scala.concurrent.stm.ccstm.InTxnImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
/* scala-stm - (c) 2009-2011, Stanford University, PPL */
package scala.concurrent.stm
package ccstm
private[ccstm] object InTxnImpl extends ThreadLocal[InTxnImpl] {
override def initialValue = new InTxnImpl
def apply()(implicit mt: MaybeTxn): InTxnImpl = mt match {
case x: InTxnImpl => x
case _ => get // this will create one
private def active(txn: InTxnImpl): InTxnImpl = if (txn.internalCurrentLevel != null) txn else null
def dynCurrentOrNull: InTxnImpl = active(get)
def currentOrNull(implicit mt: MaybeTxn) = active(apply())
/** In CCSTM there is one `InTxnImpl` per thread, and it is reused across all
* transactions.
* @author Nathan Bronson
private[ccstm] class InTxnImpl extends InTxnRefOps {
import CCSTM._
import Txn._
import skel.RollbackError
//////////// pre-transaction state
private var _alternatives: List[InTxn => Any] = Nil
//////////// per-attempt history
/** Subsumption dramatically reduces the overhead of nesting, but it doesn't
* allow partial rollback. If we find out that partial rollback was needed
* then we disable subsumption and rerun the parent.
private var _subsumptionAllowed = true
/** The total amount of modular blocking time performed on this thread since
* the last top-level commit or top-level permanent rollback.
private var _cumulativeBlockingNanos = 0L
//////////////// per-transaction state
/** A read will barge if `_barding && version(meta) >= _bargeVersion`. */
protected var _barging: Boolean = false
protected var _bargeVersion: Version = 0
/** Non-negative values are assigned slots, negative values are the bitwise
* complement of the last used slot value.
protected var _slot: Slot = ~0
private var _currentLevel: TxnLevelImpl = null
private var _pendingFailure: Throwable = null
/** This is the outer-most level that contains any subsumption, or null if
* there is no subsumption taking place.
private var _subsumptionParent: TxnLevelImpl = null
/** Higher wins. Currently priority doesn't change throughout the lifetime
* of a rootLevel. It would be okay for it to monotonically increase, so
* long as there is no change of the current txn's priority between the
* priority check on conflict and any subsequent waiting that occurs.
private var _priority: Int = 0
/** The read version of this transaction. It is guaranteed that all values
* read by this transaction have a version number less than or equal to this
* value, and that any transaction whose writes conflict with this
* transaction will label those writes with a version number greater than
* this value. The read version must never be greater than
* `globalVersion.get`, must never decrease, and each time it is
* changed the read set must be revalidated. Lazily assigned.
private var _readVersion: Version = 0
/** The commit barrier in which this transaction is participating. */
var commitBarrier: CommitBarrierImpl = null
//////////// value-like operations
def status: Status = _currentLevel.statusAsCurrent
def currentLevel: NestingLevel = {
if (_subsumptionParent != null) {
_subsumptionAllowed = false
_subsumptionParent.forceRollback(OptimisticFailureCause('restart_to_materialize_current_level, None))
throw RollbackError
override def toString = {
("InTxnImpl@" + hashCode.toHexString + "(" +
(if (_currentLevel == null) "Detached" else status.toString) +
", slot=" + _slot +
", subsumptionAllowed=" + _subsumptionAllowed +
", priority=" + _priority +
", readCount=" + readCount +
", bargeCount=" + bargeCount +
", writeCount=" + writeCount +
", readVersion=0x" + _readVersion.toHexString +
(if (_barging) ", bargingVersion=0x" + _bargeVersion.toHexString else "") +
", cumulativeBlockingNanos=" + _cumulativeBlockingNanos +
", commitBarrier=" + commitBarrier +
//////////// methods for use by other CCSTM components
protected def undoLog: TxnLevelImpl = _currentLevel
protected def internalCurrentLevel: TxnLevelImpl = _currentLevel
/** After this method returns, either the current transaction will have been
* rolled back, or it is safe to wait for `currentOwner` to be `Committed`
* or doomed.
def resolveWriteWriteConflict(owningRoot: TxnLevelImpl, contended: AnyRef) {
// if write is not allowed, throw an exception of some sort
// TODO: boost our priority if we have written?
// This test is _almost_ symmetric. Tie goes to neither.
if (this._priority <= owningRoot.txn._priority) {
resolveAsWWLoser(owningRoot, contended, false, 'owner_has_priority)
} else {
// This will resolve the conflict regardless of whether it succeeds or fails.
val s = owningRoot.requestRollback(OptimisticFailureCause('steal_by_higher_priority, Some(contended)))
if (s == Preparing || s == Committing) {
// owner can't be remotely canceled
val msg = if (s == Preparing) 'owner_is_preparing else 'owner_is_committing
resolveAsWWLoser(owningRoot, contended, true, msg)
private def resolveAsWWLoser(owningRoot: TxnLevelImpl, contended: AnyRef, ownerIsCommitting: Boolean, msg: Symbol) {
if (!shouldWaitAsWWLoser(owningRoot, ownerIsCommitting)) {
// The failed write is in the current nesting level, so we only need to
// invalidate one nested atomic block. Nothing will get better for us
// until the current owner completes or this txn has a higher priority,
// however.
_currentLevel.forceRollback(OptimisticFailureCause(msg, Some(contended)))
throw RollbackError
private def shouldWaitAsWWLoser(owningRoot: TxnLevelImpl, ownerIsCommitting: Boolean): Boolean = {
// If we haven't performed any writes or taken any pessimistic locks, there
// is no point in not waiting.
if (writeCount == 0 && bargeCount == 0 && !writeResourcesPresent)
return true
// If the current owner is in the process of committing then we should
// wait, because we can't succeed until their commit is done. This means
// that regardless of priority all of this txn's retries are just useless
// spins. This is especially important in the case of external resources
// that perform I/O during commit. No deadlock is possible because a
// committing txn already has all of the ownership it needs.
if (ownerIsCommitting)
return true
// We know that priority <= currentOwner.priority, because we're the loser.
// If the priorities match exactly (unlikely but possible) then we can't
// have both losers wait or we will get a deadlock.
if (_priority == owningRoot.txn._priority)
return false
// Now we're in heuristic territory, waiting or rolling back are both
// reasonable choices. Waiting might reduce rollbacks, but it increases
// the number of thread sleep/wakeup transitions, each of which is
// expensive. Our heuristic is to wait only if we are barging, which
// indicates that we are having trouble making forward progress using
// just blind optimism. This also guarantees that doomed transactions
// never block anybody, because barging txns have visible readers.
return _barging
//////////// pre-txn state manipulation
def pushAlternative(block: InTxn => Any): Boolean = {
val z = _alternatives.isEmpty
_alternatives ::= block
private def takeAlternatives(): List[InTxn => Any] = {
val z = _alternatives
_alternatives = Nil
//////////// high-level atomic block operations
protected[stm] def retry(): Nothing = {
val timeout = _currentLevel.minEnclosingRetryTimeout()
if (timeout == Long.MaxValue)
val consumed = _currentLevel.consumedRetryTotal()
if (_cumulativeBlockingNanos < timeout + consumed)
rollback(ExplicitRetryCause(Some(timeout + consumed)))
_currentLevel.consumedRetryDelta += timeout
throw new InterruptedException
protected[stm] def retryFor(timeoutNanos: Long) {
val effectiveTimeout = _currentLevel.minEnclosingRetryTimeout()
if (effectiveTimeout < timeoutNanos)
retry() // timeout imposed by TxnExecutor is tighter than this one
val consumed = _currentLevel.consumedRetryTotal()
if (_cumulativeBlockingNanos < timeoutNanos + consumed)
rollback(ExplicitRetryCause(Some(timeoutNanos + consumed)))
_currentLevel.consumedRetryDelta += timeoutNanos
def atomic[Z](exec: TxnExecutor, block: InTxn => Z): Z = {
if (!_alternatives.isEmpty)
atomicWithAlternatives(exec, block)
else {
if (_currentLevel == null)
topLevelAtomicImpl(exec, block)
nestedAtomicImpl(exec, block)
def atomicOneOf[Z](exec: TxnExecutor, blocks: Seq[InTxn => Z]): Z = {
if (!_alternatives.isEmpty)
throw new IllegalStateException("atomic.oneOf can't be mixed with orAtomic")
val b = blocks.toList
atomicImpl(exec, b.head, b.tail)
def rollback(cause: RollbackCause): Nothing = {
// We need to grab the version numbers from writes and pessimistic reads
// before the status is set to rollback, because as soon as the top-level
// txn is marked rollback other threads can steal ownership. This is
// harmless if some other type of rollback occurs.
if (isExplicitRetry(cause))
throw RollbackError
//////////// per-block logic (includes reexecution loops)
private def awaitRetry(timeoutNanos: Long) {
assert(_slot >= 0)
val rs = takeRetrySet(_slot)
val f = _pendingFailure
if (f != null) {
_pendingFailure = null
throw f
// Note that awaitRetry might throw an InterruptedException that cancels
// the retry forever.
val remaining = timeoutNanos - (if (timeoutNanos == Long.MaxValue) 0 else _cumulativeBlockingNanos)
assert(remaining > 0)
_cumulativeBlockingNanos += rs.awaitRetry(remaining)
private def isExplicitRetry(status: Status): Boolean = isExplicitRetry(status.asInstanceOf[RolledBack].cause)
private def isExplicitRetry(cause: RollbackCause): Boolean = cause.isInstanceOf[ExplicitRetryCause]
private def clearAttemptHistory() {
_subsumptionAllowed = true
_cumulativeBlockingNanos = 0L
commitBarrier = null
//// nested, no alternatives
private def nestedAtomicImpl[Z](exec: TxnExecutor, block: InTxn => Z): Z = {
if (_subsumptionAllowed && (exec == _currentLevel.executor))
trueNestedAtomicImpl(exec, block)
private def subsumedNestedAtomicImpl[Z](block: InTxn => Z): Z = {
val outermost = _subsumptionParent == null
if (outermost)
_subsumptionParent = _currentLevel
try {
try {
} catch {
case x if x != RollbackError && !_currentLevel.executor.isControlFlow(x) => {
// partial rollback is required, but we can't do it here
_subsumptionAllowed = false
_currentLevel.forceRollback(OptimisticFailureCause('restart_to_enable_partial_rollback, Some(x)))
throw RollbackError
} finally {
if (outermost)
_subsumptionParent = null
private def trueNestedAtomicImpl[Z](exec: TxnExecutor, block: InTxn => Z): Z = {
var prevFailures = 0
(while (true) {
// fail back to parent if it has been rolled back
val level = new TxnLevelImpl(this, exec, _currentLevel, false)
try {
return nestedAttempt(prevFailures, level, block, -1)
} catch {
case RollbackError =>
// we are only here if it is a transient rollback or an explicit retry
val cause = level.status.asInstanceOf[RolledBack].cause
if (isExplicitRetry(cause)) {
// Reads are still in access history. Retry the parent, which will
// treat the reads as its own. The cause holds the timeout, if any.
throw RollbackError
prevFailures += 1 // transient rollback, retry
//// top-level, no alternatives
private def topLevelAtomicImpl[Z](exec: TxnExecutor, block: InTxn => Z): Z = {
var prevFailures = 0
(while (true) {
var level = new TxnLevelImpl(this, exec, null, false)
try {
// successful attempt or permanent rollback either returns a Z or
// throws an exception != RollbackError
return topLevelAttempt(prevFailures, level, block)
} catch {
case RollbackError =>
// we are only here if it is a transient rollback or an explicit retry
if (isExplicitRetry(level.status)) {
val timeout = level.minRetryTimeoutNanos
level = null // help the GC while waiting
prevFailures = 0
} else {
prevFailures += 1 // transient rollback, retry
//// nested or top-level, with alternatives
private def atomicWithAlternatives(exec: TxnExecutor, block: InTxn => Any): Nothing = {
val z = atomicImpl(exec, block, takeAlternatives())
throw new impl.AlternativeResult(z)
/** On commit, returns a Z or throws an exception other than `RollbackError`.
* On permanent rollback, throws an exception other than `RollbackError`.
* On nested explicit retry, throws `RollbackError` and sets the parent
* level's status to `RolledBack(ExplicitRetryCause(_))`. All other cases
* result in a retry within the method.
private def atomicImpl[Z](exec: TxnExecutor, block: InTxn => Z, alternatives: List[InTxn => Z]): Z = {
if (Stats.top != null)
if (_currentLevel == null)
var reusedReadThreshold = -1
var minRetryTimeout = Long.MaxValue
(while (true) {
var level: TxnLevelImpl = null
var prevFailures = 0
while (level == null) {
// fail back to parent if it has been rolled back
if (_currentLevel != null)
// phantom attempts reuse reads from the previous one
val phantom = reusedReadThreshold >= 0
level = new TxnLevelImpl(this, exec, _currentLevel, phantom)
level.minRetryTimeoutNanos = minRetryTimeout
try {
// successful attempt or permanent rollback either returns a Z or
// throws an exception != RollbackError
val b = if (phantom) { (_: InTxn) => atomicImpl(exec, alternatives.head, alternatives.tail) } else block
if (_currentLevel != null)
return nestedAttempt(prevFailures, level, b, reusedReadThreshold)
return topLevelAttempt(prevFailures, level, b)
} catch {
case RollbackError =>
// we are only here if it is a transient rollback or an explicit retry
if (!isExplicitRetry(level.status)) {
// transient rollback, retry (not as a phantom)
prevFailures += 1
reusedReadThreshold = -1
level = null
// else explicit retry, exit the loop
// The attempt ended in an explicit retry. If there are alternatives
// then we run a phantom attempt that reuses the read from the last real
// attempt on the block. Phantom attempts can also end in explicit retry
// (if all of the alternatives triggered retry), in which case we treat
// them the same as a regular block with no alternatives.
val phantom = reusedReadThreshold >= 0
val cause = level.status.asInstanceOf[RolledBack].cause.asInstanceOf[Txn.ExplicitRetryCause]
minRetryTimeout = level.minRetryTimeoutNanos
if (!phantom && !alternatives.isEmpty) {
// rerun a phantom
reusedReadThreshold = level.prevReadCount
} else {
level = null
// no more alternatives, reads are still in access history
if (_currentLevel != null) {
// retry the parent, which will treat the reads as its own
throw RollbackError
// top-level retry after waiting for something to change
minRetryTimeout = Long.MaxValue
// rerun the real block, now that the await has completed
reusedReadThreshold = -1
private def recordAlternatives(alternatives: List[_]) {
(if (_currentLevel == null) Stats.top else Stats.nested).alternatives += alternatives.size
//////////// per-attempt logic
/** On commit, either returns a Z or throws the control-flow exception from
* the committed attempted; on rollback, throws an exception on a permanent
* rollback or `RollbackError` on a transient rollback.
private def nestedAttempt[Z](prevFailures: Int, level: TxnLevelImpl, block: InTxn => Z, reusedReadThreshold: Int): Z = {
nestedBegin(level, reusedReadThreshold)
try {
} finally {
private def topLevelAttempt[Z](prevFailures: Int, level: TxnLevelImpl, block: InTxn => Z): Z = {
try {
} finally {
private def checkBarging(prevFailures: Int) {
// once we start barging we will use the original read version
if (prevFailures == 0)
_bargeVersion = _readVersion
if (prevFailures == BargeAllThreshold)
_bargeVersion = 0L
_barging = prevFailures >= BargeRecentThreshold
private def nestedBegin(child: TxnLevelImpl, reusedReadThreshold: Int) {
// link to child races with remote rollback. pushIfActive detects the race
// and returns false
if (!_currentLevel.pushIfActive(child)) {
throw RollbackError
// successfully begun
_currentLevel = child
private def topLevelBegin(child: TxnLevelImpl) {
if (_slot < 0) {
_priority = skel.SimpleRandom.nextInt()
_slot = slotManager.assign(child, ~_slot)
_readVersion = freshReadVersion
// else we must be a top-level alternative
_currentLevel = child
private def runBlock[Z](block: InTxn => Z): Z = {
try {
} catch {
case x if x != RollbackError && !_currentLevel.executor.isControlFlow(x) => {
private def rethrowFromStatus(status: Status) {
status match {
case rb: RolledBack => {
rb.cause match {
case UncaughtExceptionCause(x) => throw x
case _: TransientRollbackCause => throw RollbackError
case _ =>
//////////// completion
private def nestedComplete(): Status = {
val child = _currentLevel
if (child.attemptMerge()) {
// child was successfully merged
_currentLevel = child.parUndo
} else {
val s = this.status
// callbacks must be last, because they might throw an exception
rollbackAccessHistory(_slot, s.asInstanceOf[RolledBack].cause)
val handlers = rollbackCallbacks()
_currentLevel = child.parUndo
if (handlers != null)
fireAfterCompletionAndThrow(handlers, child.executor, s, null)
//// top-level completion
private def topLevelComplete(): Status = {
if (attemptTopLevelComplete()) {
} else {
val s = this.status
val c = s.asInstanceOf[RolledBack].cause
if (isExplicitRetry(c))
finishTopLevelRetry(s, c)
finishTopLevelRollback(s, c)
private def finishTopLevelCommit() {
val handlers = resetCallbacks()
val exec = _currentLevel.executor
val f = _pendingFailure
_pendingFailure = null
fireAfterCompletionAndThrow(handlers, exec, Committed, f)
private def finishTopLevelRollback(s: Status, c: RollbackCause) {
rollbackAccessHistory(_slot, c)
val handlers = rollbackCallbacks()
val exec = _currentLevel.executor
val f = _pendingFailure
_pendingFailure = null
fireAfterCompletionAndThrow(handlers, exec, s, f)
private def finishTopLevelRetry(s: Status, c: RollbackCause) {
rollbackAccessHistory(_slot, c)
val handlers = rollbackCallbacks()
// don't detach, but we do need to give up the current level
val exec = _currentLevel.executor
_currentLevel = null
assert(writeCount == 0)
if (handlers != null)
_pendingFailure = fireAfterCompletion(handlers, exec, s, _pendingFailure)
if (_pendingFailure != null) {
// scuttle the retry
val f = _pendingFailure
_pendingFailure = null
throw f
private def detach() {
//assert(_slot >= 0 && readCount == 0 && bargeCount == 0 && writeCount == 0)
_slot = ~_slot
_currentLevel = null
private def attemptTopLevelComplete(): Boolean = {
val root = _currentLevel
// Read-only transactions are easy to commit, because all of the reads
// are already guaranteed to be consistent. We still have to release the
// barging locks, though.
if (writeCount == 0 && !writeResourcesPresent) {
if (bargeCount > 0)
return root.tryActiveToCommitted()
if (!root.tryActiveToPreparing() || !acquireLocks())
return false
// this is our linearization point
val cv = freshCommitVersion(_readVersion)
// if the reads are still valid, then they were valid at the linearization
// point
if (!revalidateImpl())
return false
if (externalDecider != null) {
// external decider doesn't have to content with cancel by other threads
if (!root.tryPreparingToPrepared() || !consultExternalDecider())
return false
} else {
// attempt to decide commit
if (!root.tryPreparingToCommitting())
return false
_pendingFailure = fireWhileCommittingCallbacks(_currentLevel.executor)
return true
private def releaseBargeLocks() {
var i = bargeCount - 1
while (i >= 0) {
rollbackHandle(bargeHandle(i), _slot)
i -= 1
private def acquireLocks(): Boolean = {
var i = writeCount - 1
while (i >= 0) {
// acquireLock is inlined to reduce the call depth from TxnExecutor.apply
val handle = getWriteHandle(i)
var m = 0L
do {
m = handle.meta
if (owner(m) != _slot && m != txnLocalMeta)
return false
// we have to use CAS to guard against remote steal
} while (!changing(m) && !handle.metaCAS(m, withChanging(m)))
i -= 1
return true
private def consultExternalDecider(): Boolean = {
try {
if (!externalDecider.shouldCommit(this))
_currentLevel.forceRollback(OptimisticFailureCause('external_decision, None))
} catch {
case x: Throwable => _currentLevel.forceRollback(UncaughtExceptionCause(x))
this.status eq Prepared
private def commitWrites(cv: Long) {
var wakeups = 0L
var i = writeCount - 1
while (i >= 0) {
val handle = getWriteHandle(i).asInstanceOf[Handle[Any]]
val m = handle.meta
if (pendingWakeups(m))
wakeups |= wakeupManager.prepareToTrigger(handle)
//assert(owner(m) == _slot)
val v = getWriteSpecValue[Any](i)
// release the lock, clear the PW bit, and update the version, but only
// if this was the entry that actually acquired ownership
if (wasWriteFreshOwner(i)) {
// putting the data store in both sides allows the volatile writes to
// be coalesced
handle.data = v
handle.meta = withCommit(m, cv)
} else {
handle.data = v
// because we release when we find the original owner, it is important
// that we traverse in reverse order. There are no duplicates
i -= 1
// We still have ownership (but not exclusive) for pessimistic reads, and
// we still have exclusive ownership of pessimistic reads that turned into
// writes (or that share metadata with writes). We rollback the vlock for
// the former and commit the vlock for the later.
i = bargeCount - 1
while (i >= 0) {
val handle = bargeHandle(i)
val m = handle.meta
if (changing(m)) {
// a handle sharing this base and metaOffset must also be present in
// the write buffer, so we should bump the version number
handle.meta = withCommit(m, cv)
} else {
// this was only a pessimistic read, no need to bump the version
rollbackHandle(handle, _slot, m)
i -= 1
// unblock anybody waiting on a value change
if (wakeups != 0L)
//////////// validation
/** Returns true if valid. */
private def revalidateImpl(): Boolean = {
// we check the oldest reads first, so that we roll back all intervening
// invalid nesting levels
var i = 0
while (i < readCount) {
val h = readHandle(i)
val problem = checkRead(h, readVersion(i))
if (problem != null) {
readLocate(i).asInstanceOf[NestingLevel].requestRollback(OptimisticFailureCause(problem, Some(h)))
return false
i += 1
/** Returns the name of the problem on failure, null on success. */
private def checkRead(handle: Handle[_], ver: CCSTM.Version): Symbol = {
(while (true) {
val m1 = handle.meta
if (!changing(m1) || owner(m1) == _slot) {
if (version(m1) != ver)
return 'stale_read
// okay
return null
} else if (owner(m1) == nonTxnSlot) {
// non-txn updates don't set changing unless they will install a new
// value, so we are the only party that can yield
return 'read_vs_nontxn_write
} else {
// Either this txn or the owning txn must roll back. We choose to
// give precedence to the owning txn, as it is the writer and is
// trying to commit. There's a bit of trickiness since o may not be
// the owning transaction, it may be a new txn that reused the same
// slot. If the actual owning txn committed then the version
// number will have changed, which we will detect on the next pass
// (because we aren't incrementing i, so we will revisit this
// entry). If it rolled back then we don't have to roll back, so
// looking at o to make the decision doesn't affect correctness
// (although it might result in an unnecessary rollback). If the
// owner slot is the same but the changing bit is not set (or if
// the owner txn is null) then we are definitely observing a reused
// slot and we can avoid the spurious rollback.
val o = slotManager.lookup(owner(m1))
if (null != o) {
val s = o.status
val m2 = handle.meta
if (changing(m2) && owner(m2) == owner(m1)) {
if (!s.isInstanceOf[RolledBack])
return 'read_vs_pending_commit
stealHandle(handle, m2, o)
// try again
//////////// implementations of InTnRefOps abstract operations
override def requireActive() {
val cur = _currentLevel
if (cur == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("no active transaction")
protected def isNewerThanReadVersion(version: Version): Boolean = version > _readVersion
/** On return, the read version will have been the global version at some
* point during the call, the read version will be >= minReadVersion, and
* all reads will have been validated against the new read version. Throws
* `RollbackError` if invalid.
protected def revalidate(minReadVersion: Version) {
_readVersion = freshReadVersion(minReadVersion)
if (!revalidateImpl())
throw RollbackError
protected def forceRollback(cause: RollbackCause) {
protected def weakAwaitUnowned(handle: Handle[_], m0: Meta) {
CCSTM.weakAwaitUnowned(handle, m0, _currentLevel)
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