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breeze.optimize.TruncatedNewtonMinimizer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package breeze.optimize
import breeze.math.{MutableCoordinateSpace, MutableInnerProductSpace}
import breeze.linalg.operators.{OpMulMatrix, BinaryOp}
import breeze.util.Implicits._
import linear.ConjugateGradient
import breeze.util.logging.{ConsoleLogging, ConfiguredLogging}
* Implements a TruncatedNewton Trust region method (like Tron).
* Also implements "Hessian Free learning". We have a few extra tricks though... :)
* @author dlwh
class TruncatedNewtonMinimizer[T, H](maxIterations: Int = -1,
tolerance: Double = 1E-6,
l2Regularization: Double = 0,
m: Int = 0)
(implicit vs: MutableCoordinateSpace[T, Double],
mult: BinaryOp[H, T, OpMulMatrix, T]) extends Minimizer[T, SecondOrderFunction[T, H]] with ConfiguredLogging {
def minimize(f: SecondOrderFunction[T, H], initial: T): T = iterations(f, initial).takeUpToWhere(_.converged).last.x
import vs._
case class State(iter: Int,
initialGNorm: Double,
delta: Double,
x: T,
fval: Double,
grad: T,
h: H,
adjFval: Double,
adjGrad: T, history: History) {
def converged = (iter >= maxIterations && maxIterations > 0) || norm(adjGrad) <= tolerance * initialGNorm
private def initialState(f: SecondOrderFunction[T, H], initial: T): State = {
val (v, grad, h) = f.calculate2(initial)
val adjgrad = grad + initial * l2Regularization
val initDelta = norm(adjgrad)
State(0, initDelta, initDelta,
initial, v, grad, h,
v + 0.5 * l2Regularization * (initial dot initial),
adjgrad, initialHistory(f, initial))
// from tron
// Parameters for updating the iterates.
private val eta0 = 1e-4
private val eta1 = 0.25
private val eta2 = 0.75
// Parameters for updating the trust region size delta.
private val sigma1 = 0.25
private val sigma2 = 0.5
private val sigma3 = 4.0
def iterations(f: SecondOrderFunction[T, H], initial: T):Iterator[State] = {
Iterator.iterate(initialState(f, initial)){ (state: State) =>
import state._
val cg = new ConjugateGradient[T, H](maxNormValue = delta,
tolerance = .1 * norm(adjGrad),
maxIterations = 400,
normSquaredPenalty = l2Regularization)
// todo see if we can use something other than zeros as an initializer?
val initStep = chooseDescentDirection(state)
val (step, residual) = cg.minimizeAndReturnResidual(-adjGrad, h, initStep)
val x_new = x + step
val gs = adjGrad dot step
val predictedReduction = -0.5 * (gs - (step dot residual))
val (newv, newg, newh) = f.calculate2(x_new)
val adjNewG = newg + x_new * l2Regularization
val adjNewV = newv + 0.5 * l2Regularization * (x_new dot x_new)
val actualReduction = adjFval - adjNewV
val stepNorm = norm(step)
var newDelta = if(iter == 1) delta min (stepNorm*3) else delta
val alpha = if(-actualReduction <= gs) sigma3 else sigma1 max (-0.5 * (gs / (-actualReduction - gs)))
newDelta = {
if (actualReduction < eta0 * predictedReduction)
math.min(math.max(alpha, sigma1) * stepNorm, sigma2 * newDelta)
else if (actualReduction < eta1 * predictedReduction)
math.max(sigma1 * newDelta, math.min(alpha * stepNorm, sigma2 * newDelta))
else if (actualReduction < eta2 * predictedReduction)
math.max(sigma1 * newDelta, math.min(alpha * stepNorm, sigma3 * newDelta))
math.max(newDelta, math.min(10 * stepNorm, sigma3 * newDelta))
if (actualReduction > eta0 * predictedReduction) {"Accept %d d=%.2E newv=%.4E newG=%.4E resNorm=%.2E pred=%.2E actual=%.2E".format(iter, delta, adjNewV, norm(adjNewG), norm(residual), predictedReduction, actualReduction))
val newHistory = updateHistory(x_new, adjNewG, adjNewV, state)
State(iter + 1, initialGNorm, newDelta, x_new, newv, newg, newh, adjNewV, adjNewG, newHistory)
} else {"Reject %d d=%.2f resNorm=%.2f pred=%.2f actual=%.2f".format(iter, delta, norm(residual), predictedReduction, actualReduction))
state.copy(iter + 1, delta = newDelta)
// lbfgs stuff for preconditioning
// LBFGS history
case class History(memStep: IndexedSeq[T] = IndexedSeq.empty,
memGradDelta: IndexedSeq[T] = IndexedSeq.empty)
protected def initialHistory(f: DiffFunction[T], x: T):History = new History()
protected def chooseDescentDirection(state: State):T = {
val grad = state.adjGrad
val memStep = state.history.memStep
val memGradDelta = state.history.memGradDelta
val diag = if(memStep.size > 0) {
} else {
1.0 / norm(grad)
val dir:T = copy(grad)
val as = new Array[Double](m)
val rho = new Array[Double](m)
for(i <- (memStep.length-1) to 0 by -1) {
rho(i) = (memStep(i) dot memGradDelta(i))
as(i) = (memStep(i) dot dir)/rho(i)
if(as(i).isNaN) {
throw new NaNHistory
dir -= memGradDelta(i) * as(i)
dir *= diag
for(i <- 0 until memStep.length) {
val beta = (memGradDelta(i) dot dir)/rho(i)
dir += memStep(i) * (as(i) - beta)
dir *= -1.0
private def computeDiagScale(prevStep: T, prevGradStep: T):Double = {
val sy = prevStep dot prevGradStep
val yy = prevGradStep dot prevGradStep
if(sy < 0 || sy.isNaN) throw new NaNHistory
protected def updateHistory(newX: T, newGrad: T, newVal: Double, oldState: State): History = {
val gradDelta : T = (newGrad :- oldState.adjGrad)
val step:T = (newX - oldState.x)
val memStep = (step +: oldState.history.memStep) take m
val memGradDelta = (gradDelta +: oldState.history.memGradDelta) take m
new History(memStep,memGradDelta)