breeze.linalg.CSCMatrix.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package breeze.linalg
Copyright 2012 David Hall
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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import java.util
import breeze.util.{Terminal, ArrayUtil}
import collection.mutable
import breeze.math.Semiring
import breeze.generic.CanMapValues
* A compressed sparse column matrix, as used in Matlab and CSparse, etc.
* Most implementations based on "Direct Methods for Sparse Linear Systems"
* by Timothy A. Davis
* @author dlwh
// TODO: maybe put columns in own array of sparse vectors, making slicing easier?
class CSCMatrix[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) V:DefaultArrayValue] private[linalg] (private var _data: Array[V],
val rows: Int,
val cols: Int,
val colPtrs: Array[Int], // len cols + 1
private var used : Int,
private var _rowIndices: Array[Int]) // len >= used
extends Matrix[V] with MatrixLike[V, CSCMatrix[V]] {
def rowIndices = _rowIndices
def data = _data
def apply(row: Int, col: Int): V = {
if(row >= rows || col >= cols || row < 0 || col < 0)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException()
val ind = locate(row, col)
if(ind < 0) zero
else data(ind)
def update(row: Int, col: Int, v: V) {
if(row >= rows || col >= cols || row < 0 || col < 0)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException()
val ind = locate(row, col)
if(ind >= 0) data(ind) = v
else if (v != zero) {
val insertPos = ~ind
used += 1
if (used > data.length) {
// need to grow array
val newLength = {
if (data.length == 0) { 4 }
else if (data.length < 0x0400) { data.length * 2 }
else if (data.length < 0x0800) { data.length + 0x0400 }
else if (data.length < 0x1000) { data.length + 0x0800 }
else if (data.length < 0x2000) { data.length + 0x1000 }
else if (data.length < 0x4000) { data.length + 0x2000 }
else { data.length + 0x4000 }
// allocate new arrays
val newIndex = util.Arrays.copyOf(rowIndices, newLength)
val newData = ArrayUtil.copyOf(data, newLength)
// copy existing data into new arrays
System.arraycopy(_rowIndices, insertPos, newIndex, insertPos + 1, used - insertPos - 1)
System.arraycopy(data, insertPos, newData, insertPos + 1, used - insertPos - 1)
// update pointers
_rowIndices = newIndex
_data = newData
} else if (used - insertPos > 1) {
// need to make room for new element mid-array
System.arraycopy(_rowIndices, insertPos, _rowIndices, insertPos + 1, used - insertPos - 1)
System.arraycopy(data, insertPos, data, insertPos + 1, used - insertPos - 1)
// assign new value
rowIndices(insertPos) = row
data(insertPos) = v
for(c <- (col+1) to cols) {
colPtrs(c) += 1
def reserve(nnz: Int) {
if(nnz >= used && nnz != rowIndices.length) {
_rowIndices = util.Arrays.copyOf(rowIndices, nnz)
_data = ArrayUtil.copyOf(data, nnz)
def compact() {
def activeKeysIterator: Iterator[(Int, Int)] = {
for(c <- Iterator.range(0, cols); rr <- Iterator.range(colPtrs(c),colPtrs(c+1))) yield (rowIndices(rr), c)
def activeIterator: Iterator[((Int, Int), V)] = {
for(c <- Iterator.range(0, cols); rr <- Iterator.range(colPtrs(c),colPtrs(c+1))) yield (rowIndices(rr), c) -> data(rr)
def activeValuesIterator: Iterator[V] = data.iterator.take(used)
def activeSize: Int = used
def repr: CSCMatrix[V] = this
private def locate(row: Int, col: Int):Int = {
val start = colPtrs(col)
val end = colPtrs(col+1)
util.Arrays.binarySearch(rowIndices, start, end, row)
private def zero = implicitly[DefaultArrayValue[V]].value
override def toString(maxLines: Int, maxWidth: Int): String = {
val buf = new StringBuilder()
buf ++= ("%d x %d CSCMatrix".format(rows, cols))
activeIterator.take(maxLines - 1).foreach { case ((r,c),v) =>
buf += '\n'
buf ++= "(%d,%d) ".format(r,c)
buf ++= v.toString
override def equals(p1: Any): Boolean = p1 match {
case m:Matrix[V] if m.rows == rows && m.cols == cols => valuesIterator.sameElements(m.valuesIterator)
case _ => false
override def toString: String = toString(maxLines = Terminal.terminalHeight - 3)
object CSCMatrix extends MatrixConstructors[CSCMatrix] with CSCMatrixOps_Int with CSCMatrixOps_Float with CSCMatrixOps_Double {
def zeros[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) V:ClassManifest:DefaultArrayValue](rows: Int, cols: Int, initialNonzero: Int = 0) = {
new CSCMatrix[V](new Array(initialNonzero), rows, cols, new Array(cols + 1), 0, new Array(initialNonzero))
def zeros[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) V: ClassManifest : DefaultArrayValue](rows: Int, cols: Int): CSCMatrix[V] = zeros(rows, cols, 0)
def create[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) V: DefaultArrayValue](rows: Int, cols: Int, data: Array[V]): CSCMatrix[V] = {
val z = implicitly[DefaultArrayValue[V]].value
implicit val man = ClassManifest.fromClass(data.getClass.getComponentType.asInstanceOf[Class[V]])
val res = zeros(rows, cols, data.length)
var i = 0
for(c <- 0 until cols; r <- 0 until rows) {
val v = data(i)
i += 1
if ( v != z) {
res(r, c) = v
// TODO: res.compact()
implicit def canMapValues[V, R:ClassManifest:DefaultArrayValue:Semiring] = {
val z = implicitly[DefaultArrayValue[R]].value
new CanMapValues[CSCMatrix[V],V,R,CSCMatrix[R]] {
override def map(from : CSCMatrix[V], fn : (V=>R)) = {
val fz = fn(
val fzIsNotZero = fz != z
val builder = new Builder[R](from.rows, from.cols, from.activeSize)
var j = 0
while(j < from.cols) {
var ip = from.colPtrs(j)
var lastI = 0
while(ip < from.colPtrs(j+1)) {
val i = from.rowIndices(ip)
while(fzIsNotZero && lastI < i) {
builder.add(lastI, j, fz)
lastI += 1
lastI += 1
val v =
val r = fn(v)
if (r != z) {
builder.add(i, j, r)
ip += 1
while(fzIsNotZero && lastI < from.rows) {
builder.add(lastI, j, fz)
lastI += 1
j += 1
override def mapActive(from : CSCMatrix[V], fn : (V=>R)) = {
var zeroSeen = false
def ff(v: V) = { val r = fn(v); if (r == z) zeroSeen = true; r}
val newData =
val r = new CSCMatrix[R](newData, from.rows, from.cols, from.colPtrs.clone(), from.activeSize, from.rowIndices.clone)
if(zeroSeen) r.compact()
* This is basically an unsorted coordinate matrix.
* @param initNnz initial number of nonzero entries
class Builder[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) T:ClassManifest:Semiring:DefaultArrayValue](rows: Int, cols: Int, initNnz: Int = 16) {
private def ring = implicitly[Semiring[T]]
def add(r: Int, c: Int, v: T) {
rs += r
cs += c
vs += v
private val rs = new mutable.ArrayBuilder.ofInt()
private val cs = new mutable.ArrayBuilder.ofInt()
private val vs = implicitly[ClassManifest[T]].newArrayBuilder()
def result():CSCMatrix[T] = {
val rs =
val cs = this.cs.result()
val vs = this.vs.result()
// at most this many nnz
val nnz = rs.length
val order = sortedIndices(rs, cs)
val outRows = new Array[Int](nnz)
val outCols = new Array[Int](cols+1)
val outData = new Array[T](nnz)
if (cs.length > 0) {
outRows(0) = rs(order(0))
outData(0) = vs(order(0))
var outDataIndex = 0
var i = 1
var lastCol = cs(order(0))
while (i < nnz) {
val colsEqual = cs(order(i)) == lastCol
if (colsEqual && rs(order(i)) == rs(order(i-1))) {
// TODO: might need to codegen to make this fast.
outData(outDataIndex) = ring.+(outData(outDataIndex), vs(order(i)))
} else {
outDataIndex += 1
outRows(outDataIndex) = rs(order(i))
outData(outDataIndex) = vs(order(i))
// we need the outCols array to point to the
if(!colsEqual) {
while(lastCol < cs(order(i))) {
outCols(lastCol+1) = outDataIndex
lastCol += 1
i += 1
outDataIndex += 1
while(lastCol < cols) {
outCols(lastCol+1) = outDataIndex
lastCol += 1
val out = new CSCMatrix[T](outData, rows, cols, outCols, outDataIndex, outRows)
// returns indices of a lexicgraphic sort of cs then rs
private def sortedIndices(rs: Array[Int], cs: Array[Int]) = {
Array.range(0, rs.length).sortWith { (i, j) =>
(cs(i) < cs(j)) || (cs(i) == cs(j) && rs(i) < rs(j))
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