breeze.nnet.NeuralNetwork.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package breeze.nnet
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics.sigmoid
import breeze.optimize.BatchDiffFunction
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* @author dlwh
class NeuralNetwork(parameters: Array[DenseMatrix[Double]]) extends (DenseVector[Double]=>DenseVector[Double]) {
def apply(x: DenseVector[Double]) = {
def computeActivations(x: DenseVector[Double]):IndexedSeq[DenseVector[Double]] = {
val activations = new ArrayBuffer[DenseVector[Double]]
var activation = x
activations += x
for(i <- 0 until parameters.length) {
val w = parameters(i)
activation = w * activation
if(i < parameters.length - 1)
activation = sigmoid(activation)
activations += activation
class NNObjective[Output](data: IndexedSeq[(DenseVector[Double],Output)],
errorFun: (DenseVector[Double],Output)=>(Double,DenseVector[Double]),
layers: Array[Int]) extends BatchDiffFunction[DenseVector[Double]] {
* The full size of the data
def fullRange: IndexedSeq[Int] = 0 until data.length
def calculate(x: DenseVector[Double], batch: IndexedSeq[Int]): (Double, DenseVector[Double]) = {
val weights = unrollWeights(x)
val nn = new NeuralNetwork(weights)
val data =
val (loss, gradient) = data.aggregate(null:(Double, Array[DenseMatrix[Double]]))({ (_errors: (Double, Array[DenseMatrix[Double]]), datum: (DenseVector[Double], Output)) =>
val grad = if(_errors eq null) emptyGradient else _errors._2
var loss = if(_errors eq null) 0.0 else _errors._1
// forward pass
val activations = nn.computeActivations(datum._1)
// compute task loss and derivatives
val (taskLoss, taskDerivs) = errorFun(activations.last, datum._2)
loss += taskLoss
// back propagate
var deltas = taskDerivs
for(layer <- (activations.length-2) to 0 by -1) {
grad(layer) += deltas * activations(layer).t
deltas = (weights(layer).t * deltas) :* activations(layer).map(a => a * (1-a))
loss -> grad
}, { (a, b) =>
(a._1 + b._1, for( (aa,bb) <- a._2 zip b._2) yield aa += bb )
loss -> rollWeights(gradient)
def extract(x: DenseVector[Double]) = new NeuralNetwork(unrollWeights(x))
private val weightOffsets = {
// just an unfold
val arr = new Array[Int](layers.length)
var i = 0
var off = 0
while(i < (arr.length-1)) {
// rows x cols
val size = layers(i) * layers(i + 1)
arr(i) = off
off += size
i += 1
arr(i) = off
private def weightSize = weightOffsets.last
private def unrollWeights(weights: DenseVector[Double]): Array[DenseMatrix[Double]] = {
Array.tabulate(layers.length-1){ i => new DenseMatrix(layers(i+1), layers(i),, weightOffsets(i))}
private def rollWeights(weights: Array[DenseMatrix[Double]]) = {
val out = DenseVector.zeros[Double](weightSize)
for(layer <- 0 until (layers.length-1))
out(weightOffsets(layer) until weightOffsets(layer + 1)) := new DenseVector(weights(layer).data,weightOffsets(layer), stride = 1, length=layers(layer+1)*layers(layer))
private def emptyGradient = unrollWeights(DenseVector.zeros(weightSize))
def initialWeightVector: DenseVector[Double] = {
val v = DenseVector.rand(weightSize)
v *= 2.0
v -= 1.0