scala.concurrent.stm.impl.STMImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* scala-stm - (c) 2009-2011, Stanford University, PPL */
package scala.concurrent.stm
package impl
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
private[impl] object STMImplHolder {
var instance: STMImpl = STMImpl.createInstance()
/** `STMImpl` gathers all of the functionality required to plug an STM
* implementation into `scala.concurrent.stm`. Only one implementation can
* be selected, because `Ref`s and atomic blocks from different STM
* implementations are not compatible. `STMImpl.instance` returns the
* `STMImpl` instance that has been selected for this program execution.
* There are two ways to explicitly select the `STMImpl` instance:
* 1. set the JVM system property "scala.stm.impl" to the name of a class
* that implements `STMImpl`; or
* 2. arrange for `STMImpl.select` or `STMImpl.trySelect` to be called
* before any `Ref`s are constructed and before any atomic blocks are
* executed.
* Setting the JVM system property "scala.stm.impl" is equivalent to making a
* call to `STMImpl.select(System.getProperty("scala.stm.impl"))` before any
* other `STMImpl` selections.
* If there is no explicitly selected `STMImpl` instance and the classpath
* contains a class `scala.concurrent.stm.impl.DefaultFactory` that extends
* `scala.concurrent.stm.impl.STMImpl.Factory`, then an instance of that
* class will be instantiated and used to generate the `STMImpl` instance.
* ScalaSTM implementations are encouraged to implement `DefaultFactory` so
* that if a user includes the implementation's JAR file, it will be
* automatically selected.
* If no explicit selection has been made and there is no definition of
* `scala.concurrent.stm.impl.DefaultFactory` present in the classpath, then
* ScalaSTM will fall back to the reference implementation
* "scala.concurrent.stm.ccstm.CCSTM".
* @author Nathan Bronson
object STMImpl {
trait Factory {
def createInstance(): STMImpl
/** Returns the instance of `STMImpl` that should be used to implement all
* ScalaSTM functionality. Calling this method forces the implementation
* to be chosen if it has not already been selected.
def instance: STMImpl = STMImplHolder.instance
// We duplicate the implementation of select() to avoid the need to
// instantiate an STM that we won't end up using
/** If no `STMImpl` instance has yet been selected, installs an instance of
* `Class.forName(implClassName)` as the system-wide STM implementation.
* Returns true if `implClassName` was newly or previously selected, or
* returns false if another STM implementation was chosen.
def trySelect(implClassName: String): Boolean = {
explicitChoice = implClassName
instance.getClass.getName == implClassName
/** Installs `Class.forName(implClassName)` as the system-wide STM
* implementation if no `STMImpl` has yet been chosen, or verifies that
* `implClassName` was previously selected, throwing
* `IllegalStateException` if a different STM implementation has already
* been selected
def select(implClassName: String) {
if (!trySelect(implClassName)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"unable to select STMImpl class " + implClassName + ", " + instance + " already installed");
/** Installs `impl` as the system-wide STM implementation if no `STMImpl`
* has yet been chosen, or verifies that `impl` is equal to the previously
* selected instance, throwing `IllegalStateException` if an STM
* implementation has already been selected and `impl != instance`
def select(impl: STMImpl) {
explicitChoice = impl
if (impl != instance) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"unable to select STMImpl " + impl + ", " + instance + " already installed");
/** May be a String class name, an STMImpl, or null */
@volatile private var explicitChoice: AnyRef = null
private[impl] def createInstance(): STMImpl = {
var choice: AnyRef = System.getProperty("scala.stm.impl")
if (choice == null)
choice = explicitChoice
if (choice == null) {
choice = (try {
val fc = Class.forName("scala.concurrent.stm.impl.DefaultFactory")
} catch {
case _: ClassNotFoundException => "scala.concurrent.stm.ccstm.CCSTM"
choice match {
case s: String => Class.forName(s).newInstance().asInstanceOf[STMImpl]
case i: STMImpl => i
/** `STMImpl` gathers all of the functionality required to plug an STM
* implementation into `scala.concurrent.stm`. See the `STMImpl` companion
* object for information on controlling which `STMImpl` is selected at run
* time.
* @author Nathan Bronson
trait STMImpl extends RefFactory with TxnContext with TxnExecutor {
/** Returns a new commit barrier suitable for coordinating commits by this
* STM implementation.
def newCommitBarrier(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): CommitBarrier
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