org.scalacheck.util.CmdLineParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
** ScalaCheck **
** Copyright (c) 2007-2016 Rickard Nilsson. All rights reserved. **
** http://www.scalacheck.org **
** **
** This software is released under the terms of the Revised BSD License. **
** There is NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for the full text. **
\*------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
package org.scalacheck.util
import scala.collection.Set
import org.scalacheck.Test
private[scalacheck] trait CmdLineParser {
trait Opt[+T] {
val default: T
val names: Set[String]
val help: String
trait Flag extends Opt[Unit]
trait IntOpt extends Opt[Int]
trait FloatOpt extends Opt[Float]
trait StrOpt extends Opt[String]
class OptMap(private val opts: Map[Opt[_],Any] = Map.empty) {
def apply(flag: Flag): Boolean = opts.contains(flag)
def apply[T](opt: Opt[T]): T = opts.get(opt) match {
case None => opt.default
case Some(v) => v.asInstanceOf[T]
def set[T](o: (Opt[T], T)) = new OptMap(opts + o)
val opts: Set[Opt[_]]
private def getOpt(s: String) = {
if(s == null || s.length == 0 || s.charAt(0) != '-') None
else opts.find(_.names.contains(s.drop(1)))
private def getStr(s: String) = Some(s)
private def getInt(s: String) =
if (s != null && s.length > 0 && s.forall(_.isDigit)) Some(s.toInt)
else None
private def getFloat(s: String) =
if (s != null && s.matches("[0987654321]+\\.?[0987654321]*")) Some(s.toFloat)
else None
def printHelp = {
println("Available options:")
opts.foreach { opt =>
println(" " + opt.names.map("-"+_).mkString(", ") + ": " + opt.help)
/** Parses a command line and returns a tuple of the parsed options,
* and any unrecognized strings */
def parseArgs[T](args: Array[String]): (OptMap, List[String]) = {
def parse(
as: List[String], om: OptMap, us: List[String]
): (OptMap, List[String]) = as match {
case Nil => (om, us)
case a::Nil => getOpt(a) match {
case Some(o: Flag) => parse(Nil, om.set((o,())), us)
case _ => (om, us :+ a)
case a1::a2::as => (getOpt(a1) match {
case Some(o: IntOpt) => getInt(a2).map(v => parse(as, om.set(o -> v), us))
case Some(o: FloatOpt) => getFloat(a2).map(v => parse(as, om.set(o -> v), us))
case Some(o: StrOpt) => getStr(a2).map(v => parse(as, om.set(o -> v), us))
case _ => None
}).getOrElse(parse(a2::as, om, us :+ a1))
parse(args.toList, new OptMap(), Nil)
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