scalafx.scene.Node.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2011-2022, ScalaFX Project
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of the ScalaFX Project nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
package scalafx.scene
import javafx.scene.{effect => jfxse, input => jfxsi, layout => jfxsl, transform => jfxst}
import javafx.{event => jfxe, geometry => jfxg, scene => jfxs, util => jfxu}
import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.beans.property._
import scalafx.collections._
import scalafx.css.Styleable
import scalafx.delegate.SFXDelegate
import scalafx.delegate.SFXDelegate.delegateOrNull
import scalafx.event.Event._
import scalafx.event.{Event, EventHandlerDelegate}
import scalafx.geometry.Bounds._
import scalafx.geometry.Point2D._
import scalafx.geometry.{Bounds, Insets, Point2D, Point3D, Pos, _}
import scalafx.scene.effect.{BlendMode, Effect}
import scalafx.scene.image.WritableImage
import scalafx.scene.input.Dragboard
import scalafx.scene.layout.Priority
import scalafx.scene.transform.Transform
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
* Companion object for [[scalafx.scene.Node]].
object Node {
* Converts a ScalaFX Node to its JavaFX counterpart.
* @param v ScalaFX Node
* @return JavaFX Node
implicit def sfxNode2jfx(v: Node): jfxs.Node = if (v != null) v.delegate else null
* Wraps [[http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/Node.html]].
* @constructor creates a new ScalaFX Node from a JavaFX Node.
* @param delegate JavaFX Node
abstract class Node protected(override val delegate: jfxs.Node)
extends EventHandlerDelegate
with Styleable
with SFXDelegate[jfxs.Node] {
* The accessible text for this `Node`.
* This property is used to set the text that the screen
* reader will speak. If a node normally speaks text,
* that text is overriden. For example, a button
* usually speaks using the text in the control but will
* no longer do this when this value is set.
* Default value is `null`.
* @since JavaFX 8u40
def accessibleText: ObjectProperty[String] = delegate.accessibleTextProperty
def accessibleText_=(v: String): Unit = {
ObjectProperty.fillProperty(accessibleText, v)
* The accessible help text for this `Node`.
* The help text provides a more detailed description of the
* accessible text for a node. By default, if the node has
* a tool tip, this text is used.
* Default value is `null`.
* @since JavaFX 8u40
def accessibleHelp: ObjectProperty[String] = delegate.accessibleHelpProperty
def accessibleHelp_=(v: String): Unit = {
ObjectProperty.fillProperty(accessibleHelp, v)
* The accessible role for this `Node`.
* The screen reader uses the role of a node to determine the
* attributes and actions that are supported.
* @since JavaFX 8u40
def accessibleRole: ObjectProperty[jfxs.AccessibleRole] = delegate.accessibleRoleProperty
def accessibleRole_=(v: AccessibleRole): Unit = {
ObjectProperty.fillProperty(accessibleRole, v)
* The role description of this `Node`.
* Noramlly, when a role is provided for a node, the screen reader
* speaks the role as well as the contents of the node. When this
* value is set, it is possbile to override the default. This is
* useful because the set of roles is predefined. For example,
* it is possible to set the role of a node to be a button, but
* have the role description be arbitrary text.
* Default value is `null`.
* @since JavaFX 8u40
def accessibleRoleDescription: ObjectProperty[String] = delegate.accessibleRoleDescriptionProperty
def accessibleRoleDescription_=(v: String): Unit = {
ObjectProperty.fillProperty(accessibleRoleDescription, v)
* The BlendMode used to blend this individual node into the scene behind it.
def blendMode: ObjectProperty[jfxse.BlendMode] = delegate.blendModeProperty
def blendMode_=(v: BlendMode): Unit = {
blendMode() = v
* The rectangular bounds of this Node in the node's untransformed local coordinate space.
def boundsInLocal: ReadOnlyObjectProperty[jfxg.Bounds] = delegate.boundsInLocalProperty
* The rectangular bounds of this Node which include its transforms.
def boundsInParent: ReadOnlyObjectProperty[jfxg.Bounds] = delegate.boundsInParentProperty
* Additional hint for controlling bitmap caching.
def cacheHint: ObjectProperty[jfxs.CacheHint] = delegate.cacheHintProperty
def cacheHint_=(v: CacheHint): Unit = {
cacheHint() = v
* A performance hint to the system to indicate that this Node should be cached as a bitmap.
def cache: BooleanProperty = delegate.cacheProperty
def cache_=(v: Boolean): Unit = {
cache() = v
* Specifies a Node to use to define the the clipping shape for this Node.
def clip: ObjectProperty[jfxs.Node] = delegate.clipProperty
def clip_=(v: Node): Unit = {
clip() = v
* Returns the orientation of a node's resizing bias for layout purposes.
* If the node type has no bias, returns `null`.
* If the node is resizable and it's height depends on its width, returns HORIZONTAL, else
* if its width depends on its height, returns VERTICAL.
* Resizable subclasses should override this method to return an appropriate value.
* @return orientation of width/height dependency or `null` if there is none
def contentBias: Orientation = delegate.getContentBias
* Defines the mouse cursor for this Node and subnodes.
def cursor: ObjectProperty[jfxs.Cursor] = delegate.cursorProperty
def cursor_=(v: Cursor): Unit = {
cursor() = v
* Indicates whether depth testing is used when rendering this node.
def depthTest: ObjectProperty[jfxs.DepthTest] = delegate.depthTestProperty
def depthTest_=(v: DepthTest): Unit = {
depthTest() = v
* Indicates whether or not this Node is disabled.
def disabled: ReadOnlyBooleanProperty = delegate.disabledProperty
* Sets the individual disabled state of this Node.
def disable: BooleanProperty = delegate.disableProperty
def disable_=(v: Boolean): Unit = {
disable() = v
* Specifies an effect to apply to this Node.
def effect: ObjectProperty[jfxse.Effect] = delegate.effectProperty
def effect_=(v: Effect): Unit = {
ObjectProperty.fillProperty[jfxse.Effect](this.effect, v)
* Specifies the event dispatcher for this node.
def eventDispatcher: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventDispatcher] = delegate.eventDispatcherProperty
def eventDispatcher_=(v: jfxe.EventDispatcher): Unit = {
eventDispatcher() = v
* Indicates whether this Node currently has the input focus.
def focused: ReadOnlyBooleanProperty = delegate.focusedProperty
* Specifies whether this Node should be a part of focus traversal cycle.
def focusTraversable: BooleanProperty = delegate.focusTraversableProperty
* Indicates whether this `Node` should visibly indicate focus.
* This flag is set when the node acquires input focus via keyboard navigation,
* and it is cleared when the node loses focus or when [[requestFocus]]
* is called.
* @since 19
def focusVisible: ReadOnlyBooleanProperty = delegate.focusVisibleProperty
* Indicates whether this `Node` or any of its descendants currently
* has the input focus.
* @since 19
def focusWithin: ReadOnlyBooleanProperty = delegate.focusWithinProperty
def focusTraversable_=(v: Boolean): Unit = {
focusTraversable() = v
* Whether or not this Node is being hovered over.
def hover: ReadOnlyBooleanProperty = delegate.hoverProperty
* The id of this Node.
def id: StringProperty = delegate.idProperty
def id_=(v: String): Unit = {
id() = v
* Property holding InputMethodRequests.
def inputMethodRequests: ObjectProperty[jfxsi.InputMethodRequests] = delegate.inputMethodRequestsProperty
def inputMethodRequests_=(v: jfxsi.InputMethodRequests): Unit = {
inputMethodRequests() = v
* The rectangular bounds that should be used for layout calculations for this node.
def layoutBounds: ReadOnlyObjectProperty[jfxg.Bounds] = delegate.layoutBoundsProperty
* Defines the x coordinate of the translation that is added to this Node's transform for the
* purpose of layout.
def layoutX: DoubleProperty = delegate.layoutXProperty
def layoutX_=(v: Double): Unit = {
layoutX() = v
* Defines the y coordinate of the translation that is added to this Node's transform for the
* purpose of layout.
def layoutY: DoubleProperty = delegate.layoutYProperty
def layoutY_=(v: Double): Unit = {
layoutY() = v
* Defines whether or not this node's layout will be managed by it's parent.
def managed: BooleanProperty = delegate.managedProperty
def managed_=(v: Boolean): Unit = {
managed() = v
* If true, this node (together with all its children) is completely transparent to mouse events.
def mouseTransparent: BooleanProperty = delegate.mouseTransparentProperty
def mouseTransparent_=(v: Boolean): Unit = {
mouseTransparent() = v
* Node orientation describes the flow of visual data within a node.
def nodeOrientation: ObjectProperty[jfxg.NodeOrientation] = delegate.nodeOrientationProperty
def nodeOrientation_=(v: NodeOrientation): Unit = {
ObjectProperty.fillProperty[jfxg.NodeOrientation](this.nodeOrientation, v)
* The effective orientation of a node resolves the inheritance of node orientation, returning either left-to-right or right-to-left.
def effectiveNodeOrientation: ReadOnlyObjectProperty[jfxg.NodeOrientation] = delegate.effectiveNodeOrientationProperty
* Defines a function to be called when a context menu has been requested on this Node.
def onContextMenuRequested: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ContextMenuEvent]] = delegate.onContextMenuRequestedProperty
def onContextMenuRequested_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ContextMenuEvent]): Unit = {
onContextMenuRequested() = v
* Defines a function to be called when drag gesture has been detected.
def onDragDetected: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]] = delegate.onDragDetectedProperty
def onDragDetected_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]): Unit = {
onDragDetected() = v
* Defines a function to be called when this Node is a drag and drop gesture source after its
* data has been dropped on a drop target.
def onDragDone: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.DragEvent]] = delegate.onDragDoneProperty
def onDragDone_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.DragEvent]): Unit = {
onDragDone() = v
* Defines a function to be called when the mouse button is released on this Node during drag
* and drop gesture.
def onDragDropped: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.DragEvent]] = delegate.onDragDroppedProperty
def onDragDropped_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.DragEvent]): Unit = {
onDragDropped() = v
* Defines a function to be called when drag gesture enters this Node.
def onDragEntered: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.DragEvent]] = delegate.onDragEnteredProperty
def onDragEntered_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.DragEvent]): Unit = {
onDragEntered() = v
* Defines a function to be called when drag gesture exits this Node.
def onDragExited: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.DragEvent]] = delegate.onDragExitedProperty
def onDragExited_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.DragEvent]): Unit = {
onDragExited() = v
* Defines a function to be called when drag gesture progresses within this Node.
def onDragOver: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.DragEvent]] = delegate.onDragOverProperty
def onDragOver_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.DragEvent]): Unit = {
onDragOver() = v
* Defines a function to be called when this Node has input focus and the input method text has
* changed.
def onInputMethodTextChanged: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.InputMethodEvent]] = delegate.onInputMethodTextChangedProperty
def onInputMethodTextChanged_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.InputMethodEvent]): Unit = {
onInputMethodTextChanged() = v
* Defines a function to be called when this Node or its child Node has input focus and a key
* has been pressed.
def onKeyPressed: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.KeyEvent]] = delegate.onKeyPressedProperty
def onKeyPressed_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.KeyEvent]): Unit = {
onKeyPressed() = v
* Defines a function to be called when this Node or its child Node has input focus and a key
* has been released.
def onKeyReleased: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.KeyEvent]] = delegate.onKeyReleasedProperty
def onKeyReleased_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.KeyEvent]): Unit = {
onKeyReleased() = v
* Defines a function to be called when this Node or its child Node has input focus and a key
* has been typed.
def onKeyTyped: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.KeyEvent]] = delegate.onKeyTypedProperty
def onKeyTyped_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.KeyEvent]): Unit = {
onKeyTyped() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released)
* on this Node.
def onMouseClicked: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]] = delegate.onMouseClickedProperty
def onMouseClicked_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]): Unit = {
onMouseClicked() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a mouse button is pressed on this Node and then dragged.
def onMouseDragged: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]] = delegate.onMouseDraggedProperty
def onMouseDragged_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]): Unit = {
onMouseDragged() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture enters this Node.
def onMouseDragEntered: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseDragEvent]] = delegate.onMouseDragEnteredProperty
def onMouseDragEntered_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseDragEvent]): Unit = {
onMouseDragEntered() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture leaves this Node.
def onMouseDragExited: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseDragEvent]] = delegate.onMouseDragExitedProperty
def onMouseDragExited_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseDragEvent]): Unit = {
onMouseDragExited() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture progresses within this Node.
def onMouseDragOver: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseDragEvent]] = delegate.onMouseDragOverProperty
def onMouseDragOver_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseDragEvent]): Unit = {
onMouseDragOver() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture ends (by releasing mouse button) within
* this Node.
def onMouseDragReleased: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseDragEvent]] = delegate.onMouseDragReleasedProperty
def onMouseDragReleased_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseDragEvent]): Unit = {
onMouseDragReleased() = v
* Defines a function to be called when the mouse enters this Node.
def onMouseEntered: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]] = delegate.onMouseEnteredProperty
def onMouseEntered_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]): Unit = {
onMouseEntered() = v
* Defines a function to be called when the mouse exits this Node.
def onMouseExited: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]] = delegate.onMouseExitedProperty
def onMouseExited_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]): Unit = {
onMouseExited() = v
def onMouseMoved: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]] = delegate.onMouseMovedProperty
def onMouseMoved_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]): Unit = {
onMouseMoved() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been pressed on this Node.
def onMousePressed: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]] = delegate.onMousePressedProperty
def onMousePressed_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]): Unit = {
onMousePressed() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been released on this Node.
def onMouseReleased: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]] = delegate.onMouseReleasedProperty
def onMouseReleased_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.MouseEvent]): Unit = {
onMouseReleased() = v
* Defines a function to be called when user performs a scrolling action.
def onScroll: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ScrollEvent]] = delegate.onScrollProperty
def onScroll_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ScrollEvent]): Unit = {
onScroll() = v
* Specifies how opaque (that is, solid) the Node appears.
def opacity: DoubleProperty = delegate.opacityProperty
def opacity_=(v: Double): Unit = {
opacity() = v
* The parent of this Node.
def parent: ReadOnlyObjectProperty[jfxs.Parent] = delegate.parentProperty
* Defines how the picking computation is done for this node when triggered by a MouseEvent or a
* contains function call.
def pickOnBounds: BooleanProperty = delegate.pickOnBoundsProperty
def pickOnBounds_=(v: Boolean): Unit = {
pickOnBounds() = v
* Whether or not the Node is pressed.
def pressed: ReadOnlyBooleanProperty = delegate.pressedProperty
* Defines the angle of rotation about the Node's center, measured in degrees.
def rotate: DoubleProperty = delegate.rotateProperty
def rotate_=(v: Double): Unit = {
rotate() = v
* Defines the axis of rotation of this Node.
def rotationAxis: ObjectProperty[jfxg.Point3D] = delegate.rotationAxisProperty
def rotationAxis_=(v: Point3D): Unit = {
rotationAxis() = v
* Defines the factor by which coordinates are scaled about the center of the object along
* the X axis of this Node.
def scaleX: DoubleProperty = delegate.scaleXProperty
def scaleX_=(v: Double): Unit = {
scaleX() = v
* Defines the factor by which coordinates are scaled about the center of the object along the
* Y axis of this Node.
def scaleY: DoubleProperty = delegate.scaleYProperty
def scaleY_=(v: Double): Unit = {
scaleY() = v
* Defines the factor by which coordinates are scaled about the center of the object along the
* Z axis of this Node.
def scaleZ: DoubleProperty = delegate.scaleZProperty
def scaleZ_=(v: Double): Unit = {
scaleZ() = v
* The Scene that this Node is part of.
def scene: ReadOnlyObjectProperty[jfxs.Scene] = delegate.sceneProperty
* A string representation of the CSS style associated with this specific Node.
def style: StringProperty = delegate.styleProperty
def style_=(v: String): Unit = {
style() = v
* Sets the list of CSS styles classes, replacing the prior content. If you want append to current content, use `add`
* or similar.
* @param c list of CSS styles classes to replace prior content.
def styleClass_=(c: Iterable[String]): Unit = {
fillCollection(styleClass, c)
* Defines the ObservableList of Transform objects to be applied to this Node.
def transforms: ObservableBuffer[jfxst.Transform] = delegate.getTransforms
* Sets the list of transforms, replacing the prior content. If you want append to current content, use `add` or
* similar.
* @param c list of transforms to replace prior content.
def transforms_=(c: Iterable[Transform]): Unit = {
fillSFXCollection(transforms, c)
* Defines the x coordinate of the translation that is added to this Node's transform.
def translateX: DoubleProperty = delegate.translateXProperty
def translateX_=(v: Double): Unit = {
translateX() = v
* Defines the y coordinate of the translation that is added to this Node's transform.
def translateY: DoubleProperty = delegate.translateYProperty
def translateY_=(v: Double): Unit = {
translateY() = v
* Defines the Z coordinate of the translation that is added to the transformed coordinates of
* this Node.
def translateZ: DoubleProperty = delegate.translateZProperty
def translateZ_=(v: Double): Unit = {
translateZ() = v
* Returns a previously set Object property, or null if no such property has been set using the
* setUserData(AnyRef) method.
def userData: AnyRef = delegate.getUserData
def userData_=(v: AnyRef): Unit = {
* Specifies whether this Node and any subnodes should be rendered as part of the scene graph.
def visible: BooleanProperty = delegate.visibleProperty
def visible_=(v: Boolean): Unit = {
visible() = v
// layout pseudo-properties:
* Pseudo-property that indicates this Node position inside its respective parent.
def alignmentInParent: Pos = delegate.getProperties.get("alignment").asInstanceOf[jfxg.Pos]
* Sets this Node's alignment constraint inside its Parent. If set, will override the Parent's default alignment.
* Setting the value to `null` will remove the constraint.
* Internally it calls `setAlignment(Node, Pos)` static method JavaFX's
* [[http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/layout/BorderPane.html BorderPane]],
* [[http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/layout/StackPane.html StackPane]] and
* [[http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/layout/TilePane.html TilePane]]. Furthermore, it is set
* `halignment` and `valignment` property (using JavaFX Node's `getProperties()`) and called
* [[http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/layout/GridPane.html#setHalignment(javafx.scene.Node, javafx.geometry.HPos) setHalignment]]
* and
* [[http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/layout/GridPane.html#setValignment(javafx.scene.Node, javafx.geometry.VPos) setValignment]]
* static methods from [[http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/layout/GridPane.html GridPane]]; this time
* using `hpos` and `vpos` from Pos argument. Besides, it sets this node `alignment` property towards
* [[http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/Node.html#getProperties() JavaFX Node's getProperties()]] and
* `setAlignment` static method from
* '''Do not confuse''' with `alignment` property from [[scalafx.delegate.AlignmentDelegate]]! It refers to alignment
* ''inside'' element, while `alignmentInParent` refers to element's alignment inside its parent.
* @param p New node's Position
def alignmentInParent_=(p: Pos): Unit = {
val delegateProperties = delegate.getProperties
delegateProperties.put("alignment", delegateOrNull(p))
delegateProperties("halignment") = if (p != null) p.hpos.delegate else null
delegateProperties("valignment") = if (p != null) p.vpos.delegate else null
// for compatibility with layouts, which all use different keys
jfxsl.BorderPane.setAlignment(delegate, p)
jfxsl.GridPane.setHalignment(delegate, p.hpos)
jfxsl.GridPane.setValignment(delegate, p.vpos)
jfxsl.StackPane.setAlignment(delegate, p)
jfxsl.TilePane.setAlignment(delegate, p)
* Pseudo-property that returns this Node's margin constraint inside its Parent if set.
* @return this Node's margin constraint inside its Parent or `null` if no margin was set.
def margin: Insets = delegate.getProperties.get("margin").asInstanceOf[jfxg.Insets]
* Sets this Node's margin constraint inside its Parent if set. If set, the parent will layout the child with the
* margin space around it. Setting the value to `null` will remove the constraint.
* Internally it calls `setMargin(Node, Insets)` static method from JavaFX's `BorderPane`, `FlowPane`,
* `GridPane`, `HBox`, `StackPane` and `VBox` besides fill this Node's "margin" property.
* @param i The margin of space around this Node inside its parent.
def margin_=(i: Insets): Unit = {
delegate.getProperties.put("margin", delegateOrNull(i))
// for compatibility with layouts, which all use different keys
jfxsl.BorderPane.setMargin(delegate, i)
jfxsl.FlowPane.setMargin(delegate, i)
jfxsl.GridPane.setMargin(delegate, i)
jfxsl.HBox.setMargin(delegate, i)
jfxsl.StackPane.setMargin(delegate, i)
jfxsl.TilePane.setMargin(delegate, i)
jfxsl.VBox.setMargin(delegate, i)
* Pseudo-property that returns this Node's hgrow constraint if set.
* @return the horizontal grow priority for the child or `null` if no priority was set
def hgrow: Priority = delegate.getProperties.get("hgrow").asInstanceOf[jfxsl.Priority]
* Sets the horizontal grow priority for this Node inside its parent. Setting the value to `null` will remove
* the constraint.
* Internally it calls `setHgrow(Node, Priority)` static method from JavaFX's `GridPane` and `HBox` besides fill
* this Node's "hgrow" property.
* @param p the horizontal grow priority for this Node
def hgrow_=(p: Priority): Unit = {
delegate.getProperties("hgrow") = delegateOrNull(p)
// for compatibility with layouts, which all use different keys
jfxsl.GridPane.setHgrow(delegate, p)
jfxsl.HBox.setHgrow(delegate, p)
* Pseudo-property that returns this Node's vgrow constraint if set.
* @return the vertical grow priority for the child or `null` if no priority was set
def vgrow: Priority = delegate.getProperties.get("vgrow").asInstanceOf[jfxsl.Priority]
* Sets the vertical grow priority for this Node inside its parent. Setting the value to `null` will remove
* the constraint.
* Internally it calls `setVgrow(Node, Priority)` static method from JavaFX's `GridPane` and `VBox` besides fill
* this Node's "vgrow" property.
* @param p the vertical grow priority for this Node
def vgrow_=(p: Priority): Unit = {
delegate.getProperties("vgrow") = delegateOrNull(p)
// for compatibility with layouts, which all use different keys
jfxsl.GridPane.setVgrow(delegate, p)
jfxsl.VBox.setVgrow(delegate, p)
* If the node is resizable, will set its layout bounds to its current preferred width and height.
def autosize(): Unit = {
* Returns true if the given point (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) is
* contained within the shape of this Node.
def contains(localX: Double, localY: Double): Boolean = delegate.contains(localX, localY)
* Returns true if the given point (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node) is
* contained within the shape of this Node.
def contains(localPoint: Point2D): Boolean = delegate.contains(localPoint)
* Fires the specified event.
def fireEvent(event: Event): Unit = {
* The 'alphabetic' (or 'roman') baseline offset from the node's layoutBounds.minY location
* that should be used when this node is being vertically aligned by baseline with other nodes.
def baselineOffset: Double = delegate.getBaselineOffset
* Returns true if the given bounds (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node)
* intersects the shape of this Node.
def intersects(localBounds: Bounds): Boolean = delegate.intersects(localBounds)
* Returns true if the given rectangle (specified in the local coordinate space of this Node)
* intersects the shape of this Node.
def intersects(localX: Double, localY: Double, localWidth: Double, localHeight: Double): Boolean =
delegate.intersects(localX, localY, localWidth, localHeight)
* Transforms a bounds from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of
* its parent.
def localToParent(localBounds: Bounds): Bounds = delegate.localToParent(localBounds)
* Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of
* its parent.
def localToParent(localX: Double, localY: Double): Point2D = delegate.localToParent(localX, localY)
* Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of
* its parent.
def localToParent(localPoint: Point2D): Point2D = delegate.localToParent(localPoint)
* Transforms a bounds from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of
* its Scene.
def localToScene(localBounds: Bounds): Bounds = delegate.localToScene(localBounds)
* Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of
* its Scene.
def localToScene(localX: Double, localY: Double): Point2D = delegate.localToScene(localX, localY)
* Transforms a point from the local coordinate space of this Node into the coordinate space of
* its Scene.
def localToScene(localPoint: Point2D): Point2D = delegate.localToScene(localPoint)
* Finds this Node, or the first sub-node, based on the given CSS selector.
def lookup(selector: String): Node = delegate.lookup(selector)
* Finds all Nodes, including this one and any children, which match the given CSS selector.
def lookupAll(selector: String): Set[jfxs.Node] = delegate.lookupAll(selector).asScala.toSet
* Returns the node's maximum height for use in layout calculations.
def maxHeight(height: Double): Double = delegate.maxHeight(height)
* Returns the node's maximum width for use in layout calculations.
def maxWidth(width: Double): Double = delegate.maxWidth(width)
* Returns the node's minimum height for use in layout calculations.
def minHeight(height: Double): Double = delegate.minHeight(height)
* Returns the node's minimum width for use in layout calculations.
def minWidth(width: Double): Double = delegate.minWidth(width)
* Transforms a rectangle from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate
* space of this Node.
def parentToLocal(parentBounds: Bounds): Bounds = delegate.parentToLocal(parentBounds)
* Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space
* of this Node.
def parentToLocal(parentX: Double, parentY: Double): Point2D = delegate.parentToLocal(parentX, parentY)
* Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the parent into the local coordinate space
* of this Node.
def parentToLocal(parentPoint: Point2D): Point2D = delegate.parentToLocal(parentPoint)
* Sets the node's layoutX and layoutY translation properties in order to relocate this node
* to the x,y location in the parent.
def relocate(x: Double, y: Double): Unit = {
delegate.relocate(x, y)
* Requests that this Node get the input focus, and that this Node's top-level ancestor become
* the focused window.
def requestFocus(): Unit = {
* If the node is resizable, will set its layout bounds to the specified width and height.
def resize(width: Double, height: Double): Unit = {
delegate.resize(width, height)
* If the node is resizable, will set its layout bounds to the specified width and height.
def resizeRelocate(x: Double, y: Double, width: Double, height: Double): Unit = {
delegate.resizeRelocate(x, y, width, height)
* Transforms a rectangle from the coordinate space of the Scene into the local coordinate space
* of this Node.
def sceneToLocal(sceneBounds: Bounds): Bounds = delegate.sceneToLocal(sceneBounds)
* Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the Scene into the local coordinate space
* of this Node.
def sceneToLocal(sceneX: Double, sceneY: Double): Point2D = delegate.sceneToLocal(sceneX, sceneY)
* Transforms a point from the coordinate space of the Scene into the local coordinate space
* of this Node.
def sceneToLocal(scenePoint: Point2D): Point2D = delegate.sceneToLocal(scenePoint)
* Takes a snapshot of this node and returns the rendered image when it is ready.
def snapshot(params: SnapshotParameters, image: WritableImage): WritableImage =
delegate.snapshot(delegateOrNull(params), delegateOrNull(image))
* Takes a snapshot of this node at the next frame and calls the specified callback method when the image is ready.
* Arguments `params` and `image` can be null.
def snapshot(callback: SnapshotResult => Unit, params: SnapshotParameters, image: WritableImage): Unit = {
val jfxCallback = new jfxu.Callback[jfxs.SnapshotResult, java.lang.Void] {
override def call(result: jfxs.SnapshotResult): java.lang.Void = {
callback(new SnapshotResult(result))
delegate.snapshot(jfxCallback, params, image)
* Confirms a potential drag and drop gesture that is recognized over this Node.
def startDragAndDrop(transferModes: jfxsi.TransferMode*): Dragboard =
delegate.startDragAndDrop(transferModes: _*)
* Starts a full press-drag-release gesture with this node as gesture source.
def startFullDrag(): Unit = {
* Moves this Node to the back of its sibling nodes in terms of z-order.
def toBack(): Unit = {
* Moves this Node to the front of its sibling nodes in terms of z-order.
def toFront(): Unit = {
* An affine transform that holds the computed local-to-parent transform.
* This is the concatenation of all transforms in this node, including all of the convenience transforms.
* @since 2.2
def localToParentTransform: Transform = delegate.getLocalToParentTransform
* An affine transform that holds the computed local-to-scene transform.
* This is the concatenation of all transforms in this node's parents and in this node,
* including all of the convenience transforms.
* @since 2.2
def localToSceneTransform: Transform = delegate.getLocalToSceneTransform
* Defines a function to be called when user performs a rotation action.
* @since 2.2
def onRotate: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.RotateEvent]] = delegate.onRotateProperty
def onRotate_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.RotateEvent]): Unit = {
onRotate() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a rotation gesture ends.
* @since 2.2
def onRotationFinished: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.RotateEvent]] = delegate.onRotationFinishedProperty()
def onRotationFinished_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.RotateEvent]): Unit = {
onRotationFinished() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a rotation gesture starts.
* @since 2.2
def onRotationStarted: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.RotateEvent]] = delegate.onRotationFinishedProperty()
def onRotationStarted_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.RotateEvent]): Unit = {
onRotationStarted() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a Scroll gesture ends.
* @since 2.2
def onScrollFinished: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ScrollEvent]] = delegate.onScrollFinishedProperty()
def onScrollFinished_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ScrollEvent]): Unit = {
onScrollFinished() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a Scroll gesture starts.
* @since 2.2
def onScrollStarted: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ScrollEvent]] = delegate.onScrollStartedProperty()
def onScrollStarted_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ScrollEvent]): Unit = {
onScrollStarted() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a Swipe Down gesture starts.
* @since 2.2
def onSwipeDown: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.SwipeEvent]] = delegate.onSwipeDownProperty()
def onSwipeDown_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.SwipeEvent]): Unit = {
onSwipeDown() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a Swipe Down gesture starts.
* @since 2.2
def onSwipeLeft: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.SwipeEvent]] = delegate.onSwipeLeftProperty()
def onSwipeLeft_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.SwipeEvent]): Unit = {
onSwipeLeft() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a Swipe Up gesture starts.
* @since 2.2
def onSwipeUp: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.SwipeEvent]] = delegate.onSwipeUpProperty()
def onSwipeUp_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.SwipeEvent]): Unit = {
onSwipeUp() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a Swipe Right gesture starts.
* @since 2.2
def onSwipeRight: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.SwipeEvent]] = delegate.onSwipeRightProperty()
def onSwipeRight_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.SwipeEvent]): Unit = {
onSwipeRight() = v
* Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch action.
* @since 2.2
def onZoom: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ZoomEvent]] = delegate.onZoomProperty()
def onZoom_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ZoomEvent]): Unit = {
onZoom() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a Zoom gesture ends.
* @since 2.2
def onZoomFinished: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ZoomEvent]] = delegate.onZoomFinishedProperty()
def onZoomFinished_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ZoomEvent]): Unit = {
onZoomFinished() = v
* Defines a function to be called when a Zoom gesture starts.
* @since 2.2
def onZoomStarted: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ZoomEvent]] = delegate.onZoomStartedProperty()
def onZoomStarted_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.ZoomEvent]): Unit = {
onZoomStarted() = v
* Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch Moved action.
* @since 2.2
def onTouchMoved: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.TouchEvent]] = delegate.onTouchMovedProperty()
def onTouchMoved_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.TouchEvent]): Unit = {
onTouchMoved() = v
* Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch Pressed action.
* @since 2.2
def onTouchPressed: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.TouchEvent]] = delegate.onTouchPressedProperty()
def onTouchPressed_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.TouchEvent]): Unit = {
onTouchPressed() = v
* Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch Released action.
* @since 2.2
def onTouchReleased: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.TouchEvent]] = delegate.onTouchReleasedProperty()
def onTouchReleased_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.TouchEvent]): Unit = {
onTouchReleased() = v
* Defines a function to be called when user performs a Touch Stationary action.
* @since 2.2
def onTouchStationary: ObjectProperty[jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.TouchEvent]] = delegate.onTouchStationaryProperty()
def onTouchStationary_=(v: jfxe.EventHandler[_ >: jfxsi.TouchEvent]): Unit = {
onTouchStationary() = v
override protected def eventHandlerDelegate: EventHandled = delegate.asInstanceOf[EventHandled]
* Defines the rendering and picking order of this `Node` within its
* parent.
* This property is used to alter the rendering and picking order of a node
* within its parent without reordering the parent's `children` list.
* For example, this can be used as a more efficient way to implement
* transparency sorting. To do this, an application can assign the viewOrder
* value of each node to the computed distance between that node and the
* viewer.
* The parent will traverse its `children` in decreasing
* `viewOrder` order. This means that a child with a lower
* `viewOrder` will be in front of a child with a higher
* `viewOrder`. If two children have the same `viewOrder`, the
* parent will traverse them in the order they appear in the parent's
* `children` list.
* However, `viewOrder` does not alter the layout and focus traversal
* order of this Node within its parent. A parent always traverses its
* `children` list in order when doing layout or focus traversal.
* @return the view order for this `Node`
* @since 9
* Default value is 0.0
def viewOrder: DoubleProperty = delegate.viewOrderProperty
def viewOrder_(value: Double): Unit = {
viewOrder() = value