org.scalacheck.Test.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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** ScalaCheck **
** Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Rickard Nilsson. All rights reserved. **
** http://www.scalacheck.org **
** **
** This software is released under the terms of the Revised BSD License. **
** There is NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for the full text. **
\*------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
package org.scalacheck
import Prop.Arg
object Test {
import util.{FreqMap, CmdLineParser, ConsoleReporter}
/** Test parameters used by the check methods. Default
* parameters are defined by [[Test.Parameters.Default]]. */
trait Parameters {
/** The minimum number of tests that must succeed for ScalaCheck to
* consider a property passed. */
val minSuccessfulTests: Int
/** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with
* [[Test.Parameters.minSuccessfulTests]] set to the specified value. */
def withMinSuccessfulTests(minSuccessfulTests: Int): Parameters = cp(
minSuccessfulTests = minSuccessfulTests
/** The starting size given as parameter to the generators. */
val minSize: Int
/** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with
* [[Test.Parameters.minSize]] set to the specified value. */
def withMinSize(minSize: Int): Parameters = cp(
minSize = minSize
/** The maximum size given as parameter to the generators. */
val maxSize: Int
/** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with
* [[Test.Parameters.maxSize]] set to the specified value. */
def withMaxSize(maxSize: Int): Parameters = cp(
maxSize = maxSize
/** The random number generator used. */
val rng: scala.util.Random
/** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with
* [[Test.Parameters.rng]] set to the specified value. */
def withRng(rng: scala.util.Random): Parameters = cp(
rng = rng
/** The number of tests to run in parallel. */
val workers: Int
/** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with
* [[Test.Parameters.workers]] set to the specified value. */
def withWorkers(workers: Int): Parameters = cp(
workers = workers
/** A callback that ScalaCheck calls each time a test is executed. */
val testCallback: TestCallback
/** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with
* [[Test.Parameters.testCallback]] set to the specified value. */
def withTestCallback(testCallback: TestCallback): Parameters = cp(
testCallback = testCallback
/** The maximum ratio between discarded and passed tests allowed before
* ScalaCheck gives up and discards the property. At least
* `minSuccesfulTests` will always be run, though. */
val maxDiscardRatio: Float
/** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with
* [[Test.Parameters.maxDiscardRatio]] set to the specified value. */
def withMaxDiscardRatio(maxDiscardRatio: Float): Parameters = cp(
maxDiscardRatio = maxDiscardRatio
/** A custom class loader that should be used during test execution. */
val customClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader]
/** Create a copy of this [[Test.Parameters]] instance with
* [[Test.Parameters.customClassLoader]] set to the specified value. */
def withCustomClassLoader(customClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader]
): Parameters = cp(
customClassLoader = customClassLoader
// private since we can't guarantee binary compatibility for this one
private case class cp(
minSuccessfulTests: Int = minSuccessfulTests,
minSize: Int = minSize,
maxSize: Int = maxSize,
rng: scala.util.Random = rng,
workers: Int = workers,
testCallback: TestCallback = testCallback,
maxDiscardRatio: Float = maxDiscardRatio,
customClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = customClassLoader
) extends Parameters
/** Test parameters used by the check methods. Default
* parameters are defined by [[Test.Parameters.Default]]. */
object Parameters {
/** Default test parameters trait. This can be overriden if you need to
* tweak the parameters:
* {{{
* val myParams = new Parameters.Default {
* override val minSuccesfulTests = 600
* override val maxDiscardRatio = 8
* }
* }}}
* You can also use the withXXX-methods in
* [[org.scalacheck.Test.Parameters]] to achieve
* the same thing:
* {{{
* val myParams = Parameters.default
* .withMinSuccessfulTests(600)
* .withMaxDiscardRatio(8)
* }}} */
trait Default extends Parameters {
val minSuccessfulTests: Int = 100
val minSize: Int = 0
val maxSize: Int = Gen.Parameters.default.size
val rng: scala.util.Random = Gen.Parameters.default.rng
val workers: Int = 1
val testCallback: TestCallback = new TestCallback {}
val maxDiscardRatio: Float = 5
val customClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = None
/** Default test parameters instance. */
val default: Parameters = new Default {}
/** Verbose console reporter test parameters instance. */
val defaultVerbose: Parameters = new Default {
override val testCallback = ConsoleReporter(2)
/** Test statistics */
case class Result(
status: Status,
succeeded: Int,
discarded: Int,
freqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]],
time: Long = 0
) {
def passed = status match {
case Passed => true
case Proved(_) => true
case _ => false
/** Test status */
sealed trait Status
/** ScalaCheck found enough cases for which the property holds, so the
* property is considered correct. (It is not proved correct, though). */
case object Passed extends Status
/** ScalaCheck managed to prove the property correct */
sealed case class Proved(args: List[Arg[Any]]) extends Status
/** The property was proved wrong with the given concrete arguments. */
sealed case class Failed(args: List[Arg[Any]], labels: Set[String]) extends Status
/** The property test was exhausted, it wasn't possible to generate enough
* concrete arguments satisfying the preconditions to get enough passing
* property evaluations. */
case object Exhausted extends Status
/** An exception was raised when trying to evaluate the property with the
* given concrete arguments. If an exception was raised before or during
* argument generation, the argument list will be empty. */
sealed case class PropException(args: List[Arg[Any]], e: Throwable,
labels: Set[String]) extends Status
trait TestCallback { self =>
/** Called each time a property is evaluated */
def onPropEval(name: String, threadIdx: Int, succeeded: Int,
discarded: Int): Unit = ()
/** Called whenever a property has finished testing */
def onTestResult(name: String, result: Result): Unit = ()
def chain(testCallback: TestCallback): TestCallback = new TestCallback {
override def onPropEval(name: String, threadIdx: Int,
succeeded: Int, discarded: Int
): Unit = {
override def onTestResult(name: String, result: Result): Unit = {
private def assertParams(prms: Parameters) = {
import prms._
minSuccessfulTests <= 0 ||
maxDiscardRatio <= 0 ||
minSize < 0 ||
maxSize < minSize ||
workers <= 0
) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid test parameters")
private def secure[T](x: => T): Either[T,Throwable] =
try { Left(x) } catch { case e: Throwable => Right(e) }
private[scalacheck] lazy val cmdLineParser = new CmdLineParser {
object OptMinSuccess extends IntOpt {
val default = Parameters.default.minSuccessfulTests
val names = Set("minSuccessfulTests", "s")
val help = "Number of tests that must succeed in order to pass a property"
object OptMaxDiscardRatio extends FloatOpt {
val default = Parameters.default.maxDiscardRatio
val names = Set("maxDiscardRatio", "r")
val help =
"The maximum ratio between discarded and succeeded tests " +
"allowed before ScalaCheck stops testing a property. At " +
"least minSuccessfulTests will always be tested, though."
object OptMinSize extends IntOpt {
val default = Parameters.default.minSize
val names = Set("minSize", "n")
val help = "Minimum data generation size"
object OptMaxSize extends IntOpt {
val default = Parameters.default.maxSize
val names = Set("maxSize", "x")
val help = "Maximum data generation size"
object OptWorkers extends IntOpt {
val default = Parameters.default.workers
val names = Set("workers", "w")
val help = "Number of threads to execute in parallel for testing"
object OptVerbosity extends IntOpt {
val default = 1
val names = Set("verbosity", "v")
val help = "Verbosity level"
val opts = Set[Opt[_]](
OptMinSuccess, OptMaxDiscardRatio, OptMinSize,
OptMaxSize, OptWorkers, OptVerbosity
def parseParams(args: Array[String]) = parseArgs(args) {
optMap => Parameters.default
.withMinSuccessfulTests(optMap(OptMinSuccess): Int)
.withMaxDiscardRatio(optMap(OptMaxDiscardRatio): Float)
.withMinSize(optMap(OptMinSize): Int)
.withMaxSize(optMap(OptMaxSize): Int)
.withWorkers(optMap(OptWorkers): Int)
.withTestCallback(ConsoleReporter(optMap(OptVerbosity)): TestCallback)
/** Tests a property with parameters that are calculated by applying
* the provided function to [[Test.Parameters.default]].
* Example use:
* {{{
* Test.check(p) { _.
* withMinSuccessfulTests(80000).
* withWorkers(4)
* }
* }}}
def check(p: Prop)(f: Parameters => Parameters): Result =
check(f(Parameters.default), p)
/** Tests a property with the given testing parameters, and returns
* the test results. */
def check(params: Parameters, p: Prop): Result = {
import params._
val iterations = math.ceil(minSuccessfulTests / (workers: Double))
val sizeStep = (maxSize-minSize) / (iterations*workers)
var stop = false
val genPrms = new Gen.Parameters.Default { override val rng = params.rng }
def workerFun(workerIdx: Int): Result = {
var n = 0 // passed tests
var d = 0 // discarded tests
var res: Result = null
var fm = FreqMap.empty[Set[Any]]
while(!stop && res == null && n < iterations) {
val size = (minSize: Double) + (sizeStep * (workerIdx + (workers*(n+d))))
val propRes = p(genPrms.withSize(size.round.toInt))
fm = if(propRes.collected.isEmpty) fm else fm + propRes.collected
propRes.status match {
case Prop.Undecided =>
d += 1
testCallback.onPropEval("", workerIdx, n, d)
// The below condition is kind of hacky. We have to have
// some margin, otherwise workers might stop testing too
// early because they have been exhausted, but the overall
// test has not.
if (n+d > minSuccessfulTests && 1+workers*maxDiscardRatio*n < d)
res = Result(Exhausted, n, d, fm)
case Prop.True =>
n += 1
testCallback.onPropEval("", workerIdx, n, d)
case Prop.Proof =>
n += 1
res = Result(Proved(propRes.args), n, d, fm)
stop = true
case Prop.False =>
res = Result(Failed(propRes.args,propRes.labels), n, d, fm)
stop = true
case Prop.Exception(e) =>
res = Result(PropException(propRes.args,e,propRes.labels), n, d, fm)
stop = true
if (res == null) {
if (maxDiscardRatio*n > d) Result(Passed, n, d, fm)
else Result(Exhausted, n, d, fm)
} else res
def mergeResults(r1: Result, r2: Result): Result = {
val Result(st1, s1, d1, fm1, _) = r1
val Result(st2, s2, d2, fm2, _) = r2
if (st1 != Passed && st1 != Exhausted)
Result(st1, s1+s2, d1+d2, fm1++fm2, 0)
else if (st2 != Passed && st2 != Exhausted)
Result(st2, s1+s2, d1+d2, fm1++fm2, 0)
else {
if (s1+s2 >= minSuccessfulTests && maxDiscardRatio*(s1+s2) >= (d1+d2))
Result(Passed, s1+s2, d1+d2, fm1++fm2, 0)
Result(Exhausted, s1+s2, d1+d2, fm1++fm2, 0)
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
val r =
if(workers < 2) workerFun(0)
else {
import concurrent._
val tp = java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(workers)
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(tp)
try {
val fs = List.range(0,workers) map (idx => Future {
blocking { workerFun(idx) }
val zeroRes = Result(Passed,0,0,FreqMap.empty[Set[Any]],0)
val res = Future.fold(fs)(zeroRes)(mergeResults)
Await.result(res, concurrent.duration.Duration.Inf)
} finally {
stop = true
val timedRes = r.copy(time = System.currentTimeMillis-start)
params.testCallback.onTestResult("", timedRes)
/** Check a set of properties. */
def checkProperties(prms: Parameters, ps: Properties): Seq[(String,Result)] =
ps.properties.map { case (name,p) =>
val testCallback = new TestCallback {
override def onPropEval(n: String, t: Int, s: Int, d: Int) =
override def onTestResult(n: String, r: Result) =
val res = check(prms.withTestCallback(testCallback), p)
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