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scala.meta.internal.quasiquotes.ReificationMacros.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package scala.meta
package internal
package quasiquotes

import org.scalameta._
import org.scalameta.adt.{Liftables => AdtLiftables}
import org.scalameta.internal.ScalaCompat.EOL
import org.scalameta.invariants._
import scala.meta.dialects
import scala.meta.inputs.{Position => MetaPosition, _}
import scala.meta.internal.parsers.Absolutize._
import scala.meta.internal.parsers.Messages
import scala.meta.internal.trees.{Liftables => AstLiftables, Reflection => AstReflection, _}
import scala.meta.parsers._
import scala.meta.tokenizers._
import scala.meta.trees.Origin
import scala.meta.{Tree => MetaTree}

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context
import scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime

class ReificationMacros(val c: Context) extends AstReflection with AdtLiftables with AstLiftables {
  lazy val u: c.universe.type = c.universe
  lazy val mirror: u.Mirror = c.mirror

  import c.universe.{Position => ReflectPosition}
  import c.universe.{Position => _, Symbol => _, Tree => _, Type => _, _}
  import c.universe.{Symbol => ReflectSymbol}
  import c.universe.{Tree => ReflectTree}

  type MetaParser = (Input, Dialect) => MetaTree
  val XtensionQuasiquoteTerm = "shadow scala.meta quasiquotes"
  val XtensionParsersDialectApply = "shadow extension method conflict"

  // NOTE: only Mode.Pattern really needs holes, and that's only because of Scala's limitations
  // read a comment in liftUnquote for more information on that
  case class Hole(arg: ReflectTree, idx: Int, var reifier: ReflectTree = EmptyTree)
  sealed trait Mode {
    def isTerm: Boolean = this.isInstanceOf[Mode.Term]
    def multiline: Boolean
    def holes: List[Hole]
  object Mode {
    case class Term(multiline: Boolean, holes: List[Hole]) extends Mode
    case class Pattern(multiline: Boolean, holes: List[Hole], unapplySelector: ReflectTree)
        extends Mode

  val InternalLift = c.mirror.staticModule("scala.meta.internal.quasiquotes.Lift")
  val InternalUnlift = c.mirror.staticModule("scala.meta.internal.quasiquotes.Unlift")
  val QuasiquotePrefix = c.freshName("quasiquote")

  private val OriginModule = q"_root_.scala.meta.trees.Origin"

  def apply(args: ReflectTree*)(dialect: ReflectTree): ReflectTree = expand(dialect)
  def unapply(scrutinee: ReflectTree)(dialect: ReflectTree): ReflectTree = expand(dialect)
  def expand(dialectTree: ReflectTree): ReflectTree = {
    val (input, mode) = extractQuasiquotee()
    val underlyingDialect = instantiateDialect(dialectTree)
    val parser = instantiateParser(c.macroApplication.symbol)
    val dialect =
      if (mode.isTerm) underlyingDialect.unquoteTerm(mode.multiline)
      else underlyingDialect.unquotePat(mode.multiline)
    val skeleton = parseSkeleton(parser, input, dialect)
    reifySkeleton(skeleton, mode, input, dialectTree)

  private def mkHoles(args: Seq[ReflectTree]) = {
    val res = List.newBuilder[Hole]
    var i = 0
    args.foreach { arg =>
      res += Hole(arg, i)
      i += 1

  private def extractQuasiquotee(): (Input, Mode) = {
    val reflectInput = c.macroApplication.pos.source
    def isMultiline(firstPart: ReflectTree) = reflectInput.content(firstPart.pos.start - 2) == '"'
    val (parts, mode) =
      try c.macroApplication match {
          case q"$_($_.apply(..$parts)).$_.apply[..$_](..$args)($_)" =>
            require(parts.length == args.length + 1)
            val holes = mkHoles(args)
            (parts, Mode.Term(isMultiline(parts.head), holes))
          case q"$_($_.apply(..$parts)).$_.unapply[..$_](${unapplySelector: Ident})($_)" =>
            require( == TermName(""))
            val args = c.internal.subpatterns(unapplySelector).get
            require(parts.length == args.length + 1)
            val holes = mkHoles(args)
            (parts, Mode.Pattern(isMultiline(parts.head), holes, unapplySelector))
      catch {
        case ex: Exception => c.abort(
            s"fatal error initializing quasiquote macro: ${showRaw(c.macroApplication)}"
    val metaInput = {
      val (firstPart, lastPart @ Literal(Constant(s_lastpart: String))) = (parts.head, parts.last)
      val start = firstPart.pos.start // looks like we can trust this position to point to the character right after the opening quotes
      val end = { // we have to infer this for ourselves, because there's no guarantee we run under -Yrangepos
        var remaining = s_lastpart.length
        var curr = lastPart.pos.start
        while (remaining > 0) {
          if (reflectInput.content(curr) == '$') {
            curr += 1
            require(reflectInput.content(curr) == '$')
          curr += 1
          remaining -= 1
      val metaInput = Input.VirtualFile(reflectInput.path, new String(reflectInput.content))
      Input.Slice(metaInput, start, end)
    (metaInput, mode)

  private implicit def metaPositionToReflectPosition(pos: MetaPosition): ReflectPosition =
    // WONTFIX:

  private def instantiateDialect(dialectTree: ReflectTree): Dialect = {
    // NOTE: We want to have a higher-order way to abstract over differences in dialects
    // and we're using implicits for that (implicits are values => values are higher-order => good).
    // However, quasiquotes use macros, and macros are first-order, so we have a problem here.
    // Concretely, here we need to convert an implicit argument to a macro (the `dialectTree` tree)
    // into an instance of `Dialect` that we'll pass to the parser.
    // For now I'll just prohibit quasiquotes for situations when `dialectTree` doesn't point to one of the predefined dialects.
    // A natural extension to this would be to allow any static value, not just predefined dialects.
    // Furthermore, we could further relax this restriction by doing parsing for a superset of all dialects and then
    // delaying validation of resulting ASTs until runtime.
    val dialectsSym = c.mirror.staticModule("scala.meta.dialects.package").moduleClass
    def instantiateStandardDialect(sym: ReflectSymbol): Option[Dialect] =
      if (dialectsSym != sym.owner) None
      else {
        val name =
        if ( == NoSymbol) None
        else Dialect.standards.get(name.toString)

    // allow `scala.meta.dialects.Scala211`
    val standardDialectReference = instantiateStandardDialect(dialectTree.symbol)
    // allow `scala.meta.Dialect.current`
    def standardDialectSingleton = instantiateStandardDialect(dialectTree.tpe.termSymbol)
    standardDialectReference.orElse(standardDialectSingleton).getOrElse {
      val suggestion =
        s"to fix this, import something from scala.meta.dialects, e.g. scala.meta.dialects.${Dialect.current}"
      val message =
        s"$dialectTree of type ${dialectTree.tpe} is not supported by quasiquotes ($suggestion)"
      c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, message)

  private def instantiateParser(interpolator: ReflectSymbol): MetaParser = {
    val parserModule = interpolator.owner.owner.companion
    val parsersModuleClass = Class
      .forName("scala.meta.quasiquotes.package$", true, this.getClass.getClassLoader)
    val parsersModule = parsersModuleClass.getField("MODULE$").get(null)
    val parserModuleGetter = parsersModule.getClass.getDeclaredMethod(
    val parserModuleInstance = parserModuleGetter.invoke(parsersModule)
    val parserMethod = parserModuleInstance.getClass.getDeclaredMethods.find(_.getName == "parse")
    (input: Input, dialect: Dialect) =>
      try parserMethod.invoke(parserModuleInstance, input, dialect).asInstanceOf[MetaTree]
      catch { case ex: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException => throw ex.getTargetException }

  private def parseSkeleton(parser: MetaParser, input: Input, dialect: Dialect): MetaTree =
    try parser(input, dialect)
    catch {
      case TokenizeException(pos, message) => c.abort(pos, message)
      case ParseException(pos, message) => c.abort(pos, message)

  private implicit class XtensionRankedClazz(clazz: Class[_]) {
    def unwrap: Class[_] = if (clazz.isArray) clazz.getComponentType.unwrap else clazz
    def wrap(rank: Int): Class[_] =
      if (rank == 0) clazz else ScalaRunTime.arrayClass(clazz).wrap(rank - 1)
    def toTpe: u.Type =
      if (clazz.isArray) appliedType(definitions.ListClass, clazz.getComponentType.toTpe)
      else {
        def loop(owner: u.Symbol, parts: List[String]): u.Symbol = parts match {
          case part :: Nil =>
            if (clazz.getName.endsWith("$"))
          case part :: rest => loop(, rest)
          case Nil => unreachable(debug(clazz))
        val name = scala.reflect.NameTransformer.decode(clazz.getName)
        val result = loop(mirror.RootPackage, name.stripSuffix("$").split(Array('.', '$')).toList)
        if (result.isModule) else result.asClass.toType

  private implicit class XtensionRankedTree(tree: u.Tree) {
    def wrap(rank: Int): u.Tree =
      if (rank == 0) tree
      else AppliedTypeTree(tq"${definitions.ListClass}", List(tree.wrap(rank - 1)))

  private def reifySkeleton(
      meta: MetaTree,
      mode: Mode,
      input: Input,
      dialectTree: ReflectTree
  ): ReflectTree = {
    val isTerm = mode.isTerm
    val pendingQuasis = mutable.Stack[Quasi]()
    implicit class XtensionQuasiHole(quasi: Quasi) {
      def hole: Hole = {
        val pos = quasi.pos.absolutize
        val beg = pos.start
        val end = pos.end
        val maybeHole = mode.holes.find { h =>
          val pt = h.arg.pos.point
          beg <= pt && pt <= end
          debug(quasi, quasi.pos.absolutize, mode.holes,

    val useParsedSource = mode.holes.isEmpty // otherwise, syntax will not make much sense
    val sourceName = if (useParsedSource) TermName(c.freshName("parsedSource")) else null
    val dialectOnlyName = TermName(c.freshName("dialectOnly"))
    object Lifts {
      def liftTree(tree: MetaTree): ReflectTree = Liftables.liftableSubTree(tree)
      def liftOptionTree(maybeTree: Option[MetaTree]): ReflectTree = maybeTree match {
        case Some(tree: Quasi) => liftQuasi(tree, optional = true)
        case Some(otherTree) => q"_root_.scala.Some(${liftTree(otherTree)})"
        case None => q"_root_.scala.None"
      def liftTrees(trees: Seq[MetaTree]): ReflectTree = {
        def loop(trees: Seq[MetaTree], acc: ReflectTree, prefix: List[MetaTree]): ReflectTree =
          trees match {
            case (quasi: Quasi) +: rest if quasi.rank == 1 =>
              if (acc.isEmpty)
                if (prefix.isEmpty) loop(rest, liftQuasi(quasi), Nil)
                else loop(
                  prefix.foldRight(acc) { (curr, acc) =>
                    // NOTE: We cannot do just q"${liftTree(curr)} +: ${liftQuasi(quasi)}"
                    // because that creates a synthetic temp variable that doesn't make any sense in a pattern.
                    // Neither can we do q"${liftQuasi(quasi)}.+:(${liftTree(curr)})",
                    // because that still wouldn't work in pattern mode.
                    // Finally, we can't do something like q"+:(${liftQuasi(quasi)}, (${liftTree(curr)}))",
                    // because would violate evaluation order guarantees that we must keep.
                    val currElement = liftTree(curr)
                    val alreadyLiftedList = acc.orElse(liftQuasi(quasi))
                    if (isTerm) q"$currElement +: $alreadyLiftedList"
                    else pq"$currElement +: $alreadyLiftedList"
              else {
                require(prefix.isEmpty && debug(trees, acc, prefix))
                if (isTerm) loop(rest, q"$acc ++ ${liftQuasi(quasi)}", Nil)
                else c.abort(quasi.pos, Messages.QuasiquoteAdjacentEllipsesInPattern(quasi.rank))
            case other +: rest =>
              if (acc.isEmpty) loop(rest, acc, prefix :+ other)
              else {
                require(prefix.isEmpty && debug(trees, acc, prefix))
                if (isTerm) loop(rest, q"$acc :+ ${liftTree(other)}", Nil)
                else loop(rest, pq"$acc :+ ${liftTree(other)}", Nil)
            case _ =>
              // NOTE: Luckily, at least this quasiquote works fine both in term and pattern modes
              if (acc.isEmpty) q"${definitions.ListModule}(..${})" else acc
        loop(trees, EmptyTree, Nil)
      def liftTreess(treess: List[List[MetaTree]]): ReflectTree = {
        val tripleDotQuasis = treess.flatten
          .collect { case quasi: Quasi if quasi.rank == 2 => quasi }
        if (tripleDotQuasis.isEmpty) Liftable.liftList[List[MetaTree]](Liftables.liftableSubTrees)
        else if (tripleDotQuasis.length == 1)
          if (treess.flatten.length == 1) liftQuasi(tripleDotQuasis(0))
          else c.abort(
            "implementation restriction: can't mix ...$ with anything else in parameter lists." +
              EOL + "See for details."
        else c.abort(tripleDotQuasis(1).pos, Messages.QuasiquoteAdjacentEllipsesInPattern(2))
      def liftQuasi(quasi: Quasi, optional: Boolean = false): ReflectTree =
        try {
          if (quasi.rank == 0) {
            val inferredPt = {
              val unwrappedPt =
              if (optional) appliedType(definitions.OptionClass, unwrappedPt) else unwrappedPt
            val lifted = mode match {
              case Mode.Term(_, _) =>
                val liftedPt = inferredPt
              case Mode.Pattern(_, _, _) =>
                // NOTE: Here, we would like to say q"$InternalUnlift[$inferredPt](${quasi.hole.arg})".
                // Unfortunately, the way how patterns work prevents us from having it this easy:
                // 1) unapplications can't have explicitly specified type arguments
                // 2) pattern language is very limited and can't express what we want to express in Unlift
                // Therefore, we're forced to take a two-step unquoting scheme: a) match everything in the corresponding hole,
                // b) call Unlift.unapply as a normal method in the right-hand side part of the pattern matching clause.
                val hole = quasi.hole
                val unliftedPt = hole.arg match {
                  case pq"_: $explicitPt" => explicitPt
                  case pq"$_: $explicitPt" => explicitPt
                  case _ => TypeTree(inferredPt)
                val name = TermName(QuasiquotePrefix + "$hole$" + hole.idx)
                hole.reifier = atPos(quasi.pos)(q"$InternalUnlift.unapply[$unliftedPt]($name)")
          } else quasi.tree match {
            case quasi: Quasi if quasi.rank == 0 => liftQuasi(quasi)
            case _ => c.abort(quasi.pos, "complex ellipses are not supported yet")
        } finally pendingQuasis.pop()
      val liftOrigin: Origin => ReflectTree =
        if (sourceName ne null) _ match {
          case Origin.Parsed(_, beg, end) => q"$OriginModule.Parsed($sourceName, $beg, $end)"
          case x => unreachable(debug(x), "likely missing positions in the parser")
        else {
          val dialectOnlyNameTree = q"$dialectOnlyName"
          _ => dialectOnlyNameTree
    object Liftables {
      // NOTE: we could write just `implicitly[Liftable[MetaTree]].apply(meta)`
      // but that would bloat the code significantly with duplicated instances for denotations and sigmas
      implicit val liftableSubTree: Liftable[MetaTree] =
        if (isTerm) materializeAst[MetaTree](true) else materializeAst[MetaTree](false)
      implicit def liftableSubSeqTree[T <: MetaTree]: Liftable[Seq[T]] =
        Liftable((trees: Seq[T]) => Lifts.liftTrees(trees))
      implicit def liftableSubTrees[T <: MetaTree]: Liftable[List[T]] =
        Liftable((trees: List[T]) => Lifts.liftTrees(trees))
      implicit def liftableSubSeqTrees[T <: MetaTree]: Liftable[Seq[List[T]]] =
        Liftable((treess: Seq[List[T]]) => Lifts.liftTreess(treess.toList))
      implicit def liftableSubTreess[T <: MetaTree]: Liftable[List[List[T]]] =
        Liftable((treess: List[List[T]]) => Lifts.liftTreess(treess))
      implicit def liftableOptionSubTree[T <: MetaTree]: Liftable[Option[T]] =
        Liftable((x: Option[T]) => Lifts.liftOptionTree(x))
      implicit def liftableOrigin[T <: Origin]: Liftable[T] = Liftable((x: T) => Lifts.liftOrigin(x))
    val valDefns = List(
      if (sourceName eq null) q"""
        val $dialectOnlyName = implicitly[$OriginModule.DialectOnly]
      else q"""
        val $sourceName = new $OriginModule.ParsedSource(
          _root_.scala.meta.inputs.Input.String(${input.text.replace("$$", "$")})
    ).filter(_ ne null)
    mode match {
      case Mode.Term(_, _) =>
        val internalResult = q"""
        if (sys.props("quasiquote.debug") != null) println(internalResult)
        // println(showRaw(internalResult))
      case Mode.Pattern(_, holes, unapplySelector) =>
        // inspired by
        val pattern = Lifts.liftTree(meta)
        val (thenp, elsep) =
          if (holes.isEmpty) (q"true", q"false")
          else {
            val reifers = new mutable.ListBuffer[ReflectTree]
            val patterns = new mutable.ListBuffer[ReflectTree]
            val terms = new mutable.ListBuffer[ReflectTree]
            holes.foreach { h =>
              val name = TermName(QuasiquotePrefix + "$result$" + h.idx)
              reifers += h.reifier
              patterns += pq"_root_.scala.Some($name)"
              terms += q"$name"
            val thenp = q"""
              (..$reifers) match {
                case (..$patterns) => _root_.scala.Some((..$terms))
                case _ => _root_.scala.None
            (thenp, q"_root_.scala.None")
        val matchp = pattern match {
          case Bind(_, Ident(termNames.WILDCARD)) => q"input match { case $pattern => $thenp }"
          case _ => q"input match { case $pattern => $thenp; case _ => $elsep }"
        val internalResult = q"""
          new {
            def unapply(input: _root_.scala.meta.Tree) = $matchp
        if (sys.props("quasiquote.debug") != null) println(internalResult)
        // println(showRaw(internalResult))

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