codegen.boilerplate.ops._ModelTransformations.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package codegen.boilerplate.ops
import codegen.BoilerplateGenBase
object _ModelTransformations extends BoilerplateGenBase("ModelTransformations", "/ops") {
override val content = {
s"""// GENERATED CODE ********************************
|package molecule.boilerplate.ops
|import java.time._
|import java.util.{Date, UUID}
|import molecule.base.error.ModelError
|import molecule.boilerplate.api.Keywords._
|import molecule.boilerplate.api._
|import molecule.boilerplate.ast.Model._
|import scala.annotation.tailrec
|trait ModelTransformations_ {
| private def unexpected(element: Element) = throw ModelError("Unexpected element: " + element)
| protected def toInt(es: List[Element], kw: Kw): List[Element] = {
| val last = es.last match {
| case a: AttrOneMan => AttrOneManInt(a.ns, a.attr, Fn(kw.toString), refNs = a.refNs, coord = a.coord)
| case a: AttrSetMan => a match {
| case _: AttrSetManBoolean =>
| if (kw.isInstanceOf[count] || kw.isInstanceOf[countDistinct]) {
| // Catch unsupported aggregation of Sets of boolean values
| AttrSetManInt(a.ns, a.attr, Fn(kw.toString, Some(-1)), refNs = a.refNs, coord = a.coord)
| } else {
| AttrSetManInt(a.ns, a.attr, Fn(kw.toString), refNs = a.refNs, coord = a.coord)
| }
| case _ => AttrSetManInt(a.ns, a.attr, Fn(kw.toString), refNs = a.refNs, coord = a.coord)
| }
| case a: AttrSeqMan => AttrSeqManInt(a.ns, a.attr, Fn(kw.toString), refNs = a.refNs, sort = a.sort, coord = a.coord)
| case a: AttrMapMan => AttrMapManInt(a.ns, a.attr, Fn(kw.toString), refNs = a.refNs, sort = a.sort, coord = a.coord)
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| es.init :+ last
| }
| protected def toDouble(es: List[Element], kw: Kw): List[Element] = {
| val last = es.last match {
| case a: AttrOneMan => AttrOneManDouble(a.ns, a.attr, Fn(kw.toString), refNs = a.refNs, coord = a.coord)
| case a: AttrSetMan => AttrSetManDouble(a.ns, a.attr, Fn(kw.toString), refNs = a.refNs, coord = a.coord)
| case a: AttrSeqMan => AttrSeqManDouble(a.ns, a.attr, Fn(kw.toString), refNs = a.refNs, coord = a.coord)
| case a: AttrMapMan => AttrMapManDouble(a.ns, a.attr, Fn(kw.toString), refNs = a.refNs, coord = a.coord)
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| es.init :+ last
| }
| protected def asIs(es: List[Element], kw: Kw, n: Option[Int] = None): List[Element] = {
| val last = es.last match {
| case a: AttrOneMan => a match {
| ${asIs("One")}
| }
| case a: AttrSetMan => a match {
| ${asIs("Set")}
| }
| case a: AttrSeqMan => a match {
| ${asIs("Seq")}
| }
| case a: AttrMapMan => a match {
| ${asIs("Map")}
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| es.init :+ last
| }
| protected def addOne[T](es: List[Element], op: Op, vs: Seq[T]): List[Element] = {
| val last = es.last match {
| case a: AttrOneMan => a match {
| ${addOne("Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrOneTac => a match {
| ${addOne("Tac")}
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| es.init :+ last
| }
| protected def addOneOpt[T](es: List[Element], op: Op, v: Option[T]): List[Element] = {
| val last = es.last match {
| case a: AttrOneOpt => a match {
| $addOptOne
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| es.init :+ last
| }
| protected def addSet[T](es: List[Element], op: Op, vs: Set[T]): List[Element] = {
| val last = es.last match {
| case a: AttrSetMan => a match {
| ${addSet("Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrSetTac => a match {
| ${addSet("Tac")}
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| es.init :+ last
| }
| protected def addSetOpt[T](es: List[Element], op: Op, vs: Option[Set[T]]): List[Element] = {
| val last = es.last match {
| case a: AttrSetOpt => a match {
| $addOptSet
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| es.init :+ last
| }
| protected def addSeq[T](es: List[Element], op: Op, vs: Seq[T]): List[Element] = {
| val last = es.last match {
| case a: AttrSeqMan => a match {
| ${addSeq("Man")}
| case a: AttrSeqManByte => ???
| }
| case a: AttrSeqTac => a match {
| ${addSeq("Tac")}
| case a: AttrSeqTacByte => ???
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| es.init :+ last
| }
| protected def addSeqOpt[T](es: List[Element], op: Op, vs: Option[Seq[T]]): List[Element] = {
| val last = es.last match {
| case a: AttrSeqOpt => a match {
| $addOptSeq
| case a: AttrSeqOptByte => ???
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| es.init :+ last
| }
| protected def addBAr[T](es: List[Element], op: Op, ba: Array[T]): List[Element] = {
| es.init :+ (es.last match {
| case a: AttrSeqManByte => a.copy(op = op, vs = ba.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]])
| case a: AttrSeqTacByte => a.copy(op = op, vs = ba.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]])
| case e => throw ModelError("Unexpected Element for adding byte array: " + e)
| })
| }
| protected def addBArOpt[T](es: List[Element], op: Op, optBA: Option[Array[T]]): List[Element] = {
| es.init :+ (es.last match {
| case a: AttrSeqOptByte => a.copy(op = op, vs = optBA.asInstanceOf[Option[Array[Byte]]])
| case e => throw ModelError("Unexpected Element for adding byte array: " + e)
| })
| }
| protected def addMap[T](es: List[Element], op: Op, vs: Map[String, T]): List[Element] = {
| val last = es.last match {
| case a: AttrMapMan => a match {
| ${addMap("Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrMapTac => a match {
| ${addMap("Tac")}
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| es.init :+ last
| }
| protected def addMapKs(es: List[Element], op: Op, ks: Seq[String]): List[Element] = {
| val last = es.last match {
| case a: AttrMapMan => a match {
| ${addMapKs("Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrMapOpt => a match {
| ${addMapKs("Opt")}
| }
| case a: AttrMapTac => a match {
| ${addMapKs("Tac")}
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| es.init :+ last
| }
| protected def addMapVs[T](es: List[Element], op: Op, vs: Seq[T]): List[Element] = {
| val last = es.last match {
| case a: AttrMapMan => a match {
| ${addMapVs("Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrMapTac => a match {
| ${addMapVs("Tac")}
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| es.init :+ last
| }
| protected def addMapOpt[T](es: List[Element], op: Op, vs: Option[Map[String, T]]): List[Element] = {
| val last = es.last match {
| case a: AttrMapOpt => a match {
| $addMapOpt
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| es.init :+ last
| }
| protected def addSort(es: List[Element], sort: String): List[Element] = {
| es.size match {
| case 1 =>
| List(setSort(es.last, sort))
| case 2 =>
| val (first, last) = (es.head, es.last)
| first match {
| case attr: Attr if attr.filterAttr.nonEmpty => List(setSort(first, sort), last)
| case _ => List(first, setSort(last, sort))
| }
| case _ =>
| val (prev, last) = (es.init.last, es.last)
| val sorted = prev match {
| case attr: Attr if attr.filterAttr.nonEmpty => List(setSort(prev, sort), last)
| case _ => List(prev, setSort(last, sort))
| }
| es.dropRight(2) ++ sorted
| }
| }
| private def setSort(e: Element, sort: String): Element = {
| e match {
| case a: AttrOneMan => a match {
| ${addSort("One", "Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrOneOpt => a match {
| ${addSort("One", "Opt")}
| }
| case a: AttrSetMan => a match {
| ${addSort("Set", "Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrSetOpt => a match {
| ${addSort("Set", "Opt")}
| }
| case a: AttrSeqMan => a match {
| ${addSort("Seq", "Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrSeqOpt => a match {
| ${addSort("Seq", "Opt")}
| }
| case e => e
| }
| }
| @tailrec
| private def resolvePath(es: List[Element], path: List[String]): List[String] = {
| es match {
| case e :: tail => e match {
| case r: Ref =>
| val p = if (path.isEmpty) List(r.ns, r.refAttr, r.refNs) else List(r.refAttr, r.refNs)
| resolvePath(tail, path ++ p)
| case r: OptRef =>
| ???
| case a: Attr => resolvePath(tail, if (path.isEmpty) List(a.ns) else path)
| case other => throw ModelError("Invalid element in filter attribute path: " + other)
| }
| case Nil => path
| }
| }
| protected def filterAttr(es: List[Element], op: Op, filterAttrMolecule: Molecule): List[Element] = {
| val filterAttr0 = filterAttrMolecule.elements.last.asInstanceOf[Attr]
| val attrs = es.last match {
| case a: Attr =>
| val (tacitFilterAttr, adjacent) = if (a.ns == filterAttr0.ns) {
| // Rudimentary checked for same current namespace (it's the only information
| // we have now during molecule buildup). At least we can rule out if the
| // filter attribute is not adjacent to the caller attribute.
| // Could point to other branch - have to be checked later.
| // If pointing to other branch, the added filterAttr0 should be removed
| // Convert adjacent mandatory filter attribute to tacit attribute
| val tacitAttr = filterAttr0 match {
| case a: AttrOneMan => a match {
| ${liftFilterAttr("One")}
| }
| case a: AttrSetMan => a match {
| ${liftFilterAttr("Set")}
| }
| case a: AttrSeqMan => a match {
| ${liftFilterAttr("Seq")}
| }
| case a: AttrMapMan => a match {
| ${liftFilterAttr("Map")}
| }
| case other => other
| }
| (tacitAttr, List(filterAttr0))
| } else (filterAttr0, Nil)
| val filterPath = resolvePath(filterAttrMolecule.elements, Nil)
| val attrWithFilterAttr = a match {
| case a: AttrOne => a match {
| case a: AttrOneMan => a match {
| // -2 is just a dummy value until we can resolve the direction to either -1, 0 or 1
| ${addFilterAttr("One", "Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrOneTac => a match {
| ${addFilterAttr("One", "Tac")}
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| case a: AttrSet => a match {
| case a: AttrSetMan => a match {
| ${addFilterAttr("Set", "Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrSetTac => a match {
| ${addFilterAttr("Set", "Tac")}
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| case a: AttrSeq => a match {
| case a: AttrSeqMan => a match {
| ${addFilterAttr("Seq", "Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrSeqTac => a match {
| ${addFilterAttr("Seq", "Tac")}
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| case a: AttrMap => a match {
| case a: AttrMapMan => a match {
| ${addFilterAttr("Map", "Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrMapTac => a match {
| ${addFilterAttr("Map", "Tac")}
| }
| case a => unexpected(a)
| }
| }
| attrWithFilterAttr +: adjacent
| case e => unexpected(e)
| }
| es.init ++ attrs
| }
| protected def reverseTopLevelSorting(es: List[Element]): List[Element] = {
| {
| case attr: AttrOneMan => attr match {
| ${reverseTopLevelSorting("Man")}
| case a => a
| }
| case attr: AttrOneOpt => attr match {
| ${reverseTopLevelSorting("Opt")}
| case a => a
| }
| case other => other
| }
| }
| private def reverseSort(sort: String): String = sort.head match {
| case 'a' => "d" + sort.last
| case 'd' => "a" + sort.last
| }
| protected def cleanUpdateElements(elements: List[Element]): List[Element] = {
| {
| case a: Attr => a match {
| case a: AttrOne => a match {
| case a: AttrOneTac => a
| case a: AttrOneMan => a match {
| ${clean("One", "Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrOneOpt => a match {
| ${clean("One", "Opt")}
| }
| }
| case a: AttrSet => a match {
| case a: AttrSetTac => a
| case a: AttrSetMan => a match {
| ${clean("Set", "Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrSetOpt => a match {
| ${clean("Set", "Opt")}
| }
| }
| case a: AttrSeq => a match {
| case a: AttrSeqTac => a
| case a: AttrSeqMan => a match {
| ${clean("Seq", "Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrSeqOpt => a match {
| ${clean("Seq", "Opt")}
| }
| }
| case a: AttrMap => a match {
| case a: AttrMapTac => a
| case a: AttrMapMan => a match {
| ${clean("Map", "Man")}
| }
| case a: AttrMapOpt => a match {
| ${clean("Map", "Opt")}
| }
| }
| }
| case other => other
| }
| }
| protected def topLevelAttrCount(elements: List[Element], count: Int = 0): Int = {
| elements match {
| case Nil => count
| case e :: tail => e match {
| case a: AttrOne => a match {
| case _: AttrOneMan => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count + 1)
| case _: AttrOneOpt => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count + 1)
| case _ => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count)
| }
| case a: AttrSet => a match {
| case _: AttrSetMan => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count + 1)
| case _: AttrSetOpt => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count + 1)
| case _ => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count)
| }
| case a: AttrSeq => a match {
| case _: AttrSeqMan => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count + 1)
| case _: AttrSeqOpt => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count + 1)
| case _ => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count)
| }
| case a: AttrMap => a match {
| case _: AttrMapMan => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count + 1)
| case _: AttrMapOpt => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count + 1)
| case _ => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count)
| }
| case _: Ref => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count)
| case _: OptRef => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count)
| case _: BackRef => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count)
| case Nested(_, es) => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count + countNested(es))
| case OptNested(_, es) => topLevelAttrCount(tail, count + countNested(es))
| }
| }
| }
| private def countNested(elements: List[Element]): Int = {
| topLevelAttrCount(elements, 0)
| }
private def asIs(card: String): String = { {
case (baseTpe, space) => s"case a: Attr${card}Man$baseTpe $space=> a.copy(op = Fn(kw.toString, n))"
}.mkString("\n ")
private def addOne(mode: String): String = { { baseTpe =>
val tpe = if (baseTpe == "ID") "Long" else baseTpe
s"""case a: AttrOne$mode$baseTpe =>
| val vs1 = vs.asInstanceOf[Seq[$tpe]]
| val errors1 = if (vs1.isEmpty || a.validator.isEmpty || a.valueAttrs.nonEmpty) Nil else {
| val validator = a.validator.get
| vs1.flatMap(v => validator.validate(v))
| }
| a.copy(op = op, vs = vs1, errors = errors1)""".stripMargin
}.mkString("\n\n ")
private def addOptOne: String = { { baseTpe =>
val tpe = if (baseTpe == "ID") "Long" else baseTpe
s"""case a: AttrOneOpt$baseTpe =>
| val v1 = v.asInstanceOf[Option[$tpe]]
| val errors1 = if (v1.isEmpty || a.validator.isEmpty || a.valueAttrs.nonEmpty) Nil else {
| a.validator.get.validate(v1.get)
| }
| a.copy(op = op, vs =, errors = errors1)""".stripMargin
}.mkString("\n\n ")
private def addSet(mode: String): String = { { baseTpe =>
val tpe = if (baseTpe == "ID") "Long" else baseTpe
s"""case a: AttrSet$mode$baseTpe =>
| val set = vs.asInstanceOf[Set[$tpe]]
| val errors1 = if (set.isEmpty || a.validator.isEmpty || a.valueAttrs.nonEmpty) Nil else {
| val validator = a.validator.get
| set.toSeq.flatMap(v => validator.validate(v))
| }
| a.copy(op = op, vs = set, errors = errors1)""".stripMargin
}.mkString("\n\n ")
private def addOptSet: String = { { baseTpe =>
val tpe = if (baseTpe == "ID") "Long" else baseTpe
s"""case a: AttrSetOpt$baseTpe =>
| val set = vs.asInstanceOf[Option[Set[$tpe]]]
| val errors1 = if (set.isEmpty || a.validator.isEmpty || a.valueAttrs.nonEmpty) Nil else {
| val validator = a.validator.get
| set.get.toSeq.flatMap(v => validator.validate(v))
| }
| a.copy(op = op, vs = set, errors = errors1)""".stripMargin
}.mkString("\n\n ")
private def addSeq(mode: String): String = {
baseTypes.filterNot(_ == "Byte").map { baseTpe =>
val tpe = if (baseTpe == "ID") "Long" else baseTpe
s"""case a: AttrSeq$mode$baseTpe =>
| val seq = vs.asInstanceOf[Seq[$tpe]]
| val errors1 = if (seq.isEmpty || a.validator.isEmpty || a.valueAttrs.nonEmpty) Nil else {
| val validator = a.validator.get
| seq.flatMap(v => validator.validate(v))
| }
| a.copy(op = op, vs = seq, errors = errors1)""".stripMargin
}.mkString("\n\n ")
private def addOptSeq: String = {
baseTypes.filterNot(_ == "Byte").map { baseTpe =>
val tpe = if (baseTpe == "ID") "Long" else baseTpe
s"""case a: AttrSeqOpt$baseTpe =>
| val seq = vs.asInstanceOf[Option[Seq[$tpe]]]
| val errors1 = if (seq.isEmpty || a.validator.isEmpty || a.valueAttrs.nonEmpty) Nil else {
| val validator = a.validator.get
| seq.get.flatMap(v => validator.validate(v))
| }
| a.copy(op = op, vs = seq, errors = errors1)""".stripMargin
}.mkString("\n\n ")
private def addMap(mode: String): String = { { baseTpe =>
val tpe = if (baseTpe == "ID") "Long" else baseTpe
s"""case a: AttrMap$mode$baseTpe =>
| val newMap = vs.asInstanceOf[Map[String, $tpe]]
| val errors1 = if (newMap.isEmpty || a.validator.isEmpty || a.valueAttrs.nonEmpty) Nil else {
| val validator = a.validator.get
| newMap.values.toSeq.flatMap(validator.validate)
| }
| a.copy(op = op, map = newMap, errors = errors1)""".stripMargin
}.mkString("\n\n ")
private def addMapKs(mode: String): String = { { case (baseTpe, space) =>
s"""case a: AttrMap$mode$baseTpe $space=> a.copy(op = op, keys = ks)""".stripMargin
}.mkString("\n ")
private def addMapVs(mode: String): String = { { case (baseTpe, space) =>
val tpe = if (baseTpe == "ID") "Long" else baseTpe
s"""case a: AttrMap$mode$baseTpe $space=> a.copy(op = op, values = vs.asInstanceOf[Seq[$tpe]])""".stripMargin
}.mkString("\n ")
private def addMapOpt: String = { { baseTpe =>
val tpe = if (baseTpe == "ID") "Long" else baseTpe
s"""case a: AttrMapOpt$baseTpe =>
| val newMap = vs.asInstanceOf[Option[Map[String, $tpe]]]
| val errors1 = if (newMap.isEmpty || a.validator.isEmpty || a.valueAttrs.nonEmpty) Nil else {
| val validator = a.validator.get
| newMap.get.values.toSeq.flatMap(validator.validate)
| }
| a.copy(op = op, map = newMap, errors = errors1)""".stripMargin
}.mkString("\n\n ")
private def addSort(card: String, mode: String): String = { { case (baseTpe, space) =>
s"case a: Attr$card$mode$baseTpe $space=> a.copy(sort = Some(sort))"
}.mkString("\n ")
private def liftFilterAttr(card: String): String = { {
case (baseTpe, space) if card == "Map" =>
s"case a: Attr${card}Man$baseTpe $space=> Attr${card}Tac$baseTpe(a.ns, a.attr, a.op,, a.keys, Nil, None, a.validator, a.valueAttrs, a.errors, a.refNs, a.sort, a.coord)"
case (baseTpe, space) =>
s"case a: Attr${card}Man$baseTpe $space=> Attr${card}Tac$baseTpe(a.ns, a.attr, a.op, a.vs, None, a.validator, a.valueAttrs, a.errors, a.refNs, a.sort, a.coord)"
}.mkString("\n ")
private def addFilterAttr(card: String, mode: String): String = { { case (baseTpe, space) =>
s"case a: Attr$card$mode$baseTpe $space=> a.copy(op = op, filterAttr = Some((-2, filterPath, tacitFilterAttr)))"
}.mkString("\n ")
private def reverseTopLevelSorting(mode: String): String = { { case (baseTpe, space) =>
s"case a@AttrOne$mode$baseTpe(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, Some(sort), _) $space=> a.copy(sort = Some(reverseSort(sort)))"
}.mkString("\n ")
private def clean(card: String, mode: String): String = { { case (baseTpe, space) =>
s"case a: Attr$card$mode$baseTpe $space=> a.copy(op = V)"
}.mkString("\n ")
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