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molecule.datalog.datomic.transaction.Update_datomic.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package molecule.datalog.datomic.transaction

import java.time._
import java.util.{Set => jSet}
import clojure.lang.Keyword
import datomic.Util.list
import datomic.query.EntityMap
import datomic.{Database, Peer}
import molecule.base.error._
import molecule.boilerplate.ast.Model._
import molecule.boilerplate.ops.ModelTransformations_
import molecule.boilerplate.util.MoleculeLogging
import molecule.core.transaction.ResolveUpdate
import molecule.core.transaction.ops.UpdateOps
import molecule.core.validation.TxModelValidation
import molecule.datalog.core.query.Model2DatomicQuery
import molecule.datalog.datomic.facade.DatomicConn_JVM
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

trait Update_datomic
  extends DatomicBase_JVM
    with UpdateOps
    with ModelTransformations_
    with MoleculeLogging { self: ResolveUpdate =>

  def getStmts(
    conn: DatomicConn_JVM,
    elements: List[Element],
    isRpcCall: Boolean = false,
    debug: Boolean = true
  ): Data = {
    //    println("-------")
    //    elements.foreach(println)

    val db = conn.peerConn.db()

    if (isRpcCall) {
      // Check against db on jvm if rpc from client

      val getCurSetValues: Attr => Set[Any] = (attr: Attr) => {
        val a = s":${attr.ns}/${attr.attr}"
        try {
          val curValues = Peer.q(s"[:find ?vs :where [_ $a ?vs]]", db)
          if (curValues.isEmpty) {
            throw ExecutionError(s"While checking to avoid removing the last values of mandatory " +
              s"attribute ${attr.ns}.${attr.attr} the current Set of values couldn't be found.")
          val vs = ListBuffer.empty[Any]
          curValues.forEach(row => vs += row.get(0))
        } catch {
          case e: MoleculeError => throw e
          case t: Throwable     => throw ExecutionError(
            s"Unexpected error trying to find current values of mandatory attribute ${}:\n" + t)

      val validationErrors = TxModelValidation(
        if (isUpsert) "upsert" else "update",
      if (validationErrors.nonEmpty) {
        throw ValidationErrors(validationErrors)

    // Resolve the update model

    if (ids.isEmpty && filterElements.nonEmpty) {
      val filterNs        = filterElements.head.asInstanceOf[Attr].ns
      val filterElements1 = AttrOneManID(filterNs, "id", V) +: filterElements
      val (query, inputs) = new Model2DatomicQuery[Any](filterElements1).getIdQueryWithInputs
      val idRows          = Peer.q(query, db +: inputs: _*)
      val addStmts        = id2stmts(data, db)
      idRows.forEach(idRow => addStmts(idRow.get(0)))

    } else if (isUpsert) {
      val addStmts = id2stmts(data, db, isUpsert)

    } else {
      // Only update entities having all attributes already asserted
      val filterNs        = elements.head.asInstanceOf[Attr].ns
      val cleanElements   = cleanUpdateElements(elements)
      val filterElements1 = AttrOneManID(filterNs, "id", V) +: cleanElements
      val (query, inputs) = new Model2DatomicQuery[Any](filterElements1).getIdQueryWithInputs
      val idRows          = Peer.q(query, db +: inputs: _*)
      val addStmts        = id2stmts(data, db, isUpsert)
      idRows.forEach(row => addStmts(row.get(0)))

    if (debug) {
      val updateStrs = "UPDATE:" +: elements :+ "" :+ stmts.toArray().mkString("\n")

  override def updateOne[T](
    ns: String,
    attr: String,
    vs: Seq[T],
    owner: Boolean,
    transformValue: T => Any,
    handleValue: T => Any
  ): Unit = {
    if (isUpdate) {
      val dummyFilterAttr = AttrOneTacInt(ns, attr)
      filterElements = filterElements :+ dummyFilterAttr
    vs match {
      case Seq(v) => data = data :+ (("add", ns, attr, Seq(transformValue(v).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]), false))
      case Nil    => data = data :+ (("retract", ns, attr, Nil, false))
      case vs     => throw ExecutionError(
        s"Can only $update one value for attribute `$ns.$attr`. Found: " + vs.mkString(", ")

  override def updateSetEq[T](
    ns: String,
    attr: String,
    sets: Seq[Set[T]],
    refNs: Option[String],
    owner: Boolean,
    transform: T => Any,
    set2array: Set[Any] => Array[AnyRef],
    exts: List[String],
    value2json: (StringBuffer, T) => StringBuffer
  ): Unit = {
    if (isUpdate) {
      val dummyFilterAttr = AttrOneTacInt(ns, attr)
      filterElements = filterElements :+ dummyFilterAttr
    sets match {
      case Seq(set) =>
        val add = ("add", ns, attr, => transform(v).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]).toSeq, true)
        data = data :+ add

      case Nil =>
        data = data :+ (("retract", ns, attr, Nil, true))

      case vs => throw ExecutionError(
        s"Can only $update one Set of values for Set attribute `$ns.$attr`. Found: " + vs.mkString(", ")

  override def updateSetAdd[T](
    ns: String,
    attr: String,
    sets: Seq[Set[T]],
    refNs: Option[String],
    owner: Boolean,
    transform: T => Any,
    set2array: Set[Any] => Array[AnyRef],
    exts: List[String],
    value2json: (StringBuffer, T) => StringBuffer
  ): Unit = {
    sets match {
      case Seq(set) =>
        val add = ("add", ns, attr, => transform(v).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]).toSeq, false)
        data = data :+ add

      case Nil =>
        data = data :+ (("retract", ns, attr, Nil, false))

      case vs => throw ExecutionError(
        s"Can only $update one Set of values for Set attribute `$ns.$attr`. Found: " + vs.mkString(", ")

  private val new2oldPairs = mutable.Map.empty[Any, Any]

  override def updateSetSwap[T](
    ns: String,
    attr: String,
    sets: Seq[Set[T]],
    refNs: Option[String],
    owner: Boolean,
    transform: T => Any,
    handleValue: T => Any,
    exts: List[String],
    value2json: (StringBuffer, T) => StringBuffer,
    one2json: T => String
  ): Unit = {
    val (retracts0, adds0) = sets.splitAt(sets.length / 2)
    val (retracts, adds)   = (retracts0.flatten, adds0.flatten)
    if (retracts.length != retracts.distinct.length) {
      throw ExecutionError(s"Can't swap from duplicate retract values.")
    if (adds.length != adds.distinct.length) {
      throw ExecutionError(s"Can't swap to duplicate replacement values.")
    if (retracts.nonEmpty) {
      if (retracts.size != adds.size) {
        throw ExecutionError(
          s"""Can't swap duplicate keys/values:
             |  RETRACTS: $retracts
             |  ADDS    : $adds
      val (retracts1, adds1) = {
        case (add, retract) =>
          new2oldPairs(transform(add)) = transform(retract)
          (transform(retract).asInstanceOf[AnyRef], transform(add).asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
      data = data ++ Seq(
        ("retract", ns, attr, retracts1, false),
        ("add", ns, attr, adds1, false),

  override def updateSetRemove[T](
    ns: String,
    attr: String,
    set: Set[T],
    refNs: Option[String],
    owner: Boolean,
    transform: T => Any,
    handleValue: T => Any,
    exts: List[String],
    one2json: T => String
  ): Unit = {
    if (set.nonEmpty) {
      data = data :+ (("retract", ns, attr, => transform(v).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]).toSeq, false))
      Seq(("retract", ns, attr, => transform(v).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]).toSeq, false))

  override def handleIds(ns: String, ids1: Seq[String]): Unit = {
    if (ids.nonEmpty) {
      throw ModelError(s"Can't apply entity ids twice in $update.")
    ids = ids ++[Seq[AnyRef]]

  override def handleUniqueFilterAttr(uniqueFilterAttr: AttrOneTac): Unit = {
    if (ids.nonEmpty) {
      throw ModelError(
        s"Can only apply one unique attribute value for $update. Found:\n" + uniqueFilterAttr
    ids = ids ++ uniqueIds(uniqueFilterAttr, uniqueFilterAttr.ns, uniqueFilterAttr.attr)

  override def handleFilterAttr(filterAttr: AttrOneTac): Unit = {
    filterElements = filterElements :+ filterAttr

  override def handleRefNs(ref: Ref): Unit = {
    data = data :+ (("ref", ref.ns, ref.refAttr, Nil, false))

  override def handleBackRef(backRef: BackRef): Unit = {
    data = data :+ (("backref", backRef.prevNs, "", Nil, false))

  private def id2stmts(
    data: List[(String, String, String, Seq[AnyRef], Boolean)],
    db: Database,
    addNewValues: Boolean = true
  ): AnyRef => Unit = {
    (id0: AnyRef) => {
      var id      : AnyRef          = id0
      var entity  : EntityMap       = db.entity(id).asInstanceOf[EntityMap]
      var entities: List[EntityMap] = List(entity)
      data.foreach {
        case ("add", ns, attr, newValues, retractCur) =>
          val a         = kw(ns, attr)
          val id1       = id
          val curValues = ListBuffer.empty[AnyRef]
          // todo: optimize with one query for all ids
          Peer.q("[:find ?v :in $ ?e ?a :where [?e ?a ?v]]", db, id1, a).forEach { row =>
            curValues += row.get(0)
          if (retractCur) {
            curValues.foreach { curValue =>
              if (!newValues.contains(curValue)) {
                appendStmt(retract, id1, a, curValue)
          if (addNewValues || entity.get(a) != null) {
            newValues.foreach { newValue =>
              if (isUpdate && new2oldPairs.nonEmpty && !curValues.contains(new2oldPairs(newValue))) {
                // Don't update/swap to new value if retract value is not already there
              } else {
                appendStmt(add, id, a, newValue)

        case ("retract", ns, attr, retractValues, _) =>
          val a = kw(ns, attr)
          if (retractValues.isEmpty) {
            val cur = entity.get(a)
            if (cur != null) {
              cur match {
                case set: jSet[_]         =>
                  set.forEach {
                    case kw: Keyword          => appendStmt(retract, id, a, db.entity(kw).get(":db/id"))
                    case entityMap: EntityMap => appendStmt(retract, id, a, entityMap.get(":db/id"))
                    case v                    => appendStmt(retract, id, a, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
                case kw: Keyword          => appendStmt(retract, id, a, db.entity(kw).get(":db/id"))
                case entityMap: EntityMap => appendStmt(retract, id, a, entityMap.get(":db/id"))
                case v                    => appendStmt(retract, id, a, v)
          } else {
            retractValues.foreach(retractValue =>
              appendStmt(retract, id, a, retractValue)

        case ("backref", _, _, _, _) =>
          entities = entities.init
          entity = entities.last
          id = entity.get(dbId)

        case ("ref", ns, refAttr, _, _) =>
          val a = kw(ns, refAttr)
          entity = entities.last.get(a).asInstanceOf[EntityMap]
          entities = entities :+ entity
          id = entity.get(dbId)

        case other => throw ModelError("Unexpected data in update: " + other)

  private def uniqueIds(
    filterAttr: AttrOneTac,
    ns: String,
    attr: String
  ): Seq[AnyRef] = {
    val at = s":$ns/$attr"
    filterAttr match {
      case a: AttrOneTacID             => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacString         => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacInt            => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacLong           => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacFloat          => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacDouble         => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacBoolean        => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacBigInt         => => list(at, v.bigInteger.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacBigDecimal     => => list(at, v.bigDecimal.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacDate           => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacDuration       => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacInstant        => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacLocalDate      => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacLocalTime      => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacLocalDateTime  => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacOffsetTime     => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacOffsetDateTime => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacZonedDateTime  => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacUUID           => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacURI            => => list(at, v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacByte           => => list(at, v.toInt.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacShort          => => list(at, v.toInt.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
      case a: AttrOneTacChar           => => list(at, v.toString.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))

  override protected lazy val transformID             = (v: String) => v.toLong
  override protected lazy val transformString         = identity
  override protected lazy val transformInt            = identity
  override protected lazy val transformLong           = identity
  override protected lazy val transformFloat          = identity
  override protected lazy val transformDouble         = identity
  override protected lazy val transformBoolean        = identity
  override protected lazy val transformBigInt         = (v: BigInt) => v.bigInteger
  override protected lazy val transformBigDecimal     = (v: BigDecimal) => v.bigDecimal
  override protected lazy val transformDate           = identity
  override protected lazy val transformDuration       = (v: Duration) => v.toString
  override protected lazy val transformInstant        = (v: Instant) => v.toString
  override protected lazy val transformLocalDate      = (v: LocalDate) => v.toString
  override protected lazy val transformLocalTime      = (v: LocalTime) => v.toString
  override protected lazy val transformLocalDateTime  = (v: LocalDateTime) => v.toString
  override protected lazy val transformOffsetTime     = (v: OffsetTime) => v.toString
  override protected lazy val transformOffsetDateTime = (v: OffsetDateTime) => v.toString
  override protected lazy val transformZonedDateTime  = (v: ZonedDateTime) => v.toString
  override protected lazy val transformUUID           = identity
  override protected lazy val transformURI            = identity
  override protected lazy val transformByte           = (v: Byte) => v.toInt
  override protected lazy val transformShort          = (v: Short) => v.toInt
  override protected lazy val transformChar           = (v: Char) => v.toString

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