scala.concurrent.stm.CommitBarrier.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
/* scala-stm - (c) 2009-2012, Stanford University, PPL */
package scala.concurrent.stm
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
object CommitBarrier {
/** A class that describes the reason that a commit barrier member was not
* committed. Cancelled members might have been rolled back or might
* have been prevented from ever starting.
sealed abstract class CancelCause
/** The `CancelCause` used when the `addMember` call that created a member
* was from inside a transaction that later rolled back. This cancel
* cause does not necessarily imply that other members of the commit
* barrier didn't (or won't) eventually succeed.
case object CreatingTxnRolledBack extends CancelCause
/** The `CancelCause` used when some members of the commit barrier did not
* finish in time. Members may finish either by completing or by being
* cancelled. This cancel cause implies that all members were eventually
* cancelled.
case object Timeout extends CancelCause
/** The `CancelCause` used when some members of the commit barrier
* conflict with each other. Since the commit barrier can only succeed
* if all of them commit simultaneously this would lead to a deadlock, so
* the entire commit barrier is instead cancelled. This cancel cause
* implies that all members were eventually cancelled.
* `debugInfo` is optional information provided by the STM implementation
* to help locate the source of the avoided deadlock. If provided it
* might be one of the `Ref`s in the cycle, or it might be a `String`
* describing the cycle.
case class MemberCycle(debugInfo: Any) extends CancelCause
/** The `CancelCause` used when a member of the commit barrier cannot commit
* due to an uncaught exception (see `Txn.UncaughtExceptionCause`). This
* cancel cause implies that all members of the commit barrier rolled back.
* The exception will be rethrown to the thread running the member that
* originally generated the exception, all other members will get this
* `CancelCause`.
* This cancel cause will also be used if a member thread receives an
* interrupt while it is waiting for the commit barrier.
case class MemberUncaughtExceptionCause(x: Throwable) extends CancelCause
/** A `CancelCause` provided for users of commit barriers, not used by the
* STM itself. This cancel cause does not imply that other members of the
* commit barrier didn't (or won't) eventually succeed.
case class UserCancel(info: Any) extends CancelCause
/** A participant in a synchronized group commit. Each member of a commit
* barrier must arrange for either `atomic` or `cancel` to be called,
* otherwise the other members won't be able to commit.
trait Member {
/** Returns the commit barrier of which this instance is a member. */
def commitBarrier: CommitBarrier
/** Returns the `TxnExecutor` that will be used by `atomic`. This is
* initialized during construction to the default `TxnExecutor`
* (returned by `scala.concurrent.stm.atomic`).
def executor: TxnExecutor
/** Changes the `TxnExecutor` that will be used by `atomic`. */
def executor_=(v: TxnExecutor)
/** Atomically executes `body` as part of a commit barrier, ensuring
* that if the transaction commits, all actions performed by all
* members of the commit barrier appear to occur simultaneously. If
* the transaction commits then the value `v` returned by `body` is
* returned as `Right(v)`. If this member is cancelled then this method
* returns `Left(c)`, where `c` describes the first cause passed to
* the `cancel` method. If this member is not cancelled but the
* transaction is rolled back without the possibility of retry, then
* this method throws an exception the same as any other atomic block
* (see `TxnExecutor.apply`).
* It is not allowed to chain `orAtomic` onto this form of `atomic`,
* but you can accomplish the same effect with a nested atomic block:{{{
* member.atomic { implicit txn =>
* atomic { implicit txn =>
* ... first alternative
* } orAtomic { implicit txn =>
* ... second alternative
* }
* }
* }}}
* In the current version of ScalaSTM this method may only be used if
* there is no enclosing transaction; an STM implementation may throw
* `IllegalStateException` if there is already an active transaction on
* this thread. This restriction might be relaxed in the future if
* there is a use case for it (and a semantics for how it should work).
* @param underlying the `TxnExecutor` that should be used to actually
* execute the transaction, defaulting to the STM's default
* @param body the code to run atomically
* @return `Right(v)` where `v` is the result of successfully running
* `body` in an atomic block, or `Left(c)` where `c` is the
* reason for this member's cancellation
* @throws IllegalStateException if called from inside the dynamic
* scope of an existing transaction and that is not supported
* by the chosen STM implementation
def atomic[Z](body: InTxn => Z): Either[CancelCause, Z]
/** Removes this member from the commit barrier, and causes any pending
* or future calls to `this.atomic` to return a `Left`. If the commit
* barrier has already committed successfully this method throws
* `IllegalStateException`. It is safe to call this method multiple
* times.
* @param cause the cancel cause to return from `atomic`
* @throws IllegalStateException if the commit barrier has already
* decided to commit
def cancel(cause: UserCancel)
/** Constructs and returns a new `CommitBarrier` in which each member will
* wait at most `timeout` `unit` for other members of the barrier to
* become ready to commit. If timeout occurs all members will be
* cancelled with a `CancelCause` of `Timeout`. Each commit barrier may
* be used for at most one coordinated commit (it is not cyclic).
def apply(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS): CommitBarrier =
impl.STMImpl.instance.newCommitBarrier(timeout, unit)
/** A `CommitBarrier` allows multiple transactions on separate threads to
* perform a single atomic commit. All of the actions performed by all of
* the atomic blocks executed by members of the barrier will appear to
* occur as a single atomic action, even though they are spread across
* multiple threads.
* Commit barriers can be used to implement transactors, where actions
* taken by multiple actors should be atomic as a single unit.
* Because there is no ordering possible between the atomic blocks that
* make up a commit barrier, if those transactions conflict then the only
* way to avoid deadlock is to roll back all of the barrier's members. If
* you observe a cancel cause of `CommitBarrier.MemberCycle` then this has
* happened to you, and you need to run more of the logic on a single
* thread inside a single transaction.
* This abstraction is based on Multiverse's `CountDownCommitBarrier`, by
* Peter Veentjer.
* @author Nathan Bronson
trait CommitBarrier {
import CommitBarrier._
/** Adds a new member to this coordinated commit and returns a `Member`
* instance that should be used to execute this member's atomic block.
* If the existing members of this commit barrier have already completed
* (committed or rolled back) then it is not possible to join the commit
* and this method will throw `IllegalStateException`.
* If a member is added from inside a transaction and that transaction is
* later rolled back, the member will be removed from the commit barrier
* (by `Member.cancel(CreatingTxnRolledBack)`), unless
* `cancelOnLocalRollback` is false.
* @param cancelOnLocalRollback controls whether the newly created member
* will be automatically cancelled if this call to `addMember` is
* from inside a transaction that later rolls back
* @throws IllegalStateException if this commit barrier has already been
* completed (committed or rolled back)
def addMember(cancelOnLocalRollback: Boolean = true)(implicit txn: MaybeTxn): Member
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