scala.meta.internal.parsers.ScaladocParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Scalameta APIs for parsing and their baseline implementation
package scala.meta.internal.parsers
import scala.meta.internal.Scaladoc
import java.nio.CharBuffer
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import fastparse.NoWhitespace._
import fastparse._
* Represents a scaladoc line.
object ScaladocParser {
import Scaladoc._
private val numberOfSupportedHeadingLevels = 6
private def hspace[$: P] = CharIn("\t\r ")
private def hspacesMin[$: P](min: Int) = P(CharsWhileIn("\t\r ", min))
private def hspaces0[$: P] = hspacesMin(0)
private def hspaces1[$: P] = hspacesMin(1)
private def hspacesMinWithLen[$: P](min: Int): P[Int] = (Index ~ hspacesMin(min) ~ Index).map {
case (b, e) => e - b
private def nl[$: P]: P0 = P("\n")
private def nlOrEndPeek[$: P] = &(End | nl)
private def space[$: P] = CharIn("\t\r \n")
private def spacesMin[$: P](min: Int) = CharsWhileIn("\t\r \n", min)
private def spaces1[$: P] = spacesMin(1)
private def punctParser[$: P] = CharsWhileIn(".,:!?;)", 0)
private def labelParser[$: P]: P[Unit] = (!space ~ AnyChar).rep(1)
private def wordParser[$: P]: P[Word] = P(labelParser.!.map(Word.apply))
private def listPrefixDash[$: P] = P("-")
private def listPrefixDecimal[$: P] = // works 1-99, standard really only covers 1
CharIn("1-9") ~ CharIn("0-9").? ~ "."
private def listPrefixAlpha[$: P] = // works 'a-z', standard really only covers 'a'
CharIn("a-z") ~ "."
private def listPrefixRoman[$: P] = { // works 1-10, standard really only covers 1
def pat1to10(one: String, fiveTen: => P[Unit]) = one ~ (one ~ one.? | fiveTen).? | fiveTen
pat1to10(one = "i", fiveTen = CharIn("vx")) | pat1to10(one = "I", fiveTen = CharIn("VX"))
} ~ "."
private def listPrefix[$: P] =
P(listPrefixDash | listPrefixDecimal | listPrefixRoman | listPrefixAlpha)
private def escape[$: P] = P("\\")
private def tableDelim[$: P] = P("+" ~ ("-".rep ~ "+").rep(1))
private def tableSep[$: P] = P("|")
private def codePrefix[$: P] = P("{{{")
private def codeSuffix[$: P] = P(hspaces0 ~ "}}}" ~~ !"}")
private def linkPrefix[$: P] = P("[[" ~ hspaces0)
private def linkSuffix[$: P] = P(hspaces0 ~ "]]")
private def codeLineParser[$: P]: P[String] = P {
def codeLineEnd = P(nl | codeSuffix)
(!codeLineEnd ~ AnyChar).rep.!
private def codeExprParser[$: P]: P[CodeExpr] = P {
def pattern = codePrefix ~ hspaces0 ~ codeLineParser ~ codeSuffix ~ punctParser.!
pattern.map { case (x, y) => CodeExpr(x.trim, y) }
private def codeBlockParser[$: P]: P[CodeBlock] = P {
def code = codeLineParser.rep(1, sep = nl)
def pattern = hspaces0 ~ codePrefix ~ nl ~ code ~ codeSuffix
pattern.map(x => CodeBlock(if (x.last.nonEmpty) x else x.dropRight(1)))
* Markdown fenced code blocks
* https://spec.commonmark.org/0.29/#fenced-code-blocks
/* while spec mentions that a fence marker can be indented between 0 and 3 spaces,
* examples under "list item" show that it's *relative* to the containing element;
* also, lists are included in "container blocks" which have that property.
* however, for non-indented case (mdOffset = 0), since we don't capture the actual
* offset, let's allow 0 (next to asterisk) and 1 (one space from asterisk). */
private def getMdOffsetMax(mdOffset: Int) = math.max(1, mdOffset) + 3
private def mdCodeBlockFence[$: P] = "`".rep(3) | "~".rep(3)
private def mdCodeBlockParser[$: P](mdOffset: Int = 0): P[MdCodeBlock] = P {
def mdCodeBlockIndent = hspace.rep(min = mdOffset, max = getMdOffsetMax(mdOffset))
(mdCodeBlockIndent.! ~ mdCodeBlockFence.!).flatMap { case (indent, fence) =>
def info = hspaces0 ~ labelParser.!.rep(0, sep = hspaces0) ~ nl
info.flatMap { infoSeq =>
def codeEnd = mdCodeBlockIndent ~ fence.substring(0, 1).rep(fence.length)
def line = hspace.rep(max = indent.length) ~ (!nl ~ AnyChar).rep.!
def lines = !codeEnd ~ line.rep(1, sep = nl ~ !codeEnd)
def block = (lines ~ nl).? ~ codeEnd ~ nlOrEndPeek
block.map(x => MdCodeBlock(infoSeq, x.getOrElse(Nil), fence))
private def mdCodeSpanParser[$: P]: P[MdCodeSpan] = P {
val tick = "`"
tick.rep(1).!.flatMap { fence =>
def end = fence ~ !tick
def expr = (!end ~ !nl ~ AnyChar).rep.! ~ end ~ punctParser.!
expr.map { case (code, punct) => MdCodeSpan(code, fence, punct) }
private def headingParser[$: P]: P[Heading] = P {
// heading delimiter
hspaces0 ~ CharsWhileIn("=", 1).!.flatMap { delim =>
val level = delim.length
if (level > numberOfSupportedHeadingLevels) Fail
else {
def title = (!delim ~ AnyChar).rep(1)
// Heading description and delimiter
(title.! ~ delim ~ &(nl)).map(x => Heading(level, x.trim))
private def linkParser[$: P]: P[Link] = P {
def end = space | linkSuffix
def anchor = P((!end ~ AnyChar).rep(1).!.rep(1, sep = spaces1))
def pattern = linkPrefix ~ (anchor ~ linkSuffix ~ labelParser.?.!)
pattern.map { case (x, y) => new Link(x, y) }
private def nextPartParser[$: P](indent: Int, mdOffset: Int = 0): P[Unit] = P {
// used to terminate previous part, hence indent can be less
nl | hspacesMinWithLen(0).flatMap { offset =>
def dedented = if (offset < indent) Pass else Fail
def mdCodeBlockPrefix = if (offset <= getMdOffsetMax(mdOffset)) mdCodeBlockFence else Fail
dedented | CharIn("@=") | (codePrefix ~ nl) | mdCodeBlockPrefix | tableSep | tableDelim |
listPrefix ~ &(" ")
private def textParser[$: P](indent: Int, mdOffset: Int = 0): P[Text] = P {
def end = P(nl ~/ nextPartParser(indent, mdOffset))
def part: P[TextPart] =
P(codeExprParser | mdCodeSpanParser | linkParser | enclosedJavaTagParser | wordParser)
def sep = P(!end ~ nl.? ~ hspaces0)
hspaces0 ~ part.rep(1, sep = sep).map(x => Text(x))
// this is to be used at the start of a line
private def leadTextParser[$: P](indent: Int, mdOffset: Int = 0) =
!nextPartParser(indent, mdOffset) ~ textParser(indent, mdOffset)
private def tagParser[$: P](indent: Int): P[Tag] = P {
def label = P((nl ~ !nextPartParser(indent)).? ~ hspaces0 ~ wordParser)
// special case: @usecase takes a single code line, on the same line
def labelInline = P(hspaces0 ~ (!nl ~ AnyChar).rep(1).!.map(Word))
def desc = P {
(textParser(indent).? ~ embeddedTermsParser()).map { case (x, terms) =>
x.fold(terms)(_ +: terms)
hspaces0 ~ ("@" ~ labelParser).!.flatMap { tag =>
val tagType = TagType.getTag(tag)
def labelOpt =
if (!tagType.hasLabel) Pass(None)
else (if (tagType.optDesc) label else labelInline).map(x => Some(x))
def descOpt = if (tagType.optDesc) desc else Pass(Nil)
(labelOpt ~ descOpt).map { case (label, desc) => Tag(tagType, label, desc) }
private def enclosedJavaTagParser[$: P]: P[EnclosedJavaTag] = P {
def enclosed = (!(space | "}") ~ AnyChar).rep(1)
def ltBrace = "{" ~ hspaces0
def rtBrace = hspaces0 ~ "}"
def tag = ("@" ~ enclosed).!
def desc = (hspaces1 ~ enclosed.!).rep
(ltBrace ~ tag ~ desc ~ rtBrace).map { case (tag, desc) => EnclosedJavaTag(tag, desc) }
private def listBlockParser[$: P](indent: Int = 0): P[ListBlock] = P {
/* https://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/scaladoc/for-library-authors.html#other-formatting-notes
* For list blocks, "you must have extra space in front", hence min `indent + 1`. */
/* however, for markdown lists, the outer list does not need to have an extra space
* but the nested list item must be offset by "marker + space after it" + [0, 3] */
def listMarker = hspacesMinWithLen(indent + 1) ~ listPrefix.! ~ hspacesMinWithLen(1)
listMarker.flatMap { case (listIndent, prefix, ws) =>
val mdOffset = listIndent + prefix.length + ws
val listType = prefix(0) match {
case '-' => ListType.Bullet
case 'i' | 'I' => ListType.Roman
case x => if (Character.isDigit(x)) ListType.Decimal else ListType.Alpha
def patPrefix = listType match {
case ListType.Bullet => listPrefixDash
case ListType.Roman => listPrefixRoman
case ListType.Decimal => listPrefixDecimal
case ListType.Alpha => listPrefixAlpha
def sep = nl ~ nl.? ~ hspace.rep(exactly = listIndent) ~ patPrefix.! ~ hspaces1
def items = listItemParser(listIndent, mdOffset, prefix) ~
sep.flatMap(listItemParser(listIndent, mdOffset, _)).rep
items.map { case (x, xs) => ListBlock(listType, x +: xs) }
private def listItemParser[$: P](indent: Int, mdOffset: Int, prefix: String) = P {
(textParser(indent, mdOffset) ~ embeddedTermsParser(indent, mdOffset)).map { case (x, terms) =>
ListItem(prefix, x, terms)
private def tableParser[$: P]: P[Table] = P {
def toRow(x: Seq[String]): Table.Row = Table.Row(x)
def toAlign(x: String): Option[Table.Align] = {
def isEnd(y: Char) = y match {
case ':' => Some(true)
case '-' => Some(false)
case _ => None
for {
head <- x.headOption
isLeft <- isEnd(head)
isRight <- isEnd(x.last)
// covers "not found" (-1) and found at the end (x.length - 1)
if 0 == (1 + x.indexWhere(_ != '-', 1)) % x.length
} yield if (!isRight) Table.Left else if (!isLeft) Table.Right else Table.Center
def cell = P((escape ~/ AnyChar | !(nl | tableSep) ~ AnyChar).rep)
def row = P((cell.! ~ tableSep).rep(1))
def lineEnd = nl ~ hspaces0
// non-standard but frequently used delimiter line, e.g.: +-----+-------+
def delimLineNL = P(tableDelim ~ lineEnd)
def nlDelimLine = P(lineEnd ~ tableDelim ~ nlOrEndPeek)
def sep = P(lineEnd ~ delimLineNL.rep ~ tableSep)
def tableBeg = P(hspaces0 ~ delimLineNL.? ~ tableSep)
def tableEnd = P(nlDelimLine.?)
// according to spec, the table must contain at least two rows
def table = row.rep(2, sep = sep).map { x =>
// we'll trim the header later; we might need it if align is missing
val rest = x.tail.map(_.map(_.trim))
val alignRow = rest.head
val align = alignRow.flatMap(toAlign)
if (align.length != alignRow.length) {
// determine alignment from the header row
val head = x.head
val headBuilder = Seq.newBuilder[String]
val alignBuilder = Seq.newBuilder[Table.Align]
head.foreach { cell =>
val padLeft = cell.indexWhere(_ > ' ')
if (padLeft < 0) {
headBuilder += ""
alignBuilder += Table.Left
} else {
val idxRight = cell.lastIndexWhere(_ > ' ') + 1
headBuilder += cell.substring(padLeft, idxRight)
alignBuilder += {
val padRight = cell.length - idxRight
if (padLeft < math.max(padRight - 1, 2)) Table.Left
else if (padRight < math.max(padLeft - 1, 2)) Table.Right
else Table.Center
Table(toRow(headBuilder.result()), alignBuilder.result(), rest.map(toRow))
} else Table(toRow(x.head.map(_.trim)), align, rest.tail.map(toRow))
tableBeg ~ table ~ tableEnd
private def termParser[$: P] = P {
def leadingParser = // might not consume full line
def completeParser = // will consume full line
listBlockParser() | mdCodeBlockParser() | codeBlockParser | headingParser | tableParser |
textParser(0) // keep at the end, this is the fallback
(nl | Start) ~ (leadingParser | (completeParser ~ nlOrEndPeek)) | textParser(0) // could be following an element leaving trailing text, e.g. tagParser
private def embeddedTermsParser[$: P](indent: Int = 0, mdOffset: Int = 0): P[Seq[Term]] = P {
def completeParser = // will consume full line
listBlockParser(indent) | mdCodeBlockParser(mdOffset) | codeBlockParser | tableParser |
leadTextParser(indent, mdOffset) // keep at the end, this is the fallback
(nl ~ completeParser ~ nlOrEndPeek).rep
/** Contains all scaladoc parsers */
private def parser[$: P]: P[Scaladoc] = P {
def paraSep = P((nl ~ &(nl)).rep(1))
def paraParser = P(termParser.rep(1).map(x => Scaladoc.Paragraph(x)))
def docParser = P(paraParser.rep(sep = paraSep).map(x => Scaladoc(x)))
paraSep.? ~ docParser ~ spacesMin(0) ~ End
private val ws = "[ \r\t]"
private val scaladocDelim = Pattern.compile(s"$ws*(?:$$|\n$ws*\\**)")
/** Parses a scaladoc comment */
def parse(comment: String): Option[Scaladoc] = {
val isScaladoc = comment.length >= 5 && comment.startsWith("/**") && comment.endsWith("*/")
if (!isScaladoc) None
else {
val content = CharBuffer.wrap(comment, 3, comment.length - 2)
// removes all trailing space, ensures newline at EOF
val text = scaladocDelim.matcher(content).replaceAll("\n")
fastparse.parse(text, parser(_)) match {
case p: Parsed.Success[Scaladoc] => Some(p.value)
case _ => None
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