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scala.meta.internal.parsers.ScannerTokens.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package scala.meta.internal.parsers

import scala.meta.Dialect
import scala.meta.classifiers._
import scala.meta.inputs.Input
import scala.meta.internal.trees._
import scala.meta.prettyprinters._
import scala.meta.tokenizers._
import scala.meta.tokens.Token
import scala.meta.tokens.Token._
import scala.meta.tokens.Tokens

import scala.annotation.tailrec

final class ScannerTokens(val tokens: Tokens)(implicit dialect: Dialect) {

  import ScannerTokens._

  final def skipBefore(index: Int, p: Token => Boolean): Int =
    if (index <= 0) 0 else tokens.rskipIf(p, index - 1, 0)
  final def skipAfter(index: Int, p: Token => Boolean): Int = {
    val max = tokens.length - 1
    if (index < max) tokens.skipIf(p, index + 1, max) else max

  final def getPrevIndex(index: Int): Int = skipBefore(index,[Trivia])
  final def getNextIndex(index: Int): Int = skipAfter(index,[Trivia])

  final def getPrevToken(index: Int): Token = tokens(getPrevIndex(index))
  final def getNextToken(index: Int): Token = tokens(getNextIndex(index))

  final def getStrictPrev(index: Int): Int = skipBefore(index,[HTrivia])
  final def getStrictNext(index: Int): Int = skipAfter(index,[HTrivia])

  // NOTE: Scala's parser isn't ready to accept whitespace and comment tokens,
  // so we have to filter them out, because otherwise we'll get errors like `expected blah, got whitespace`
  // However, in certain tricky cases some whitespace tokens (namely, newlines) do have to be emitted.
  // This leads to extremely dirty and seriously crazy code.
  implicit class XtensionTokenClass(token: Token) {

    def isClassOrObject = token.isAny[KwClass, KwObject]
    def isClassOrObjectOrEnum = isClassOrObject || ([Ident] && dialect.allowEnums)

    def asString: String =
      s"[${token.getClass.getSimpleName}@${token.end}]${token.syntax.replace("\n", "")}"


  def canBeLeadingInfixArg(argToken: Token, argTokenPos: Int): Boolean =
    isExprIntro(argToken, argTokenPos) &&
      (argToken match {
        case x: Ident => x.value.isUnaryOp || !x.isIdentSymbolicInfixOperator
        case _ => true

  val soft = new SoftKeywords(dialect)

  object TypeIntro extends Function[Token, Boolean] {
    def apply(token: Token): Boolean = token match {
      case _: Ident | _: KwSuper | _: KwThis | _: LeftParen | _: At | _: Underscore | _: Unquote =>
      case _: Literal => dialect.allowLiteralTypes
      case _ => false

    def unapply(token: Token) = apply(token)

  private def isPrecededByNL(index: Int): Boolean = tokens(getStrictPrev(index)).is[AtEOLorF]
  private def isFollowedByNL(index: Int): Boolean = tokens(getStrictNext(index)).is[AtEOLorF]

  final def isPrecededByDetachedComment(idx: Int, end: Int): Boolean = idx > end &&
    (tokens(idx) match {
      case _: Comment => isPrecededByNL(idx)
      case _: Whitespace => isPrecededByDetachedComment(idx - 1, end)
      case _ => false

  private def isEndMarkerIdentifier(token: Token) = soft.KwEnd(token)

  private def isEndMarkerSpecifier(token: Token) = token match {
    case _: Ident | _: KwIf | _: KwWhile | _: KwFor | _: KwMatch | _: KwTry | _: KwNew | _: KwThis |
        _: KwGiven | _: KwVal => true
    case _ => false

  def isEndMarkerIntro(token: Token, fNextIndex: => Int) = isEndMarkerIdentifier(token) && {
    val nextIndex = fNextIndex
    isEndMarkerSpecifier(tokens(nextIndex)) && isFollowedByNL(nextIndex)

  def isEndMarkerIntro(index: Int): Boolean = isEndMarkerIntro(tokens(index), getStrictNext(index))

  def isExprIntro(token: Token, fIndex: => Int): Boolean = isExprIntroImpl(token) {
    val index = fIndex
    !isSoftModifier(index) && !isEndMarkerIntro(index)

  def isIdentOrExprIntro(token: Token): Boolean = isExprIntroImpl(token)(true)

  private def isExprIntroImpl(token: Token)(isIdentOK: => Boolean): Boolean = token match {
    case _: Ident => isIdentOK
    case _: Literal | _: Interpolation.Id | _: Xml.Start | _: KwDo | _: KwFor | _: KwIf | _: KwNew |
        _: KwReturn | _: KwSuper | _: KwThis | _: KwThrow | _: KwTry | _: KwWhile | _: LeftParen |
        _: LeftBrace | _: Underscore | _: Unquote | _: MacroSplice | _: MacroQuote |
        _: Indentation.Indent => true
    case _: LeftBracket => dialect.allowPolymorphicFunctions
    case _ => false

  def isSoftModifier(index: Int): Boolean = {
    def nextIsDclIntroOrModifierOr(f: Token => Boolean): Boolean = {
      val next = getNextIndex(index)
      isDclIntro(next) || isModifier(next) || f(tokens(next))

    tokens(index).text match {
      case soft.KwTransparent() => nextIsDclIntroOrModifierOr(_.isAny[KwTrait, KwClass])
      case soft.KwOpaque() => nextIsDclIntroOrModifierOr(_ => false)
      case soft.KwInline() => nextIsDclIntroOrModifierOr(matchesAfterInlineMatchMod)
      case soft.KwOpen() | soft.KwInfix() | soft.KwErased() | soft.KwTracked() =>
      case _ => false

  def isInlineMatchMod(index: Int): Boolean = soft.KwInline(tokens(index)) &&

  private def matchesAfterInlineMatchMod(token: Token): Boolean = token match {
    case _: LeftParen | _: LeftBrace | _: KwNew | _: Ident | _: Literal | _: Interpolation.Id |
        _: Xml.Start | _: KwSuper | _: KwThis | _: MacroSplice | _: MacroQuote => true
    case _ => false

  final def isDefIntro(index: Int): Boolean = tokens(index) match {
    case _: At => true
    case _: Unquote | _: Ellipsis => isDefIntro(getNextIndex(index))
    case _: KwCase => getNextToken(index).isClassOrObjectOrEnum
    case _ => isDclIntro(index) || isModifier(index) || isTemplateIntro(index)

  final def isTemplateIntro(index: Int): Boolean = tokens(index) match {
    case _: At | _: KwClass | _: KwObject | _: KwTrait => true
    case _: Unquote => isTemplateIntro(getNextIndex(index))
    case _: KwCase => getNextToken(index).isClassOrObjectOrEnum
    case _ => isModifier(index)

  final def isDclIntro(index: Int): Boolean = tokens(index) match {
    case _: KwDef | _: KwType | _: KwEnum | _: KwVal | _: KwVar | _: KwGiven => true
    case _: Unquote => isDclIntro(getNextIndex(index))
    case _ => isKwExtension(index)

  // Logic taken from the Scala 3 parser
  def isKwExtension(index: Int): Boolean = soft.KwExtension(tokens(index)) &&
    (getNextToken(index) match {
      case _: LeftParen | _: LeftBracket => true
      case _ => false

  def isModifier(index: Int): Boolean = tokens(index).is[ModifierKeyword] || isSoftModifier(index)

  object ParamsModifier {
    def unapply(token: Token): Boolean = matches(token.text)
    def matches(text: String): Boolean = text match {
      case soft.KwInline() | soft.KwErased() | soft.KwTracked() => true
      case _ => false

  def isNonlocalModifier(token: Token): Boolean = token match {
    case _: KwPrivate | _: KwProtected | _: KwOverride | soft.KwOpen() => true
    case _ => false

  object StatSeqEnd extends Function[Token, Boolean] {
    def apply(token: Token): Boolean = token match {
      case _: RightBrace | _: EOF | _: Indentation.Outdent => true
      case _ => false
    def unapply(token: Token) = apply(token)

  def mightStartStat(token: Token, closeDelimOK: Boolean): Boolean = token match {
    case _: KwCatch | _: KwElse | _: KwExtends | _: KwFinally | _: KwForsome | _: KwMatch |
        _: KwWith | _: KwYield | _: LeftBracket | _: Comma | _: Colon | _: Dot | _: Equals |
        _: Semicolon | _: Hash | _: RightArrow | _: LeftArrow | _: Subtype | _: Supertype |
        _: Viewbound | _: AtEOLorF => false
    case _: CloseDelim => closeDelimOK
    case _ => true

  private def canEndStat(token: Token): Boolean = token match {
    case _: Ident | _: KwGiven | _: Literal | _: Interpolation.End | _: Xml.End | _: KwReturn |
        _: KwThis | _: KwType | _: RightParen | _: RightBracket | _: RightBrace | _: Underscore |
        _: Ellipsis | _: Unquote => true
    case _ => false

  object StatSep extends Function[Token, Boolean] {
    def apply(token: Token): Boolean = token match {
      case _: Semicolon | _: AtEOL => true
      case _ => false
    def unapply(token: Token) = apply(token)

  object Wildcard {
    def unapply(token: Token): Boolean =[Underscore] || isStar(token)

    def isStar(token: Token): Boolean = dialect.allowStarWildcardImport && token.syntax == "*"

   * When token on `tokenPosition` is not a whitespace and is a first non-whitespace character in a
   * current line then a result is a number of whitespace characters counted. Otherwise
   * {{{(-1, -1)}}} is returned.
   * Returns a tuple2 where:
   *   - first value is indentation level
   *   - second is `LF` token index
  private[parsers] def countIndentAndNewlineIndex(tokenPosition: Int): (Int, Int) = {
    def countIndentInternal(pos: Int, acc: Int = 0): (Int, Int) =
      if (pos < 0) (acc, pos)
      else {
        val token = tokens(pos)
        token match {
          case _: AtEOL | _: BOF => (acc, pos)
          case c: Comment =>
            if (AsMultilineComment.isMultiline(c)) (multilineCommentIndent(c), pos)
            else countIndentInternal(pos - 1)
          case t: HSpace => countIndentInternal(pos - 1, acc + t.len)
          case _ => (-1, -1)

    if (tokenPosition < 0 || tokens(tokenPosition).is[Whitespace]) (-1, -1)
    else countIndentInternal(tokenPosition - 1)

  private[parsers] def countIndent(tokenPosition: Int): Int =

  private[parsers] def mkIndentToken(pointPos: Int): Token = {
    val token = tokens(pointPos)
    new Indentation.Indent(token.input, token.dialect, token.start, token.start)

  private[parsers] def mkOutdentToken(pointPos: Int): Token = {
    val token = tokens(pointPos)
    new Indentation.Outdent(token.input, token.dialect, token.start, token.start)

  private[parsers] def findOutdentPos(
      prevPos: Int,
      currPos: Int,
      outdent: Int,
      okBlank: Boolean
  ): Int = {
    def iter(i: Int, pos: Int, indent: Int, numEOL: Int = 0): Int =
      if (i >= currPos) if (pos < currPos) pos else currPos - 1
      else tokens(i) match {
        case t: AtEOL => iter(i + 1, i, 0, numEOL + t.newlines)
        case t: HSpace if indent >= 0 => iter(i + 1, pos, indent + t.len, numEOL)
        case _: Whitespace => iter(i + 1, pos, indent, numEOL)
        case _: Comment
            if indent < 0 || outdent < indent || outdent == indent && (okBlank || numEOL < 2) =>
          iter(i + 1, i + 1, -1)
        case _ => pos

    val iterPos = 1 + prevPos
    if (iterPos < currPos) iter(iterPos, prevPos, if (tokens(prevPos).is[AtEOL]) 0 else -1)
    else if (tokens(currPos).is[EOF]) currPos
    else prevPos

  private[parsers] def isAheadNewLine(currentPosition: Int): Boolean = {
    val nextPos = currentPosition + 1
    nextPos < tokens.length && {
      val nextToken = tokens(nextPos)[AtEOL] ||[Trivia] && isAheadNewLine(nextPos)

  private[parsers] def nextToken(ref: TokenRef): TokenRef = match {
    case null =>
      val pos = ref.nextPos
      val next =
        if (pos < tokens.length) nextToken(ref.token, ref.pos, pos, ref.regions)
        else {
          val next = TokenRef(Nil, null, pos, pos, pos)
 = next
        } = next
    case nref => nref

  private def nextToken(
      prevToken: Token,
      prevPos: Int,
      currPos: Int,
      sepRegionsOrig: List[SepRegion]
  ): TokenRef = {
    val prev = if (prevPos >= 0) tokens(prevPos) else null
    val curr = tokens(currPos)
    val currNonTrivial = ![Trivia]
    val nextPos = tokens.indexWhere(![Trivia], currPos + 1)
    val next = if (nextPos >= 0) tokens(nextPos) else null
    lazy val (nextIndent, indentPos) = countIndentAndNewlineIndex(nextPos)

    def isTrailingComma: Boolean = dialect.allowTrailingCommas &&[Comma] &&[CloseDelim] && next.pos.startLine > curr.pos.endLine

    def mkIndent(pos: Int, pointPos: Int, rs: List[SepRegion], next: TokenRef = null): TokenRef =
      TokenRef(rs, mkIndentToken(pointPos), pos, nextPos, pointPos, next)

    def mkOutdentTo(region: SepRegionIndented, regions: List[SepRegion]) =
      mkOutdentAt(region.indent, regions)

    def mkOutdentAt(outdent: Int, regions: List[SepRegion]) = {
      val maxPointPos = if (nextPos < 0 || currNonTrivial) currPos else nextPos
      val pointPos = findOutdentPos(prevPos, maxPointPos, outdent, isIndented(regions, outdent))
      val (nextPrevPos, nextCurrPos) =
        if (pointPos > currPos) (currPos, pointPos) else (prevPos, currPos)
      TokenRef(regions, mkOutdentToken(pointPos), nextPrevPos, nextCurrPos, pointPos)

    def mkOutdentsOpt(
        xs: List[SepRegion],
        wasDone: Boolean = false,
        head: TokenRef = null,
        last: TokenRef = null,
        multiEOL: Boolean = false
    )(implicit f: List[SepRegion] => OutdentInfo): Either[List[SepRegion], (TokenRef, TokenRef)] =
      if (!wasDone) f(xs) match {
        case null => mkOutdentsOpt(xs, true, head, last, multiEOL)
        case OutdentInfo(outdent, rs, done) =>
          val isDone = done || (rs eq xs)
          if (outdent eq null) mkOutdentsOpt(rs, isDone, head, last, multiEOL)
          else {
            val tr = mkOutdentTo(outdent, rs)
            val newHead = if (head eq null) tr else { = tr; head }
            mkOutdentsOpt(rs, isDone, newHead, tr, multiEOL)
      else if (head eq null) Left(xs)
      else {
        if (currNonTrivial) = currRef(xs)
        else if (multiEOL) = eofRefAt(xs, last.pointPos, multiEOL = true)
        Right((head, last))

    def mkOutdentsT[A](xs: List[SepRegion], multiEOL: Boolean = false)(lt: List[SepRegion] => A)(
        rt: (TokenRef, TokenRef) => A
    )(implicit f: List[SepRegion] => OutdentInfo): A = mkOutdentsOpt(xs, multiEOL = multiEOL)
      .fold(lt, rt.tupled)

    def mkOutdents(xs: List[SepRegion], multiEOL: Boolean = false)(implicit
        f: List[SepRegion] => OutdentInfo
    ): TokenRef = mkOutdentsT(xs, multiEOL)(currRef)((x, _) => x)

    def currRef(regions: List[SepRegion]): TokenRef = currAndNextRef(regions, null)
    def currAndNextRef(regions: List[SepRegion], next: TokenRef): TokenRef =
      TokenRef(regions, curr, currPos, next)

    def eolRefFor(rs: List[SepRegion], out: Token, eolPos: Int) =
      TokenRef(rs, out, eolPos, nextPos, eolPos, null)
    def eofRefAt(rs: List[SepRegion], eolPos: Int, multiEOL: Boolean): TokenRef = {
      val token = tokens(eolPos)
      val out =
        if (!multiEOL ||[MultiEOL]) token
        else LFLF(token.input, token.dialect, token.start, tokens(indentPos).end)
      eolRefFor(rs, out, eolPos)

    def outdentThenCurrRef(
        ri: RegionIndent,
        rs: List[SepRegion],
        rn: Option[SepRegion] = None
    ): TokenRef = {
      val ref = mkOutdentTo(ri, rs) = currRef(rn.fold(rs)(_ :: rs))

    def getCaseIntro(sepRegions: List[SepRegion]) = {
      def markRegions() = RegionCaseMark :: sepRegions
      next match {
        /* Several facts:
         * - cases can be at the same level as catch/match; therefore, a non-case token
         *   starting a line at the same level as case can terminate the entire match
         * - however, the compiler seems to allow (although produces a warning) exactly
         *   one line of a case body which follows `catch case` (both on one line) to be
         *   at the same level
         * To handle both cases, we need to insert an indent before the first case so that it
         * can be removed on the first line which matches this indent, without potentially
         * removing the indent around the match statement.
         * If case is on a different line after catch/match, we will insert an indent when
         * handling newlines below; therefore, when there's no newline, we should explicitly
         * insert an indent here, relative to outer region. */
        case _: KwCase // case follows catch on same line
            if dialect.allowSignificantIndentation && curr.pos.endLine == next.pos.startLine =>
          val regions = markRegions()
          val nextRegions = RegionIndent(findIndent(sepRegions)) :: regions
          currAndNextRef(regions, mkIndent(currPos, nextPos, nextRegions))
        case _: KwCase | _: LeftBrace => currRef(markRegions())
        case _ => currRef(sepRegions)

    def getTemplateInherit(sepRegions: List[SepRegion]): TokenRef = currRef(sepRegions match {
      case RegionTemplateMark :: rs => RegionTemplateInherit :: rs
      case _ => sepRegions

    def isPrevEndMarker(): Boolean = prevPos > 0 && isEndMarkerIdentifier(prev) &&

    def getAtEof(sepRegions: List[SepRegion]) = mkOutdents(sepRegions) {
      case (r: SepRegionIndented) :: rs => OutdentInfo(r, rs)
      case _ :: rs => OutdentInfo(null, rs)
      case _ => null

    def nonTrivial(sepRegions: List[SepRegion]) = curr match {
      case _: EOF => getAtEof(sepRegions)
      case _: Comma =>
        if (inParens(sepRegions)) {
          def swapWithOutdents(tokenRef: TokenRef) = {
            def iter(oref: TokenRef): TokenRef = {
              val nref = nextToken(oref)
              if ([Indentation.Outdent]) iter(nref)
              else if (oref eq tokenRef) tokenRef
              else {
       = tokenRef
                finally = nref
          mkOutdentsT(sepRegions)(xs => swapWithOutdents(currRef(xs))) { (head, last) =>
   = swapWithOutdents(
          } {
            case (r: SepRegionIndented) :: rs => OutdentInfo(r, rs)
            case (_: RegionNonDelimNonIndented) :: rs => OutdentInfo(null, rs)
            case _ => null
        } else currRef(sepRegions)
      case _: KwEnum => currRef(RegionTemplateMark :: sepRegions)
      case _: KwObject | _: KwClass | _: KwTrait | _: KwPackage | _: KwNew
          if dialect.allowSignificantIndentation => currRef(RegionTemplateMark :: sepRegions)
      case _: KwTry if !isPrevEndMarker() => currRef(RegionTry :: dropRegionLine(sepRegions))
      case _: KwMatch if !isPrevEndMarker() => getCaseIntro(sepRegions)
      case _: KwCatch => getCaseIntro(dropWhile(sepRegions)(_ ne RegionTry))
      case _: KwCase if !next.isClassOrObject =>
        def expr() = new RegionCaseExpr(countIndent(currPos))
        currRef(dropRegionLine(sepRegions) match {
          // `case` follows the body of a previous case
          case (_: RegionCaseBody) :: rs => expr() :: rs
          // head could be RegionIndent or RegionBrace
          case x :: RegionCaseMark :: rs => expr() :: x :: rs
          case (_: RegionDelim) :: (_: RegionFor | RegionTemplateBody) :: _ => sepRegions
          // partial function
          case (_: RegionBrace) :: _ => expr() :: sepRegions
          // partial function in assignment or fewer braces
          case (_: RegionIndent) :: _
              if[Indentation.Indent] && prev.isAny[Equals, Colon] =>
            expr() :: sepRegions
          // `case` is at top-level (likely quasiquote)
          case Nil if prevPos == 0 => expr() :: sepRegions
          case _ => sepRegions
      case _: KwFinally => dropRegionLine(sepRegions) match {
          // covers case when finally follows catch case without a newline
          // otherwise, these two regions would have been removed already
          case (_: RegionCaseBody) :: (r: RegionIndent) :: rs =>
            val ref = mkOutdentTo(r, rs)
   = currRef(dropUntil(rs)(_ eq RegionTry))
          case rs => currRef(dropUntil(rs)(_ eq RegionTry))
      case _: LeftBrace =>
        val lbRegions = sepRegions match {
          case RegionTemplateMark :: rs => RegionTemplateBody :: rs
          case RegionTemplateInherit :: rs if ![KwExtends] => RegionTemplateBody :: rs
          case _ => sepRegions
        currRef(RegionBrace(nextIndent) :: lbRegions)
      case _: RightBrace =>
        // produce outdent for every indented region before RegionBrace|RegionEnum
        mkOutdents(sepRegions) {
          case (r: SepRegionIndented) :: rs => OutdentInfo(r, rs)
          case (_: RegionBrace) :: (RegionTemplateBody | RegionCaseMark) :: rs =>
            OutdentInfo(null, rs, true)
          case (_: RegionBrace) :: rs => OutdentInfo(null, rs, true)
          case _ :: rs => OutdentInfo(null, rs)
          case _ => null
      case _: LeftBracket => currRef(RegionBracket :: sepRegions)
      case _: RightBracket => mkOutdents(sepRegions) {
          case (r: SepRegionIndented) :: rs => OutdentInfo(r, rs)
          case RegionBracket :: rs => OutdentInfo(null, rs, done = true)
          case _ :: rs => OutdentInfo(null, rs)
          case _ => null
      case _: LeftParen => currRef(RegionParen :: sepRegions)
      case _: RightParen => mkOutdents(sepRegions) {
          case (r: SepRegionIndented) :: rs => OutdentInfo(r, rs)
          case RegionParen :: rs => OutdentInfo(null, rs, true)
          case _ :: rs => OutdentInfo(null, rs)
          case _ => null
      case _: RightArrow => currRef(sepRegions match {
          case (_: RegionCaseExpr) :: rs =>
            // add case region for `match {` to calculate proper indentation
            // for statements in indentation dialects
            val bodyIndent = rs match {
              case (ri: RegionIndent) :: _ => ri.indent
              case _ => nextIndent
            new RegionCaseBody(bodyIndent, curr) :: rs
          case _ => sepRegions
      case _: KwFor if !isPrevEndMarker() => currRef(RegionFor(next) :: sepRegions)
      case _: KwWhile if dialect.allowQuietSyntax && !isPrevEndMarker() =>
        currRef(RegionWhile(next) :: sepRegions)
      case _: KwIf if dialect.allowQuietSyntax && !isPrevEndMarker() =>
        currRef(dropRegionLine(sepRegions) match {
          case rs @ (_: RegionCaseExpr | _: RegionFor) :: _ => rs
          case rs @ (_: RegionDelim) :: (_: RegionFor) :: _ => rs
          case _ => RegionIf(next) :: sepRegions
      case _: KwThen => dropRegionLine(sepRegions) match {
          case (r: RegionIndent) :: (_: RegionIf) :: rs => outdentThenCurrRef(r, rs, Some(RegionThen))
          case (_: RegionIf) :: rs => currRef(RegionThen :: rs)
          case _ => currRef(RegionThen :: sepRegions)
      case _: KwElse if dialect.allowQuietSyntax =>
        dropRegionLine(sepRegions) match {
          case (r: RegionIndent) :: RegionThen :: rs => outdentThenCurrRef(r, rs)
          case (_: RegionControl) :: rs => currRef(rs)
          case _ => currRef(sepRegions)
      case _: KwDo | _: KwYield => dropRegionLine(sepRegions) match {
          case (r: RegionIndent) :: (_: RegionControl) :: rs => outdentThenCurrRef(r, rs)
          case (_: RegionControl) :: rs => currRef(rs)
          case _ => currRef(sepRegions)
      case _: KwDef | _: KwVal | _: KwVar
          if dialect.allowSignificantIndentation && !isPrevEndMarker() =>
        currRef(RegionDefMark :: sepRegions)
      case _: Colon => sepRegions match {
          case RegionDefMark :: rs => currRef(RegionDefType :: rs)
          case _ => currRef(sepRegions)
      case _: Equals => sepRegions match {
          case (_: RegionDefDecl) :: rs => currRef(rs)
          case _ => currRef(sepRegions)
      case _: KwExtends => getTemplateInherit(sepRegions)
      case _: Ident => curr.text match {
          case soft.KwDerives() => getTemplateInherit(sepRegions)
          case soft.KwExtension() if (prevToken match {
                case _: BOF | _: Indentation | _: LeftBrace | _: RightArrow | StatSep() => next
                    .isAny[LeftParen, LeftBracket]
                case _ => false
              }) => currRef(RegionExtensionMark :: sepRegions)
          case _ => currRef(sepRegions)
      case _ => currRef(sepRegions)

    def getNonTrivialRegions(regions: List[SepRegion]) = dropRegionLine(regions) match {
      case RegionExtensionMark :: rs => curr match {
          case _: LeftBrace => RegionTemplateBody :: rs
          case _: LeftParen | _: LeftBracket => regions
          case _ => rs
      case (r: RegionControl) :: rs if r.isNotTerminatingTokenIfOptional(curr) =>
        r match {
          case rc: RegionControlMaybeCond if[RightParen] =>
            curr match {
              case _: Dot | _: KwMatch => rc.asCond() :: rs
              // might continue cond or start body
              case _: Ident | _: LeftBrace | _: LeftBracket | _: LeftParen | _: Underscore
                  if dialect.allowQuietSyntax => rc.asCondOrBody() :: rs
              case _ => rc.asBody().fold(rs)(_ :: rs)
          case RegionForMaybeParens if[RightParen] =>
            curr match {
              case _: LeftArrow => RegionForOther :: rs
              case _ => rs
          case r: RegionFor if r.isClosingConditionToken(prev) => rs
          case _ => if ([AtEOL] ||[CloseDelim]) rs else regions
      case RegionParen :: RegionForMaybeParens :: rs if[LeftArrow] =>
        RegionParen :: RegionForParens :: rs
      case _ => regions

    if (nextPos < 0) getAtEof(getNonTrivialRegions(sepRegionsOrig))
    else if (currNonTrivial)
      if (isTrailingComma) nextToken(curr, currPos, currPos + 1, sepRegionsOrig)
      else nonTrivial(getNonTrivialRegions(sepRegionsOrig))
    else {
      def findFirstEOL(pos: Int): Int =
        if (pos > indentPos) -1 else if (tokens(pos).is[AtEOL]) pos else findFirstEOL(pos + 1)
      def hasBlank(pos: Int, hadEOL: Boolean = false): Boolean =
        if (pos > indentPos) false
        else tokens(pos) match {
          case _: MultiNL => true
          case _: AtEOL => hadEOL || hasBlank(pos + 1, true)
          case _: Whitespace => hasBlank(pos + 1, hadEOL)
          case _ => hasBlank(pos + 1)

      val hasLF = indentPos > prevPos // includes indentPos = -1
      val eolPos = if (hasLF) findFirstEOL(prevPos + 1) else -1
      val multiEOL = eolPos >= 0 && hasBlank(eolPos)

      def lastWhitespaceToken(rs: List[SepRegion], lineIndent: Int) = {
        val addRegionLine = lineIndent >= 0 && isIndented(rs, lineIndent)
        val regions = if (addRegionLine) RegionLine(lineIndent) :: rs else rs
        eofRefAt(regions, eolPos, multiEOL)

      def stripIfCanProduceLF(regions: List[SepRegion]) = {
        def derives(token: Token) = soft.KwDerives(token)
        def blankBraceOr(ok: => Boolean): Boolean = if ([LeftBrace]) multiEOL else ok
        def isEndMarker() = isEndMarkerSpecifier(prev) && {
          val prevPrevPos = getStrictPrev(prevPos)
          isEndMarkerIdentifier(tokens(prevPrevPos)) && isPrecededByNL(prevPrevPos)
        def strip(rs: List[SepRegion]): Option[List[SepRegion]] = rs match {
          // `[`, `=` and `#` are covered by CantStartStat
          case RegionDefType :: xs => if ([LeftParen]) None else strip(xs)
          // `extends` and `with` are covered by canEndStat() and CantStartStat
          case RegionTemplateMark :: xs => if (blankBraceOr(!derives(next))) strip(xs) else None
          case RegionTemplateInherit :: xs =>
            if (blankBraceOr(!derives(next) && !derives(prev))) strip(xs) else None
          case RegionTry :: xs
              if !next.isAny[KwCatch, KwFinally] && canBeLeadingInfix != LeadingInfix.Yes &&
                !isIndented(xs, nextIndent) => strip(xs)
          case Nil | (_: CanProduceLF) :: _ => Some(rs)
          case _ => None
        val ok = eolPos >= 0 && mightStartStat(next, closeDelimOK = true) &&
          (canEndStat(prev) || isEndMarker())
        if (ok) strip(regions) else None

      def getIfCanProduceLF(regions: List[SepRegion], lineIndent: Int = -1) =
        stripIfCanProduceLF(regions).map(rs => Right(lastWhitespaceToken(rs, lineIndent)))

      def isLeadingInfix(regions: List[SepRegion]) = regions match {
        case Nil | (_: CanProduceLF) :: _ => canBeLeadingInfix
        case _ => LeadingInfix.No

      lazy val canBeLeadingInfix =
        if (!multiEOL && eolPos >= 0 && dialect.allowInfixOperatorAfterNL &&
          next.isSymbolicInfixOperator) isLeadingInfixArg(nextPos + 1, nextIndent)
        else LeadingInfix.No

      def getInfixLFIfNeeded(regions: List[SepRegion]) = {
        def getInfixLF(invalid: Option[String]) = Some(Right {
          val lf = tokens(indentPos)
          val out = InfixLF(lf.input, lf.dialect, lf.start, lf.end, invalid)
          eolRefFor(sepRegionsOrig, out, indentPos)
        isLeadingInfix(regions) match {
          case LeadingInfix.Yes => getInfixLF(None)
          case LeadingInfix.InvalidArg if (sepRegionsOrig match {
                // see in `ieLeadingInfix` above, `x` is guaranteed to be CanProduceLF
                case x :: _ => x.indent >= 0 && x.indent < nextIndent
                case _ => false
              }) => getInfixLF(Some("Invalid indented leading infix operator found"))
          case _ => None

      val resOpt =
        if (!hasLF) None
        else if (!dialect.allowSignificantIndentation) getInfixLFIfNeeded(sepRegionsOrig)
        else {
          def noOutdent(sepRegions: List[SepRegion]) = sepRegions.find(_.isIndented)
            .forall(_.indent <= nextIndent)

           * Outdent is needed in following cases:
           *   - If indentation on next line is less than current and previous token can't continue
           *     expr on the next line
           *   - At the end of `match` block even if indentation level is not changed. Example:
           *     ```
           *     x match
           *     case 1 =>
           *     case 2 =>
           *     // <- produce outdent
           *     foo()
           *     ```
          def getOutdentInfo(sepRegions: List[SepRegion]) = sepRegions match {
            case (rc: RegionCaseBody) :: (r: RegionIndent) :: rs =>
              if (nextIndent > r.indent) null
              else if ([KwFinally]) OutdentInfo(r, rs, noOutdent(rs))
              else if (nextIndent < r.indent || && (![KwCase]) ||
                getNextToken(nextPos).isClassOrObject) OutdentInfo(r, dropRegionLine(nextIndent, rs))
              else null
            case (r: RegionIndent) :: (rs @ RegionTry :: xs) =>
              if (nextIndent < r.indent || nextIndent == r.indent && next.isAny[KwCatch, KwFinally]) {
                val done = noOutdent(xs)
                OutdentInfo(r, if (done) rs else xs, done)
              } else null
            case RegionTry :: rs => if (noOutdent(rs)) null else OutdentInfo(null, rs)
            case (_: RegionNonDelimNonIndented) :: rs if (prev match {
                  // [then]  else  do  [catch]  finally  yield  [match]
                  case _: KwThen | _: KwCatch | _: KwMatch => false
                  case _ => !noOutdent(rs)
                }) => OutdentInfo(null, rs)
            case (r: SepRegionIndented) :: _ if nextIndent >= r.indent => null // we stop here
            case (r: RegionIndent) :: (rs @ (rc: RegionControl) :: xs) =>
              OutdentInfo(r, if (rc.isNotTerminatingTokenIfOptional(next)) xs else rs)
            case (r: RegionIndent) :: RegionTemplateBody :: rs => OutdentInfo(r, rs)
            case (r: SepRegionIndented) :: rs if (prev match {
                  // then  [else]  [do]  catch  [finally]  [yield]  match
                  case _: KwElse | _: KwDo | _: KwFinally | _: KwYield => false
                  // exclude leading infix op
                  case _ => !isIndented(rs, nextIndent) || canBeLeadingInfix != LeadingInfix.Yes
                }) => OutdentInfo(r, rs)
            case _ => null

           * Indent is needed in the following cases:
           *   - Indetation on new line is greater and previous token can start indentation and
           *     token can start indentation
           *   - Indentation on the new line is the same and the next token is the first `case`
           *     clause in match. Example:
           *     ```
           *     x match // <- mk indent
           *     case 1 =>
           *     ```
           * Notice: Indentation after `:` isn't hadled here. It's produced manually on the parser
           * level.
          def getIndentIfNeeded(sepRegions: List[SepRegion]) = {
            def exceedsIndent = isIndented(sepRegions, nextIndent)
            def emitIndentWith(ri: SepRegionIndented, rs: List[SepRegion], next: TokenRef = null) =
              Some(Right(mkIndent(prevPos, indentPos, ri :: rs, next)))
            def emitIndent(regions: List[SepRegion], next: TokenRef = null) =
              emitIndentWith(RegionIndent(nextIndent), regions, next)
            def emitIndentAndOutdent(regions: List[SepRegion]) =
              emitIndent(regions, mkOutdentAt(nextIndent, regions))
            // ![RightBrace] - braces can sometimes have -1 and we can start indent on }
            prev match {
              case _ if nextIndent < 0 ||[RightBrace] => None
              // if does not work with indentation in pattern matches
              case _: KwIf if !sepRegions.headOption.exists(_.isInstanceOf[RegionIf]) => None
              case _: KwCatch | _: KwMatch =>
                // always add indent for indented `match` block
                // check the previous token to avoid infinity loop
                val ok =[KwCase] && sepRegions.headOption.contains(RegionCaseMark)
                if (ok) emitIndent(sepRegions) else None
              case _: Colon =>
                 * Colon with NL can appear in several contexts:
                 *   - after package/class/etc: handled with RegionColonEol
                 *   - after variable and before its type:
                 *     - within `def`, `val`, `var` declaration or definition: excluded with
                 *       RegionDefMark
                 *     - cast within an argument expression: doesn't allow newline as it can then be
                 *       confused with a fewer-braces invocation
                 *     - within self-type: not allowed by the compiler
                 *   - after fewer-braces method call: will apply if not handled otherwise
                def couldBeFewerBraces(): Boolean = dialect.allowFewerBraces &&
                  !sepRegions.contains(RegionDefMark) && getPrevToken(prevPos)
                    .isAny[Ident, CloseDelim]
                sepRegions match {
                  case (_: RegionTemplateDecl) :: rs =>
                    if (exceedsIndent) emitIndent(RegionTemplateBody :: rs)
                    else if (soft.KwEnd(next)) emitIndentAndOutdent(rs)
                    else Some(Right(lastWhitespaceToken(rs, nextIndent)))
                  case (_: RegionDefDecl) :: _ => None
                  case _ if !exceedsIndent =>
                    if (!couldBeFewerBraces()) None
                    else Some(Right(lastWhitespaceToken(sepRegions, nextIndent)))
                  case _ => next match {
                      // RefineDcl
                      case _: KwVal | _: KwDef | _: KwType | _: Semicolon => emitIndent(sepRegions)
                      // fewer braces function (although could be self-type)
                      case _ if couldBeFewerBraces() => emitIndent(sepRegions)
                      case _ => None
              case _ if !exceedsIndent => None
              case _: RightArrow => dropRegionLine(sepRegions) match {
                  case (rc: RegionCaseBody) :: (_: RegionBrace) :: _ if rc.arrow eq prev => None
                  case _ if isEndMarkerIntro(nextPos) => None
                  case _ => emitIndent(sepRegions)
              case _: KwTry => emitIndent(sepRegions)
              case _ => dropRegionLine(sepRegions) match {
                  case (r: RegionFor) :: rs if r.isClosingConditionToken(prev) =>
                    val ko = r.isTerminatingToken(next)
                    if (ko) None else emitIndent(rs)
                  case RegionForMaybeParens :: rs if[RightParen] =>
                    val ko =[LeftArrow] || RegionForMaybeParens.isTerminatingToken(next)
                    if (ko) None else emitIndent(rs)
                  case (x: RegionControlMaybeCond) :: rs if[RightParen] =>
                    val ko =[Dot] || !x.isNotTerminatingTokenIfOptional(next) ||
                      canBeLeadingInfix == LeadingInfix.Yes
                    if (ko) None else emitIndent(x.asBody().fold(rs)(_ :: rs))
                  case (x: RegionControlMaybeCond) :: rs if x.isControlKeyword(prev) =>
                    emitIndent(x.asCond() :: rs)
                  case (_: RegionTemplateDecl) :: _ if[LeftParen] => Some(Left(sepRegions)) // skip this newline
                  case RegionExtensionMark :: rs if[RightParen] && ![LeftParen] =>
                    emitIndent(RegionTemplateBody :: rs)
                  case _ =>
                    val ok = prev match {
                      case _: KwYield | _: KwFinally | _: KwDo | _: KwFor | _: KwThen | _: KwElse |
                          _: KwWhile | _: KwIf | _: KwReturn | _: LeftArrow | _: ContextArrow =>
                      case _: Equals => ![KwMacro]
                      case _: KwWith => isDefIntro(nextPos) || next.isAny[KwImport, KwExport]
                      case _ => false
                    if (ok) emitIndent(sepRegions) else None

          val regionsToRes: List[SepRegion] => Option[Either[List[SepRegion], TokenRef]] =
            if ([Indentation]) _ => None
              mkOutdentsT(_, multiEOL)(getIndentIfNeeded)((x, _) => Some(Right(x)))(getOutdentInfo)

          def onlyWithoutLF() = sepRegionsOrig match {
            case (ri: SepRegionIndented) :: _ if ri.indent < nextIndent =>
              Some(Left(RegionLine(nextIndent) :: sepRegionsOrig))
            case _ => None

          def iter(regions: List[SepRegion]): Option[Either[List[SepRegion], TokenRef]] = {
            val res = regionsToRes(regions).orElse(getInfixLFIfNeeded(regions))
            if (res.isEmpty) regions match {
              case Nil if[BOF] => Some(Left(RegionLine(nextIndent) :: Nil))
              case (r: RegionLine) :: rs if r.indent >= nextIndent => iter(rs)
              case (r: RegionControl) :: rs
                  if !r.isControlKeyword(prev) && r.isNotTerminatingTokenIfOptional(next) =>
                r match {
                  case r: RegionControlMaybeCond if[RightParen] =>
                    if ([Dot]) None
                    else r.asBody() match {
                      case Some(x) => getIfCanProduceLF(x :: rs, nextIndent).orElse(onlyWithoutLF())
                      case None => iter(rs)
                  case _ => iter(rs)
              case rs => stripIfCanProduceLF(rs) match {
                  case Some(xs) =>
                    if (xs eq rs) Some(Right(lastWhitespaceToken(xs, nextIndent))) else iter(xs)
                  case _ => onlyWithoutLF()
            else res

      resOpt match {
        case Some(Right(res)) => res
        case Some(Left(rs)) => nextToken(prevToken, prevPos, nextPos, rs)
        case _ => nextToken(prevToken, prevPos, nextPos, sepRegionsOrig)

  private def isLeadingInfixArg(afterOpPos: Int, nextIndent: Int) = {
    // we don't check for pos to be within bounds since we would exit on EOF first
    def iter(pos: Int, indent: Int, prevNoNL: Boolean): LeadingInfix = tokens(pos) match {
      case _: EOL => if (prevNoNL) iter(pos + 1, 0, false) else LeadingInfix.No
      case t: HSpace => iter(pos + 1, if (prevNoNL) indent else indent + t.len, prevNoNL)
      case c: Comment =>
        val commentIndent = multilineCommentIndent(c)
        iter(pos + 1, if (commentIndent < 0) indent else commentIndent, true)
      case t =>
        if (!canBeLeadingInfixArg(t, pos)) LeadingInfix.No
        else if (indent >= 0 && indent < nextIndent) LeadingInfix.InvalidArg
        else LeadingInfix.Yes
    tokens(afterOpPos) match {
      case _: EOL => iter(afterOpPos + 1, 0, false)
      case _: HSpace => iter(afterOpPos + 1, -1, true)
      case _: Comment => LeadingInfix.InvalidArg
      case _ => LeadingInfix.No


object ScannerTokens {

  private sealed trait LeadingInfix
  private object LeadingInfix {
    object No extends LeadingInfix
    object Yes extends LeadingInfix
    object InvalidArg extends LeadingInfix

  def apply(input: Input)(implicit dialect: Dialect, tokenize: Tokenize): ScannerTokens =
    new ScannerTokens(tokenize(input, dialect).get)

  private[parsers] case class OutdentInfo(
      outdent: SepRegionIndented,
      regions: List[SepRegion],
      done: Boolean = false

  private[parsers] def multilineCommentIndent(t: Comment): Int = {
    val str: String = t.value
    def loop(idx: Int, indent: Int): Int =
      if (idx <= 0) -1
      else str.charAt(idx) match {
        case '\n' | '\r' => indent
        case ' ' | '\t' => loop(idx - 1, indent + 1)
        case _ => loop(idx - 1, 0)
    loop(str.length - 1, 0)

  private def dropWhile(regions: List[SepRegion])(f: SepRegion => Boolean): List[SepRegion] =
    regions match {
      case head :: tail => if (f(head)) dropWhile(tail)(f) else regions
      case _ => Nil

  private def dropUntil(regions: List[SepRegion])(f: SepRegion => Boolean): List[SepRegion] =
    regions match {
      case head :: tail => if (f(head)) tail else dropUntil(tail)(f)
      case _ => Nil

  private def dropRegionLine(regions: List[SepRegion]): List[SepRegion] = regions match {
    case (_: RegionLine) :: rs => dropRegionLine(rs)
    case _ => regions

  private def dropRegionLine(indent: Int, regions: List[SepRegion]): List[SepRegion] =
    regions match {
      case (r: RegionLine) :: rs if r.indent >= indent => dropRegionLine(indent, rs)
      case _ => regions

  private def findIndent(sepRegions: List[SepRegion]): Int = sepRegions.find(_.indent >= 0)

  private def isIndented(sepRegions: List[SepRegion], curIndent: Int): Boolean =
    findIndent(sepRegions) < curIndent

  private def inParens(regions: List[SepRegion]): Boolean = regions.nonEmpty &&
    (regions.head match {
      case r: RegionDelimNonIndented => r eq RegionParen
      case _ => inParens(regions.tail)


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