org.scalameta.internal.MacroHelpers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Bag of private and public helpers used in scala.meta's APIs and implementations
package org.scalameta
package internal
import scala.annotation.tailrec
trait MacroHelpers extends DebugFinder with MacroCompat with FreeLocalFinder with ImplTransformers {
import scala.reflect.internal.Flags._
import c.universe._
import c.universe.definitions._
implicit class XtensionModifiers(mods: Modifiers) {
def transformFlags(fn: Long => Long): Modifiers = {
val flags1 = fn(mods.flags.asInstanceOf[Long]).asInstanceOf[FlagSet]
Modifiers(flags1, mods.privateWithin, mods.annotations)
def mkPrivate = mods.transformFlags(_ | LOCAL | PRIVATE)
def unPrivate = mods.transformFlags(_ & ~LOCAL & ~PRIVATE)
def mkFinal = mods.transformFlags(_ | FINAL)
def mkMutable = mods.transformFlags(_ | MUTABLE)
def unMutable = mods.transformFlags(_ & ~MUTABLE)
def mkCase = mods.transformFlags(_ | CASE)
def unVariant = mods.transformFlags(_ & ~COVARIANT & ~CONTRAVARIANT)
def unOverride = mods.transformFlags(_ & ~OVERRIDE)
def unDefault = mods.transformFlags(_ & ~DEFAULTPARAM)
implicit class XtensionSymbol(sym: Symbol) {
def nonEmpty = {
val tptAnns = sym.info match {
case AnnotatedType(anns, _) => anns
case _ => Nil
def hasNonEmpty(anns: List[Annotation]) = anns
.exists(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[org.scalameta.invariants.nonEmpty])
hasNonEmpty(sym.annotations) || hasNonEmpty(tptAnns)
lazy val InvariantFailedRaiseMethod =
lazy val InvariantsRequireMethod = q"${hygienicRef(org.scalameta.invariants.`package`)}.require"
lazy val UnreachableErrorModule = hygienicRef(org.scalameta.UnreachableError)
lazy val DataAnnotation = tq"_root_.org.scalameta.data.data"
lazy val DataTyperMacrosModule = hygienicRef(org.scalameta.data.DataTyperMacros)
lazy val AdtPackage = q"_root_.org.scalameta.adt"
lazy val AdtMetadataModule = hygienicRef(org.scalameta.adt.Metadata)
lazy val AdtTyperMacrosModule = hygienicRef(org.scalameta.adt.AdtTyperMacros)
lazy val AstMetadataModule = hygienicRef(scala.meta.internal.trees.Metadata)
lazy val CommonTyperMacrosModule = hygienicRef(scala.meta.internal.trees.CommonTyperMacros)
lazy val CommonTyperMacrosBundle = hygienicRef[scala.meta.internal.trees.CommonTyperMacrosBundle]
lazy val AstInfoClass = tq"_root_.scala.meta.internal.trees.AstInfo"
lazy val QuasiClass = tq"_root_.scala.meta.internal.trees.Quasi"
lazy val TokenMetadataModule = hygienicRef(scala.meta.internal.tokens.Metadata)
lazy val BooleanClass = hygienicRef[scala.Boolean]
lazy val IntClass = hygienicRef[scala.Int]
lazy val AnyClass = hygienicRef[scala.Any]
lazy val AnyRefClass = hygienicRef[scala.AnyRef]
lazy val NothingClass = tq"_root_.scala.Nothing"
lazy val OptionClass = tq"_root_.scala.Option"
lazy val SomeClass = tq"_root_.scala.Some"
lazy val SomeModule = hygienicRef(Some)
lazy val NoneModule = hygienicRef(scala.None)
def SerialVersionUIDAnnotation(uid: Long) = q"new ${hygienicRef[SerialVersionUID]}($uid)"
def TransientAnnotation = q"new ${hygienicRef[transient]}"
def InlineAnnotation = q"new ${hygienicRef[inline]}"
lazy val ProductClass = hygienicRef[Product]
lazy val SerializableClass = hygienicRef[Serializable]
lazy val StringClass = hygienicRef[String]
lazy val ScalaRunTimeModule = hygienicRef(scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime)
lazy val UnsupportedOperationException = hygienicRef[UnsupportedOperationException]
lazy val IndexOutOfBoundsException = hygienicRef[IndexOutOfBoundsException]
lazy val IteratorClass = tq"_root_.scala.collection.Iterator"
lazy val ListClass = tq"_root_.scala.List"
lazy val ListModule = q"_root_.scala.List"
lazy val SeqClass = tq"_root_.scala.Seq"
lazy val SeqModule = q"_root_.scala.Seq"
lazy val ListBufferModule = hygienicRef(scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer)
lazy val UnitClass = hygienicRef[scala.Unit]
lazy val ClassClass = tq"_root_.java.lang.Class"
lazy val ClassTagClass = tq"_root_.scala.reflect.ClassTag"
lazy val ImplicitlyMethod = q"${hygienicRef(scala.Predef)}.implicitly"
def hygienicRef(sym: Symbol): Tree = {
def loop(parts: List[String], res: Tree): Tree = {
val part :: rest = parts
if (rest.nonEmpty) loop(rest, q"$res.${TermName(part)}")
else if (sym.isTerm || sym.isModuleClass) q"$res.${TermName(part)}"
else tq"$res.${TypeName(part)}"
loop(sym.fullName.split("\\.").toList, q"${TermName("_root_")}")
def hygienicRef[T: TypeTag]: Tree = hygienicRef(symbolOf[T])
def hygienicRef[T <: Singleton: TypeTag](x: T): Tree = hygienicRef(symbolOf[T])
def typeRef(cdef: ClassDef, requireHk: Boolean, requireWildcards: Boolean): Tree = {
if (requireWildcards && requireHk) sys.error("invalid combination of arguments")
val ClassDef(_, name, tparams, _) = cdef
if (requireHk || tparams.isEmpty) tq"$name"
else if (requireWildcards) {
val quantrefs = tparams.map(_ => c.freshName(TypeName("_")))
val quantdefs = quantrefs.map(name => q"type $name")
tq"$name[..$quantrefs] forSome { ..$quantdefs }"
} else tq"$name[..${tparams.map(_.name)}]"
object AnyTpe {
def unapply(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe =:= definitions.AnyTpe
object PrimitiveTpe {
def unapply(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe =:= typeOf[String] || tpe =:= typeOf[scala.Symbol] ||
ScalaPrimitiveValueClasses.contains(tpe.typeSymbol) ||
tpe.typeSymbol == definitions.ClassClass ||
tpe.typeSymbol == definitions.OptionClass && PrimitiveTpe.unapply(tpe.typeArgs.head)
object TreeTpe {
def unapply(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe <:< c.mirror.staticClass("scala.meta.Tree").asType.toType
object OptionTreeTpe {
def unapply(tpe: Type): Option[Type] =
if (tpe.typeSymbol == c.mirror.staticClass("scala.Option")) tpe.typeArgs match {
case (tpe @ TreeTpe()) :: Nil => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
else None
object ListTreeTpe {
def unapply(tpe: Type): Option[Type] =
if (isListSymbol(tpe.typeSymbol)) tpe.typeArgs match {
case (tpe @ TreeTpe()) :: Nil => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
else None
object OptionListTreeTpe {
def unapply(tpe: Type): Option[Type] =
if (tpe.typeSymbol == c.mirror.staticClass("scala.Option")) tpe.typeArgs match {
case ListTreeTpe(tpe) :: Nil => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
else None
object ListListTreeTpe {
def unapply(tpe: Type): Option[Type] =
if (isListSymbol(tpe.typeSymbol)) tpe.typeArgs match {
case ListTreeTpe(tpe) :: Nil => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
else None
private def isListSymbol(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
sym == c.mirror.staticClass("scala.collection.immutable.List") || {
val typeSeq = typeOf[Seq[_]]
sym == typeSeq.typeSymbol || typeSeq.baseClasses.contains(sym)
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