breeze.optimize.linear.LinearProgram.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package breeze.optimize.linear
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import breeze.linalg._
* DSL for LinearPrograms. Not thread-safe per instance. Make multiple instances
* Basic example:
* {{{
* val lp = new LP
* import lp._
* val x = new Positive("x")
* val y = new Positive("y")
* val result = maximize ( (3 * x+ 4 * y)
* subjectTo( x <= 3, y <= 1))
* result.valueOf(x) // 3
* }}}
* @author dlwh
class LinearProgram {
private var _nextId = 0
private def nextId = {
_nextId += 1
_nextId - 1
private val variables = new ArrayBuffer[Variable]()
sealed trait Problem { outer =>
def objective: Expression
def constraints: IndexedSeq[Constraint]
def subjectTo(constraints : Constraint*):Problem = {
val cons = constraints
new Problem {
def objective = outer.objective
def constraints = outer.constraints ++ cons
override def toString = (
"maximize " + objective + {
if(constraints.nonEmpty) {
"\nsubject to " + constraints.mkString("\n" + " " * "subject to ".length)
} else ""
* Anything that can be built up from adding/subtracting/dividing and multiplying by constants
sealed trait Expression extends Problem{ outer =>
private[LinearProgram] def coefficients: Vector[Double]
private[LinearProgram] def scalarComponent: Double = 0
def objective = this
def constraints: IndexedSeq[Constraint] = IndexedSeq.empty
def +(other: Expression):Expression = new Expression {
private[LinearProgram] def coefficients: Vector[Double] = outer.coefficients + other.coefficients
private[LinearProgram] override def scalarComponent: Double = outer.scalarComponent + other.scalarComponent
override def toString = outer.toString + " + " + other
def +(other: Double):Expression = new Expression {
private[LinearProgram] def coefficients: Vector[Double] = outer.coefficients
private[LinearProgram] override def scalarComponent: Double = outer.scalarComponent + other
override def toString = outer.toString + " + " + other
def -(other: Expression):Expression = new Expression {
private[LinearProgram] def coefficients: Vector[Double] = outer.coefficients - other.coefficients
private[LinearProgram] override def scalarComponent: Double = outer.scalarComponent - other.scalarComponent
override def toString = outer.toString + " - " + other
def <=(rhs_ : Expression):Constraint = new Constraint {
def lhs = outer
def rhs = rhs_
def <=(c: Double):Constraint = new Constraint {
def lhs = outer
def rhs = new Expression {
private[LinearProgram] def coefficients = SparseVector.zeros[Double](variables.length)
private[LinearProgram] override def scalarComponent = c
override def toString = c.toString
def *(c: Double) = new Expression {
private[LinearProgram] def coefficients = outer.coefficients * c
private[LinearProgram] override def scalarComponent = outer.scalarComponent * c
override def toString = outer.toString + " * " + c
def *:(c: Double) = new Expression {
private[LinearProgram] def coefficients = outer.coefficients * c
private[LinearProgram] override def scalarComponent = outer.scalarComponent * c
override def toString = outer.toString + " * " + c
sealed trait Constraint { outer =>
def lhs: Expression
def rhs: Expression
override def toString() = lhs.toString + " <= " + rhs
def standardize: Constraint = new Constraint {
def lhs = new Expression {
private[LinearProgram] def coefficients = outer.lhs.coefficients - outer.rhs.coefficients
private[LinearProgram] override def scalarComponent = 0.0
def rhs = new Expression {
private[LinearProgram] def coefficients = SparseVector.zeros[Double](variables.length)
private[LinearProgram] override def scalarComponent = outer.rhs.scalarComponent - outer.lhs.scalarComponent
sealed trait Variable extends Expression {
def name: String
def id : Int
def size: Int = 1
override def toString = name
case class Real(name: String = "x_" + nextId) extends Variable { variable =>
val id = variables.length
variables += this
private[LinearProgram] def coefficients = {
val v = SparseVector.zeros[Double](variables.length)
for(i <- 0 until size) v(id + i) = 1.0
/* I thought that interior point defaulted to requiring all variables to be positive. I appear to be wrong.
case class Real(name: String="x_" + nextId) extends Variable {
val id = variables.length
variables += this
variables += this
private[LinearProgram] def coefficients = {
val v = SparseVector.zeros[Double](variables.length)
v(id) = 1
v(id+1) = -1
case class Result private[LinearProgram] (result: DenseVector[Double], problem: Problem) {
def valueOf(x: Expression) = {(x.coefficients dot result) + x.scalarComponent}
def value = valueOf(problem.objective)
def maximize(objective: Problem) = {
val c = DenseVector.zeros[Double](variables.size) + objective.objective.coefficients
val A = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](objective.constraints.length,variables.length)
val b = DenseVector.zeros[Double](objective.constraints.length)
for( (c,i) <- objective.constraints.zipWithIndex) {
val cs = c.standardize
A(i,::) := cs.lhs.coefficients
b(i) = cs.rhs.scalarComponent
val result = InteriorPoint.minimize(A,b,-c, DenseVector.zeros[Double](variables.size) + 1.0)