fastparse.Api.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scala.meta.internal.fastparse
// import acyclic.file
import language.experimental.macros
import scala.meta.internal.fastparse.parsers.Intrinsics
import scala.meta.internal.fastparse.utils.{ElemSetHelper, ReprOps}
import scala.meta.internal.fastparse
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* This is basically a trait which contains the "public" API to fastparse
* packages.
* It aliases all the different parsers available in `fastparse.parsers.*`,
* as well as many of the other useful types such as `Mutable` and `Parsed`
* and `ParserInput`, and fixes their type-parameters to `[Elem, Repr]`, so
* that anyone who uses the aliases defined here will not need to worry about
* filling in these type parameters every time they want to use it.
* If someone wants to write a parser that works on both bytes and strings,
* they still have the option of using the "raw" types and doing that, but
* most people shouldn't need to bother.
* Also provides the implicits necessary for people who want to construct
* their own parsers, in the cases where we couldn't provide the implicit
* directly, e.g. for people defining their own subclass of `Parser`
abstract class Api[Elem, Repr](ct: ClassTag[Elem],
elemSetHelper: ElemSetHelper[Elem],
reprOps: ReprOps[Elem, Repr],
ordering: Ordering[Elem]) {
implicit val implicitReprOps = reprOps
implicit val implicitElemSetHelper = elemSetHelper
protected[this] implicit val implicitClassTag = ct
protected[this] implicit val implicitOrdering = ordering
type ParserInput = fastparse.utils.ParserInput[Elem, Repr]
type IndexedParserInput = fastparse.utils.IndexedParserInput[Elem, Repr]
type IteratorParserInput = fastparse.utils.IteratorParserInput[Elem, Repr]
type ParseCtx = core.ParseCtx[Elem, Repr]
object Mutable{
type Success[T] = core.Mutable.Success[T, Elem, Repr]
val Success = core.Mutable.Success
type Failure = core.Mutable.Failure[Elem, Repr]
val Failure = core.Mutable.Failure
type Parsed[+T] = core.Parsed[T, Elem, Repr]
object Parsed {
type Failure = core.Parsed.Failure[Elem, Repr]
type Success[T] = core.Parsed.Success[T, Elem, Repr]
val Success = core.Parsed.Success
val Failure = core.Parsed.Failure
val Pass = parsers.Terminals.Pass[Elem, Repr]()
def PassWith[T](t: T) = parsers.Terminals.PassWith[T, Elem, Repr](t)
val Fail = parsers.Terminals.Fail[Elem, Repr]()
val Start = parsers.Terminals.Start[Elem, Repr]()
val End = parsers.Terminals.End[Elem, Repr]()
val Index = parsers.Terminals.Index[Elem, Repr]()
val AnyElem: P0
abstract class ElemPred{
def create(pred: Elem => Boolean, precompute: Boolean): P0
def apply(pred: Elem => Boolean) = create(pred, true)
def raw(pred: Elem => Boolean) = create(pred, false)
val ElemPred: ElemPred
abstract class ElemsWhile{
def create(pred: Elem => Boolean, min: Int = 1, precompute: Boolean): P0
def apply(pred: Elem => Boolean, min: Int = 1) = create(pred, min, true)
def raw(pred: Elem => Boolean, min: Int = 1) = create(pred, min, false)
val ElemsWhile: ElemsWhile
def ElemIn(seqs: collection.Seq[Elem]*): P0
def ElemsWhileIn(seqs: collection.Seq[Elem], min: Int = 1): P0
def SeqIn(seqs: Repr*) = Intrinsics.StringIn[Elem, Repr](seqs: _*)
val NoTrace = parsers.Combinators.NoTrace
val NoCut = parsers.Combinators.NoCut
def &(p: P[_]) = parsers.Combinators.Lookahead(p)
def P[T](p: => Parser[T])(implicit name: sourcecode.Name): Parser[T] =
parsers.Combinators.Rule(name.value, () => p)
type P0 = Parser[Unit]
type Parser[+T] = core.Parser[T, Elem, Repr]
type P[+T] = Parser[T]
val ParseError = core.ParseError[Elem, Repr] _
type ParseError = core.ParseError[Elem, Repr]