scala.meta.internal.trees.ast.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scala.meta
package internal
package trees
import org.scalameta.internal.MacroCompat
import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.math.Ordered.orderingToOrdered
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context
// @ast is a specialized version of @org.scalameta.adt.leaf for scala.meta ASTs.
class ast extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro AstNamerMacros.impl
class AstNamerMacros(val c: Context) extends Reflection with CommonNamerMacros {
import AstNamerMacros._
import c.universe.Flag._
import c.universe._
lazy val u: c.universe.type = c.universe
lazy val mirror = c.mirror
private class Mstats(
val primary: ListBuffer[Tree] = ListBuffer.empty[Tree],
val lowPrio: ListBuffer[Tree] = ListBuffer.empty[Tree]
def impl(annottees: Tree*): Tree = annottees.transformAnnottees(new ImplTransformer {
override def transformClass(cdef: ClassDef, mdef: ModuleDef): List[ImplDef] = {
val owner = c.internal.enclosingOwner
val fullName = owner.fullName + "." +
val isQuasi = isQuasiClass(cdef)
// may not return other classes/modules at package level
val isTopLevel = owner.isPackage
val q"$imods class $iname[..$tparams] $ctorMods(...$rawparamss) extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$iparents { $aself => ..$stats }" =
// NOTE: For stack traces, we'd like to have short class names, because stack traces print full names anyway.
// However debugging macro expansion errors is much-much easier with full names for Api and Impl classes
// because the typechecker only uses short names in error messages.
// E.g. compare:
// class Impl needs to be abstract, since method withDenot in trait Name
// of type (denot: scala.meta.internal.semantic.Denotation)Impl.this.ThisType is not defined
// and:
// class NameAnonymousImpl needs to be abstract, since method withDenot in trait Name
// of type (denot: scala.meta.internal.semantic.Denotation)NameAnonymousImpl.this.ThisType is not defined
val descriptivePrefix = fullName.stripPrefix("scala.meta.").replace(".", "")
val name = TypeName(descriptivePrefix + "Impl")
val q"$mmods object $mname extends { ..$mearlydefns } with ..$mparents { $mself => ..$mstats }" =
val paramss1 = ListBuffer[List[ValDef]]() // payload params
val iself = noSelfType
val self = aself
val istats1 = ListBuffer[Tree]()
val stats1 = ListBuffer[Tree]()
val ianns1 = ListBuffer[Tree]() ++ imods.annotations
def imods1 = imods.mapAnnotations(_ => ianns1.toList)
def mods1 = Modifiers(FINAL, mname.toTypeName, List(SerialVersionUIDAnnotation(1L)))
val iparents1 = ListBuffer[Tree]() ++ iparents
def parents1 = List(tq"$iname")
val mstats1 = ListBuffer[Tree]() ++ mstats
val mstatsLatest = ListBuffer[Tree]()
val mstats1LowPriority = ListBuffer.empty[Tree]
val mstatsLatestLowPriority = ListBuffer.empty[Tree]
val manns1 = ListBuffer[Tree]() ++ mmods.annotations
def mmods1 = mmods.mapAnnotations(_ => manns1.toList)
val quasiCopyExtraParamss = ListBuffer[List[ValDef]]()
val quasiExtraAbstractDefs = ListBuffer[ValOrDefDef]()
// step 1: validate the shape of the class
if (imods.hasFlag(SEALED)) c.abort(cdef.pos, "sealed is redundant for @ast classes")
if (imods.hasFlag(FINAL)) c.abort(cdef.pos, "final is redundant for @ast classes")
if (imods.hasFlag(CASE)) c.abort(cdef.pos, "case is redundant for @ast classes")
if (imods.hasFlag(ABSTRACT)) c.abort(cdef.pos, "@ast classes cannot be abstract")
if (ctorMods.flags != NoFlags) c
.abort(cdef.pos, "@ast classes must define a public primary constructor")
if (rawparamss.isEmpty) c
.abort(cdef.pos, "@leaf classes must define a non-empty parameter list")
if (rawparamss.lengthCompare(1) > 0) c
.abort(cdef.pos, "@leaf classes must define a single parameter list")
val params = rawparamss.head
// step 1a: identify modified fields of the class
val (versionedParams, paramsVersions) =
if (isQuasi) (Nil, Nil) else getVersionedParams(params, stats)
val replacedFields = versionedParams.flatMap(_.replaced.flatMap { field => { case (oldDef, _) => field.version -> oldDef }
val mstatsPerVersion = => (ver, new Mstats()))
def paramsForVersion(v: Version): List[ValDef] =
// step 2: validate the body of the class
var needCopies = !isQuasi
val importsBuilder = List.newBuilder[Import]
val checkFieldsBuilder = List.newBuilder[Tree]
val checkParentsBuilder = List.newBuilder[Tree]
stats.foreach {
case x: Import => importsBuilder += x
case x: DefDef if !isQuasi && == TermName("copy") => istats1 += x; needCopies = false
case x: ValOrDefDef =>
if (x.mods.hasFlag(Flag.ABSTRACT) || x.rhs.isEmpty) c
.abort(x.pos, "definition without a value")
val p = replacedFields.collectFirst { case (version, `x`) =>
val mods = x.mods.mapAnnotations(getDeprecatedAnno(version) :: _)
q"$mods def ${}: ${x.tpt} = ${x.rhs}"
if (x.mods.hasFlag(Flag.FINAL)) istats1 += p else quasiExtraAbstractDefs += p
case q"checkFields($arg)" => checkFieldsBuilder += arg
case x @ q"checkParent($what)" => checkParentsBuilder += x
case x =>
val error =
"only checkFields(...), checkParent(...) and definitions are allowed in @ast classes"
c.abort(x.pos, error)
val imports = importsBuilder.result()
val fieldChecks = checkFieldsBuilder.result()
val parentChecks = checkParentsBuilder.result()
istats1 ++= imports
mstats1 ++= imports
stats1 ++= imports
stats1 ++= quasiExtraAbstractDefs
// step 4: implement the unimplemented methods in InternalTree (part 1)
val privateFields = getPrivateFields(iname)
val privateParams = privateFields.asList
val bparams1 =
val privateApplyParams = privateParams.collect { case PrivateField(p, true) =>
val annots = privateFieldAnnot :: p.mods.annotations
val mods = Modifiers(p.mods.flags | OVERRIDE | DEFERRED, p.mods.privateWithin, annots)
istats1 += declareGetter(, p.tpt, mods)
// step 5: turn all parameters into vars, create getters and setters
params.foreach { p =>
istats1 += declareGetter(, p.tpt, astFieldAnnot :: p.mods.annotations)
val pmods = if (p.mods.hasFlag(OVERRIDE)) Modifiers(OVERRIDE) else NoMods
stats1 += defineGetter(, p.tpt, pmods)
paramss1 += { p =>
val mods1 = p.mods.mkMutable.unPrivate.unOverride.unDefault
q"$mods1 val ${internalize(}: ${p.tpt}"
// step 6: implement the unimplemented methods in InternalTree (part 1)
// The purpose of privateCopy is to provide extremely cheap cloning
// in the case when a tree changes its parent (because that happens often in our framework,
// e.g. when we create a quasiquote and then insert it into a bigger quasiquote,
// or when we parse something and build the trees from the ground up).
// In such a situation, we copy all private state verbatim (tokens, denotations, etc)
// and create lazy initializers that will take care of recursively copying the children.
// Compare this with the `copy` method (described below), which additionally flushes the private state.
// This method is private[meta] because the state that it's managing is not supposed to be touched
// by the users of the framework.
val privateCopyArgs = params
.map(p => q"$CommonTyperMacrosModule.initField(this.${internalize(})")
val privateCopyParentChecks =
if (parentChecks.isEmpty) q""
else q"""
if (destination != null) {
def checkParent(fn: ($name, $TreeClass, $StringClass) => $BooleanClass): $UnitClass = {
val parentCheckOk = fn(this, parent, destination)
if (!parentCheckOk) {
val parentPrefix = parent.productPrefix &&, parentPrefix, destination))
stats1 +=
private[meta] def privateCopy(
prototype: $TreeClass = this,
parent: $TreeClass = ${},
destination: $StringClass = null,
origin: $OriginClass = ${}): Tree = {
new $name(prototype.asInstanceOf[$iname], parent, origin)(..$privateCopyArgs)
// step 7: create the copy method
// The purpose of this method is to provide a facility to change small parts of the tree
// without modifying the other parts, much like the standard case class copy works.
// In such a situation, the tree is going to be recreated.
// NOTE: Can't generate XXX.Quasi.copy, because XXX.Quasi already inherits XXX.copy,
// and there can't be multiple overloaded methods with default parameters.
// Not a big deal though, since XXX.Quasi is an internal class.
def getParamArg(p: ValOrDefDef) = q"${}"
def addCopy(params: List[ValDef], annots: Tree*) = {
val mods = getDeferredModifiers(annots.toList)
istats1 +=
$mods def copy(..$params): $iname
val args =
stats1 +=
final override def copy(..$params): $iname = {
quasiCopyExtraParamss += params
if (!isQuasi) {
def getCopyParamWithDefault(p: ValOrDefDef): ValDef = asValDefn(p, q"this.${}")
val fullCopyParams =
val iFullCopy = q"private[meta] def fullCopy(..$fullCopyParams): $iname"
istats1 += iFullCopy
quasiExtraAbstractDefs += iFullCopy
stats1 +=
private[meta] final override def fullCopy(..$fullCopyParams): $iname = {
if (needCopies)
if (versionedParams.isEmpty) addCopy(fullCopyParams)
else {
// add primary copy with default values
val defaultCopyParams =
val defaultCopyParamNames =
def allInDefaults(cp: Iterable[ValDef]): Boolean = cp
.forall(x => defaultCopyParamNames.contains(
// add full copy without defaults
if (!allInDefaults(params)) addCopy(
// add secondary copy
paramsVersions.foreach { version =>
val copyParams = paramsForVersion(version)
if (copyParams.length != defaultCopyParams.length || !allInDefaults(copyParams))
addCopy(, getDeprecatedAnno(version))
// step 7a: override the Object and Equals methods
if (!isQuasi) {
istats1 +=
q"final override def canEqual(that: Any): $BooleanClass = that.isInstanceOf[$iname]"
istats1 +=
q"final override def equals(that: Any): $BooleanClass = this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]"
istats1 += q"final override def hashCode: $IntClass = System.identityHashCode(this)"
istats1 +=
q"final override def toString: $StringClass = scala.meta.internal.prettyprinters.TreeToString(this)"
// step 8: create the children method
stats1 +=
q"def children: $ListClass[$TreeClass] = $CommonTyperMacrosModule.children[$iname, $TreeClass]"
// step 9: generate boilerplate required by the @ast infrastructure
ianns1 += q"new $AstMetadataModule.astClass"
ianns1 += q"new $AdtMetadataModule.leafClass"
manns1 += q"new $AstMetadataModule.astCompanion"
manns1 += q"new $AdtMetadataModule.leafCompanion"
// step 10: generate boilerplate required by the classifier infrastructure
mstats1 ++= mkClassifier(iname)
mstats1 += mkAstInfo(iname)
// step 11: implement Product
iparents1 += tq"$ProductClass"
stats1 +=
q"override def productPrefix: $StringClass = $CommonTyperMacrosModule.productPrefix[$iname]"
stats1 += q"override def productArity: $IntClass = ${params.length}"
def patternMatchClauses(fromField: (ValDef, Int) => Tree) = {
val pelClauses = ListBuffer[Tree]()
pelClauses ++=
pelClauses += cq"_ => throw new $IndexOutOfBoundsException(n.toString)"
val pelClauses = patternMatchClauses((vr, i) => cq"$i => this.${}")
stats1 += q"override def productElement(n: $IntClass): Any = n match { case ..$pelClauses }"
stats1 +=
q"override def productIterator: $IteratorClass[$AnyClass] = $ScalaRunTimeModule.typedProductIterator(this)"
val productFields =
stats1 +=
q"override def productFields: $ListClass[$StringClass] = _root_.scala.List(..$productFields)"
// step 13a add productElementName for 2.13
if (MacroCompat.productFieldNamesAvailable) {
val penClauses = patternMatchClauses { (vr, i) =>
val lit = Literal(Constant(
cq"""$i => $lit """
stats1 +=
q"override def productElementName(n: $IntClass): java.lang.String = n match { case ..$penClauses }"
// step 12: generate serialization logic
stats1 +=
protected def writeReplace(): $AnyRefClass = {
// step 13: generate Companion.apply
val internalBody = ListBuffer[Tree]()
internalBody += q"$CommonTyperMacrosModule.hierarchyCheck[$iname]"
params.foreach { p =>
val local =
internalBody += q"$DataTyperMacrosModule.nullCheck($local)"
internalBody += q"$DataTyperMacrosModule.emptyCheck($local)"
internalBody ++= imports
fieldChecks.foreach { x =>
val fieldCheck = q"$x)"
var hasErrors = false
object errorChecker extends Traverser {
private val nmeParent = TermName("parent")
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
case _: This =>
hasErrors = true; c.error(tree.pos, "cannot refer to this in @ast field checks")
case Ident(`nmeParent`) =>
hasErrors = true
"cannot refer to parent in @ast field checks; use checkParent instead"
case _ => super.traverse(tree)
if (!hasErrors) internalBody += fieldCheck
val paramInits = => q"$CommonTyperMacrosModule.initParam(${})")
privateParams.foreach { p =>
if (p.persist) internalBody += q"$DataTyperMacrosModule.nullCheck(${})"
else internalBody += asValDefn(p.field)
val internalArgs =
val bparamCtorArgs = { p =>
if (p eq privateFields.origin.field) q"""
else getParamArg(p)
internalBody +=
val node = new $name(
params.foreach(p => internalBody += storeField(p))
internalBody += q"node"
val applyParamDefns =
val applyParamDecls =
val bparamDecls =
val fullApplyParamDecls = bparamDecls ++ applyParamDecls
val fullInternalArgs = ++ internalArgs
val bparamRhsInternalArgs = => p.rhs) ++ internalArgs
if (isTopLevel) {
mstats1 +=
def apply(..$applyParamDefns): $iname = {
mstats1 +=
def apply(..$fullApplyParamDecls): $iname = {
val alternativeOrigin = origin
} else {
mstats1 +=
def apply(..$applyParamDefns)(implicit dialect: $DialectClass): $iname = {
mstats1 +=
def apply(..$fullApplyParamDecls)(implicit dialect: $DialectClass): $iname = {
val alternativeOrigin =
$OriginModule.first(origin, implicitly[$OriginModule.DialectOnly])
mstats1LowPriority +=
@$deprecatedSince_4_9_0 def apply(..$applyParamDecls): $iname = {
mstats1LowPriority +=
@$deprecatedSince_4_9_0 def apply(..$fullApplyParamDecls): $iname = {
mstatsLatest +=
@$InlineAnnotation def apply(..$fullApplyParamDecls)(implicit dialect: $DialectClass): $iname =
mstatsLatestLowPriority +=
@$InlineAnnotation @$deprecatedSince_4_9_0 def apply(..$fullApplyParamDecls): $iname =
mstatsLatest +=
@$InlineAnnotation def apply(..$applyParamDefns)(implicit dialect: $DialectClass): $iname =
mstatsLatestLowPriority +=
@$InlineAnnotation @$deprecatedSince_4_9_0 def apply(..$applyParamDecls): $iname =
// step 13a: generate additional companion apply for added and replaced fields
// generate new applies for each new field added
// with field A, B and additional binary compat ones C, D and E, we generate:
// apply(A, B, C), apply(A, B, C, D), apply(A, B, C, D, E)
mstatsPerVersion.foreach { case (v, verMstats) =>
val applyParamsBuilder = List.newBuilder[(ValDef, Int)]
val applyBodyBuilder = List.newBuilder[Tree]
versionedParams.foreach { vp =>
val (decl, defn) = vp.getApplyDeclDefnBefore(v)
decl.foreach(applyParamsBuilder += _)
defn.foreach(applyBodyBuilder += _)
val paramDefns = positionVersionedParams(applyParamsBuilder.result())
val applyBody = applyBodyBuilder.result()
val applyCall = q"$mname.apply(..$internalArgs)"
val paramDecls =
val fullParamDecls = bparamDecls ++ paramDecls
val fullParamDeclNames =
verMstats.lowPrio +=
@$deprecatedSince_4_9_0 def apply(..$fullParamDecls): $iname = {
verMstats.primary +=
def apply(..$fullParamDecls)(implicit dialect: $DialectClass): $iname = {
verMstats.lowPrio +=
@$deprecatedSince_4_9_0 def apply(..$paramDecls): $iname = {
verMstats.primary +=
def apply(..$paramDefns)(implicit dialect: $DialectClass): $iname = {
if (isTopLevel) {
mstats1 +=
def apply(..$fullParamDecls): $iname = {
mstats1 +=
@${getDeprecatedAnno(v)} def apply(..$paramDecls): $iname = {
} else {
mstats1LowPriority +=
@$deprecatedSince_4_9_0 def apply(..$fullParamDecls): $iname = {
mstats1LowPriority +=
@${getDeprecatedAnno(v)} def apply(..$paramDecls): $iname = {
mstats1 +=
def apply(..$fullParamDecls)(implicit dialect: $DialectClass): $iname = {
mstats1 +=
@${getDeprecatedAnno(v)} def apply(..$paramDecls)(implicit dialect: $DialectClass): $iname = {
// step 14: generate Companion.unapply
val needsUnapply = !mstats.exists {
case DefDef(_, TermName("unapply"), _, _, _, _) => true
case _ => false
if (needsUnapply) {
def getUnapply(unapplyParams: List[ValDef], annots: Tree*): Tree =
if (unapplyParams.isEmpty) q"""
@$InlineAnnotation @..$annots final def unapply(x: $iname): $BooleanClass =
x != null && x.isInstanceOf[$name]
else {
val successTargs = tq"(..${ => p.tpt)})"
val successArgs = q"(..${ => q"x.${}")})"
@$InlineAnnotation @..$annots final def unapply(x: $iname): $OptionClass[$successTargs] =
if (x != null && x.isInstanceOf[$name]) $SomeModule($successArgs) else $NoneModule
val latestTree = getUnapply(params)
mstatsPerVersion match {
case (headVer, headMstats) :: tail =>
val headParams = paramsForVersion(headVer)
headMstats.primary += getUnapply(headParams)
tail.foreach { case (ver, verMstats) =>
verMstats.primary += getUnapply(paramsForVersion(ver))
val afterLastVer = getAfterVersion(mstatsPerVersion.last._1)
val anno = getDeprecatedAnno(headVer, s"; use `.$afterLastVer`")
mstats1 += getUnapply(headParams, anno)
case Nil => mstats1 += latestTree
mstatsLatest += latestTree
// step 15: finish codegen for Quasi
if (isQuasi) stats1 +=
def become[T <: $TreeClass](implicit ev: $AstInfoClass[T]): T with $QuasiClass = {
(this match {
case $mname(0, tree) =>
ev.quasi(0, tree)
case $mname(rank, nested @ $mname(0, tree)) =>
ev.quasi(rank, nested.become[T])
case _ =>
throw new Exception("complex ellipses are not supported yet")
}).withOrigin(this.origin): T with $QuasiClass
else mstats1 += mkQuasi(
val latestName = mstatsPerVersion
.foldLeft(initialName) { case (afterPrevVerName, (ver, verMstats)) =>
val lowPriority = TypeName(afterPrevVerName + "LowPriority")
mstats1 += q"private[meta] trait $lowPriority { ..${verMstats.lowPrio} }"
val afterPrevVer = TermName(afterPrevVerName)
mstats1 += q"object $afterPrevVer extends $lowPriority { ..${verMstats.primary} }"
val latestTermName = TermName(latestName)
val latestLowPriority = TypeName(latestName + "LowPriority")
mstats1 += q"private[meta] trait $latestLowPriority { ..$mstatsLatestLowPriority }"
mstats1 += q"object $latestTermName extends $latestLowPriority { ..$mstatsLatest }"
// to be ignored by Mima, use "internal"
mstats1 += q"object internal { final val Latest = $latestTermName }"
mstats1 += q"$mods1 class $name[..$tparams] $ctorMods(...${bparams1 +:
paramss1}) extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents1 { $self => ..$stats1 }"
val res = ListBuffer.empty[ImplDef]
val mparents1 =
if (isTopLevel) mparents
else {
val lowPriority = TypeName(iname.toString() + "LowPriority")
res += q"private[meta] trait $lowPriority { ..$mstats1LowPriority }"
mparents :+ tq"$lowPriority"
val cdef1 = q"$imods1 trait $iname extends ..$iparents1 { $iself => ..$istats1 }"
res += cdef1
val mdef1 =
q"$mmods1 object $mname extends { ..$mearlydefns } with ..$mparents1 { $mself => ..$mstats1 }"
res += mdef1
if (c.compilerSettings.contains("-Xprint:typer")) { println(cdef1); println(mdef1) }
private def internalize(name: String): TermName = TermName(s"_${name.stripPrefix("_")}")
private def internalize(name: TermName): TermName = internalize(name.toString)
private def setterName(name: String): TermName =
private def setterName(name: TermName): TermName = setterName(name.toString)
private def setterName(vr: ValOrDefDef): TermName = setterName(
private def getterName(name: String): TermName = TermName(s"${name.stripPrefix("_")}")
private def getterName(name: TermName): TermName = getterName(name.toString)
private def getterName(vr: ValOrDefDef): TermName = getterName(
private def loadField(vr: ValOrDefDef): Tree = loadField(
private def loadField(name: TermName): Tree = loadField(internalize(name), name)
private def loadField(internalName: TermName, name: TermName): Tree = q"""
$CommonTyperMacrosModule.loadField(this.$internalName, ${name.decodedName.toString})
private def storeField(vr: ValOrDefDef): Tree = storeField(
private def storeField(name: TermName): Tree = storeField(internalize(name), name)
private def storeField(internalName: TermName, name: TermName): Tree = q"""
$CommonTyperMacrosModule.storeField(node.$internalName, $name, ${name.decodedName.toString})
private def getDeferredModifiers(annots: List[Tree]): Modifiers =
Modifiers(DEFERRED, typeNames.EMPTY, annots)
private val astFieldAnnot = q"new $AstMetadataModule.astField"
private val privateFieldAnnot = q"new $AdtMetadataModule.privateField"
private def declareGetter(name: TermName, tpe: Tree, annots: List[Tree]): Tree =
declareGetter(name, tpe, getDeferredModifiers(annots))
private def declareGetter(name: TermName, tpe: Tree, mods: Modifiers): Tree =
q"$mods def ${getterName(name)}: $tpe"
private def defineGetter(name: TermName, tpe: Tree, mods: Modifiers): Tree = {
val internalName = internalize(name)
$mods def ${getterName(name)}: $tpe = {
${loadField(internalName, name)}
private def declareSetter(name: TermName, tpe: Tree, annots: List[Tree]): Tree =
declareSetter(name, tpe, getDeferredModifiers(annots))
private def declareSetter(name: TermName, tpe: Tree, mods: Modifiers): Tree =
q"$mods def ${setterName(name)}($name : $tpe): Unit"
private def defineSetter(name: TermName, tpe: Tree, mods: Modifiers): Tree = q"""
$mods def ${setterName(name)}($name : $tpe): Unit = {
val node = this
private class VersionedParam(
val param: ValDef,
val appended: Option[Version],
val replaced: Seq[ReplacedField]
) {
appended.foreach { aver =>
replaced.headOption.foreach { rfield =>
if (rfield.version <= aver) {
val oldDef = rfield.oldDefs.head._1
s"$aver [@newField for ${}] must must precede " +
s"${rfield.version} [@replacedField for ${}]"
def getApplyDeclDefnBefore(version: Version): (List[(ValDef, Int)], Option[ValDef]) = {
def checkVersion(ver: Version): Boolean = version <= ver
if (appended.exists(checkVersion)) (Nil, Some(asValDefn(param)))
else replaced.find(x => checkVersion(x.version)).map { rfield =>
val decls = { case (oldDef, pos) => asValDecl(oldDef) -> pos }
(decls, Some(rfield.newValDefn))
}.getOrElse((asValDefn(param) -> -1 :: Nil, None))
def getDefaultCopyDef(): List[(ValOrDefDef, Int)] =
.getOrElse((param, -1) :: Nil)
private def positionVersionedParams[A](params: List[(A, Int)]): List[A] = {
val res = new ListBuffer[A]
val paramIter = params.iterator.filter(_._2 < 0)
def iter(withPositions: List[(A, Int)]): Unit = withPositions match {
case (v, pos) :: rest =>
paramIter.take(pos - res.length).foreach { case (x, _) => res += x }
res += v
case _ => paramIter.foreach { case (x, _) => res += x }
iter(params.filter(_._2 >= 0).sortBy(_._2))
private def getVersionedParams(
params: List[ValDef],
stats: List[Tree]
): (List[VersionedParam], List[Version]) = {
val appendedFields: Map[String, Version] = getNewFieldVersions(params)
val replacedFields: Map[String, Seq[ReplacedField]] = ReplacedField.getMap(params, stats)
val versionsBuilder = Set.newBuilder[Version]
appendedFields.values.foreach(versionsBuilder += _)
replacedFields.values.foreach(_.foreach(versionsBuilder += _.version))
val versions = versionsBuilder.result().toList.sorted
val versionedParams = { p =>
val pname =
val appended = appendedFields.get(pname)
val replaced = replacedFields.getOrElse(pname, Seq.empty)
new VersionedParam(p, appended, replaced)
(versionedParams, versions)
private def getAnnotAttribute(value: Tree): String = value match {
case x: AssignOrNamedArg => x.rhs.toString
case x => x.toString
private def parseVersionAnnot(version: Tree, annot: String, field: String): Version = {
val parsed = Version.parse(getAnnotAttribute(version).stripPrefix("\"").stripSuffix("\""))
.getOrElse(c.abort(version.pos, s"@$annot must contain $field=major.minor.patch"))
buildVersion.foreach { bv =>
if (parsed.major < bv.major) c
.abort(version.pos, s"@$annot: obsolete, old major version (must be ${bv.major})")
if (parsed > bv) c
.abort(version.pos, s"@$annot can't refer to future versions (current is $bv)")
private def getNewFieldVersions(params: List[ValDef]): Map[String, Version] = {
val builder = Map.newBuilder[String, Version]
var prevVersion: Version = null
params.foreach { x =>
val sinceOpt = x.mods.annotations.collectFirst { case q"new newField($since)" => since }
if (sinceOpt.isEmpty && prevVersion != null) c
.abort(x.pos, "must be marked @newField since previous field is")
sinceOpt.foreach { since =>
if (x.mods.hasFlag(Flag.OVERRIDE)) c
.abort(x.pos, "override fields may not be marked @newField")
if (x.rhs == EmptyTree) c.abort(x.pos, "@newField fields must provide a default value")
val version = parseVersionAnnot(since, "newField", "after")
if (null != prevVersion && version < prevVersion) c
.abort(x.pos, s"previous field marked with newer version: $prevVersion")
prevVersion = version
builder += -> version
private class ReplacedField(
val version: Version,
val newVal: ValDef,
ctor: Tree,
val oldDefs: List[(ValOrDefDef, Int)]
) {
def newValDefn: ValDef = {
def bodyForSingleOldDef(oldDef: ValOrDefDef) =
if (ctor eq null) q"""
import scala.meta.trees._
else q"""
def bodyForMultipleOldDefs = {
if (ctor eq null) c.abort(newVal.pos, s"${} must define a ctor")
val names = { case (oldDef, _) =>
val name = q"${}"
val arg = AssignOrNamedArg(name, name)
val body = oldDefs match {
case (oldDef, _) :: Nil => bodyForSingleOldDef(oldDef)
case _ => bodyForMultipleOldDefs
val ${}: ${newVal.tpt} = {
private object ReplacedField {
def getMap(params: List[ValDef], stats: List[Tree]): Map[String, Seq[ReplacedField]] = {
val fields: Map[String, (ValDef, Map[Version, Tree])] = { p =>
val ctorsByVersion = p.mods.annotations
.collect { case q"new replacesFields($since, $ctor)" =>
val version = parseVersionAnnot(since, "replacesFields", "after")
version -> ctor
}.toMap -> (p, ctorsByVersion)
val replacedFields = stats.flatMap {
case p: ValOrDefDef =>
val anno = p.mods.annotations.collectFirst {
case q"new replacedField($until)" => (until, -1)
case q"new replacedField($until, $pos)" => (until, getAnnotAttribute(pos).toInt)
} { case (until, pos) =>
if (!p.mods.hasFlag(Flag.FINAL)) c
.abort(p.pos, "replacedField-annotated fields must be final")
val version = parseVersionAnnot(until, "replacedField", "until")
val newField = getNewField(p)
newField -> (p, version, pos)
case _ => None
replacedFields.groupBy(_._1).map { case (k, v) =>
val (newVal, ctorsByVersion) = fields
.getOrElse(k, c.abort(v.head._2._1.pos, s"@replacedField: field `$k` is undefined)"))
val replacements = { case (ver, oldFields) =>
val ctor = ctorsByVersion.get(ver).orNull
val oldDefs = { case (oldField, _, pos) => (oldField, pos) }
new ReplacedField(ver, newVal, ctor, oldDefs)
k -> replacements.sortBy(_.version)
private def getNewField(oldDef: ValOrDefDef): String = {
def iter(tree: Tree): Option[String] = tree match {
case Select(Ident(TermName(newField)), _: TermName) => Some(newField)
case Apply(_, Ident(TermName(newField)) :: Nil) => Some(newField)
case Match(Ident(TermName(newField)), _) => Some(newField)
case Select(x, _) => iter(x)
case Apply(x, (_: Function) :: Nil) => iter(x)
case _ => None
c.abort(oldDef.pos, s"@replacedField: can't find new field name (${showRaw(oldDef.rhs)})")
private val deprecatedSince_4_9_0 = getDeprecatedAnno("4.9.0")
private def getDeprecatedAnno(v: Version, why: String = ""): Tree =
getDeprecatedAnno(v.toString + why)
private def getDeprecatedAnno(since: String): Tree =
q"new scala.deprecated(${Literal(Constant(since))})"
private def getAfterVersion(v: Version) = afterNamePrefix + v.asString('_')
private def asValDecl(p: ValOrDefDef): ValDef =
q"@..${p.mods.annotations} val ${}: ${p.tpt}"
private def asValDefn(p: ValOrDefDef): ValDef = asValDefn(p, p.rhs)
private def asValDefn(p: ValOrDefDef, rhs: Tree): ValDef =
q"@..${p.mods.annotations} val ${}: ${p.tpt} = $rhs"
object AstNamerMacros {
private val buildVersion: Option[Version] = {
val bv = BuildInfo.version
val idx = bv.indexWhere(x => x == '-' || x == '+')
val version = if (idx < 0) bv else bv.substring(0, idx)
// filter in case buildVersion is incorrectly set (Windows forces 0.0.0)
Version.parse(version).toOption.filter(_ !=
val initialName = "Initial"
val afterNamePrefix = "After_"
def getLatestAfterName(moduleNames: Iterable[String]): Option[String] = {
var maxVersion =
var maxName: Option[String] = None
moduleNames.foreach { name =>
if (name == initialName) { if (maxName.isEmpty) maxName = Some(name) }
else if (name.startsWith(afterNamePrefix)) Version
.parse(name.substring(afterNamePrefix.length), '_').toOption.foreach { v =>
if (v > maxVersion) {
maxName = Some(name)
maxVersion = v
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