molecule.sql.mysql.query.QueryExprSet_mysql.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package molecule.sql.mysql.query
import molecule.core.query.Model2Query
import molecule.sql.core.query.{QueryExprSet, SqlQueryBase}
trait QueryExprSet_mysql
extends QueryExprSet
with LambdasSet_mysql { self: Model2Query with SqlQueryBase =>
// attr ----------------------------------------------------------------------
override protected def setAttr[T](
col: String, res: ResSet[T], mandatory: Boolean
): Unit = {
if (mandatory) {
select -= col
selectWithOrder(col, res.tpeDb, "JSON_ARRAYAGG")
groupByCols -= col
having += "COUNT(*) > 0"
aggregate = true
mandatoryCast(res, mandatory)
override protected def setOptAttr[T](col: String, res: ResSet[T]): Unit = {
select -= col
selectWithOrder(col, res.tpeDb, "JSON_ARRAYAGG", optional = true)
groupByCols -= col
aggregate = true
castStrategy.replace((row: RS, paramIndex: Int) =>
override protected def setHas[T](
col: String, set: Set[T], res: ResSet[T], one2json: T => String, mandatory: Boolean
): Unit = {
def containsSet(set: Set[T]): String = {
val jsonValues =", ")
s"JSON_CONTAINS($col, JSON_ARRAY($jsonValues))"
if (mandatory) {
select -= col
// We need this to coalesce Sets
selectWithOrder(col, res.tpeDb, "JSON_ARRAYAGG", optional = true)
groupByCols -= col
aggregate = true
mandatoryCast(res, mandatory)
set.size match {
case 0 => where += (("FALSE", ""))
case 1 => where += (("", s"JSON_CONTAINS($col, JSON_ARRAY(${one2json(set.head)}))"))
case _ => where += (("", => containsSet(Set(v))).mkString("(", " OR\n ", ")")))
override protected def setHasNo[T](
col: String, set: Set[T], res: ResSet[T], one2json: T => String, mandatory: Boolean
): Unit = {
def notContains(v: T): String = s"NOT JSON_CONTAINS($col, JSON_ARRAY(${one2json(v)}))"
def notContainsSet(set: Set[T]): String = {
val jsonValues =", ")
s"NOT JSON_CONTAINS($col, JSON_ARRAY($jsonValues))"
if (mandatory) {
select -= col
selectWithOrder(col, res.tpeDb, "JSON_ARRAYAGG", optional = true)
groupByCols -= col
aggregate = true
mandatoryCast(res, mandatory)
set.size match {
case 0 => ()
case 1 => where += (("", notContains(set.head)))
case _ => where += (("", => notContainsSet(Set(v))).mkString("(", " AND\n ", ")")))
// filter attribute ----------------------------------------------------------
override protected def setFilterHas[T](
col: String, filterAttr: String, res: ResSet[T], mandatory: Boolean
): Unit = {
where += (("", hasClause(col, filterAttr, res)))
mandatoryCast(res, mandatory)
override protected def setFilterHasNo[T](
col: String, filterAttr: String, res: ResSet[T], mandatory: Boolean
): Unit = {
if (mandatory) {
val i = getIndex
select -= col
select += s"JSON_ARRAYAGG(t_$i.vs)"
having += "COUNT(*) > 0"
aggregate = true
groupByCols -= col
val tpeDb = res.tpeDb
tempTables += s"JSON_TABLE($col, '$$[*]' COLUMNS (vs $tpeDb PATH '$$')) t_$i"
mandatoryCast(res, true)
where += (("", s"NOT ${hasClause(col, filterAttr, res)}"))
// helpers -------------------------------------------------------------------
private def selectWithOrder(
col: String,
tpeDb: String,
fn: String,
distinct: String = "",
optional: Boolean = false
): Unit = {
val i = getIndex
val vs = s"t_$i.vs"
if (orderBy.nonEmpty && orderBy.last._3 == col) {
// order by aggregate alias instead
val alias = col.replace('.', '_') + "_" + fn.toLowerCase
select += s"$fn($distinct$vs) $alias"
val (level, _, _, dir) = orderBy.last
orderBy.remove(orderBy.size - 1)
orderBy += ((level, 1, alias, dir))
} else {
select += s"$fn($distinct$vs)"
if (optional) {
joins += ((
s"JSON_TABLE($col, '$$[*]' COLUMNS (vs $tpeDb PATH '$$')) t_$i",
} else {
tempTables +=
| IF($col IS NULL, '[null]', $col),
| '$$[*]' COLUMNS (vs $tpeDb PATH '$$')
| ) t_$i""".stripMargin
private def mandatoryCast[T](res: ResSet[T], mandatory: Boolean): Unit = {
if (mandatory) {
castStrategy.replace((row: RS, paramIndex: Int) =>
private def hasClause[T](col: String, filterAttr: String, res: ResSet[T]): String = {
res.tpe match {
case "BigInt" =>
case "BigDecimal" =>
// Compare Decimals, not Strings.
// String representation of filterAttr pads 0's so we can't use that
// against the truncated String representations in the json array
| SELECT count(_v) > 0
| $col, '$$[*]'
| COLUMNS(_v varchar(65) path '$$')
| ) AS alias
| WHERE CONVERT(_v, DECIMAL(65, 30)) = $filterAttr
| )"""
case _ => s"JSON_CONTAINS($col, JSON_ARRAY($filterAttr))"
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