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package breeze.linalg
import breeze.macros.expand
import org.netlib.util.intW
import com.github.fommil.netlib.LAPACK.{getInstance=>lapack}
import breeze.generic.UFunc
import breeze.linalg.operators.{OpSolveMatrixBy, OpMulMatrix}
* Computes the inverse of a given real matrix.
* In general, you should avoid using this metho in combination with *.
* Instead, wherever you might want to write inv(A) * B, you should write
* A \ B.
object inv extends UFunc {
implicit def canInvUsingLU_Double[T](implicit luImpl: LU.Impl[T, (DenseMatrix[Double], Array[Int])]):Impl[T, DenseMatrix[Double]] = {
new Impl[T, DenseMatrix[Double]] {
def apply(X: T): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
// Should these type hints be necessary?
val (m:DenseMatrix[Double], ipiv:Array[Int]) = LU(X)
val N = m.rows
val lwork = scala.math.max(1, N)
val work = Array.ofDim[Double](lwork)
val info = new intW(0)
N,, scala.math.max(1, N) /* LDA */,
work /* workspace */, lwork /* workspace size */,
assert(info.`val` >= 0, "Malformed argument %d (LAPACK)".format(-info.`val`))
if (info.`val` > 0)
throw new MatrixSingularException
implicit def canInvUsingLU_Float[T](implicit luImpl: LU.Impl[T, (DenseMatrix[Float], Array[Int])]):Impl[T, DenseMatrix[Float]] = {
new Impl[T, DenseMatrix[Float]] {
def apply(X: T): DenseMatrix[Float] = {
// Should these type hints be necessary?
val (m:DenseMatrix[Float], ipiv:Array[Int]) = LU(X)
val N = m.rows
val lwork = scala.math.max(1, N)
val work = Array.ofDim[Float](lwork)
val info = new intW(0)
N,, scala.math.max(1, N) /* LDA */,
work /* workspace */, lwork /* workspace size */,
assert(info.`val` >= 0, "Malformed argument %d (LAPACK)".format(-info.`val`))
if (info.`val` > 0)
throw new MatrixSingularException
* Computes the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse of the given real matrix X.
* The pseudo inverse is nothing but the least-squares solution to AX=B,
* hence:
* d/dX 1/2 (AX-B)^2 = A^T (AX-B)
* Solving A^T (AX-B) = 0 for X yields
* A^T AX = A^T B
* => X = (A^T A)^(-1) A^T B
object pinv extends UFunc with pinvLowPrio {
implicit def pinvFromSVD[@expand.args(Float, Double) T]:Impl[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] = {
new Impl[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] {
override def apply(v: DenseMatrix[T]): DenseMatrix[T] = {
val svd.SVD(s, svs, d) = svd(v)
val vi = { v => if(v == 0.0) 0.0f else 1 / v}
val svDiag = DenseMatrix.tabulate[T](s.cols, d.rows) { (i,j) =>
if(i == j && i < math.min(s.cols, d.rows)) vi(i)
else 0.0f
val res = s * svDiag * d
trait pinvLowPrio { this: pinv.type =>
* pinv for anything that can be transposed, multiplied with that transposed, and then solved.
* This signature looks intense, but take it one step at a time.
* @param numericT : Do I support operators
* @param trans : Can I be transposed?
* @param numericTrans : Does my transpose support operators
* @param mul : Can I multiply T and TransT?
* @param numericMulRes : Does the result of that multiplication support operators?
* @param solve : Can I solve the system of equations MulRes * x = TransT
* @tparam T the type of matrix
* @tparam TransT the transpose of that matrix
* @tparam MulRes the result of TransT * T
* @tparam Result the result of MulRes \ TransT
* @return
implicit def implFromTransposeAndSolve[T, TransT, MulRes, Result]
(implicit numericT: T=>NumericOps[T],
trans: CanTranspose[T, TransT],
numericTrans: TransT => NumericOps[TransT],
mul: OpMulMatrix.Impl2[TransT, T, MulRes],
numericMulRes: MulRes => NumericOps[MulRes],
solve : OpSolveMatrixBy.Impl2[MulRes, TransT, Result]):Impl[T, Result] = {
new Impl[T, Result] {
def apply(X: T): Result = {
(X.t * X) \ X.t