Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Zinc - The incremental compiler for Scala.
* Copyright Scala Center, Lightbend, and Mark Harrah
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package sbt
package internal
package inc
package classfile
import Constants._
private[sbt] trait ClassFile {
val majorVersion: Int
val minorVersion: Int
val className: String
val superClassName: String
val interfaceNames: Array[String]
val accessFlags: Int
val constantPool: Array[Constant]
val fields: Array[FieldOrMethodInfo]
val methods: Array[FieldOrMethodInfo]
val attributes: Array[AttributeInfo]
val sourceFile: Option[String]
def types: Set[String]
def stringValue(a: AttributeInfo): String
* If the given fieldName represents a ConstantValue field, parses its representation from
* the constant pool and returns it.
def constantValue(fieldName: String): Option[AnyRef] =
.find( == fieldName))
.collectFirst {
case ai @ classfile.AttributeInfo(Some("ConstantValue"), _) =>
.map {
case Constant(ConstantString, nextOffset, _, _) =>
// follow the indirection from ConstantString to ConstantUTF8
val nextConstant = constantPool(nextOffset)
nextConstant.value.getOrElse {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Empty UTF8 value in constant pool: $nextConstant")
case constant @ Constant(
(ConstantFloat | ConstantLong | ConstantDouble | ConstantInteger),
) =>
ref.getOrElse {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Empty primitive value in constant pool: $constant")
case constant =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unsupported ConstantValue type: $constant")
private[sbt] final case class Constant(
tag: Byte,
nameIndex: Int,
typeIndex: Int,
value: Option[AnyRef]
) {
def this(tag: Byte, nameIndex: Int, typeIndex: Int) = this(tag, nameIndex, typeIndex, None)
def this(tag: Byte, nameIndex: Int) = this(tag, nameIndex, -1)
def this(tag: Byte, value: AnyRef) = this(tag, -1, -1, Some(value))
def wide = tag == ConstantLong || tag == ConstantDouble
// Override hashCode to prevent warning with -Ywarn-numeric-widen in Scala 2.10
// See
override def hashCode: Int =
37 * (37 * (37 * (37 * (17 + tag.##) + nameIndex.##) + typeIndex.##) + value.##)
private[sbt] final case class FieldOrMethodInfo(
accessFlags: Int,
name: Option[String],
descriptor: Option[String],
attributes: IndexedSeq[AttributeInfo]
) {
def isStatic = (accessFlags & ACC_STATIC) == ACC_STATIC
def isPublic = (accessFlags & ACC_PUBLIC) == ACC_PUBLIC
def isMain = isPublic && isStatic && descriptor.exists(_ == "([Ljava/lang/String;)V")
private[sbt] final case class AttributeInfo(name: Option[String], value: Array[Byte]) {
def isNamed(s: String) = name.exists(s == _)
def isSignature = isNamed("Signature")
def isSourceFile = isNamed("SourceFile")
def isRuntimeVisibleAnnotations = isNamed("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations")
def isRuntimeInvisibleAnnotations = isNamed("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations")
private[sbt] object Constants {
final val ACC_STATIC = 0x0008
final val ACC_PUBLIC = 0x0001
final val JavaMagic = 0xcafebabe
final val ConstantUTF8 = 1
final val ConstantUnicode = 2
final val ConstantInteger = 3
final val ConstantFloat = 4
final val ConstantLong = 5
final val ConstantDouble = 6
final val ConstantClass = 7
final val ConstantString = 8
final val ConstantField = 9
final val ConstantMethod = 10
final val ConstantInterfaceMethod = 11
final val ConstantNameAndType = 12
final val ConstantMethodHandle = 15
final val ConstantMethodType = 16
final val ConstantInvokeDynamic = 18
final val ConstantModule = 19
final val ConstantPackage = 20
final val ConstantDynamic = 17 //
final val ClassDescriptor = 'L'