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/* scala-stm - (c) 2009-2012, Stanford University, PPL */
package scala.concurrent.stm
package ccstm
import annotation.tailrec
private[ccstm] object AccessHistory {
/** The operations provided by the read set functionality of an
* `AccessHistory`.
trait ReadSet {
protected def readCount: Int
protected def readHandle(i: Int): Handle[_]
protected def readVersion(i: Int): CCSTM.Version
protected def recordRead(handle: Handle[_], version: CCSTM.Version): Unit
protected def readLocate(index: Int): AccessHistory.UndoLog
/** The operations provided by the pessimistic read set functionality of an
* `AccessHistory`.
trait BargeSet {
protected def bargeCount: Int
protected def bargeHandle(i: Int): Handle[_]
protected def recordBarge(handle: Handle[_]): Unit
/** The operations provided by the write buffer functionality of an
* `AccessHistory`.
trait WriteBuffer {
protected def writeCount: Int
protected def getWriteHandle(i: Int): Handle[_]
protected def getWriteSpecValue[T](i: Int): T
protected def wasWriteFreshOwner(i: Int): Boolean
protected def findWrite(handle: Handle[_]): Int
protected def stableGet[T](handle: Handle[T]): T
protected def put[T](handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, value: T): Unit
protected def writeAppend[T](handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, v: T): Unit
protected def writeUpdate[T](i: Int, v: T): Unit
protected def swap[T](handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, value: T): T
protected def compareAndSetIdentity[T, R <: T with AnyRef](
handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, before: R, after: T): Boolean
protected def getAndTransform[T](handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, func: T => T): T
protected def transformAndGet[T](handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, func: T => T): T
protected def transformAndExtract[T,V](handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, func: T => (T,V)): V
protected def getAndAdd(handle: Handle[Int], freshOwner: Boolean, delta: Int): Int
/** Holds the write buffer undo log for a particular nesting level. This is
* exposed as an abstract class so that the different parts of the STM that
* have per-nesting level objects can share a single instance.
abstract class UndoLog {
def parUndo: UndoLog
var minRetryTimeoutNanos: Long = Long.MaxValue
var consumedRetryDelta = 0L
var prevReadCount = 0
var prevBargeCount = 0
var prevWriteThreshold = 0
def addRetryTimeoutNanos(timeoutNanos: Long): Unit =
minRetryTimeoutNanos = math.min(minRetryTimeoutNanos, timeoutNanos)
/** Returns the sum of the timeouts of the retries that have timed out.
* Included levels are this one, parents of this one, levels that have
* been merged into an included level, and levels that were ended with a
* permanent rollback and whose parent was included.
@tailrec final def consumedRetryTotal(accum: Long = 0L): Long = {
val z = accum + consumedRetryDelta
if (parUndo == null) z else parUndo.consumedRetryTotal(z)
@tailrec final def readLocate(index: Int): UndoLog = {
if (index >= prevReadCount) this else parUndo.readLocate(index)
private var _logSize = 0
private var _indices: Array[Int] = null
private var _prevValues: Array[AnyRef] = null
def logWrite(i: Int, v: AnyRef): Unit = {
if (_indices == null || _logSize == _indices.length)
_indices(_logSize) = i
_prevValues(_logSize) = v
_logSize += 1
private def grow(): Unit =
if (_logSize == 0) {
_indices = new Array[Int](16)
_prevValues = new Array[AnyRef](16)
} else {
_indices = copyTo(_indices, new Array[Int](_indices.length * 2))
_prevValues = copyTo(_prevValues, new Array[AnyRef](_prevValues.length * 2))
private def copyTo[A](src: Array[A], dst: Array[A]): Array[A] = {
System.arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, src.length)
def undoWrites(hist: AccessHistory): Unit = {
// it is important to apply in reverse order
var i = _logSize - 1
while (i >= 0) {
hist.setSpecValue(_indices(i), _prevValues(i))
i -= 1
/** `AccessHistory` includes the read set and the write buffer for all
* transaction levels that have not been rolled back. The read set is a
* linear log that contains duplicates, rollback consists of truncating the
* read log. The write buffer is a hash table in which the entries are
* addressed by index, rather than by Java reference. Indices are allocated
* sequentially, so a high-water mark (_wUndoThreshold) can differentiate
* between entries that can be discarded on a partial rollback and those that
* need to be reverted to a previous value. An undo log is maintained for
* writes to entries from enclosing nesting levels, but it is expected that
* common usage will be handled mostly using the high-water mark.
* It is intended that this class can be extended by the actual `InTxn`
* implementation to reduce levels of indirection during barriers. This is a
* bit clumsy, and results in verbose method names to differentiate between
* overlapping operations. Please look away as the sausage is made. To help
* tame the mess the read set and write buffer interfaces are separated into
* traits housed in the companion object. This doesn't actually increase
* modularity, but serves as compile-time-checked documentation.
* @author Nathan Bronson
private[ccstm] abstract class AccessHistory extends AccessHistory.ReadSet with AccessHistory.BargeSet with AccessHistory.WriteBuffer {
protected def undoLog: AccessHistory.UndoLog
protected def checkpointAccessHistory(reusedReadThreshold: Int): Unit = {
protected def mergeAccessHistory(): Unit = {
// nested commit
if (Stats.nested != null)
private def recordMerge(): Unit =
Stats.nested.commits += 1
/** Releases locks for discarded handles */
protected def rollbackAccessHistory(slot: CCSTM.Slot, cause: Txn.RollbackCause): Unit = {
// nested or top-level rollback
if ( != null)
if (!cause.isInstanceOf[Txn.ExplicitRetryCause]) {
private def recordRollback(cause: Txn.RollbackCause): Unit = {
val stat = if (undoLog.parUndo == null) else Stats.nested
stat.rollbackReadSet += (readCount - undoLog.prevReadCount)
stat.rollbackBargeSet += (bargeCount - undoLog.prevBargeCount)
stat.rollbackWriteSet += (writeCount - undoLog.prevWriteThreshold)
cause match {
case Txn.ExplicitRetryCause(_) => stat.explicitRetries += 1
case Txn.OptimisticFailureCause(tag, _) => stat.optimisticRetries += tag
case Txn.UncaughtExceptionCause(x) => stat.failures += x.getClass
case Txn.UnrecordedTxnCause(_) => stat.unrecordedTxns += 1
/** Does not release locks */
protected def resetAccessHistory(): Unit = {
if ( != null)
private def recordTopLevelCommit(): Unit = {
// top-level commit
val top =
top.commitReadSet += readCount
top.commitBargeSet += bargeCount
top.commitWriteSet += writeCount
top.commits += 1
/** Clears the read set and barge set, returning a `RetrySet` that holds the
* values that were removed. Releases any ownership held by the barge set.
protected def takeRetrySet(slot: CCSTM.Slot): RetrySet = {
// barge entries were copied to the read set by addLatestWritesAsReads
var i = 0
while (i < _bCount) {
rollbackHandle(_bHandles(i), slot)
i += 1
val accum = new RetrySetBuilder
i = 0
while (i < _rCount) {
accum += (_rHandles(i), _rVersions(i))
i += 1
//////////// retry timeout
private def mergeRetryTimeout(): Unit = {
// nested commit
val u = undoLog
val p = u.parUndo
p.consumedRetryDelta += u.consumedRetryDelta
private def rollbackRetryTimeout(cause: Txn.RollbackCause): Unit =
cause match {
case Txn.ExplicitRetryCause(timeoutNanos) =>
if (timeoutNanos.isDefined)
if (undoLog.parUndo != null)
case _: Txn.PermanentRollbackCause =>
if (undoLog.parUndo != null)
undoLog.parUndo.consumedRetryDelta += undoLog.consumedRetryDelta
case _ =>
//////////// read set
private final val InitialReadCapacity = 1024
private final val MaxRetainedReadCapacity = 8 * InitialReadCapacity
private var _rCount = 0
private var _rHandles: Array[Handle[_]] = null
private var _rVersions: Array[CCSTM.Version] = null
protected def readCount: Int = _rCount
protected def readHandle(i: Int): Handle[_] = _rHandles(i)
protected def readVersion(i: Int): CCSTM.Version = _rVersions(i)
protected def recordRead(handle: Handle[_], version: CCSTM.Version): Unit = {
val i = _rCount
if (i == _rHandles.length)
_rHandles(i) = handle
_rVersions(i) = version
_rCount = i + 1
private def growReadSet(): Unit = {
_rHandles = copyTo(_rHandles, new Array[Handle[_]](_rHandles.length * 2))
_rVersions = copyTo(_rVersions, new Array[CCSTM.Version](_rVersions.length * 2))
private def copyTo[A](src: Array[A], dst: Array[A]): Array[A] = {
System.arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0, src.length)
private def checkpointReadSet(reusedReadThreshold: Int): Unit =
undoLog.prevReadCount = if (reusedReadThreshold >= 0) reusedReadThreshold else _rCount
private def rollbackReadSet(): Unit = {
val n = undoLog.prevReadCount
var i = n
while (i < _rCount) {
_rHandles(i) = null
i += 1
_rCount = n
private def resetReadSet(): Unit = {
if (_rHandles.length > MaxRetainedReadCapacity) {
// avoid staying very large
} else {
// allow GC of old handles
var i = 0
while (i < _rCount) {
_rHandles(i) = null
i += 1
_rCount = 0
private def allocateReadSet(): Unit = {
_rHandles = new Array[Handle[_]](InitialReadCapacity)
_rVersions = new Array[CCSTM.Version](InitialReadCapacity)
protected def readLocate(index: Int): AccessHistory.UndoLog = undoLog.readLocate(index)
//////////// pessimistic read buffer
private final val InitialBargeCapacity = 1024
private final val MaxRetainedBargeCapacity = 8 * InitialBargeCapacity
private var _bCount = 0
private var _bHandles: Array[Handle[_]] = null
protected def bargeCount: Int = _bCount
protected def bargeHandle(i: Int): Handle[_] = _bHandles(i)
protected def recordBarge(handle: Handle[_]): Unit = {
val i = _bCount
if (i == _bHandles.length)
_bHandles(i) = handle
_bCount = i + 1
private def growBargeSet(): Unit =
_bHandles = copyTo(_bHandles, new Array[Handle[_]](_bHandles.length * 2))
private def checkpointBargeSet(): Unit =
undoLog.prevBargeCount = _bCount
private def rollbackBargeSet(slot: CCSTM.Slot): Unit = {
val n = undoLog.prevBargeCount
var i = n
while (i < _bCount) {
rollbackHandle(_bHandles(i), slot)
_bHandles(i) = null
i += 1
_bCount = n
private def resetBargeSet(): Unit =
if (_bCount > 0) {
private def resetBargeSetNonEmpty(): Unit = {
if (_bHandles.length > MaxRetainedBargeCapacity) {
// avoid staying very large
} else {
// allow GC of old handles
var i = 0
while (i < _bCount) {
_bHandles(i) = null
i += 1
_bCount = 0
private def allocateBargeSet(): Unit =
_bHandles = new Array[Handle[_]](InitialBargeCapacity)
//////////// write buffer
private final val InitialWriteCapacity = 8
private final val MinAllocatedWriteCapacity = 512
private final val MaxRetainedWriteCapacity = 8 * MinAllocatedWriteCapacity
// This write buffer implementation uses chaining, but instead of storing the
// buckets in objects, they are packed into the arrays bucketAnys and
// bucketInts. Pointers to a bucket are represented as a 0-based int, with
// -1 representing nil. The dispatch array holds the entry index for the
// beginning of a bucket chain.
// When a nested context is created with push(), the current number of
// allocated buckets is recorded in undoThreshold. Any changes to the
// speculative value for a bucket with an index less than this threshold are
// logged to allow partial rollback. Buckets with an index greater than the
// undoThreshold can be discarded during rollback. This means that despite
// nesting, each key is stored at most once in the write buffer.
/** The maximum index for which undo entries are required. */
private var _wUndoThreshold = 0
private var _wCount = 0
private var _wCapacity = InitialWriteCapacity
private var _wAnys: Array[AnyRef] = null
private var _wInts: Array[Int] = null
private var _wDispatch: Array[Int] = null
private def allocateWriteBuffer(): Unit = {
_wAnys = new Array[AnyRef](bucketAnysLen(MinAllocatedWriteCapacity))
_wInts = new Array[Int](bucketIntsLen(MinAllocatedWriteCapacity))
_wDispatch = new Array[Int](MinAllocatedWriteCapacity)
java.util.Arrays.fill(_wDispatch, 0, InitialWriteCapacity, -1)
private def refI(i: Int) = 3 * i
private def specValueI(i: Int) = 3 * i + 1
private def handleI(i: Int) = 3 * i + 2
private def offsetI(i: Int) = 2 * i
private def nextI(i: Int) = 2 * i + 1 // bits 31..1 are the next, bit 0 is set iff freshOwner
private def bucketAnysLen(c: Int) = 3 * (maxSizeForCap(c) + 1)
private def bucketIntsLen(c: Int) = 2 * (maxSizeForCap(c) + 1)
private def maxSizeForCap(c: Int) = c - c / 4
private def shouldGrow(s: Int, c: Int): Boolean = s > maxSizeForCap(c)
private def shouldGrow: Boolean = shouldGrow(_wCount, _wCapacity)
private def shouldShrink(s: Int, c: Int): Boolean = c > InitialWriteCapacity && !shouldGrow(s, c / 4)
private def shouldShrink: Boolean = shouldShrink(_wCount, _wCapacity)
//////// accessors
private def getRef(i: Int) = _wAnys(refI(i))
final protected def getWriteHandle(i: Int): Handle[_] = _wAnys(handleI(i)).asInstanceOf[Handle[_]]
final protected def getWriteSpecValue[T](i: Int): T = _wAnys(specValueI(i)).asInstanceOf[T]
private def getOffset(i: Int): Int = _wInts(offsetI(i))
private def getNext (i: Int): Int = _wInts(nextI(i)) >> 1
final protected def wasWriteFreshOwner(i: Int): Boolean = (_wInts(nextI(i)) & 1) != 0
private def setRef(i: Int, r: AnyRef): Unit = { _wAnys(refI(i)) = r }
private def setHandle(i: Int, h: Handle[_]): Unit = { _wAnys(handleI(i)) = h }
final private[AccessHistory] def setSpecValue[T](i: Int, v: T): Unit =
_wAnys(specValueI(i)) = v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
private def setOffset(i: Int, o: Int): Unit = { _wInts(offsetI(i)) = o }
private def setNextAndFreshOwner(i: Int, n: Int, freshOwner: Boolean): Unit =
_wInts(nextI(i)) = (n << 1) | (if (freshOwner) 1 else 0)
private def setNext(i: Int, n: Int): Unit = { _wInts(nextI(i)) = (n << 1) | (_wInts(nextI(i)) & 1) }
private def setFreshOwner(i: Int, freshOwner: Boolean): Unit =
setNextAndFreshOwner(i, getNext(i), freshOwner)
//////// bulk access
protected def writeCount: Int = _wCount
//////// reads
/** Reads a handle that is owned by this InTxnImpl family. */
protected def stableGet[T](handle: Handle[T]): T = {
val i = findWrite(handle)
if (i >= 0) {
// hit
} else {
// miss (due to shared metadata)
protected def findWrite(handle: Handle[_]): Int = {
val base = handle.base
val offset = handle.offset
find(base, offset, computeSlot(base, offset))
private def computeSlot(base: AnyRef, offset: Int): Int = {
if (_wCapacity == InitialWriteCapacity) 0 else CCSTM.hash(base, offset) & (_wCapacity - 1)
private def find(base: AnyRef, offset: Int, slot: Int): Int = {
var i = _wDispatch(slot)
while (i >= 0 && ((base ne getRef(i)) || offset != getOffset(i)))
i = getNext(i)
//////// writes
protected def put[T](handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, value: T): Unit = {
val base = handle.base
val offset = handle.offset
val slot = computeSlot(base, offset)
val i = find(base, offset, slot)
if (i >= 0) {
// hit, update an existing entry, optionally with undo
if (i < _wUndoThreshold)
undoLog.logWrite(i, getWriteSpecValue(i))
setSpecValue(i, value)
} else {
// miss, create a new entry
append(base, offset, handle, freshOwner, value, slot)
protected def swap[T](handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, value: T): T = {
val i = findOrAllocate(handle, freshOwner)
val before = getWriteSpecValue[T](i)
setSpecValue(i, value)
protected def compareAndSetIdentity[T, R <: T with AnyRef](
handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, before: R, after: T): Boolean = {
val i = findOrAllocate(handle, freshOwner)
val v0 = getWriteSpecValue[T](i)
if (before eq v0.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) {
setSpecValue(i, after)
} else {
protected def getAndTransform[T](handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, func: T => T): T = {
val i = findOrAllocate(handle, freshOwner)
val before = getWriteSpecValue[T](i)
setSpecValue(i, func(before))
protected def transformAndGet[T](handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, func: T => T): T = {
val i = findOrAllocate(handle, freshOwner)
val after = func(getWriteSpecValue[T](i))
setSpecValue(i, after)
protected def transformAndExtract[T,V](handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, func: T => (T,V)): V = {
val i = findOrAllocate(handle, freshOwner)
val pair = func(getWriteSpecValue[T](i))
setSpecValue(i, pair._1)
protected def getAndAdd(handle: Handle[Int], freshOwner: Boolean, delta: Int): Int = {
val i = findOrAllocate(handle, freshOwner)
val before = getWriteSpecValue[Int](i)
setSpecValue(i, before + delta)
protected def writeAppend[T](handle: Handle[T], freshOwner: Boolean, value: T): Unit = {
val base = handle.base
val offset = handle.offset
val slot = computeSlot(base, offset)
append(base, offset, handle, freshOwner, value, slot)
protected def writeUpdate[T](i: Int, value: T): Unit = {
if (i < _wUndoThreshold)
undoLog.logWrite(i, getWriteSpecValue(i))
setSpecValue(i, value)
private def findOrAllocate(handle: Handle[_], freshOwner: Boolean): Int = {
val base = handle.base
val offset = handle.offset
val slot = computeSlot(base, offset)
if (!freshOwner) {
val i = find(base, offset, slot)
if (i >= 0) {
// hit, undo log entry is required to capture the potential reads that
// won't be recorded in this nested txn's read set
if (i < _wUndoThreshold)
undoLog.logWrite(i, getWriteSpecValue(i))
return i
// miss, create a new entry using the existing data value
append(base, offset, handle, freshOwner,, slot)
private def append(base: AnyRef, offset: Int, handle: Handle[_], freshOwner: Boolean, value: Any, slot: Int): Int = {
val i = _wCount
setRef(i, base)
setSpecValue(i, value)
setHandle(i, handle)
setOffset(i, offset)
setNextAndFreshOwner(i, _wDispatch(slot), freshOwner)
_wDispatch(slot) = i
_wCount = i + 1
if (shouldGrow)
// grow() relinks the buckets but doesn't move them, so i is still valid
private def grow(): Unit = {
// adjust capacity
_wCapacity *= 2
if (_wCapacity > _wDispatch.length) {
// we actually need to reallocate
_wAnys = copyTo(_wAnys, new Array[AnyRef](bucketAnysLen(_wCapacity)))
_wInts = copyTo(_wInts, new Array[Int](bucketIntsLen(_wCapacity)))
_wDispatch = new Array[Int](_wCapacity)
private def rebuildDispatch(): Unit = {
java.util.Arrays.fill(_wDispatch, 0, _wCapacity, -1)
var i = 0
while (i < _wCount) {
val slot = computeSlot(getRef(i), getOffset(i))
setNext(i, _wDispatch(slot))
_wDispatch(slot) = i
i += 1
//////// nesting management and visitation
private def checkpointWriteBuffer(): Unit = {
undoLog.prevWriteThreshold = _wUndoThreshold
_wUndoThreshold = _wCount
private def mergeWriteBuffer(): Unit =
_wUndoThreshold = undoLog.prevWriteThreshold
private def rollbackWriteBuffer(slot: CCSTM.Slot): Unit = {
// restore the specValue-s modified in pre-existing write buffer entries
var i = _wCount - 1
val e = _wUndoThreshold
val completeRelink = i >= 2 * e // faster to reprocess remaining entries?
while (i >= e) {
// unlock
if (wasWriteFreshOwner(i))
rollbackHandle(getWriteHandle(i), slot)
// unlink
if (!completeRelink) {
_wDispatch(computeSlot(getRef(i), getOffset(i))) = getNext(i)
// discard references to aid GC
setRef(i, null)
setSpecValue(i, null)
setHandle(i, null)
i -= 1
_wCount = e
if (completeRelink) {
while (shouldShrink)
_wCapacity /= 2
// revert to previous context
_wUndoThreshold = undoLog.prevWriteThreshold
protected def rollbackHandle(h: Handle[_], slot: CCSTM.Slot): Unit =
rollbackHandle(h, slot, h.meta)
protected def rollbackHandle(h: Handle[_], slot: CCSTM.Slot, m0: CCSTM.Meta): Unit = {
// we must use CAS because there can be concurrent pendingWaiter adds
// and concurrent "helpers" that release the lock
var m = m0
while (CCSTM.owner(m) == slot && !h.metaCAS(m, CCSTM.withRollback(m)))
m = h.meta
private def resetWriteBuffer(): Unit =
if (_wCount > 0) {
private def resetWriteBufferNonEmpty(): Unit = {
if (_wDispatch.length > MaxRetainedWriteCapacity) {
} else {
val n = bucketAnysLen(_wCount)
var i = 0
while (i < n) {
// discard references to aid GC
_wAnys(i) = null
i += 1
i = 0
while (i < InitialWriteCapacity) {
_wDispatch(i) = -1
i += 1
//java.util.Arrays.fill(_wAnys, 0, bucketAnysLen(_wCount), null)
//java.util.Arrays.fill(_wDispatch, 0, InitialWriteCapacity, -1)
_wCount = 0
_wCapacity = InitialWriteCapacity
protected def addLatestWritesAsReads(convertToBarge: Boolean): Unit = {
// we need to capture the version numbers from barges
var i = undoLog.prevBargeCount
while (i < _bCount) {
val h = _bHandles(i)
recordRead(h, CCSTM.version(h.meta))
i += 1
i = _wUndoThreshold
while (i < _wCount) {
val h = getWriteHandle(i)
// we only need one entry in the read set per meta
if (wasWriteFreshOwner(i)) {
recordRead(h, CCSTM.version(h.meta))
if (convertToBarge) {
setFreshOwner(i, freshOwner = false)
i += 1