Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
* Copyright 2009, 2010 Mark Harrah
package sbt
package internal
package inc
import scala.util.Try
import{ Hash, IO }
import sbt.internal.librarymanagement._
import sbt.librarymanagement.{ Configurations, ModuleID, ModuleInfo, Resolver, UpdateOptions, VersionNumber, ArtifactTypeFilter }
import sbt.util.Logger
import sbt.internal.util.{ BufferedLogger, FullLogger }
private[sbt] object ComponentCompiler {
// val xsbtiID = "xsbti"
// val srcExtension = "-src"
val binSeparator = "-bin_"
val javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.class.version")
def interfaceProvider(manager: ComponentManager, ivyConfiguration: IvyConfiguration, sourcesModule: ModuleID): CompilerInterfaceProvider = new CompilerInterfaceProvider {
def apply(scalaInstance: xsbti.compile.ScalaInstance, log: Logger): File =
// this is the instance used to compile the interface component
val componentCompiler = new IvyComponentCompiler(new RawCompiler(scalaInstance,, log), manager, ivyConfiguration, sourcesModule, log)
log.debug("Getting " + sourcesModule + " from component compiler for Scala " + scalaInstance.version)
lazy val incrementalVersion = {
val properties = new java.util.Properties
val propertiesStream = getClass.getResource("/").openStream
try { properties.load(propertiesStream) } finally { propertiesStream.close() }
* Component compiler which is able to to retrieve the compiler bridge sources
* `sourceModule` using Ivy.
* The compiled classes are cached using the provided component manager according
* to the actualVersion field of the RawCompiler.
private[inc] class IvyComponentCompiler(compiler: RawCompiler, manager: ComponentManager, ivyConfiguration: IvyConfiguration, sourcesModule: ModuleID, log: Logger) {
import ComponentCompiler._
private val sbtOrg = xsbti.ArtifactInfo.SbtOrganization
// private val xsbtiInterfaceModuleName = "compiler-interface"
// private val xsbtiInterfaceID = s"interface-$incrementalVersion"
private val sbtOrgTemp = JsonUtil.sbtOrgTemp
private val modulePrefixTemp = "temp-module-"
private val ivySbt: IvySbt = new IvySbt(ivyConfiguration)
private val buffered = new BufferedLogger(FullLogger(log))
def apply(): File = {
// binID is of the form "org.example-compilerbridge-1.0.0-bin_2.11.7__50.0"
val binID = binaryID(s"${sourcesModule.organization}-${}-${sourcesModule.revision}")
manager.file(binID)(new IfMissing.Define(true, compileAndInstall(binID)))
private def binaryID(id: String): String = {
val base = id + binSeparator + compiler.scalaInstance.actualVersion
base + "__" + javaVersion
private def compileAndInstall(binID: String): Unit =
IO.withTemporaryDirectory { binaryDirectory =>
val targetJar = new File(binaryDirectory, s"$binID.jar")
buffered bufferQuietly {
IO.withTemporaryDirectory { retrieveDirectory =>
update(getModule(sourcesModule), retrieveDirectory) match {
case Seq() =>
throw new InvalidComponent(s"Couldn't retrieve source module: $sourcesModule")
case allArtifacts =>
val (sources, xsbtiJars) = allArtifacts partition (_.getName endsWith "-sources.jar")
AnalyzingCompiler.compileSources(sources, targetJar, xsbtiJars,, compiler, log)
manager.define(binID, Seq(targetJar))
* Returns a dummy module that depends on `moduleID`.
* Note: Sbt's implementation of Ivy requires us to do this, because only the dependencies
* of the specified module will be downloaded.
private def getModule(moduleID: ModuleID): ivySbt.Module = {
val sha1 = Hash.toHex(Hash(
val dummyID = ModuleID(sbtOrgTemp, modulePrefixTemp + sha1, moduleID.revision, moduleID.configurations)
getModule(dummyID, Seq(moduleID))
private def getModule(moduleID: ModuleID, deps: Seq[ModuleID], uo: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): ivySbt.Module = {
val moduleSetting = InlineConfiguration(
module = moduleID,
moduleInfo = ModuleInfo(,
dependencies = deps,
configurations = Seq(Configurations.Component),
ivyScala = None
new ivySbt.Module(moduleSetting)
private def dependenciesNames(module: ivySbt.Module): String = module.moduleSettings match {
// `module` is a dummy module, we will only fetch its dependencies.
case ic: InlineConfiguration =>
ic.dependencies map {
case mID: ModuleID =>
import mID._
s"$organization % $name % $revision"
} mkString ", "
case _ =>
private def update(module: ivySbt.Module, retrieveDirectory: File): Seq[File] = {
val retrieveConfiguration = new RetrieveConfiguration(retrieveDirectory, Resolver.defaultRetrievePattern, false)
val updateConfiguration = new UpdateConfiguration(Some(retrieveConfiguration), true, UpdateLogging.DownloadOnly, ArtifactTypeFilter.forbid(Set("doc")))"Attempting to fetch ${dependenciesNames(module)}. This operation may fail.")
IvyActions.updateEither(module, updateConfiguration, UnresolvedWarningConfiguration(), LogicalClock.unknown, None, buffered) match {
case Left(unresolvedWarning) =>
buffered.debug(s"Couldn't retrieve module ${dependenciesNames(module)}.")
case Right(updateReport) =>
val allFiles =
for {
conf <- updateReport.configurations
m <- conf.modules
(_, f) <- m.artifacts
} yield f
buffered.debug(s"Files retrieved for ${dependenciesNames(module)}:")
buffered.debug(allFiles mkString ", ")
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