection.getInputStream())
private def parse(readableName: String, log: Logger)(is: InputStream): Either[String, ClassFile] =
Right(parseImpl(readableName, log, is))
private def parseImpl(readableName: String, log: Logger, is: InputStream): ClassFile = {
val in = new DataInputStream(is)
assume(in.readInt() == JavaMagic, "Invalid class file: " + readableName)
new ClassFile {
val minorVersion: Int = in.readUnsignedShort()
val majorVersion: Int = in.readUnsignedShort()
val constantPool = parseConstantPool(in)
val accessFlags: Int = in.readUnsignedShort()
val className = getClassConstantName(in.readUnsignedShort())
log.debug(s"[zinc] classfile.Parser parsing $className")
val superClassName = getClassConstantName(in.readUnsignedShort())
val interfaceNames =
val fields = readFieldsOrMethods()
val methods = readFieldsOrMethods()
val attributes = array(in.readUnsignedShort())(parseAttribute())
lazy val sourceFile =
for (sourceFileAttribute <- attributes.find(_.isSourceFile))
yield toUTF8(entryIndex(sourceFileAttribute))
def stringValue(a: AttributeInfo) = toUTF8(entryIndex(a))
private def readFieldsOrMethods() = array(in.readUnsignedShort())(parseFieldOrMethodInfo())
private def toUTF8(entryIndex: Int) = {
val entry = constantPool(entryIndex)
assume(entry.tag == ConstantUTF8, "Constant pool entry is not a UTF8 type: " + entryIndex)
private def getClassConstantName(entryIndex: Int) = {
val entry = constantPool(entryIndex)
if (entry == null) ""
else slashesToDots(toUTF8(entry.nameIndex))
private def toString(index: Int) = {
if (index <= 0) None
else Some(toUTF8(index))
private def parseFieldOrMethodInfo() =
private def parseAttribute() = {
val nameIndex = in.readUnsignedShort()
val name = if (nameIndex == -1) None else Some(toUTF8(nameIndex))
val value = array(in.readInt())(in.readByte())
AttributeInfo(name, value)
def types: Set[String] = {
// support for parsing annotations in Java classfiles is new in sbt 1.7.0. as of July 2022
// we don't completely trust it yet (one bug already forced us to build sbt 1.7.1) so if
// that part of the parser blows up, we only warn rather than failing compilation. this runs
// the risk of the warning not being noticed and the bug not being reported, but so be it.
// (for the time being, at least!)
def annotationsReferencesCarefully =
try annotationsReferences
catch {
case re: RuntimeException =>
log.warn(s"couldn't parse annotations in $readableName ($re)")
// the other aspects of classfile.Parser are long battle-tested
(classConstantReferences ++ fieldTypes ++ methodTypes ++ annotationsReferencesCarefully).toSet
private def getTypes(fieldsOrMethods: Array[FieldOrMethodInfo]) =
fieldsOrMethods.flatMap { fieldOrMethod =>
private def fieldTypes = getTypes(fields)
private def methodTypes = getTypes(methods)
private def annotationsReferences: List[String] = {
val allAttributes =
attributes ++
fields.flatMap(_.attributes) ++
.filter(x => x.isRuntimeVisibleAnnotations || x.isRuntimeInvisibleAnnotations)
.flatMap { attr =>
val in = new DataInputStream(new
val numAnnotations = in.readUnsignedShort()
val result = collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String]()
def parseElementValue(): Unit = { // JVMS
val c = in.readUnsignedByte().toChar
c match {
case 'e' =>
result += slashesToDots(toUTF8(in.readUnsignedShort()))
val _ = in.readUnsignedShort()
case 'c' =>
result += slashesToDots(toUTF8(in.readUnsignedShort()))
case '@' =>
case '[' =>
for (_ <- 0 until in.readUnsignedShort())
case 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'F' | 'I' | 'J' | 'S' | 'Z' | 's' =>
val _ = in.readUnsignedShort()
case _ =>
// if we see something unexpected, we're likely already doomed and trying to
// continue parsing will just make troubleshooting harder. so let's bail
sys.error(s"unexpected tag in annotation: '$c'")
def parseAnnotation(): Unit = { // JVMS 4.7.16
result += slashesToDots(toUTF8(in.readUnsignedShort()))
for (_ <- 0 until in.readUnsignedShort()) {
in.readUnsignedShort() // skip element name index
for (_ <- 0 until numAnnotations)
// the type names in the constant pool have the form e.g. `Ljava/lang/Object;`;
// we've already used `slashesToDots`, but we still need to drop the `L` and the semicolon => name.slice(1, name.length - 1))
private def classConstantReferences =
constants.flatMap { constant =>
constant.tag match {
case ConstantClass =>
val name = toUTF8(constant.nameIndex)
if (name.startsWith("["))
slashesToDots(name) :: Nil
case _ => Nil
private def constants = {
def next(i: Int, list: List[Constant]): List[Constant] = {
if (i < constantPool.length) {
val constant = constantPool(i)
next(if (constant.wide) i + 2 else i + 1, constant :: list)
} else
next(1, Nil)
private def array[T: scala.reflect.ClassTag](size: Int)(f: => T) = Array.tabulate(size)(_ => f)
private def parseConstantPool(in: DataInputStream) = {
val constantPoolSize = in.readUnsignedShort()
val pool = new Array[Constant](constantPoolSize)
def parse(i: Int): Unit =
if (i < constantPoolSize) {
val constant = getConstant(in)
pool(i) = constant
parse(if (constant.wide) i + 2 else i + 1)
private def getConstant(in: DataInputStream): Constant = {
val tag = in.readByte()
// No switch for byte scrutinees! Stupid compiler.
(tag.toInt: @switch) match {
case ConstantClass | ConstantString => new Constant(tag, in.readUnsignedShort())
case ConstantField | ConstantMethod | ConstantInterfaceMethod | ConstantNameAndType =>
new Constant(tag, in.readUnsignedShort(), in.readUnsignedShort())
case ConstantInteger => new Constant(tag, java.lang.Integer.valueOf(in.readInt()))
case ConstantFloat => new Constant(tag, java.lang.Float.valueOf(in.readFloat()))
case ConstantLong => new Constant(tag, java.lang.Long.valueOf(in.readLong()))
case ConstantDouble => new Constant(tag, java.lang.Double.valueOf(in.readDouble()))
case ConstantUTF8 => new Constant(tag, in.readUTF())
// TODO: proper support
case ConstantMethodHandle =>
Constant(tag, -1, -1, None)
case ConstantMethodType =>
Constant(tag, -1, -1, None)
case ConstantInvokeDynamic =>
Constant(tag, -1, -1, None)
case ConstantModule =>
Constant(tag, -1, -1, None)
case ConstantPackage =>
Constant(tag, -1, -1, None)
case ConstantDynamic =>
Constant(tag, -1, -1, None)
case _ => sys.error("Unknown constant: " + tag)
private def toInt(v: Byte) = if (v < 0) v + 256 else v.toInt
private def u2(highByte: Byte, lowByte: Byte): Int =
toInt(highByte) * 256 + toInt(lowByte)
def entryIndex(a: AttributeInfo) =
a.value match {
case Array(v0, v1) =>
u2(v0, v1)
case _ =>
sys.error(s"Expected two bytes for unsigned value; got: ${a.value.length}")
private def slashesToDots(s: String) = s.replace('/', '.')
private def descriptorToTypes(descriptor: Option[String]) = {
def toTypes(descriptor: String, types: List[String]): List[String] = {
val startIndex = descriptor.indexOf(ClassDescriptor)
if (startIndex < 0)
else {
val endIndex = descriptor.indexOf(';', startIndex + 1)
val tpe = slashesToDots(descriptor.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex))
toTypes(descriptor.substring(endIndex), tpe :: types)
toTypes(descriptor.getOrElse(""), Nil)