breeze.optimize.BatchDiffFunction.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package breeze.optimize
import breeze.stats.distributions.Rand
* A diff function that supports subsets of the data. By default it evaluates on all the data
trait BatchDiffFunction[T] extends DiffFunction[T] with ((T,IndexedSeq[Int])=>Double) { outer =>
* Calculates the gradient of the function on a subset of the data
def gradientAt(x:T, batch: IndexedSeq[Int]) : T = calculate(x,batch)._2;
* Calculates the value of the function on a subset of the data
def valueAt(x:T, batch: IndexedSeq[Int]) : Double = calculate(x,batch)._1
* Calculates the value and gradient of the function on a subset of the data;
def calculate(x:T, batch: IndexedSeq[Int]): (Double,T)
override def calculate(x:T):(Double,T) = calculate(x,fullRange);
override def valueAt(x:T):Double = valueAt(x,fullRange)
override def gradientAt(x:T):T = gradientAt(x,fullRange)
def apply(x:T, batch:IndexedSeq[Int]) = valueAt(x,batch);
* The full size of the data
def fullRange: IndexedSeq[Int];
def withRandomBatches(size: Int):StochasticDiffFunction[T] = new StochasticDiffFunction[T] {
val rand = Rand.subsetsOfSize(fullRange,size)
def calculate(x: T) = outer.calculate(x, rand.get)
def withScanningBatches(size: Int):StochasticDiffFunction[T] = new StochasticDiffFunction[T] {
var lastStop = 0
def nextBatch = synchronized {
val start = lastStop
lastStop += size
lastStop %= fullRange.size
Array.tabulate(size)(i => fullRange((i+start)%fullRange.size))
def calculate(x: T) = outer.calculate(x, nextBatch)