org.scalameta.internal.ImplTransformers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.scalameta
package internal
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
trait ImplTransformers {
val c: Context
import c.universe.Flag._
import c.universe._
implicit class XtensionAnnotteeTransformer(annottees: Seq[Tree]) {
def transformAnnottees(transformer: ImplTransformer): Tree = transformer.transform(annottees: _*)
class ImplTransformer {
def transformClass(cdef: ClassDef, mdef: ModuleDef): List[ImplDef] = ???
def transformTrait(cdef: ClassDef, mdef: ModuleDef): List[ImplDef] = ???
def transformModule(mdef: ModuleDef): ModuleDef = ???
def transform(annottees: Tree*): Tree = {
def isImplemented(body: => Any): Boolean =
try { body; true }
catch { case _: NotImplementedError => false; case _: Throwable => true }
val allowClasses = isImplemented(transformClass(null, null))
val allowTraits = isImplemented(transformTrait(null, null))
val allowModules = isImplemented(transformModule(null))
if (!allowClasses && !allowTraits && !allowModules) sys.error("invalid ImplTransformer")
def failUexpectedAnnottees() = {
var allowed = List[String]()
if (allowClasses) allowed :+= "classes"
if (allowTraits) allowed :+= "traits"
if (allowModules) allowed :+= "modules"
val s_allowed =
if (allowed.length > 1) allowed.dropRight(1).mkString(", ") + " and " + allowed.last
else allowed.mkString
val q"new $s_name(...$_).macroTransform(..$_)" = c.macroApplication
c.abort(annottees.head.pos, s"only $s_allowed can be $s_name")
val expanded = annottees match {
case (cdef @ ClassDef(mods, _, _, _)) :: (mdef: ModuleDef) :: rest =>
if (!mods.hasFlag(TRAIT)) {
if (!allowClasses) failUexpectedAnnottees()
transformClass(cdef, mdef) ++ rest
} else {
if (!allowTraits) failUexpectedAnnottees()
transformTrait(cdef, mdef) ++ rest
case (cdef @ ClassDef(mods, name, _, _)) :: rest =>
val syntheticMdef = q"object ${name.toTermName}"
if (!mods.hasFlag(TRAIT)) {
if (!allowClasses) failUexpectedAnnottees()
transformClass(cdef, syntheticMdef) ++ rest
} else {
if (!allowTraits) failUexpectedAnnottees()
transformTrait(cdef, syntheticMdef) ++ rest
case (mdef @ ModuleDef(_, _, _)) :: rest =>
if (!allowModules) failUexpectedAnnottees()
transformModule(mdef) +: rest
case annottee :: rest => failUexpectedAnnottees()
q"{ ..$expanded; () }"
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