scala.meta.internal.metacp.Main.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Show all versions of semanticdb-metacp_2.12.20 Show documentation
Generates SemanticDB files for a classpath
The newest version!
package scala.meta.internal.metacp
import scala.meta.cli._
import scala.meta.internal.classpath._
import scala.meta.internal.cli._
import scala.meta.internal.scalacp._
import scala.meta.metacp._
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file._
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.jar._
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.collection.mutable
class Main(settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter) {
val classpathIndex = ClasspathIndex(
settings.classpath ++ settings.dependencyClasspath ++ detectJavacp,
includeJdk = settings.includeJdk
private val missingSymbols = mutable.Set.empty[String]
def process(): Result = {
if (settings.out.isFile)
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(settings.out.toString, null, "--out must not be a file")
else if (!settings.out.isDirectory) Files.createDirectories(settings.out.toNIO)
val classpath = settings.classpath.entries
val status = new ConcurrentHashMap[AbsolutePath, Option[AbsolutePath]]()
def processEntry(entry: AbsolutePath): OutputEntry = withOutputEntry(entry) { out =>
val isSuccess = convertClasspathEntry(entry, out.root)
if (isSuccess) status.put(entry, Some(out.output)) else status.put(entry, None)
val job = Job(classpath, if (settings.verbose) reporter.err else devnull)
job.foreach { entry =>
val out = processEntry(entry)
if (entry.isFile) {
val jar = new JarFile(entry.toFile)
try {
val manifest = jar.getManifest
if (manifest != null) {
val isSuccess = processManifest(entry, manifest, out.output)
if (!isSuccess) status.put(entry, None)
} finally jar.close()
val scalaLibrarySynthetics =
if (settings.scalaLibrarySynthetics)
withOutputEntry(settings.out.resolve("scala-library-synthetics.jar")) { out =>
Scalalib.synthetics.foreach(infos =>
else None
if (missingSymbols.nonEmpty) reporter.err.println(
"NOTE. To fix 'missing symbol' errors please provide a complete --classpath or --dependency-classpath. " +
"The provided classpath or classpaths should include the Scala library as well as JDK jars such as rt.jar."
reporter.out.println(" \"status\": {")
val ins = settings.classpath.entries
ins.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (in, i) =>
val s_out = status.get(in).map(_.toString).getOrElse("")
reporter.out.print(s""" "${in.toNIO}": "$s_out"""")
if (i != ins.length - 1) reporter.out.print(",")
reporter.out.println(" },")
val s_out ="")
reporter.out.println(s""" "scalaLibrarySynthetics": "$s_out"""")
val orderedStatus = immutable.ListMap( => in -> status.get(in)): _*)
Result(orderedStatus, scalaLibrarySynthetics)
private def processManifest(entry: AbsolutePath, manifest: Manifest, out: AbsolutePath): Boolean = {
var success = true
val classpathAttr = manifest.getMainAttributes.getValue("Class-Path")
if (classpathAttr != null) {
val buf = List.newBuilder[Path]
classpathAttr.split(" ").foreach { classpathEntry =>
val linkedPath = entry.toNIO.getParent.resolve(classpathEntry)
val linkedEntry = AbsolutePath(linkedPath)
if (linkedEntry.isFile || linkedEntry.isDirectory) withOutputEntry(linkedEntry) { out =>
buf += out.output.toNIO.getFileName
success &= convertClasspathEntry(linkedEntry, out.root)
val convertedLinkedJars = buf.result()
if (convertedLinkedJars.nonEmpty) withJar(out.toNIO) { jos =>
jos.putNextEntry(new JarEntry("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"))
val classPath = convertedLinkedJars.mkString(" ")
val manifest =
s"""|Manifest-Version: 1.0
|Class-Path: $classPath
|""".stripMargin + "\n\n"
private def withJar(path: Path)(fn: JarOutputStream => Unit): Unit = {
val os = Files.newOutputStream(path)
val bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os)
val jos = new JarOutputStream(bos)
try fn(jos)
finally {
* An output entry that is either a directory or a jar.
* @param output
* the output directory or jar file on disk that is returned to the user.
* @param root
* the output directory or the NIO FileSystem jar root path if output is a jar file.
private case class OutputEntry(output: AbsolutePath, root: AbsolutePath)
private def withOutputEntry[T](entry: AbsolutePath)(f: OutputEntry => T): T = {
val name = entry.toNIO.normalize().getFileName.toString
if (PathIO.extension(entry.toNIO) == "jar") {
val freeJar = jarNameAlternatives(name, 0).filter(!_.isFile).head
PlatformFileIO.withJarFileSystem(freeJar, create = true) { jarRoot =>
f(OutputEntry(freeJar, jarRoot))
} else {
val freeDir = directoryNameAlternatives(name, 0).filter(!_.isDirectory).head
f(OutputEntry(freeDir, freeDir))
private def directoryNameAlternatives(filename: String, i: Int): Stream[AbsolutePath] = {
val name = if (i == 0) filename else filename + "-" + i
settings.out.resolve(name) #:: directoryNameAlternatives(filename, i + 1)
private def jarNameAlternatives(filename: String, i: Int): Stream[AbsolutePath] = {
val name = if (i == 0) filename else (filename.stripSuffix(".jar") + "-" + i) + ".jar"
settings.out.resolve(name) #:: jarNameAlternatives(filename, i + 1)
private def convertClasspathEntry(in: AbsolutePath, out: AbsolutePath): Boolean = {
var success = true
val classpath = Classpath(in)
classpath.visit { _ =>
new SimpleFileVisitor[Path] {
override def visitFile(path: Path, attrs: BasicFileAttributes): FileVisitResult = {
if (PathIO.extension(path) == "class" && Files.size(path) > 0)
try {
val abspath = AbsolutePath(path)
val node = abspath.toClassNode
val result = ClassfileInfos.fromClassNode(node, classpathIndex, settings, reporter)
result.foreach(infos =>
} catch {
case e @ MissingSymbolException(symbol) => if (!missingSymbols(symbol)) {
missingSymbols += symbol
reporter.err.println(s"${e.getMessage} in $in")
success = false
case ex: Throwable =>
reporter.err.println(s"error: can't convert $path in $in")
success = false
// NOTE: In the case when an input contains no class files,
// we need to create an empty META-INF/semanticdb directory to distinguish
// metacp-processed outputs from regular class directories and/or jar.
val semanticdbRoot = out.resolve("META-INF").resolve("semanticdb")
private def detectJavacp: Classpath =
if (settings.usejavacp) {
val scalaLibrary = this.getClass.getClassLoader match {
case loader: URLClassLoader => loader.getURLs.collectFirst {
case url if url.toString.contains("scala-library") => AbsolutePath(Paths.get(url.toURI))
}.getOrElse {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to detect scala-library via --usejavacp")
case unexpected => throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Expected this.getClass.getClassLoader to be URLClassLoader. " +
s"Obtained $unexpected"
} else Classpath(Nil)
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