scala.meta.internal.parsers.LazyTokenIterator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Scalameta APIs for parsing and their baseline implementation
package scala.meta.internal.parsers
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.meta.Dialect
import scala.meta.classifiers._
import scala.meta.tokens.Token
import scala.meta.tokens.Token._
import scala.meta.tokens.Tokens
object LazyTokenIterator {
def apply(scannerTokens: ScannerTokens)(implicit dialect: Dialect): LazyTokenIterator =
new LazyTokenIterator(
TokenRef(scannerTokens(0), 0, 1, 0),
private case class TokenRef(
token: Token,
pos: Int,
nextPos: Int,
pointPos: Int
private def mkIndentToken(token: Token): Token =
new Indentation.Indent(token.input, token.dialect, token.start, token.end)
private def mkOutdentToken(token: Token): Token =
new Indentation.Outdent(token.input, token.dialect, token.start, token.end)
private def multilineCommentIndent(t: Comment): Int = {
def loop(idx: Int, indent: Int, isAfterNewline: Boolean): Int = {
if (idx == t.value.length) indent
else {
t.value.charAt(idx) match {
case '\n' => loop(idx + 1, 0, isAfterNewline = true)
case ' ' | '\t' if isAfterNewline => loop(idx + 1, indent + 1, isAfterNewline)
case _ => loop(idx + 1, indent, isAfterNewline = false)
loop(0, 0, false)
private[parsers] class LazyTokenIterator private (
private val scannerTokens: ScannerTokens,
private var sepRegions: List[SepRegion],
private var curr: LazyTokenIterator.TokenRef,
private var prevPos: Int
)(implicit dialect: Dialect)
extends TokenIterator {
import LazyTokenIterator._
import scannerTokens.Classifiers._
import scannerTokens.Implicits._
override def next(): Unit = {
val (newSepRegions, newTokenRef) = nextToken(curr.pos, curr.nextPos, sepRegions)
prevPos = curr.pointPos
curr = newTokenRef
sepRegions = newSepRegions
private def observeIndented0(f: (Int, List[SepRegion]) => List[SepRegion]): Boolean = {
if (!dialect.allowSignificantIndentation) false
else {
val existingIndent = sepRegions.find(_.isIndented).fold(0)(_.indent)
val (expected, pointPos) = countIndentAndNewlineIndex(tokenPos)
if (expected > existingIndent) {
sepRegions = f(expected, sepRegions)
val indent = mkIndentToken(token)
curr = TokenRef(indent, curr.pos, curr.pos, pointPos)
} else false
* Deals with different rules for indentation after self type arrow.
def undoIndent(): Unit = {
sepRegions match {
case region :: others if region.isIndented &&[Indentation.Indent] =>
sepRegions = sepRegions match {
// deal with region added by `case` in enum after self type
case RegionArrow :: _ => others
// if no region was added
case `region` :: _ => others
// keep any added region in `next()`
case head :: _ => head :: others
case _ => sepRegions
case _ =>
def observeIndented(): Boolean = {
observeIndented0 { (i, prev) =>
val undoRegionChange =
prev.headOption match {
case Some(RegionParen(_)) if[LeftParen] => prev.tail
case Some(RegionEnumArtificialMark) if[KwEnum] => prev.tail
case Some(_: RegionBrace) if[LeftBrace] => prev.tail
case _ => prev
RegionIndent(i, false) :: undoRegionChange
def observeIndentedEnum(): Boolean = {
observeIndented0((i, prev) => {
val nextPrev = prev match {
case RegionArrow :: RegionEnumArtificialMark :: other => other
case RegionEnumArtificialMark :: other => other
case x => x
RegionIndentEnum(i) :: nextPrev
def currentIndentation: Int = {
val foundIndentation = countIndent(curr.pointPos)
if (foundIndentation < 0)
// empty sepregions means we are at toplevel
def observeOutdented(): Boolean = {
if (!dialect.allowSignificantIndentation) false
else {
def canEndIndentation(token: Token) =[KwElse] ||[KwThen] ||[KwDo] ||[KwCatch] ||[KwFinally] ||[KwYield] ||[KwMatch]
sepRegions match {
case region :: tail if region.isIndented && canEndIndentation(curr.token) =>
sepRegions = tail
val outdent = mkOutdentToken(curr.token)
val outdentPos = findOutdentPos(prevPos, curr.pos, region)
curr = TokenRef(outdent, curr.pos, curr.pos, outdentPos)
case _ => false
private def findOutdentPos(prevPos: Int, currPos: Int, region: SepRegion): Int = {
val outdent = region.indent
def iter(i: Int, pos: Int, indent: Int): Int = {
if (i >= currPos) {
if (pos < currPos) pos else currPos - 1
} else {
scannerTokens(i) match {
case _: EOL =>
iter(i + 1, if (pos == prevPos) i else pos, 0)
case _: HSpace if indent >= 0 =>
iter(i + 1, pos, indent + 1)
case _: Whitespace =>
iter(i + 1, pos, indent)
case _: Comment if indent < 0 || outdent <= indent =>
iter(i + 1, i + 1, -1)
case _ => pos
val iterPos = 1 + prevPos
if (iterPos < currPos) iter(iterPos, prevPos, -1)
else if (scannerTokens(currPos).is[EOF]) currPos
else prevPos
private def nextToken(
prevPos: Int,
currPos: Int,
sepRegions: List[SepRegion]
): (List[SepRegion], TokenRef) = {
val prev = if (prevPos >= 0) scannerTokens(prevPos) else null
val curr = scannerTokens(currPos)
val (nextPos, next) = {
def iter(i: Int): (Int, Token) =
if (i == scannerTokens.length) (-1, null)
scannerTokens(i) match {
case _: Trivia => iter(i + 1)
case t => (i, t)
iter(currPos + 1)
def isTrailingComma: Boolean =
dialect.allowTrailingCommas &&[Comma] &&[CloseDelim] &&
next.pos.startLine > curr.pos.endLine
def mkIndent(pointPos: Int): TokenRef =
TokenRef(mkIndentToken(curr), prevPos, currPos, pointPos)
def mkOutdent(region: SepRegion): TokenRef =
mkOutdentTo(region, currPos)
def mkOutdentTo(region: SepRegion, maxPointPos: Int): TokenRef = {
val pointPos = findOutdentPos(prevPos, maxPointPos, region)
TokenRef(mkOutdentToken(curr), prevPos, currPos, pointPos)
def currRef: TokenRef = TokenRef(curr, currPos, currPos + 1, currPos)
def indentationWithinParenRegion: Option[SepRegion] = {
def isWithinParenRegion =
.collectFirst {
case RegionParen(_) => true
case other if !other.isIndented => false
sepRegions.headOption.filter(_.isIndented && isWithinParenRegion)
def nonTrivial = curr match {
case _: LeftParen => (RegionParen(false) :: sepRegions, currRef)
case _: LeftBracket => (RegionBracket :: sepRegions, currRef)
case _: Comma =>
indentationWithinParenRegion.fold {
(sepRegions, currRef)
} { region =>
(sepRegions.tail, mkOutdent(region))
case _: LeftBrace =>
val indentInBrace = if (isAheadNewLine(currPos)) countIndent(nextPos) else -1
// After encountering keyword Enum we add artificial '{' on top of stack.
// Then always after Enum next token is '{'. On token '{' we check if top of stack is '{'
// (which in case of enum is always true) and replace it with '$'.
// Now if we have token 'case' and top of stack is '$' we know it is Enum-case.
// In any other case it is 'match-case' or 'try-case'
val nextRegions =
if (sepRegions.headOption.contains(RegionEnumArtificialMark))
RegionEnum(indentInBrace) :: sepRegions.tail
else {
val indentOnArrow = !([KwMatch] ||[KwCatch])
RegionBrace(indentInBrace, indentOnArrow) :: sepRegions
(nextRegions, currRef)
case _: KwEnum =>
(RegionEnumArtificialMark :: sepRegions, currRef)
case CaseIntro() =>
val nextRegions = sepRegions.headOption match {
case Some(_: RegionEnum | _: RegionIndentEnum) => sepRegions
case Some(_: RegionCase) => RegionArrow :: sepRegions.tail
case _ => RegionArrow :: sepRegions
(nextRegions, currRef)
case _: RightBrace =>
// produce outdent for every indented region before RegionBrace|RegionEnum
def nextRegions(in: List[SepRegion]): (List[SepRegion], TokenRef) = {
in match {
case (_: RegionBrace | _: RegionEnum) :: xs =>
(xs, currRef)
case x :: xs if x.isIndented =>
(xs, mkOutdent(x))
case _ :: xs =>
case Nil =>
(Nil, currRef)
case _: RightBracket =>
val nextRegions =
if (sepRegions.headOption.contains(RegionBracket)) sepRegions.tail
else sepRegions
(nextRegions, currRef)
case _: EOF =>
sepRegions match {
case x :: xs if x.isIndented => (xs, mkOutdent(x))
case other => (other, currRef)
case _: RightParen =>
sepRegions match {
case x :: xs if x.isIndented => (xs, mkOutdent(x))
case RegionParen(_) :: xs => (xs, currRef)
case _ => (sepRegions, currRef)
case _: LeftArrow =>
val nextRegions =
if (sepRegions.headOption.contains(RegionArrow)) sepRegions.tail
else sepRegions
(nextRegions, currRef)
case _: RightArrow =>
val nextRegions =
if (sepRegions.headOption.contains(RegionArrow)) {
// add case region for `match {` to calculate proper indentation
// for statements in indentation dialects
val newRegions = sepRegions.tail
val shouldNotProduceIndentation =
!dialect.allowSignificantIndentation ||
lazy val indentInCase = if (isAheadNewLine(currPos)) countIndent(nextPos) else -1
if (newRegions.nonEmpty && shouldNotProduceIndentation && indentInCase > 0)
RegionCase(indentInCase) :: newRegions
} else sepRegions
(nextRegions, currRef)
case _: KwFor if dialect.allowSignificantIndentation =>
val updatedSepRegions = sepRegions match {
case RegionParen(_) :: tail => RegionParen(true) :: tail
case _ => sepRegions
(updatedSepRegions, currRef)
case _ =>
(sepRegions, currRef)
if (isTrailingComma) nextToken(currPos, currPos + 1, sepRegions)
else if (curr.isNot[Trivia]) nonTrivial
else {
var i = prevPos + 1
var lastNewlinePos = -1
var newlineStreak = false
var newlines = false
var hasMultilineComment = false
while (i < nextPos) {
val token = scannerTokens(i)
if ([LF] ||[FF]) {
lastNewlinePos = i
if (newlineStreak) newlines = true
newlineStreak = true
hasMultilineComment |=[MultilineComment]
newlineStreak &=[Whitespace]
i += 1
def lastWhitespaceToken = {
val token = scannerTokens(lastNewlinePos)
val out =
if (newlines) LFLF(token.input, token.dialect, token.start, token.end) else token
TokenRef(out, lastNewlinePos, lastNewlinePos + 1, lastNewlinePos)
def canProduceLF: Boolean = {
lastNewlinePos != -1 &&
prev != null && ([CanEndStat] ||[Indentation.Outdent]) &&
next != null && next.isNot[CantStartStat] && sepRegions.headOption.forall {
case _: RegionBrace | _: RegionCase | _: RegionEnum => true
case _: RegionIndent | _: RegionIndentEnum => true
case x: RegionParen => x.canProduceLF
case _ => false
} && !next.isLeadingInfixOperator
def getIfCanProduceLF =
if (canProduceLF) Some((sepRegions, lastWhitespaceToken))
else None
val resOpt = if (dialect.allowSignificantIndentation) {
val hasLF = lastNewlinePos != -1 || hasMultilineComment
if (hasLF && next != null && !next.isLeadingInfixOperator) {
val nextIndent = countIndent(nextPos)
* Outdent is needed in following cases:
* - If indentation on next line is less than current and previous token can't continue
* expr on the next line
* - At the end of `match` block even if indentation level is not changed. Example:
* ```
* x match
* case 1 =>
* case 2 =>
* // <- produce outdent
* foo()
* ```
def getOutdentIfNeeded() = sepRegions.headOption
.filter { r =>
r.isIndented && {
// need to check prev.prev in case of `end match`
if (nextIndent < r.indent)
prev.isNot[CanContinueOnNextLine] ||[soft.KwEnd]
else r.closeOnNonCase && next.isNot[KwCase] && nextIndent == r.indent
.map { region => (sepRegions.tail, mkOutdentTo(region, nextPos)) }
* Indent is needed in the following cases:
* - Indetation on new line is greater and previous token can start indentation and
* token can start indentation
* - Indentation on the new line is the same and the next token is the first `case`
* clause in match. Example:
* ```
* x match // <- mk indent
* case 1 =>
* ```
* Notice: Indentation after `:` isn't hadled here. It's produced manually on the parser
* level.
def getIndentIfNeeded = {
val ok = nextIndent >= 0 && {
val (currIndent, indentOnArrow) =
sepRegions.headOption.fold((0, true))(r => (r.indent, r.indentOnArrow))
// ![RightBrace] - braces can sometimes have -1 and we can start indent on }
if (nextIndent > currIndent &&[RightArrow]) {
indentOnArrow && next.isNot[RightBrace] && next.isNot[EndMarkerIntro]
} else if (nextIndent > currIndent) {
// if does not work with indentation in pattern matches
val shouldNotIndentIf =[KwIf] && sepRegions.headOption.contains(RegionArrow)
!shouldNotIndentIf &&[CanStartIndent] && ![RightBrace]
} else
// always add indent for indented `match` block
// check the previous token to avoid infinity loop
(([KwMatch] ||[KwCatch]) && ![soft.KwEnd]) &&[KwCase] && token.isNot[Indentation.Indent]
if (ok) Some {
val region = RegionIndent(nextIndent,[KwMatch])
(region :: sepRegions, mkIndent(lastNewlinePos))
else None
.orElse { getIndentIfNeeded }
.orElse { getIfCanProduceLF }
} else None
} else {
resOpt match {
case Some(res) => res
case _ => nextToken(prevPos, nextPos, sepRegions)
override def prevTokenPos: Int = prevPos
override def tokenPos: Int = curr.pointPos
override def token: Token = curr.token
override def fork: TokenIterator =
new LazyTokenIterator(scannerTokens, sepRegions, curr, prevPos)
* When token on `tokenPosition` is not a whitespace and is a first non-whitespace character in a
* current line then a result is a number of whitespace characters counted. Otherwise
* {{{(-1, -1)}}} is returned.
* Returns a tuple2 where:
* - first value is indentation level
* - second is `LF` token index
private def countIndentAndNewlineIndex(tokenPosition: Int): (Int, Int) = {
def countIndentInternal(pos: Int, acc: Int = 0): (Int, Int) = {
if (pos < 0) (acc, pos)
else {
val token = scannerTokens(pos)
token match {
case _: EOL | _: BOF => (acc, pos)
case AsMultilineComment(c) => (multilineCommentIndent(c), pos)
case _: Comment => countIndentInternal(pos - 1)
case _: HSpace => countIndentInternal(pos - 1, acc + 1)
case _ => (-1, -1)
if (scannerTokens(tokenPosition).is[Whitespace]) (-1, -1)
else countIndentInternal(tokenPosition - 1)
private def countIndent(tokenPosition: Int): Int =
private def isAheadNewLine(currentPosition: Int): Boolean = {
val nextPos = currentPosition + 1
if (nextPos >= scannerTokens.length) false
else if (scannerTokens(nextPos).is[LF]) true
else scannerTokens(nextPos).is[Trivia] && isAheadNewLine(nextPos)
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