molecule.datalog.datomic.query.DatomicQueryResolveCursor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package molecule.datalog.datomic.query
import java.util.Base64
import molecule.base.error.ModelError
import molecule.boilerplate.ast.Model._
import molecule.boilerplate.ops.ModelTransformations_
import molecule.boilerplate.util.MoleculeLogging
import molecule.core.marshalling.dbView.DbView
import molecule.core.query.Pagination
import molecule.core.util.FutureUtils
import molecule.datalog.core.query.{DatomicQueryBase, Model2DatomicQuery}
import molecule.datalog.datomic.facade.DatomicConn_JVM
import molecule.datalog.datomic.query.cursorStrategy.{NoUnique, PrimaryUnique, SubUnique}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* @param elements Molecule model
* @param optLimit When going forward from start, use a positive number.
* And vice versa from end with a negative number. Can't be zero.
* @param cursor Base64 encoded cursor meta information
* @tparam Tpl Type of each row
case class DatomicQueryResolveCursor[Tpl](
elements: List[Element],
optLimit: Option[Int],
cursor: Option[String],
dbView: Option[DbView],
m2q: Model2DatomicQuery[Tpl] with DatomicQueryBase
) extends DatomicQueryResolve[Tpl](elements, dbView, m2q)
with FutureUtils
with Pagination[Tpl]
with ModelTransformations_
with MoleculeLogging {
def getListFromCursor_sync(implicit conn: DatomicConn_JVM)
: (List[Tpl], String, Boolean) = {
optLimit match {
case Some(limit) => cursor match {
case Some("") => getInitialPage(limit)
case Some(cursor) =>
val raw = new String(Base64.getDecoder.decode(cursor))
val tokens = raw.split("\n").toList
val strategy = tokens.head
val hash = tokens(1)
if ((elements.hashCode() & 0xFFFFF) != hash.toInt) {
throw ModelError("Can only use cursor for un-modified query.")
} else {
strategy match {
case "1" => PrimaryUnique(elements, optLimit, cursor, dbView, m2q).getPage(tokens, limit)
case "2" => SubUnique(elements, optLimit, cursor, dbView, m2q).getPage(tokens, limit)
case "3" => NoUnique(elements, optLimit, cursor, dbView, m2q).getPage(tokens, limit)
case None => throw ModelError("Unexpected undefined cursor.")
case None => throw ModelError("Please set limit to use cursor pagination.")
private def getInitialPage(limit: Int)(implicit conn: DatomicConn_JVM)
: (List[Tpl], String, Boolean) = {
val forward = limit > 0
val altElements = if (forward) elements else reverseTopLevelSorting(elements)
val rows = getRawData(conn, altElements)
val sortedRows = sortRows(rows)
if (m2q.isNested) {
val nestedRows = m2q.rows2nested(sortedRows)
val toplevelCount = nestedRows.length
val limitAbs = limit.abs.min(toplevelCount)
val hasMore = limitAbs < toplevelCount
val selectedRows = nestedRows.take(limitAbs)
val tpls = if (forward) selectedRows else selectedRows.reverse
val cursor = initialCursor(conn, elements, tpls)
(tpls, cursor, hasMore)
} else {
val totalCount = rows.size
val limitAbs = limit.abs.min(totalCount)
val hasMore = limitAbs < totalCount
val tuples = ListBuffer.empty[Tpl]
if (m2q.isNestedOpt) {
if (totalCount == 0) {
(Nil, "", false)
} else {
val selectedRows = sortedRows.subList(0, limitAbs)
selectedRows.forEach(row => tuples += m2q.pullRow2tpl(row))
val tpls = (if (forward) tuples.toList else tuples.toList.reverse).filterNot(_ == Nil)
val cursor = initialCursor(conn, elements, tpls)
(tpls, cursor, hasMore)
} else {
if (totalCount == 0) {
(Nil, "", false)
} else {
val row2tpl = m2q.castRow2AnyTpl(m2q.aritiess.head, m2q.castss.head, 0, None)
val selectedRows = sortedRows.subList(0, limitAbs)
selectedRows.forEach(row => tuples += row2tpl(row).asInstanceOf[Tpl])
val tpls = if (forward) tuples.toList else tuples.toList.reverse
val cursor = initialCursor(conn, elements, tpls)
(tpls, cursor, hasMore)
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