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breeze.cluster.LDA.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package breeze.cluster
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics._
import breeze.config.CommandLineParser
import breeze.util.Index
import breeze.text.tokenize.JavaWordTokenizer
import breeze.text.transform.StopWordFilter
import breeze.util.Implicits._
* @author dlwh
class LDA(numTopics: Int, topicSmoothing: Double = 0.5, wordSmoothing: Double = 0.05, numIterations: Int = 50) {
import LDA._
def fitModel(data: IndexedSeq[SparseVector[Double]]): Model = iterations(data).drop(1).take(numIterations).last
def iterations(data: IndexedSeq[SparseVector[Double]]): Iterator[Model] = {
val numWords = data.head.size
val termWeights = DenseMatrix.rand(numTopics, numWords) / numWords.toDouble
Iterator.iterate(Model(termWeights, 0.0, numTopics, topicSmoothing, wordSmoothing)) { current =>
var ll = 0.0
val counts = data.par.aggregate(null:DenseMatrix[Double])({ ( _counts, doc) =>
val counts = Option(_counts).getOrElse(DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](numTopics, numWords))
val result = current.inference(doc)
val gamma = result.wordLoadings
// sum up expected counts
var i = 0
ll += result.ll
while(i < doc.activeSize) {
counts(::, doc.indexAt(i)) += gamma(::, i) * doc.valueAt(i)
i += 1
}, {_ += _})
// m step: Beta = exp(digamma(counts) - digamma(\sum(counts))
counts += topicSmoothing
val newCounts = digamma(counts)
for(k <- 0 until numTopics) {
newCounts(k, ::) -= digamma(sum(counts(k,::)))
// compute the rest of the likelihood (from the word counts)
ll += numTopics * (lgamma(wordSmoothing * numWords) - numWords * lgamma(wordSmoothing))
ll += (wordSmoothing-1) * (newCounts.sum)
ll -= ((counts - 1.0) :* (newCounts)).sum
ll += lbeta(counts, Axis._1).sum
current.copy(newCounts, ll)
object LDA {
case class Model(termWeights: DenseMatrix[Double], likelihood: Double, numTopics: Int, topicSmoothing: Double, wordSmoothing: Double) {
case class InferenceResult(topicLoadings: DenseVector[Double], wordLoadings: DenseMatrix[Double], ll: Double)
def inference(doc: SparseVector[Double]) = {
var converged = false
var iter = 25
val gamma = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](numTopics, doc.activeSize)
gamma := topicSmoothing
var alpha = DenseVector.fill(numTopics)(topicSmoothing)
var newAlpha = DenseVector.zeros[Double](numTopics)
var ll = 0.0
// inference
while (!converged && iter > 0) {
converged = true
newAlpha := topicSmoothing
iter -= 1
var i = 0
while (i < doc.activeSize) {
val result = normalize(alpha :* termWeights(::, doc.indexAt(i)), 1)
assert(!norm(result).isNaN, gamma(::, i).toString + " " + alpha.toString + " " + termWeights(::, doc.indexAt(i)))
converged &&= norm(gamma(::, i) - result, Double.PositiveInfinity) < 1E-4
gamma(::, i) := result
newAlpha += (result * doc.valueAt(i))
i += 1
val newLL = likelihood(doc, newAlpha, gamma)
ll = newLL
if (!converged) {
val xx = newAlpha
newAlpha = alpha
alpha = xx
InferenceResult(alpha, gamma, ll)
private def likelihood(doc: SparseVector[Double], theta: DenseVector[Double], gamma: DenseMatrix[Double]) = {
val dig = digamma(theta)
val digsum = digamma(sum(theta))
var ll = lgamma(topicSmoothing * numTopics) - numTopics * lgamma(topicSmoothing) - lgamma(sum(theta))
var k = 0
while(k < numTopics) {
ll += (topicSmoothing - 1)*(dig(k) - digsum) + lgamma(theta(k)) - (theta(k) - 1)*(dig(k) - digsum)
var i = 0
while(i < doc.activeSize) {
val n = doc.indexAt(i)
ll += doc.valueAt(i) * (gamma(k, i)*((dig(k) - digsum) - log(gamma(k, i)) + math.log(termWeights(k, n))))
i += 1
k += 1
case class Params(dir: File,
numTopics: Int = 20,
topicSmoothing: Double = .1,
wordSmoothing: Double = 0.1)
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
val config = CommandLineParser.parseArguments(args)._1
val params = config.readIn[Params]("")
import params._
// Feature map
val fmap = Index[String]()
val removeStopWords = new StopWordFilter("en")
// Read in the training data and index it.
val almostTrainingData = for {
f <- dir.listFiles
} yield {
val text = Source.fromFile(f)("UTF-8").mkString
val builder = new VectorBuilder[Double](Int.MaxValue, text.length / 20)
for(tok <- JavaWordTokenizer(text) if tok(0).isLetter && removeStopWords(tok)) {
builder.add(fmap.index(tok), 1.0)
val trainingData ={ b => b.length = fmap.size; b.toSparseVector}
val lda = new LDA(params.numTopics, params.topicSmoothing, params.wordSmoothing)
val model = lda.iterations(trainingData).tee(m => println(m.likelihood)).last
val topKLists = for(k <- 0 until numTopics) yield model.termWeights.t(::, k).argtopk(50).map(i => fmap.get(i) + " "+ model.termWeights(k, i))
for( (list,k) <- topKLists.zipWithIndex) {
println("Topic %d:".format(k))
println(list.mkString("\t","\n\t", "\n"))