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package scala.meta
import org.scalameta.invariants._
import scala.meta.dialects._
import scala.meta.internal.dialects._
import scala.compat.Platform.EOL
// NOTE: can't put Dialect into scala.meta.Dialects
// because then implicit scope for Dialect lookups will contain members of the package object
// i.e. both Scala211 and Dotty, which is definitely not what we want
@data class Dialect(
// Are `&` intersection types supported by this dialect?
allowAndTypes: Boolean,
// Are extractor varargs specified using ats, i.e. is `case Extractor(xs @ _*)` legal or not?
allowAtForExtractorVarargs: Boolean,
// Can case classes be declared without a parameter list?
// Deprecated in 2.10, not supported in 2.11 and newer.
allowCaseClassWithoutParameterList: Boolean,
// Are extractor varargs specified using colons, i.e. is `case Extractor(xs: _*)` legal or not?
allowColonForExtractorVarargs: Boolean,
// Are enums allowed?
// They are in Dotty, but not in Scala 2.12 or older.
allowEnums: Boolean,
// Are implicit by name parameters supported?
// They are in Dotty, but not in Scala 2.12 or older.
allowImplicitByNameParameters: Boolean,
// Are implicit functions supported by this dialect?
allowImplicitFunctionTypes: Boolean,
// Are `inline` identifiers supported by this dialect?
allowInlineIdents: Boolean,
// Are inline vals and defs supported by this dialect?
allowInlineMods: Boolean,
// Are literal types allowed, i.e. is `val a : 42 = 42` legal or not?
allowLiteralTypes: Boolean,
// Are method types allowed, i.e. is `(x: X): x.T` legal or not?
allowMethodTypes: Boolean,
// Are multiline programs allowed?
// Some quasiquotes only support single-line snippets.
allowMultilinePrograms: Boolean,
// Are `|` (union types) supported by this dialect?
allowOrTypes: Boolean,
// Are unquotes ($x) and splices (..$xs, ...$xss) allowed?
// If yes, they will be parsed as patterns.
allowPatUnquotes: Boolean,
// Are naked underscores allowed after $ in pattern interpolators, i.e. is `case q"$_ + $_" =>` legal or not?
allowSpliceUnderscores: Boolean,
// Are unquotes ($x) and splices (..$xs, ...$xss) allowed?
// If yes, they will be parsed as terms.
allowTermUnquotes: Boolean,
// Are terms on the top level supported by this dialect?
// Necessary to support popular script-like DSLs.
allowToplevelTerms: Boolean,
// Are trailing commas allowed? SIP-27.
allowTrailingCommas: Boolean,
// Are trait allowed to have parameters?
// They are in Dotty, but not in Scala 2.12 or older.
allowTraitParameters: Boolean,
// Are type lambdas allowed, i.e. is `[T] => (T, T)` legal or not?
allowTypeLambdas: Boolean,
// Are view bounds supported by this dialect?
// Removed in Dotty.
allowViewBounds: Boolean,
// Are `with` intersection types supported by this dialect?
allowWithTypes: Boolean,
// Are XML literals supported by this dialect?
// We plan to deprecate XML literal syntax, and some dialects
// might go ahead and drop support completely.
allowXmlLiterals: Boolean,
// What kind of separator is necessary to split top-level statements?
// Normally none is required, but scripts may have their own rules.
toplevelSeparator: String
) {
// Are unquotes ($x) and splices (..$xs, ...$xss) allowed?
def allowUnquotes: Boolean = allowTermUnquotes || allowPatUnquotes
// Dialects have reference equality semantics,
// because sometimes dialects representing distinct Scala versions
// can be structurally equal to each other.
override def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean = this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = this eq other.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
override def hashCode: Int = System.identityHashCode(this)
// Smart prettyprinting that knows about standard dialects.
override def toString = {
Dialect.standards.find(_._2 == this) match {
case Some((name, _)) => name
case None => s"Dialect(${", ")})"
package object dialects {
implicit val Scala210 = Dialect(
allowAndTypes = false,
allowAtForExtractorVarargs = true,
allowCaseClassWithoutParameterList = true,
allowColonForExtractorVarargs = false,
allowEnums = false,
allowImplicitByNameParameters = false,
allowImplicitFunctionTypes = false,
allowInlineIdents = true,
allowInlineMods = false,
allowLiteralTypes = false,
allowMethodTypes = false,
allowMultilinePrograms = true,
allowOrTypes = false,
allowPatUnquotes = false,
allowSpliceUnderscores = false, // SI-7715, only fixed in 2.11.0-M5
allowTermUnquotes = false,
allowToplevelTerms = false,
allowTrailingCommas = false,
allowTraitParameters = false,
allowTypeLambdas = false,
allowViewBounds = true,
allowWithTypes = true,
allowXmlLiterals = true, // Not even deprecated yet, so we need to support xml literals
toplevelSeparator = ""
implicit val Scala211 = Scala210.copy(
allowCaseClassWithoutParameterList = false,
allowSpliceUnderscores = true // SI-7715, only fixed in 2.11.0-M5
implicit val Typelevel211 = Scala211.copy(
allowLiteralTypes = true
implicit val Paradise211 = Scala211.copy(
allowInlineIdents = true,
allowInlineMods = true
implicit val ParadiseTypelevel211 = Typelevel211.copy(
allowInlineIdents = true,
allowInlineMods = true
implicit val Scala212 = Scala211.copy(
// NOTE: support for literal types is tentatively scheduled for 2.12.5
allowLiteralTypes = false,
allowTrailingCommas = true
implicit val Scala = Scala212 // alias for latest Scala dialect.
implicit val Sbt0136 = Scala210.copy(
allowToplevelTerms = true,
toplevelSeparator = EOL
implicit val Sbt0137 = Scala210.copy(
allowToplevelTerms = true,
toplevelSeparator = ""
implicit val Sbt1 = Scala212.copy(
allowToplevelTerms = true,
toplevelSeparator = ""
implicit val Sbt = Sbt1 // alias for latest Sbt dialect.
implicit val Typelevel212 = Scala212.copy(
allowLiteralTypes = true
implicit val Paradise212 = Scala212.copy(
allowInlineIdents = true,
allowInlineMods = true
implicit val ParadiseTypelevel212 = Typelevel212.copy(
allowInlineIdents = true,
allowInlineMods = true
implicit val Dotty = Scala212.copy(
allowAndTypes = true, // New feature in Dotty
allowAtForExtractorVarargs = false, // New feature in Dotty
allowColonForExtractorVarargs = true, // New feature in Dotty
allowEnums = true, // New feature in Dotty
allowImplicitByNameParameters = true, // New feature in Dotty
allowImplicitFunctionTypes = true, // New feature in Dotty
allowInlineIdents = false, // New feature in Dotty
allowInlineMods = true, // New feature in Dotty
allowLiteralTypes = true, // New feature in Dotty
allowMethodTypes = false,
allowOrTypes = true, // New feature in Dotty
allowTrailingCommas = true,
allowTraitParameters = true, // New feature in Dotty
allowTypeLambdas = true, // New feature in Dotty
allowViewBounds = false, // View bounds have been removed in Dotty
allowWithTypes = false, // New feature in Dotty
allowXmlLiterals = false // Dotty parser doesn't have the corresponding code, so it can't really support xml literals
private[meta] def QuasiquoteTerm(underlying: Dialect, multiline: Boolean) = {
underlying.copy(allowTermUnquotes = true, allowMethodTypes = true, allowMultilinePrograms = multiline, allowTypeLambdas = true)
private[meta] def QuasiquotePat(underlying: Dialect, multiline: Boolean) = {
underlying.copy(allowPatUnquotes = true, allowMethodTypes = true, allowMultilinePrograms = multiline, allowTypeLambdas = true)
object Dialect extends InternalDialect {
// NOTE: Spinning up a macro just for this is too hard.
// Using JVM reflection won't be portable to Scala.js.
private[meta] lazy val standards: Map[String, Dialect] = Map(
"Dotty" -> Dotty,
"Paradise211" -> Paradise211,
"Paradise212" -> Paradise212,
"ParadiseTypelevel211" -> ParadiseTypelevel211,
"ParadiseTypelevel212" -> ParadiseTypelevel212,
"Sbt0136" -> Sbt0136,
"Sbt0137" -> Sbt0137,
"Sbt1" -> Sbt1,
"Scala210" -> Scala210,
"Scala211" -> Scala211,
"Scala212" -> Scala212,
"Typelevel211" -> Typelevel211,
"Typelevel212" -> Typelevel212
// NOTE: Need this code in this very file in order to avoid issues with knownDirectSubclasses.
// Without this, compilation order may unexpectedly affect compilation success.
private[meta] trait DialectLiftables {
val c: scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
import c.universe._
private val XtensionQuasiquoteTerm = "shadow scala.meta quasiquotes"
implicit lazy val liftDialect: Liftable[Dialect] = Liftable { dialect =>
Dialect.standards.find(_._2 == dialect) match {
case Some((name, _)) =>
case _ =>
val fields = {
case null => q"null"
case f: Boolean => q"$f"
case f: String => q"$f"
case f => sys.error(s"unsupported field $f of type ${f.getClass}")