org.specs.matcher.AnyMatchers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Eric Torreborre
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
* documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
* and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of
* the Software. Neither the name of specs nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
* products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
package org.specs.matcher
import org.specs.specification._
import org.specs.matcher.MatcherUtils.{q, matches}
import org.specs.matcher.PatternMatchers._
import org.specs.util.ExtendedThrowable._
import org.specs.util.EditDistance._
import org.specs.util.Classes._
import org.specs.collection.ExtendedIterable._
import scala.collection.immutable.{Set => Removed}
import scala.collection.Set
import scala.reflect.Manifest
import org.specs.execute._
* The AnyMatchers
object allows the import of matchers from the AnyMatchers trait.
object AnyMatchers extends AnyMatchers
* The AnyMatchers
trait provides matchers which are applicable to any scala reference or value
* and can be used with a be/have + matcher syntax
trait AnyMatchers extends AnyBaseMatchers with AnyBeHaveMatchers
* The AnyBaseMatchers
trait provides matchers which are applicable to any scala reference or value
trait AnyBaseMatchers {
* Matches if (a eq b)
def be(a: =>Any) = new Matcher[Any]() {
def apply(v: =>Any) = {
val (x, y) = (a, v)
(x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq y.asInstanceOf[AnyRef], d(y) + " is the same as " + q(x), d(y) + " is not the same as " + q(x))}
* Matches if !(a eq b)
def notBe(a: =>Any) = be(a).not
* Matches if (a == b)
* @deprecated use beEqualTo instead
def beEqual[T](a: =>T) = beEqualTo(a)
* Matches if (a == b)
def beEqualTo[T](a: =>T) = new BeEqualTo(a)
* Matches if (a != b)
* @deprecated use beDifferentFrom instead
def beDifferent[T](a: =>T) = beDifferentFrom(a)
* Matches if (a != b)
def beDifferentFrom[T](a: =>T) = beEqualTo[T](a).not
* Matches if (a == b)
def is_==(a: =>Any)(implicit details: Detailed) = new Matcher[Any](){
def apply(v: =>Any) = {
val (x, y) = (a, v)
var dy = d(y)
var qx = q(x)
if (dy == qx) {
dy = dy + ": " + getClassName(y)
qx = qx + ": " + getClassName(x)
import org.specs.util.Products._
def isNull[T](a: T) = null == a
val failureMessage = details match {
case full: fullDetails if (!isNull(x) && full.startDiffSize <= x.toString.size) => {
EditMatrix(dy, qx).showDistance(full.separators, full.shortenSize).toList.mkString(" is not equal to ")
case _ => dy + " is not equal to " + qx
((x == y), dy + " is equal to " + qx, failureMessage)
* Alias of is_==
def be_==(a: =>Any)(implicit d: Detailed) = is_==(a)(d)
* Matches if (a neq b)
def notEq(a: =>Any) = be(a).not
* Matches if (a != b)
def is_!=(a: =>Any)(implicit d: Detailed) = (is_==(a)(d)).not
* Matches if (a != b)
def be_!=(a: =>Any)(implicit d: Detailed) = (is_==(a)(d)).not
* Matches if b is null
def beNull[T] = new BeNull[T]
* Alias for beNull
def isNull[T] = beNull[T]
* @deprecated use beAsNullAs
def beAlsoNull[T](a: =>T) = beAsNullAs(a)
* Matches if a is null when v is null and a is not null when v is not null
def beAsNullAs[T](a: =>T) = new Matcher[T](){
def apply(v: =>T) = {
val x = a;
val y = v;
(x == null && y == null || x != null && y != null, "both values are null",
if (x == null) d(y) + " is not null" else q(x) + " is not null" +" but " + _ + " is null").getOrElse(""))
* Alias for beAsNullAs
def isAsNullAs[T](a: =>T) = beAsNullAs(a)
* Matches if b is not null
def notBeNull[T] = beNull[T].not
* Alias for notBeNull
def isNotNull[T] = notBeNull[T]
* Matches if b is true
def beTrue = new Matcher[Boolean](){
def apply(v: =>Boolean) = { val b = v; (b == true, description.getOrElse("the value") + " is true", description.getOrElse("the value") + " is false") }
* Alias for beTrue
def isTrue = beTrue
* Matches if b is false
def beFalse[Boolean] = new Matcher[Boolean](){
def apply(v: =>Boolean) = { val b = v; (b == false, description.getOrElse("the value") + " is false", description.getOrElse("the value") + " is true") }
* Alias for beFalse
def isFalse = beFalse
* Matches if iterable.exists(_ == a)
def beIn[T](iterable: =>Iterable[T]): Matcher[T] = new Matcher[T](){
def apply(v: => T) = {
val (x, y) = (iterable, v)
(x.exists(_ == y), d(y) + " is in " + q(x), d(y) + " is not in " + q(x))
* Alias for beIn
def isIn[T](iterable: =>Iterable[T]): Matcher[T] = beIn(iterable)
* Matches if not(iterable.exists(_ == a))
def notBeIn[T](iterable: =>Iterable[T]): Matcher[T] = beIn[T](iterable).not
* Alias for notBeIn
def isNotIn[T](iterable: =>Iterable[T]): Matcher[T] = notBeIn(iterable)
* Alias for notBeIn
def notIn[T](iterable: =>Iterable[T]): Matcher[T] = notBeIn(iterable)
* Matches if t.toSeq.exists(_ == v)
def beOneOf[T](t: T*): Matcher[T] = new Matcher[T](){
def apply(v: => T) = {
val (x, y) = (t.toSeq, v)
(x.exists(_ == y), d(y) + " is one of " + q(x.mkString(", ")), d(y) + " is not one of " + q(x.mkString(", ")))
* Matches beOneOf
def isOneOf[T](t: T*): Matcher[T] = beOneOf(t:_*)
* Matches if not(t.toSeq.exists(_ == v))
def notBeOneOf[T](t: T*): Matcher[T] = beOneOf(t:_*).not
* Matches notBeOneOf
def isNotOneOf[T](t: T*): Matcher[T] = notBeOneOf(t:_*)
* Matches notBeOneOf
def notOneOf[T](t: T*): Matcher[T] = notBeOneOf(t:_*)
type T1 = Any { def isEmpty: Boolean }
* Matches if any object with an isEmpty
method returns true: (Any {def isEmpty: Boolean}).isEmpty
def beEmpty[S <: T1] = new Matcher[S](){
def apply(v: => S) = {
val iterable = v
(iterable.isEmpty, dUnquoted(iterable) + " is empty", dUnquoted(iterable) + " is not empty")
* Matches if not(beEmpty(a))
def notBeEmpty[S <: T1] = beEmpty[S].not
* Alias of notBeEmpty
def isNotEmpty[S <: T1] = notBeEmpty[S]
* Alias of notBeEmpty
def notEmpty[S <: T1] = notBeEmpty[S]
* Alias of beEmpty
def isEmpty[S <: T1] = beEmpty[S]
* Matches if the function f returns true
def verify[T](f: T => Boolean): Matcher[T] = new Matcher[T](){
def apply(v: => T) = {val x = v; (f(x), description.getOrElse(x) + " verifies the property",
description.getOrElse(x) + " doesn't verify the expected property")}
* Matches if value if an exception is thrown with the expected type
Otherwise rethrow any other exception
Usage: value must throwA[SpecialException]
def throwAnException[E <: Throwable](implicit m: Manifest[E]): ExceptionClassMatcher[E] = new ExceptionClassMatcher[E](m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[E]])
* return a matcher which will be ok if an exception of that type is thrown
def throwA[E <: Throwable](implicit m: Manifest[E]): ExceptionClassMatcher[E] = throwAnException[E]
* @see throwException description
def throwA[E <: Throwable](e: E): ExceptionMatcher[E] = throwException(e)
* return a matcher which will be ok if an exception of that type is thrown
def throwAn[E <: Throwable](implicit m: Manifest[E]): ExceptionClassMatcher[E] = throwAnException[E]
* Alias for throwA(new Exception)
* @see throwException description
def throwAn[E <: Throwable](e: E): ExceptionMatcher[E] = throwException(e)
* Alias for throwException
* @deprecated use throwA or throwAn preferably
def throwThis[E <: Throwable](exception: =>E): ExceptionMatcher[E] = throwException(exception)
* Matches if an exception is thrown with the expected class and message.
Otherwise rethrow any other exception
Usage: value must throwA(new SpecialException)
Advanced usage: value must throwA(new SpecialException).like {case ExceptionType(m) => m.startsWith("bad")}
* @deprecated use throwA or throwAn preferably
def throwException[E <: Throwable](exception: =>E): ExceptionMatcher[E] = new ExceptionMatcher[E](exception)
* create an appropriate failure message for a thrown exception or exception class.
* @see throwException
* Exception matcher checking the type of a thrown exception.
class ExceptionClassMatcher[E <: Throwable](exception: Class[E]) extends Matcher[Any] {
def apply(value: => Any) = {
(isThrown(value, exception, (e => exception.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass)), description).isDefined,
okMessage(exception, description), koMessage(exception, description))
def like(f: =>PartialFunction[Throwable, Boolean]) = new Matcher[Any](){
def apply(v: => Any) = {
val thrown = isThrown(v, exception, (e => exception.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass)), description)
if (!thrown.isDefined)
(false, okMessage(exception, description), koMessage(exception, description))
* This matchers matches exception objects.
* @see throwException
class ExceptionMatcher[E <: Throwable](exception: E) extends Matcher[Any] {
def apply(value: => Any) = {
(isThrown(value, exception, (e => exception.getClass == e.getClass && exception.getMessage == e.getMessage), description).isDefined,
okMessage(exception, description), koMessage(exception, description))
def like(f: =>PartialFunction[Throwable, Boolean]) = new Matcher[Any](){
def apply(v: => Any) = {
val thrown = isThrown(v, exception, (e => exception.getClass.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass)), description)
if (!thrown.isDefined)
(false, okMessage(exception, description), koMessage(exception, description))
protected[matcher] def message(exception: Any) = {
exception match {
case e: Class[_] => e.toString.replaceFirst("class ", "")
case ex: Throwable => ex.getClass.getName + ": " + ex.getMessage
case other => other.toString
protected[matcher] def okMessage(exception: Any, desc: Option[String]) = {
message(exception) + " was thrown" +" from " + _.toString).getOrElse("")
protected[matcher] def koMessage(exception: Any, desc: Option[String]) = message(exception) + " should have been thrown" +" from " + _.toString).getOrElse("")
* Creates a FailureException corresponding to a thrown exception.
Sets the stacktrace of the FailureException
so that it starts with the code line where the original exception
* was thrown
* @param e original exception
* @param failureMessage exception message
private def throwFailure(e: =>Throwable, failureMessage: =>String) = {
val failure = FailureException(failureMessage)
failure.setStackTrace((e.getStackTrace.toList.dropWhile {x: StackTraceElement => x.toString.matches("AnyMatchers") || x.toString.matches("Expect")}).toArray)
throw failure
* @returns an Option with the expected exception if it satisfies function f
rethrows the exception otherwise
private def isThrown[E](value: => Any, expected: E, f: (Throwable => Boolean), desc: Option[String]) = {
getException(value) match {
case None => None
case Some(e) => if (f(e))
throwFailure(e, koMessage(expected, desc) + ". Got: " + e)
/** evaluates a value and return any exception that is thrown */
private def getException[E <: Throwable](value: => Any): Option[Throwable] = {
try { value }
catch { case e => { return Some(e)} }
return None
* Matches if v.getClass == c
def haveClass[T](implicit m: Manifest[T]) = new Matcher[Any](){
def apply(v: =>Any) = {
val x: Any = v
val c = m.erasure
val xClass = x.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Object].getClass
(xClass == c, d(x) + " has class" + q(c.getName), d(x) + " doesn't have class " + q(c.getName) + " but " + q(xClass.getName))
* Matches if v.getClass != c
def notHaveClass[T](implicit m: Manifest[T]) = haveClass(m).not
* Matches if v.isAssignableFrom(c)
def beAssignableFrom[T](implicit m: Manifest[T]) = new Matcher[Class[_]](){
def apply(v: =>Class[_]) = {
val x: Class[_] = v
val c = m.erasure
(x.isAssignableFrom(c), d(x.getName) + " is assignable from " + q(c.getName), d(x.getName) + " is not assignable from " + q(c.getName))
* Matches if v.isAssignableFrom(c)
def notBeAssignableFrom[T](implicit m: Manifest[T]) = beAssignableFrom(m).not
* Matches if c.isAssignableFrom(v)
def haveSuperClass[T](implicit m: Manifest[T]) = new Matcher[Any](){
def apply(v: =>Any) = {
val x: Any = v
val c = m.erasure
val xClass = x.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Object].getClass
(c.isAssignableFrom(xClass), d(x) + " has super class" + q(c.getName), d(x) + " doesn't have super class " + q(c.getName))
* Matches if c.isAssignableFrom(v)
def notHaveSuperClass[T](implicit m: Manifest[T]) = haveSuperClass(m).not
* Adds functionalities to functions returning matchers so that they can be combined before taking a value and
* returning actual matchers
implicit def toMatcher[S, T](f: S => Matcher[T]) = new ToMatcher(f)
implicit def toMatcher2[T](f: T => Matcher[T]) = new ToMatcher2(f)
* The ToMatcher
class allows to combine functions returning matchers, or a function returning a matcher and a matcher.
* For example:((beEqualTo(_:Int)) or (be_>(_:Int)))(3)
class ToMatcher[S, T](f: S => Matcher[T]) {
* @return a function which will return the and of 2 matchers
def and(m: =>Matcher[T]) = new Function1[S, Matcher[T]] {
def apply(s: S) = f(s) and m
* @return a function which will return the or of 2 matchers
def or(m: =>Matcher[T]) = new Function1[S, Matcher[T]] {
def apply(s: S) = f(s) or m
* @return a function which will return the xor of 2 matchers
def xor(m: Matcher[T]) = new Function1[S, Matcher[T]] {
def apply(s: S) = f(s) xor m
* @return a function which will return the negation of a matcher
def not = new Function1[S, Matcher[T]] {
def apply(s: S) = f(s).not
* @return a function which will return the and of 2 matchers
def and(m: S => Matcher[T]) = new Function1[S, Matcher[T]] {
def apply(s: S) = f(s) and m(s)
* @return a function which will return the or of 2 matchers
def or(m: S => Matcher[T]) = new Function1[S, Matcher[T]] {
def apply(s: S) = f(s) or m(s)
* @return a function which will return the xor of 2 matchers
def xor(m: S => Matcher[T]) = new Function1[S, Matcher[T]] {
def apply(s: S) = f(s) xor m(s)
* @return a function which will return the composition of a matcher and a function
def ^^[A](g: A => S) = new Function1[A, Matcher[T]] {
def apply(a: A) = f(g(a))
* @return a function which will return a matcher checking a sequence of objects
def toSeq = new Function1[Seq[S], Matcher[Seq[T]]] {
def apply(s: Seq[S]) = new SeqMatcher(s, f)
* @return a function which will return a matcher checking a set of objects
def toSet = new Function1[Set[S], Matcher[Set[T]]] {
def apply(s: Set[S]) = new SetMatcher(s, f)
class ToMatcher2[T](f: T => Matcher[T]) {
* @return a function which will return the composition of a matcher and a function
def ^^^[A](g: A => T) = {
(a: A) => new Matcher[A] {
def apply(b: =>A) = {
* The SeqMatcher
class is a matcher matching a sequence of objects with a matcher returned by a function.
* Usage:List(1, 2, 3) must ((beEqualTo(_:Int)).toSeq)(List(1, 2, 3))
class SeqMatcher[S, T](s: Seq[S], f: S => Matcher[T]) extends Matcher[Seq[T]] {
def apply(t: => Seq[T]) = {
val bothSequences = t.toList zip s.toList
val results = bothSequences map { st => val (t1, s1) = st
f(s1).apply(t1) }
( && _), results.filter(_._1).map(_._2).mkString("; "),
results.filter(!_._1).map(_._3).mkString("; "))
* The SetMatcher
class is a matcher matching a set of objects with a matcher returned by a function.
* Usage:List(1, 2, 3) must ((beEqualTo(_:Int)).toSet)(List(2, 1, 3))
class SetMatcher[S, T](s: Set[S], f: S => Matcher[T]) extends Matcher[Set[T]] {
def apply(t: => Set[T]) = {
val setToTest = t
if (s.size != setToTest.size)
(false, "the sets contain the same number of elements",
d(setToTest) + " contains " + setToTest.size + " elements while " + q(s) + " contains " + s.size + " elements")
else {
val results = {(element: T) =>
s.find { (otherElement:S) => f(otherElement).apply(element).success } match {
case None => (false, "all matches", "no match for element " + q(element))
case Some(x) => (true, q(element) + " matches with " + x, "no match for element " + q(element))
( && _), results.filter(_._1).map(_._2).mkString("; "),
results.filter(!_._1).map(_._3).mkString("; "))
* Alias of is_==
def ==(a: =>Any)(implicit d: Detailed) = is_==(a)(d)
* Matches if (a != b)
def !=(a: =>Any)(implicit d: Detailed) = is_!=(a)(d)
trait AnyBeHaveMatchers { this: AnyBaseMatchers =>
/** dummy matcher to allow be + matcher syntax */
def be[T] = new BeVerbMatcher[T]
/** dummy matcher to allow not + be + matcher syntax */
def not[T] = new NotMatcher[T]
/** dummy matcher to allow have + matcher syntax */
def have[T] = new HaveVerbMatcher[T]
/** dummy matcher to allow have + the matcher syntax */
def the[T] = new ArticleMatcher[T]
/** implicit definition to add 'be' matchers */
implicit def toAnyResultMatcher[T](result: Result[T]) = new AnyResultMatcher(result)
/** functions which can be used with 'be' matchers */
class AnyResultMatcher[T](result: Result[T]) {
def equalTo(o: T)(implicit d: Detailed) = result.matchWith(is_==(o)(d))
def ==(a: =>Any)(implicit d: Detailed) = result.matchWith(is_==(a)(d))
def !=(a: =>Any)(implicit d: Detailed) = result.matchWith(is_!=(a)(d))
def asNullAs(a: =>T) = result.matchWith(beAsNullAs(a))
def in(iterable: =>Iterable[T]) = result.matchWith(beIn(iterable))
def oneOf(t: T*) = result.matchWith(beOneOf(t:_*))
def throwA[E <: Throwable](implicit m: Manifest[E]) = result.matchWith(throwAnException[E](m))
def throwA[E <: Throwable](e: E) = result.matchWith(throwException(e))
def throwAn[E <: Throwable](implicit m: Manifest[E]) = result.matchWith(throwAnException[E](m))
def throwAn[E <: Throwable](e: E) = result.matchWith(throwException(e))
/** implicit definition to add 'empty' matchers */
implicit def toAnyEmptyResultMatcher[S <: T1](result: Result[S]) = new AnyEmptyResultMatcher(result)
/** functions which can be used with 'empty' matchers */
class AnyEmptyResultMatcher[S <: T1](result: Result[S]) {
def empty = result.matchWith(beEmpty[S])
* Alias of is_==
def equalTo[T](o: T)(implicit d: Detailed) = is_==(o)(d)
* Alias for beAsNullAs
def asNullAs[T](a: =>T) = beAsNullAs(a)
* Alias for beIn
def in[T](iterable: =>Iterable[T]): Matcher[T] = beIn(iterable)
* Matches beOneOf
def oneOf[T](t: T*): Matcher[T] = beOneOf(t:_*)
* Alias of beEmpty
def empty[S <: T1] = beEmpty[S]
* Reusable equalTo matcher
class BeEqualTo[T](a: =>T) extends Matcher[T] {
def apply(v: =>T) = {
val (x, y) = (a, v)
var dy = d(y)
var qx = q(x)
if (dy == qx) {
dy = dy + ": " + getClassName(y)
qx = qx + ": " + getClassName(x)
(x == y, dy + " is equal to " + qx, dy + " is not equal to " + qx)
class BeNull[T] extends Matcher[T] {
def apply(v: =>T) = { val b = v; (b == null, description.getOrElse("the value") + " is null", d(b) + " is not null") }