scala.concurrent.stm.TxnExecutor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
/* scala-stm - (c) 2009-2012, Stanford University, PPL */
package scala.concurrent.stm
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import concurrent.stm.Txn.RollbackCause
/** `object TxnExecutor` manages the system-wide default `TxnExecutor`. */
object TxnExecutor {
@volatile private var _default: TxnExecutor = impl.STMImpl.instance
/** Returns the default `TxnExecutor`. */
def defaultAtomic: TxnExecutor = _default
/** Atomically replaces the default `TxnExecutor` with `f(defaultAtomic)`. */
def transformDefault(f: TxnExecutor => TxnExecutor) {
synchronized { _default = f(_default) }
val DefaultPostDecisionExceptionHandler = { (status: Txn.Status, x: Throwable) =>
throw x
/** A `TxnExecutor` is responsible for executing atomic blocks transactionally
* using a set of configuration parameters. Configuration changes are made by
* constructing a new `TxnExecutor` using `withConfig` or `withHint`. The
* new executor may be used immediately, saved and used multiple times, or
* registered as the new system-wide default using
* `TxnExecutor.transformDefault`.
* @author Nathan Bronson
trait TxnExecutor {
//////// functionality
/** Executes `block` one or more times until an atomic execution is achieved,
* buffering and/or locking writes so they are not visible until success.
* @param block code to execute atomically
* @tparam Z the return type of the atomic block
* @return the value returned from `block` after a successful optimistic
* concurrency attempt
def apply[Z](block: InTxn => Z)(implicit mt: MaybeTxn): Z
/** Atomically executes a transaction that is composed from `blocks` by
* joining with a left-biased `orAtomic` operator. The following two
* examples are equivalent. Using `orAtomic`:
* {{{
* atomic { implicit t =>
* // body A
* } orAtomic { implicit t =>
* // body B
* } ...
* }}}
* Using `oneOf`:
* {{{
* atomic.oneOf( { implicit t: InTxn =>
* // body A
* }, { implicit t: InTxn =>
* // body B
* } )
* }}}
* The first block will be attempted in an optimistic transaction until it
* either succeeds, fails with no retry possible (in which case the causing
* exception will be rethrown), or performs a call to `retry`. If a retry
* is requested, then the next block will be attempted in the same fashion.
* If all blocks are explicitly retried then execution resumes at the first
* block, but only after another context has changed some value read by one
* of the attempts.
* The left-biasing of the `orAtomic` composition guarantees that if the
* first block does not call `retry`, no other blocks will be executed.
def oneOf[Z](blocks: (InTxn => Z)*)(implicit mt: MaybeTxn): Z
/** Performs a computation in a transaction and returns the result, but
* always rolls back the transaction. No writes performed by `block` will
* be committed or exposed to other threads. This may be useful for
* heuristic decisions or for debugging, as for the various `dbgStr`
* implementations.
* '''The caller is responsible for correctness:''' It is a code smell
* if ''Z'' is a type that is constructed from Ref`, `TMap`, `TSet`, .....
* If this method is executed inside an outer transaction that has status
* `Txn.RolledBack` then `block` can't complete. The default behavior
* (if `outerFailure` is null) in that case is to immediately roll back
* the outer transaction. If a non-null `outerFailure` handler has been
* provided, however, it allow this method to return. This is useful when
* the unrecorded transaction is being used for debugging or logging.
* `atomic.unrecorded { implicit txn => code }` is roughly equivalent to
* the following, except that the rollback cause used will be
* `Txn.UnrecordedTxnCause`: {{{
* case class Tunnel(z: Z) extends Exception {}
* try {
* atomic.withControlFlowRecognizer({
* case Tunnel(_) => false
* }) { implicit txn =>
* throw Tunnel(code)
* }
* } catch {
* case Tunnel(z) => z
* }
* }}}
def unrecorded[Z](block: InTxn => Z, outerFailure: (RollbackCause => Z) = null)(implicit mt: MaybeTxn): Z
/** (rare) Associates an alternative atomic block with the current thread.
* The next call to `apply` will consider `block` to be an alternative.
* Multiple alternatives may be associated before calling `apply`. Returns
* true if this is the first pushed alternative, false otherwise. This
* method is not usually called directly. Alternative atomic blocks are
* only attempted if the previous alternatives call `retry`.
* Note that it is not required that `pushAlternative` be called on the same
* instance of `TxnExecutor` as `apply`, just that they have been derived
* from the same original executor.
def pushAlternative[Z](mt: MaybeTxn, block: InTxn => Z): Boolean
/** Atomically compares and sets two `Ref`s, probably more efficiently then
* the corresponding transaction. Equivalent to {{{
* atomic { implicit t =>
* a() == a0 && b() == b0 && { a() = a1 ; b() = b1 ; true }
* }
* }}}
def compareAndSet[A, B](a: Ref[A], a0: A, a1: A, b: Ref[B], b0: B, b1: B): Boolean
/** Atomically compares and sets two `Ref`s using identity comparison,
* probably more efficiently then the corresponding transaction. Equivalent
* to {{{
* atomic { implicit t =>
* val f = (a() eq a0) && (b() eq b0)
* if (f && (a0 ne a1))
* a() = a1
* if (f && (b0 ne b1))
* b() = b1
* f
* }
* }}}
def compareAndSetIdentity[A <: AnyRef, B <: AnyRef](a: Ref[A], a0: A, a1: A, b: Ref[B], b0: B, b1: B): Boolean
//////// configuration
/** Returns `Some(t)` if `t` is the retry timeout in nanoseconds used by
* this `TxnExecutor`, or `None` otherwise. If the retry timeout is
* `Some(t)` and an atomic block executed by the returned executor blocks
* with `retry` or `retryFor` for more than `t` nanoseconds the retry will
* be cancelled with an `InterruptedException`.
* The retry timeout has essentially the same effect as replacing calls to
* `retry` with
* `{ retryFor(timeout, NANOS) ; throw new InterruptedException }`.
* Alternately, `retryFor(timeout)` has roughly the same effect as {{{
* try {
* atomic.withRetryTimeout(timeout) { implicit txn => retry }
* } catch {
* case _: InterruptedException =>
* }
* }}}
def retryTimeoutNanos: Option[Long]
/** Returns a `TxnExecutor` that is identical to this one, except that it has
* a `retryTimeout` of `timeoutNanos`.
def withRetryTimeoutNanos(timeoutNanos: Option[Long]): TxnExecutor
/** Returns a `TxnExecutor` that is identical to this one except that it has
* the specified retry timeout. The default time unit is milliseconds. If
* the retry timeout expires the retry will be cancelled with an
* `InterruptedException`.
def withRetryTimeout(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS): TxnExecutor =
/** Returns true if `x` should be treated as a transfer of control, rather
* than an error. Atomic blocks that end with an uncaught control flow
* exception are committed, while atomic blocks that end with an uncaught
* error exception are rolled back.
* All implementations of this method must return true for instances that
* implement `scala.util.control.ControlThrowable`.
def isControlFlow(x: Throwable): Boolean
/** Returns a `TxnExecutor e` that is identical to this one, except that
* `e.isControlFlow(x)` will return `pf(x)` if `pf.isDefined(x)`. For
* exceptions for which `pf` is not defined the decision will be deferred to
* the previous implementation.
* This function may be combined with `TxnExecutor.transformDefault` to add
* system-wide recognition of a control-transfer exception that does not
* extend `scala.util.control.ControlThrowable`. For example, to modify the
* default behavior of all `TxnExecutor.isControlFlow` calls to accept
* `DSLNonLocalControlTransferException`: {{{
* TxnExecutor.transformDefault { e =>
* e.withControlFlowRecognizer {
* case _: DSLNonLocalControlTransferException => true
* }
* }
* }}}
def withControlFlowRecognizer(pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Boolean]): TxnExecutor
/** Returns a function that records, reports or discards exceptions that were
* thrown from a while-committing, after-commit or after-rollback life-cycle
* callback.
def postDecisionFailureHandler: (Txn.Status, Throwable) => Unit
/** Returns a `TxnExecutor e` that is identical to this one, except that
* `e.postDecisionFailureHandler` will return `handler`. This function may
* be called from inside a function passed to `TxnExecutor.transformDefault`
* to change the system-wide post-decision failure handler.
def withPostDecisionFailureHandler(handler: (Txn.Status, Throwable) => Unit): TxnExecutor
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