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package breeze.linalg
import breeze.linalg.operators.OpMulMatrix
import breeze.math.MutableInnerProductVectorSpace
import breeze.numerics.{abs, sqrt}
import breeze.util.SerializableLogging
* Nearly direct port of
* (BSD licensed code)
* The only difference is that they square the regularization factor.
* @author dlwh
object LSMR extends SerializableLogging {
* Solves the problem min pow(norm(A * x - b), 2) + regularization * pow(norm(x), 2)
def solve[M, MT, V](A: M, b: V,
regularization: Double = 0.0,
tolerance: Double = 1E-9,
maxIter: Int = 1000,
quiet: Boolean = false)(implicit multMV: OpMulMatrix.Impl2[M, V, V],
transA: CanTranspose[M, MT],
multMTV: OpMulMatrix.Impl2[MT, V, V],
ispace: MutableInnerProductVectorSpace[V, Double]): V = {
import ispace._
val lambda = math.sqrt(regularization)
val At = transA(A)
def sqr(x: Double) = x * x
val atol, btol = tolerance
var u = copy(b)
val normb = norm(u)
var beta = norm(u)
if(beta > 0) {
u /= beta
var v = multMTV(At, u)
var x = v * 0.0
var alpha = norm(v)
if(alpha > 0) {
v /= alpha
var alphabar = alpha
var zetabar = alpha*beta
var rho = 1.0
var rhobar = 1.0
var cbar = 1.0
var sbar = 0.0
var zeta = 0.0
var h = v
var hbar = h * 0.0
var betadd = beta
var betad = 0.0
var rhodold = 1.0
var thetatilde = 0.0
var tautildeold = 0.0
var d = 0.0
var normA2 = sqr(alpha)
var maxrbar = 0.0
var minrbar = 1E100
var converged = false
var iter = 0
while (!converged && iter < maxIter) {
iter += 1
u = multMV(A, v) - u * alpha
beta = norm(u)
if (beta > 0) {
u /= beta
v = multMTV(At, u) - v * beta
alpha = norm(v)
if (alpha > 0) v /= alpha
// Construct rotation Qhat_{k,2k+1}.
val alphahat = norm(DenseVector(alphabar, lambda))
val chat = alphabar/alphahat
val shat = lambda/alphahat
// Use a plane rotation (Q_i) to turn B_i to R_i.
val rhoold = rho
rho = norm(DenseVector(alphahat, beta))
val c = alphahat/rho
val s = beta/rho
val thetanew = s*alpha
alphabar = c*alpha
// Use a plane rotation (Qbar_i) to turn R_i^T to R_i^bar.
val rhobarold = rhobar
val zetaold = zeta
val thetabar = sbar*rho
val rhotemp = cbar*rho
rhobar = norm(DenseVector(cbar*rho, thetanew))
cbar = cbar*rho/rhobar
sbar = thetanew/rhobar
zeta = cbar*zetabar
zetabar = - sbar*zetabar
// Update h, h_hat, x.
hbar = h - hbar * (thetabar*rho/(rhoold*rhobarold))
x = x + hbar * (zeta/(rho*rhobar))
h = v - h * (thetanew/rho)
// Estimate of ||r||.
// Apply rotation Qhat_{k,2k+1}.
val betaacute = chat* betadd
val betacheck = - shat* betadd
// Apply rotation Q_{k,k+1}.
val betahat = c*betaacute
betadd = - s*betaacute
// Apply rotation Qtilde_{k-1}.
// betad = betad_{k-1} here.
val thetatildeold = thetatilde
val rhotildeold = norm(DenseVector(rhodold, thetabar))
val ctildeold = rhodold/rhotildeold
val stildeold = thetabar/rhotildeold
thetatilde = stildeold* rhobar
rhodold = ctildeold* rhobar
betad = - stildeold*betad + ctildeold*betahat
// betad = betad_k here.
// rhodold = rhod_k here.
tautildeold = (zetaold - thetatildeold*tautildeold)/rhotildeold
val taud = (zeta - thetatilde*tautildeold)/rhodold
d = d + sqr(betacheck)
val normr = sqrt(d + sqr(betad - taud) + sqr(betadd))
// Estimate ||A||.
normA2 = normA2 + sqr(beta)
val normA = sqrt(normA2)
normA2 = normA2 + sqr(alpha)
// Estimate cond(A).
maxrbar = max(maxrbar,rhobarold)
if (iter > 1) {
minrbar = min(minrbar, rhobarold)
var condA = max(maxrbar,rhotemp)/min(minrbar,rhotemp)
// Estimate cond(A).
maxrbar = max(maxrbar,rhobarold)
if (iter > 1) {
minrbar = min(minrbar,rhobarold)
condA = max(maxrbar,rhotemp)/min(minrbar,rhotemp)
// Test for convergence.
// Compute norms for convergence testing.
val normAr = abs(zetabar)
val normx = norm(x)
// Now use these norms to estimate certain other quantities,
// some of which will be small near a solution.
val test1 = normr / normb
val test2 = normAr/(normA*normr)
val rtol = btol + atol*normA*normx/normb
if (!quiet)"Residual: $normr%.2g $normAr%.2g " +
f":: convtest1: $test1%.2g $rtol%.2g :: convtest2: $test2%.2g $atol%.2g")
converged = normr == 0.0 || (iter >= maxIter) || (test1 < rtol) || (test2 < atol)