scala.concurrent.stm.skel.SimpleRandom.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* scala-stm - (c) 2009-2011, Stanford University, PPL */
package scala.concurrent.stm.skel
/** A random number generator that focuses on speed and lack of inter-thread
* interference, rather than on the quality of the numbers returned. The
* `object SimpleRandom` is striped internally to reduce
* contention when accessed from multiple threads. The `class
* SimpleRandom` should only be used by a single thread.
* The constants in this 64-bit linear congruential random number generator
* are from http://nuclear.llnl.gov/CNP/rng/rngman/node4.html.
* @author Nathan Bronson
object SimpleRandom {
// 64 byte cache lines are typical, so there are 8 slots per cache line.
// This means that the probability that any two threads have false sharing is
// p = 8 / #slots. If there are n processors, each of which is running 1
// thread, then the probability that no other threads have false sharing with
// the current thread is (1-p)^(n-1). If p is small, that is about
// 1 - (n-1)p, which is pretty close to 1 - np. If we want the probability
// of false conflict for a thread to be less than k, then we need np < k, or
// p < k/n, or 8/Slots < k/n, or #slots > 8n/k. If we let k = 1/8, then we
// get #slots=64*n.
private val mask = {
val min = 64 * Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors
var slots = 1
while (slots < min) slots *= 2
slots - 1
private val states = Array.tabulate(mask + 1)({ _ * 0x123456789abcdefL })
/** Returns a random value chosen from a uniform distribution of all valid
* `Int`s.
def nextInt(): Int = {
val id = (Thread.currentThread.getId.asInstanceOf[Int] * 13) & mask
val next = step(states(id))
states(id) = next
/** Returns a random value chosen from a uniform distribution of the
* non-negative integers less than `n`, or throws `IllegalArgumentException`
* if `n` is negative or zero.
def nextInt(n: Int): Int = {
if (n <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException
var x = -1
while (x == -1) x = tryClamp(nextInt(), n)
private def step(x: Long) = x * 2862933555777941757L + 3037000493L
private def extract(x: Long) = (x >> 30).asInstanceOf[Int]
/** r is the random, returns -1 on failure. */
private def tryClamp(r: Int, n: Int): Int = {
// get a positive number
val x = r & Int.MaxValue
if ((n & -n) == n) {
// for powers of two, we use high bits instead of low bits
((x.toLong * n) >> 31).toInt
} else {
val z = x % n
if (x - z + (n - 1) < 0) {
// x is bigger than floor(MAX_INT/n)*n, so we are not getting an even
// distribution. Try again.
} else {
/** An clonable unsynchronized random number generator that uses the same
* algorithm as the concurrent `object SimpleRandom`. The caller must ensure
* that each `SimpleRandom` instance is used from only one thread at a time.
* @author Nathan Bronson
class SimpleRandom private (private var _state: Long, dummy: Boolean) {
import SimpleRandom._
def this(seed: Int) = this(SimpleRandom.step(SimpleRandom.step(seed)), false)
def this() = this(System.identityHashCode(Thread.currentThread))
override def clone = new SimpleRandom(_state, false)
/** Returns a random value chosen from a uniform distribution of all valid
* `Int`s.
def nextInt(): Int = {
_state = step(_state)
/** Returns a random value chosen from a uniform distribution of the
* non-negative integers less than `n`, or throws `IllegalArgumentException`
* if `n` is negative or zero.
def nextInt(n: Int): Int = {
if (n <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException
var x = -1
while (x == -1) x = tryClamp(nextInt(), n)