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breeze.linalg.operators.DenseMatrixOps.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package breeze.linalg.operators
import breeze.generic.UFunc
import breeze.linalg._
import{ CanCollapseAxis, CanSlice2 }
import breeze.macros.expand
import breeze.math.{ Field, Semiring }
import breeze.numerics.Bessel.i1
import breeze.numerics.pow
import breeze.util.ArrayUtil
import org.netlib.util.intW
import com.github.fommil.netlib.BLAS.{ getInstance => blas }
import com.github.fommil.netlib.LAPACK.{ getInstance => lapack }
import spire.syntax.cfor._
import scala.{ specialized => spec }
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scalaxy.debug._
trait DenseMatrixMultiplyStuff extends DenseMatrixOps
with DenseMatrixMultOps
with LowPriorityDenseMatrix { this: DenseMatrix.type =>
implicit def implOpMulMatrix_DVTt_DMT_eq_DMT[T](implicit op: OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]]):
OpMulMatrix.Impl2[Transpose[DenseVector[T]], DenseMatrix[T], Transpose[DenseVector[T]]] =
new OpMulMatrix.Impl2[Transpose[DenseVector[T]], DenseMatrix[T], Transpose[DenseVector[T]]] {
override def apply(v: Transpose[DenseVector[T]], v2: DenseMatrix[T]): Transpose[DenseVector[T]] = {
(v.inner.asDenseMatrix * v2) apply (0, ::)
implicit def implOpMulMatrix_DVT_DMT_eq_DMT[T](implicit op: OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T],DenseMatrix[T],DenseMatrix[T]]): OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseVector[T],DenseMatrix[T],DenseMatrix[T]] =
new OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseVector[T],DenseMatrix[T],DenseMatrix[T]] {
def apply(v: DenseVector[T], v2: DenseMatrix[T]): DenseMatrix[T] = {
require(v2.rows == 1)
val dm = new DenseMatrix[T](v.length,1,,v.offset,v.length)
// for BLAS.dgemm/dgemv
private def transposeString(a: DenseMatrix[Double]): String = if (a.isTranspose) "T" else "N"
implicit object implOpMulMatrix_DMD_DMD_eq_DMD
extends OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]] {
def apply(_a : DenseMatrix[Double], _b : DenseMatrix[Double]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
require(_a.cols == _b.rows, "Dimension mismatch!")
val rv: DenseMatrix[Double] = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](_a.rows, _b.cols)
if(_a.rows == 0 || _b.rows == 0 || _a.cols == 0 || _b.cols == 0) return rv
// if we have a weird stride...
val a: DenseMatrix[Double] = if(_a.majorStride < math.max(if(_a.isTranspose) _a.cols else _a.rows, 1)) _a.copy else _a
val b: DenseMatrix[Double] = if(_b.majorStride < math.max(if(_b.isTranspose) _b.cols else _b.rows, 1)) _b.copy else _b
blas.dgemm(transposeString(a), transposeString(b),
rv.rows, rv.cols, a.cols,
1.0,, a.offset, a.majorStride,, b.offset, b.majorStride,
0.0,, 0, rv.rows)
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[Matrix[Double], Matrix[Double], OpMulMatrix.type, Matrix[Double]]].register(this)
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[DenseMatrix[Double], Matrix[Double], OpMulMatrix.type, DenseMatrix[Double]]].register(this)
implicit object implOpMulMatrix_DMD_DVD_eq_DVD
extends OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double]] {
def apply(a : DenseMatrix[Double], b : DenseVector[Double]): DenseVector[Double] = {
require(a.cols == b.length, "Dimension mismatch!")
if (a.rows == 0 || a.cols == 0) {
return DenseVector.zeros[Double](a.rows)
val rv = DenseVector.zeros[Double](a.rows)
if(a.isTranspose) a.cols else a.rows, if(a.isTranspose) a.rows else a.cols,
1.0,, a.offset, a.majorStride,, b.offset, b.stride,
0.0,, rv.offset, rv.stride)
implicit val implOpMulMatrix_DVD_DMD_eq_DMD: OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseVector[Double], DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]] = {
new OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseVector[Double], DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]] {
def apply(a: DenseVector[Double], b: DenseMatrix[Double]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
require(b.rows == 1)
// val adata = if(a.stride != 1) {
// val v = DenseVector.zeros[Double](a.length)
// v := a
// } else {
// }
val rv = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](a.length, b.cols)
blas.dgemm("T", transposeString(b),
rv.rows, rv.cols, 1,
1.0,, a.offset, a.stride,, b.offset, b.majorStride,
0.0,, 0, rv.rows)
implicit object implOpSolveMatrixBy_DMD_DMD_eq_DMD
extends OpSolveMatrixBy.Impl2[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]] {
override def apply(A : DenseMatrix[Double], V : DenseMatrix[Double]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
require(A.rows == V.rows, "Non-conformant matrix sizes")
if (A.size == 0) {
DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](0, 0)
} else if (A.rows == A.cols) {
// square: LUSolve
val X = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](V.rows, V.cols)
X := V
LUSolve(X, A)
} else {
// non-square: QRSolve
val X = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](A.cols, V.cols)
/** X := A \ X, for square A */
def LUSolve(X: DenseMatrix[Double], A: DenseMatrix[Double]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
val piv = new Array[Int](A.rows)
val newA = A.copy
val info: Int = {
val info = new intW(0)
lapack.dgesv(A.rows, X.cols,, newA.offset, newA.majorStride, piv, 0,, X.offset, X.majorStride, info)
if (info > 0)
throw new MatrixSingularException()
else if (info < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
/** X := A \ V, for arbitrary A */
def QRSolve(X: DenseMatrix[Double], A: DenseMatrix[Double], V: DenseMatrix[Double]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
require(X.offset == 0)
require(A.offset == 0)
require(V.offset == 0)
require(X.rows == A.cols, "Wrong number of rows in return value")
require(X.cols == V.cols, "Wrong number of rows in return value")
val transpose: Boolean = X.isTranspose
val nrhs = V.cols
// allocate temporary solution matrix
val Xtmp = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](math.max(A.rows, A.cols), nrhs)
val M: Int = if (!transpose) A.rows else A.cols
Xtmp(0 until M,0 until nrhs) := V(0 until M, 0 until nrhs)
val newData: Array[Double] =
// query optimal workspace
val queryWork = new Array[Double](1)
val queryInfo = new intW(0)
if (!transpose) "N" else "T",
A.rows, A.cols, nrhs,
newData, A.majorStride,, math.max(1,math.max(A.rows,A.cols)),
queryWork, -1, queryInfo)
// allocate workspace
val work: Array[Double] = {
val lwork = {
if (queryInfo.`val` != 0)
math.max(1, math.min(A.rows, A.cols) + math.max(math.min(A.rows, A.cols), nrhs))
math.max(queryWork(0).toInt, 1)
new Array[Double](lwork)
// compute factorization
val info = new intW(0)
if (!transpose) "N" else "T",
A.rows, A.cols, nrhs,
newData, A.majorStride,, math.max(1,math.max(A.rows,A.cols)),
work, work.length, info)
if (info.`val` < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException
// extract solution
val N = if (!transpose) A.cols else A.rows
X(0 until N, 0 until nrhs) := Xtmp(0 until N, 0 until nrhs)
implicit object implOpSolveMatrixBy_DMD_DVD_eq_DVD
extends OpSolveMatrixBy.Impl2[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double]] {
override def apply(a : DenseMatrix[Double], b : DenseVector[Double]): DenseVector[Double] = {
val rv: DenseMatrix[Double] = a \ new DenseMatrix[Double](b.size, 1,, b.offset, b.stride, true)
new DenseVector[Double](
// TODO: fix expand to allow us to remove this code duplication
trait DenseMatrixFloatMultiplyStuff extends DenseMatrixOps
with DenseMatrixMultOps { this: DenseMatrix.type =>
implicit object implOpMulMatrix_DMF_DMF_eq_DMF
extends OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Float]] {
def apply(_a : DenseMatrix[Float], _b : DenseMatrix[Float]): DenseMatrix[Float] = {
require(_a.cols == _b.rows, "Dimension mismatch!")
val rv = DenseMatrix.zeros[Float](_a.rows, _b.cols)
if(_a.rows == 0 || _b.rows == 0 || _a.cols == 0 || _b.cols == 0) return rv
// if we have a weird stride...
val a:DenseMatrix[Float] = if(_a.majorStride < math.max(if(_a.isTranspose) _a.cols else _a.rows, 1)) _a.copy else _a
val b:DenseMatrix[Float] = if(_b.majorStride < math.max(if(_b.isTranspose) _b.cols else _b.rows, 1)) _b.copy else _b
blas.sgemm(transposeString(a), transposeString(b),
rv.rows, rv.cols, a.cols,
1.0f,, a.offset, a.majorStride,, b.offset, b.majorStride,
0.0f,, 0, rv.rows)
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[Matrix[Float], Matrix[Float], OpMulMatrix.type, Matrix[Float]]].register(this)
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[DenseMatrix[Float], Matrix[Float], OpMulMatrix.type, DenseMatrix[Float]]].register(this)
private def transposeString(a: DenseMatrix[Float]): String = {
if (a.isTranspose) "T" else "N"
implicit object implOpMulMatrix_DMF_DVF_eq_DVF
extends OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[Float], DenseVector[Float], DenseVector[Float]] {
def apply(a : DenseMatrix[Float], b : DenseVector[Float]): DenseVector[Float] = {
require(a.cols == b.length, "Dimension mismatch!")
val rv = DenseVector.zeros[Float](a.rows)
if(a.isTranspose) a.cols else a.rows, if(a.isTranspose) a.rows else a.cols,
1.0f,, a.offset, a.majorStride,, b.offset, b.stride,
0.0f,, rv.offset, rv.stride)
implicit val implOpMulMatrix_DVF_DMF_eq_DMF: OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseVector[Float], DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Float]] = {
new OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseVector[Float], DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Float]] {
def apply(a: DenseVector[Float], b: DenseMatrix[Float]): DenseMatrix[Float] = {
require(b.rows == 1)
// val adata = if(a.stride != 1) {
// val v = DenseVector.zeros[Float](a.length)
// v := a
// } else {
// }
val rv: DenseMatrix[Float] = DenseMatrix.zeros[Float](a.length, b.cols)
blas.sgemm("T", transposeString(b),
rv.rows, rv.cols, 1,
1.0f,, a.offset, a.stride,, b.offset, b.majorStride,
0.0f,, 0, rv.rows)
implicit object implOpSolveMatrixBy_DMF_DMF_eq_DMF
extends OpSolveMatrixBy.Impl2[DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Float]] {
override def apply(A : DenseMatrix[Float], V: DenseMatrix[Float]) = {
require(A.rows == V.rows, "Non-conformant matrix sizes")
if (A.size == 0) {
DenseMatrix.zeros[Float](0, 0)
} else if (A.rows == A.cols) {
// square: LUSolve
val X = DenseMatrix.zeros[Float](V.rows, V.cols)
X := V
} else {
// non-square: QRSolve
val X = DenseMatrix.zeros[Float](A.cols, V.cols)
/** X := A \ X, for square A */
def LUSolve(X: DenseMatrix[Float], A: DenseMatrix[Float]): DenseMatrix[Float] = {
require(X.offset == 0)
require(A.offset == 0)
val piv = new Array[Int](A.rows)
val newA: DenseMatrix[Float] = A.copy
val info: Int = {
val info = new intW(0)
lapack.sgesv(A.rows, X.cols,, newA.majorStride, piv,, X.majorStride, info)
if (info > 0)
throw new MatrixSingularException()
else if (info < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
/** X := A \ V, for arbitrary A */
def QRSolve(X: DenseMatrix[Float], A: DenseMatrix[Float], V: DenseMatrix[Float]): DenseMatrix[Float] = {
require(X.offset == 0)
require(A.offset == 0)
require(V.offset == 0)
require(X.rows == A.cols, "Wrong number of rows in return value")
require(X.cols == V.cols, "Wrong number of rows in return value")
val transpose: Boolean = X.isTranspose
val nrhs = V.cols
// allocate temporary solution matrix
val Xtmp = DenseMatrix.zeros[Float](math.max(A.rows, A.cols), nrhs)
val M = if (!transpose) A.rows else A.cols
Xtmp(0 until M,0 until nrhs) := V(0 until M, 0 until nrhs)
val newData: Array[Float] =
// query optimal workspace
val queryWork = new Array[Float](1)
val queryInfo = new intW(0)
if (!transpose) "N" else "T",
A.rows, A.cols, nrhs,
newData, A.majorStride,, math.max(1,math.max(A.rows,A.cols)),
queryWork, -1, queryInfo)
// allocate workspace
val work: Array[Float] = {
val lwork: Int = {
if (queryInfo.`val` != 0)
math.max(1, math.min(A.rows, A.cols) + math.max(math.min(A.rows, A.cols), nrhs))
math.max(queryWork(0).toInt, 1)
new Array[Float](lwork)
// compute factorization
val info = new intW(0)
if (!transpose) "N" else "T",
A.rows, A.cols, nrhs,
newData, A.majorStride,, math.max(1,math.max(A.rows,A.cols)),
work, work.length, info)
if (info.`val` < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException
// extract solution
val N = if (!transpose) A.cols else A.rows
X(0 until N, 0 until nrhs) := Xtmp(0 until N, 0 until nrhs)
implicit object implOpSolveMatrixBy_DMF_DVF_eq_DVF
extends OpSolveMatrixBy.Impl2[DenseMatrix[Float], DenseVector[Float], DenseVector[Float]] {
override def apply(a: DenseMatrix[Float], b : DenseVector[Float]): DenseVector[Float] = {
val rv: DenseMatrix[Float] = a \ new DenseMatrix[Float](b.size, 1,, b.offset, b.stride, true)
new DenseVector[Float](
trait DenseMatrixOps { this: DenseMatrix.type =>
// don't remove
import breeze.math.PowImplicits._
implicit def dm_dm_UpdateOp[@expand.args(Int, Double, Float, Long) T,
@expand.args(OpAdd, OpSub, OpMulScalar, OpDiv, OpSet, OpMod, OpPow) Op <: OpType]
(implicit @expand.sequence[Op]({_ + _}, {_ - _}, {_ * _}, {_ / _}, {(a,b) => b}, {_ % _}, {_ pow _}) op: Op.Impl2[T, T, T],
@expand.sequence[Op]({_ += _}, {_ -= _}, {_ :*= _}, {_ :/= _}, {_ := _}, {_ %= _}, {_ :^= _}) vecOp: Op.Impl2[T, T, T]):
Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] = {
new Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] {
def apply(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: DenseMatrix[T]): Unit = {
require(a.rows == b.rows, "Row dimension mismatch!")
require(a.cols == b.cols, "Col dimension mismatch!")
if ((a ne b) && a.overlaps(b)) {
val ac = a.copy
apply(ac, b)
a := ac
// gives a roughly 5-10x speedup
// if a and b are both nicely and identically shaped, add them as though they were vectors
} else if (a.isTranspose == b.isTranspose && a.isContiguous && b.isContiguous) {
vecOp(new DenseVector(, a.offset, 1, a.size), new DenseVector(, b.offset, 1, b.size))
} else {
slowPath(a, b)
private def slowPath(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: DenseMatrix[T]): Unit = {
if (a.isTranspose) {
apply(a.t, b.t)
} else {
val ad =
val bd =
var c = 0
while (c < a.cols) {
var r = 0
while (r < a.rows) {
ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)) = op(ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)), bd(b.linearIndex(r, c)))
r += 1
c += 1
implicitly[BinaryUpdateRegistry[Matrix[T], Matrix[T], Op.type]].register(this)
implicit def dm_dm_UpdateOp[@expand.args(OpAdd, OpSub, OpMulScalar, OpDiv, OpMod, OpPow) Op <: OpType, T:Field:Zero:ClassTag]
(implicit @expand.sequence[Op]({f.+(_,_)}, {f.-(_,_)}, {f.*(_,_)}, {f./(_,_)}, {f.%(_,_)},{f.pow(_,_)}) op: Op.Impl2[T,T,T]):
Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] = {
val f = implicitly[Field[T]]
new Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] {
def apply(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: DenseMatrix[T]): Unit = {
val ad =
val bd =
var c = 0
if ((a ne b) && a.overlaps(b)) {
val ac = a.copy
apply(ac, b)
a := ac
} else {
while (c < a.cols) {
var r = 0
while (r < a.rows) {
ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)) = op(ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)), bd(b.linearIndex(r, c)))
r += 1
c += 1
implicitly[BinaryUpdateRegistry[Matrix[T], Matrix[T], Op.type]].register(this)
implicit def dm_s_UpdateOp[@expand.args(Int, Double, Float, Long) T,
@expand.args(OpAdd, OpSub, OpMulScalar, OpMulMatrix, OpDiv, OpSet, OpMod, OpPow) Op <: OpType]
(implicit @expand.sequence[Op]({_ + _}, {_ - _}, {_ * _}, {_ * _}, {_ / _}, {(a,b) => b}, {_ % _}, {_ pow _}) op: Op.Impl2[T, T, T]):
Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[T], T] =
new Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[T], T] {
def apply(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: T):Unit = {
if (a.isContiguous) {
fastPath(a, b)
} else {
slowPath(a, b)
def fastPath(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: T): Unit = {
val ad: Array[T] =
cforRange(a.offset until (a.offset + a.size)) { i =>
ad(i) = op(ad(i), b)
def slowPath(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: T): Unit = {
val ad =
if (!a.isTranspose) {
cforRange2(0 until a.cols, 0 until a.rows) { (c, r) =>
ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)) = op(ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)), b)
} else {
cforRange2(0 until a.rows, 0 until a.cols) { (r, c) =>
ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)) = op(ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)), b)
implicitly[BinaryUpdateRegistry[Matrix[T], T, Op.type]].register(this)
implicit def opUpdate_DM_S[@expand.args(OpAdd, OpSub, OpMulScalar, OpMulMatrix, OpDiv, OpMod, OpPow) Op <: OpType, T:Field:Zero:ClassTag]
(implicit @expand.sequence[Op]({f.+(_,_)}, {f.-(_,_)}, {f.*(_,_)}, {f.*(_,_)}, {f./(_,_)}, {f.%(_,_)},{f.pow(_,_)}) op: Op.Impl2[T,T,T]):
Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[T], T] = {
val f = implicitly[Field[T]]
new Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[T], T] {
override def apply(a : DenseMatrix[T], b: T) = {
val ad: Array[T] =
var c = 0
while(c < a.cols) {
var r = 0
while(r < a.rows) {
ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)) = op(ad(a.linearIndex(r,c)), b)
r += 1
c += 1
implicitly[BinaryUpdateRegistry[Matrix[T], T, Op.type]].register(this)
implicit def op_DM_S[@expand.args(Int, Long, Float, Double) T,
@expand.args(OpAdd, OpSub, OpMulScalar, OpMulMatrix, OpMod, OpDiv, OpPow) Op]:
Op.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], T, DenseMatrix[T]] = {
val uop = implicitly[Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[T], T]]
new Op.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], T, DenseMatrix[T]] {
override def apply(a : DenseMatrix[T], b: T) = {
val c = copy(a)
uop(c, b)
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[Matrix[T], T, Op.type, Matrix[T]]].register(this)
implicit def op_DM_S[@expand.args(OpAdd, OpSub, OpMulScalar, OpMulMatrix, OpDiv, OpMod, OpPow) Op <: OpType, T:Field:Zero:ClassTag]:
// (implicit @expand.sequence[Op]({f.+(_,_)}, {f.-(_,_)}, {f.*(_,_)}, {f.*(_,_)}, {f./(_,_)}, {f.%(_,_)},{f.pow(_,_)}) op: Op.Impl2[T,T,T]):
Op.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], T, DenseMatrix[T]] = {
val uop = implicitly[Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[T], T]]
new Op.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], T, DenseMatrix[T]] {
override def apply(a : DenseMatrix[T], b: T) = {
val c = copy(a)
uop(c, b)
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[Matrix[T], T, Op.type, Matrix[T]]].register(this)
implicit def s_dm_op[@expand.args(Int, Double, Float, Long) T,
@expand.args(OpAdd, OpSub, OpMulScalar, OpMulMatrix, OpDiv, OpMod, OpPow) Op <: OpType]
(implicit @expand.sequence[Op]({_ + _}, {_ - _}, {_ * _}, {_ * _}, {_ / _}, {_ % _}, {_ pow _}) op: Op.Impl2[T, T, T]):
Op.Impl2[T, DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] =
new Op.Impl2[T, DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] {
def apply(b: T, a: DenseMatrix[T]): DenseMatrix[T] = {
val res: DenseMatrix[T] = DenseMatrix.zeros[T](a.rows,a.cols)
val resd: Array[T] =
val ad: Array[T] =
var c = 0
var off = 0
while(c < a.cols) {
var r = 0
while(r < a.rows) {
resd(off) = op(b, ad(a.linearIndex(r,c)))
r += 1
off += 1
c += 1
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[T, Matrix[T], Op.type, Matrix[T]]].register(this)
implicit def s_dm_op[T, Op <: OpType, U](implicit opScalar: UFunc.UImpl2[Op, T, T, U],
ct: ClassTag[U],
zero: Zero[U]): UFunc.UImpl2[Op, T, DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[U]] = {
new UFunc.UImpl2[Op, T, DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[U]] {
def apply(b: T, a: DenseMatrix[T]): DenseMatrix[U] = {
val res: DenseMatrix[U] = DenseMatrix.zeros[U](a.rows, a.cols)
val resd: Array[U] =
val ad: Array[T] =
var c = 0
var off = 0
while(c < a.cols) {
var r = 0
while(r < a.rows) {
resd(off) = opScalar(b, ad(a.linearIndex(r,c)))
r += 1
off += 1
c += 1
implicit def op_DM_DM[@expand.args(Int, Long, Float, Double) T,
@expand.args(OpAdd, OpSub, OpMulScalar, OpMod, OpDiv, OpPow) Op]:
Op.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] = {
val uop = implicitly[Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]]]
new Op.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] {
override def apply(a : DenseMatrix[T], b: DenseMatrix[T]): DenseMatrix[T] = {
val c = copy(a)
uop(c, b)
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[Matrix[T], Matrix[T], Op.type, Matrix[T]]].register(this)
trait DenseMatrixOpsLowPrio { this: DenseMatrixOps =>
// LOL, if we explicitly annotate the type, then the implicit resolution thing will load this recursively.
// If we don't, then everything works ok.
implicit def canMulM_V_def[T, B <: Vector[T]](implicit bb : B <:< Vector[T], op: OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], Vector[T], DenseVector[T]]) = (
implicitly[OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], Vector[T], DenseVector[T]]].asInstanceOf[breeze.linalg.operators.OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], B, DenseVector[T]]]
// ibid.
implicit def canMulM_M_def[T, B <: Matrix[T]](implicit bb : B <:< Matrix[T],
op: OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], Matrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]]) = (
op.asInstanceOf[OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], B, DenseMatrix[T]]]
trait DenseMatrixMultOps extends DenseMatrixOps
with DenseMatrixOpsLowPrio { this: DenseMatrix.type =>
// I don't know why this import is necessary to make the DefaultArrayValue do the right thing.
// If I remove the import, everything breaks, for some reason.
implicit def op_DM_V[@expand.args(Int, Long, Float, Double) T]:
BinaryRegistry[DenseMatrix[T], Vector[T], OpMulMatrix.type, DenseVector[T]] =
new BinaryRegistry[DenseMatrix[T], Vector[T], OpMulMatrix.type, DenseVector[T]] {
override def bindingMissing(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: Vector[T]): DenseVector[T] = {
// TODO: this could probably be much faster?
require(a.cols == b.length)
val res: DenseVector[T] = DenseVector.zeros[T](a.rows)
var c = 0
while(c < a.cols) {
var r = 0
while (r < a.rows) {
val v = a(r, c)
res(r) += v * b(c)
r += 1
c += 1
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[Matrix[T], Vector[T], OpMulMatrix.type, Vector[T]]].register(this)
implicit def op_DM_M[@expand.args(Int, Long, Float, Double) T]:
BinaryRegistry[DenseMatrix[T], Matrix[T], OpMulMatrix.type, DenseMatrix[T]] =
new BinaryRegistry[DenseMatrix[T], Matrix[T], OpMulMatrix.type, DenseMatrix[T]] {
override def bindingMissing(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: Matrix[T]): DenseMatrix[T] = {
// Martin Senne:
// Accessing consequent areas in memory in the innermost loop ( a(i,l), a(i+1,l) ) is faster
// than accessing ( b(c, j), b(c, j+1) as data layout in memory is column-like (Fortran), that is a(0,0), a(1,0), a(2,0), ...
// Thus (adapted from dgemm in BLAS):
// - exchanged loop order
// - so to access consequent entries in the innermost loop and to hopefully avoid cache-misses
val res: DenseMatrix[T] = DenseMatrix.zeros[T](a.rows, b.cols)
require(a.cols == b.rows)
val colsB = b.cols
val colsA = a.cols
val rowsA = a.rows
var j = 0
while (j < colsB) {
var l = 0;
while (l < colsA) {
val v = b(l, j)
var i = 0
while (i < rowsA) {
res(i, j) += v * a(i,l)
i += 1
l += 1
j += 1
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[Matrix[T], Matrix[T], OpMulMatrix.type, Matrix[T]]].register(this)
implicit def op_DM_DM_Semiring[T:Semiring:ClassTag:Zero]:
OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] =
new OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] {
implicit val ring = implicitly[Semiring[T]]
override def apply(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: DenseMatrix[T]): DenseMatrix[T] = {
val res: DenseMatrix[T] = DenseMatrix.zeros[T](a.rows, b.cols)
require(a.cols == b.rows)
val colsB = b.cols
val colsA = a.cols
val rowsA = a.rows
var j = 0
while (j < colsB) {
var l = 0;
while (l < colsA) {
val v = b(l, j)
var i = 0
while (i < rowsA) {
res(i, j) = ring.+(res(i,j), ring.*(a(i,l), v))
i += 1
l += 1
j += 1
implicit def op_DM_DM[@expand.args(Int, Long, Float, Double) T]:
OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] =
new OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T]] {
// amazingly, the bigger these are, the better.
val blockSizeRow = 2000
val blockSizeInner = 2000
val blockSizeCol = 2000
def multBlock(M: Int, N: Int, K: Int,
aTrans: Array[T], b: Array[T],
res: DenseMatrix[T],
resRowOff: Int, resColOff: Int): Unit = {
val rd =
val rOff = res.offset + resRowOff + resColOff * res.majorStride
cforRange2(0 until M, 0 until K) { (i, k) =>
var sum: T = 0
cforRange(0 until N) { (j) =>
sum += aTrans(i * N + j) * b(k * N + j)
rd(rOff + i + k * res.majorStride) = sum
override def apply(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: DenseMatrix[T]): DenseMatrix[T] = {
val res: DenseMatrix[T] = DenseMatrix.zeros[T](a.rows, b.cols)
require(a.cols == b.rows)
val aTrans = new Array[T](math.min(blockSizeRow * blockSizeInner, a.size))
val bBuf = new Array[T](math.min(blockSizeInner * blockSizeCol, b.size))
val numRowBlocks = (a.rows + blockSizeRow - 1) / blockSizeRow
val numInnerBlocks = (a.cols + blockSizeCol - 1) / blockSizeCol
val numColBlocks = (b.cols + blockSizeInner - 1) / blockSizeInner
cforRange(0 until numRowBlocks) { r =>
val mBegin = r * blockSizeRow
val mEnd = math.min(mBegin + blockSizeRow, a.rows)
val M = mEnd - mBegin
cforRange(0 until numInnerBlocks) { i =>
val nBegin = i * blockSizeInner
val nEnd = math.min(nBegin + blockSizeInner, a.cols)
val N = nEnd - nBegin
cforRange2(0 until N, 0 until M) { (n, m) =>
aTrans(m * N + n) = a(m + mBegin, n + nBegin)
cforRange(0 until numColBlocks) { c =>
val oBegin = c * blockSizeCol
val oEnd = math.min(oBegin + blockSizeCol, b.cols)
val O = oEnd - oBegin
cforRange2(0 until O, 0 until N) { (o, n) =>
bBuf(o * N + n) = b(n + nBegin, o + oBegin)
multBlock(M, N, O, aTrans, bBuf, res, mBegin, oBegin)
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[Matrix[T], Matrix[T], OpMulMatrix.type, Matrix[T]]].register(this)
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[DenseMatrix[T], Matrix[T], OpMulMatrix.type, DenseMatrix[T]]].register(this)
trait LowPriorityDenseMatrix extends LowPriorityDenseMatrix1 {
implicit def canSliceWeirdRows[V:Semiring:ClassTag]: CanSlice2[DenseMatrix[V], Seq[Int], ::.type, SliceMatrix[Int, Int, V]] = {
new CanSlice2[DenseMatrix[V], Seq[Int], ::.type, SliceMatrix[Int, Int, V]] {
def apply(from: DenseMatrix[V], slice: Seq[Int], slice2: ::.type): SliceMatrix[Int, Int, V] = {
new SliceMatrix(from, slice.toIndexedSeq, (0 until from.cols))
implicit def canSliceWeirdCols[V:Semiring:ClassTag]: CanSlice2[DenseMatrix[V], ::.type, Seq[Int], SliceMatrix[Int, Int, V]] = {
new CanSlice2[DenseMatrix[V], ::.type, Seq[Int], SliceMatrix[Int, Int, V]] {
def apply(from: DenseMatrix[V], slice2: ::.type, slice: Seq[Int]): SliceMatrix[Int, Int, V] = {
new SliceMatrix(from, (0 until from.rows), slice.toIndexedSeq)
implicit def canSliceTensorBooleanRows[V: Semiring : ClassTag]: CanSlice2[DenseMatrix[V], Tensor[Int, Boolean], ::.type, SliceMatrix[Int, Int, V]] = {
new CanSlice2[DenseMatrix[V], Tensor[Int, Boolean], ::.type, SliceMatrix[Int, Int, V]] {
def apply(from: DenseMatrix[V], rows: Tensor[Int, Boolean], cols: ::.type): SliceMatrix[Int, Int, V] = {
new SliceMatrix(from, rows.findAll(_ == true), (0 until from.cols))
implicit def canSliceTensorBooleanCols[V: Semiring : ClassTag]: CanSlice2[DenseMatrix[V], ::.type, Tensor[Int, Boolean], SliceMatrix[Int, Int, V]] = {
new CanSlice2[DenseMatrix[V], ::.type, Tensor[Int, Boolean], SliceMatrix[Int, Int, V]] {
def apply(from: DenseMatrix[V], rows: ::.type, cols: Tensor[Int, Boolean]): SliceMatrix[Int, Int, V] = {
new SliceMatrix(from, (0 until from.rows), cols.findAll(_ == true))
class SetDMDMOp[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V] extends OpSet.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[V], DenseMatrix[V]] {
def apply(a: DenseMatrix[V], b: DenseMatrix[V]): Unit = {
require(a.rows == b.rows, "Matrixs must have same number of rows")
require(a.cols == b.cols, "Matrixs must have same number of columns")
if( - a.offset == a.rows * a.cols
&& - b.offset == a.rows * a.cols
&& a.majorStride == b.majorStride
&& a.isTranspose == b.isTranspose) {
System.arraycopy(, b.offset,, a.offset, a.size)
} else {
// slow path when we don't have a trivial matrix
val ad =
val bd =
var c = 0
while (c < a.cols) {
var r = 0
while (r < a.rows) {
ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)) = bd(b.linearIndex(r, c))
r += 1
c += 1
class SetDMDVOp[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V] extends OpSet.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[V], DenseVector[V]] {
def apply(a: DenseMatrix[V], b: DenseVector[V]): Unit = {
require(a.rows == b.length && a.cols == 1 || a.cols == b.length && a.rows == 1, "DenseMatrix must have same number of rows, or same number of columns, as DenseVector, and the other dim must be 1.")
val ad: Array[V] =
val bd: Array[V] =
var c = 0
var boff = b.offset
while(c < a.cols) {
var r = 0
while(r < a.rows) {
ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)) = bd(boff)
r += 1
boff += b.stride
c += 1
class SetMSOp[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V] extends OpSet.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[V], V] {
def apply(a: DenseMatrix[V], b: V): Unit = {
if( - a.offset == a.rows * a.cols) {
ArrayUtil.fill(, a.offset, a.size, b)
} else {
// slow path when we don't have a trivial matrix
val ad: Array[V] =
var c = 0
while (c < a.cols) {
var r = 0
while (r < a.rows) {
ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)) = b
r += 1
c += 1
implicit def setDMDM[V]: OpSet.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[V], DenseMatrix[V]] = new SetDMDMOp[V]
implicit def setDMDV[V]: OpSet.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[V], DenseVector[V]] = new SetDMDVOp[V]
implicit def setDMS[V]: OpSet.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[V], V] = new SetMSOp[V]
implicit def op_DM_V_Semiring[T](implicit ring: Semiring[T], ct: ClassTag[T]):
BinaryRegistry[DenseMatrix[T], Vector[T], OpMulMatrix.type, DenseVector[T]] =
new BinaryRegistry[DenseMatrix[T], Vector[T], OpMulMatrix.type, DenseVector[T]] {
override def bindingMissing(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: Vector[T]): DenseVector[T] = {
require(a.cols == b.length)
val res: DenseVector[T] = DenseVector.zeros[T](a.rows)
var c = 0
while(c < a.cols) {
var r = 0
while (r < a.rows) {
val v = a(r, c)
res(r) = ring.+(res(r), ring.*(v, b(c)))
r += 1
c += 1
trait LowPriorityDenseMatrix1 {
* Returns a 1xnumCols DenseMatrix
* @tparam V
* @tparam R
* @return
implicit def canCollapseRows[V, R:ClassTag:Zero]: CanCollapseAxis[DenseMatrix[V], Axis._0.type, DenseVector[V], R, Transpose[DenseVector[R]]] =
new CanCollapseAxis[DenseMatrix[V], Axis._0.type, DenseVector[V], R, Transpose[DenseVector[R]]] {
def apply(from: DenseMatrix[V], axis: Axis._0.type)(f: (DenseVector[V]) => R): Transpose[DenseVector[R]] = {
val result = DenseVector.zeros[R](from.cols)
cforRange(0 until from.cols) { c =>
result(c) = f(from(::, c))
* Returns a numRows DenseVector
* @tparam V
* @tparam R
* @return
implicit def canCollapseCols[V, R:ClassTag:Zero] =
new CanCollapseAxis[DenseMatrix[V], Axis._1.type, DenseVector[V], R, DenseVector[R]] {
def apply(from: DenseMatrix[V], axis: Axis._1.type)(f: (DenseVector[V]) => R): DenseVector[R] = {
val result = DenseVector.zeros[R](from.rows)
val t = from.t
for(r <- 0 until from.rows) {
result(r) = f(t(::, r))
class SetMMOp[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V] extends OpSet.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[V], Matrix[V]] {
def apply(a: DenseMatrix[V], b: Matrix[V]): Unit = {
require(a.rows == b.rows, "Matrixs must have same number of rows")
require(a.cols == b.cols, "Matrixs must have same number of columns")
// slow path when we don't have a trivial matrix
val ad =
var c = 0
while(c < a.cols) {
var r = 0
while(r < a.rows) {
ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)) = b(r, c)
r += 1
c += 1
class SetDMVOp[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V] extends OpSet.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[V], Vector[V]] {
def apply(a: DenseMatrix[V], b: Vector[V]) {
require(a.rows == b.length && a.cols == 1 || a.cols == b.length && a.rows == 1, "DenseMatrix must have same number of rows, or same number of columns, as DenseVector, and the other dim must be 1.")
val ad =
var i = 0
var c = 0
while(c < a.cols) {
var r = 0
while(r < a.rows) {
ad(a.linearIndex(r, c)) = b(i)
r += 1
i += 1
c += 1
implicit def setMM[V]: OpSet.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[V], Matrix[V]] = new SetMMOp[V]
implicit def setMV[V]: OpSet.InPlaceImpl2[DenseMatrix[V], Vector[V]] = new SetDMVOp[V]
* @author dlwh
trait DenseMatrix_OrderingOps extends DenseMatrixOps { this: DenseMatrix.type =>
implicit def dm_dm_Op[@expand.args(Int, Double, Float, Long) T,
@expand.args(OpGT, OpGTE, OpLTE, OpLT, OpEq, OpNe) Op <: OpType]
(implicit @expand.sequence[Op]({_ > _}, {_ >= _}, {_ <= _}, {_ < _}, { _ == _}, {_ != _})
op: Op.Impl2[T, T, T]):Op.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[Boolean]] = new Op.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[T], DenseMatrix[Boolean]] {
def apply(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: DenseMatrix[T]): DenseMatrix[Boolean] = {
if(a.isTranspose) {
apply(a.t, b.t).t
} else {
if(a.rows != b.rows) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Rows don't match for operator $Op ${a.rows} ${b.rows}")
if(a.cols != b.cols) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Cols don't match for operator $Op ${a.cols} ${b.cols}")
val result = DenseMatrix.zeros[Boolean](a.rows, a.cols)
cforRange2(0 until a.cols, 0 until a.rows) { (j, i) =>
result(i, j) = op(a(i,j), b(i, j))
implicit def dm_v_Op[@expand.args(Int, Double, Float, Long) T,
@expand.args(OpGT, OpGTE, OpLTE, OpLT, OpEq, OpNe) Op <: OpType]
(implicit @expand.sequence[Op]({_ > _}, {_ >= _}, {_ <= _}, {_ < _}, { _ == _}, {_ != _})
op: Op.Impl2[T, T, Boolean]):Op.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], Matrix[T], DenseMatrix[Boolean]] = new Op.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], Matrix[T], DenseMatrix[Boolean]] {
def apply(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: Matrix[T]): DenseMatrix[Boolean] = {
if(a.rows != b.rows) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Rows don't match for operator $Op ${a.rows} ${b.rows}")
if(a.cols != b.cols) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Cols don't match for operator $Op ${a.cols} ${b.cols}")
val result = DenseMatrix.zeros[Boolean](a.rows, a.cols)
cforRange2(0 until a.cols, 0 until a.rows) { (j, i) =>
result(i, j) = op(a(i,j), b(i, j))
implicit def dm_s_CompOp[@expand.args(Int, Double, Float, Long) T,
@expand.args(OpGT, OpGTE, OpLTE, OpLT, OpEq, OpNe) Op <: OpType]
(implicit @expand.sequence[Op]({_ > _}, {_ >= _}, {_ <= _}, {_ < _}, { _ == _}, {_ != _})
op: Op.Impl2[T, T, Boolean]):Op.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], T, DenseMatrix[Boolean]] = new Op.Impl2[DenseMatrix[T], T, DenseMatrix[Boolean]] {
def apply(a: DenseMatrix[T], b: T): DenseMatrix[Boolean] = {
if(a.isTranspose) {
apply(a.t, b).t
} else {
val result = DenseMatrix.zeros[Boolean](a.rows, a.cols)
cforRange2(0 until a.cols, 0 until a.rows) { (j, i) =>
result(i, j) = op(a(i,j), b)