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package breeze.optimize
import breeze.linalg.{norm, Tensor, NumericOps}
import breeze.linalg.operators.{OpSub, BinaryOp}
import breeze.stats.distributions.Rand
import breeze.util.SerializableLogging
* Class that compares the computed gradient with an empirical gradient based on
* finite differences. Essential for debugging dynamic programs.
* @author dlwh
object GradientTester extends SerializableLogging {
* Tests a gradient by comparing the gradient to the empirically calculated gradient from finite differences,
* returning those that are bad, logging bad ones on WARN, ok ones on DEBUG, and overall statistics on INFO.
* @param f the function to test
* @param x point to test from
* @param randFraction what percentage of x's domain to try.
* @param skipZeros should we skip components of x where the calculated gradient is 0.
* (Sometimes useful with sparse features. You might want to check that 0's are always 0's though!)
* @param epsilon Difference to try
* @param tolerance How big a relative difference before we start complaining.
* @param toString toString function for converting elements of x's domain to a string.
* @tparam K
* @tparam T
* @return differences in each component
def test[K,T](f: DiffFunction[T], x: T,
randFraction:Double = 0.01,
skipZeros: Boolean = false,
epsilon: Double = 1E-8,
tolerance: Double = 1E-3,
toString: K=>String = {(_:K).toString})
(implicit view2: T <:< NumericOps[T],
view: T<:< Tensor[K,Double],
copy: CanCopy[T],
canNorm: norm.Impl[T, Double],
opSub: OpSub.Impl2[T, T, T]) = {
val indices = Rand.subsetsOfSize(x.keysIterator.toIndexedSeq, (x.size * randFraction + 1).toInt).get()
testIndices(f, x, indices, skipZeros, toString, epsilon, tolerance)
def testIndices[T, K](f: DiffFunction[T], x: T,
indices: Traversable[K],
skipZeros: Boolean = false,
toString: (K) => String = {(_:K).toString},
epsilon: Double = 1e-8, tolerance: Double = 1E-3)(implicit view2: T <:< NumericOps[T],
view: T<:< Tensor[K,Double],
copy: CanCopy[T],
canNorm: norm.Impl[T, Double],
opSub: OpSub.Impl2[T, T, T]): T = {
val (fx, trueGrad) = f.calculate(x)
val xx = copy(x)
val differences = opSub(x, x)
var ok, tried = 0
val sz = indices.size
for (k <- indices) {
if (skipZeros && trueGrad(k) == 0.0) {
logger.debug(s"Zero Grad: ${toString(k)}")
print(toString(k) + " ")
} else {
xx(k) += epsilon
val grad = (f(xx) - fx) / epsilon
xx(k) -= epsilon
val relDif = (grad - trueGrad(k)).abs / math.max(trueGrad(k).abs, grad.abs).max(1E-4)
if (relDif < tolerance) {
ok += 1
logger.debug(s"OK: ${toString(k)} $relDif")
} else {
logger.warn(toString(k) + " relDif: %.3e [eps : %e, calculated: %4.3e empirical: %4.3e]".format(relDif, epsilon, trueGrad(k), grad))
differences(k) = relDif
tried += 1
if (tried % 100 == 0 || tried == sz) {"Checked $tried of ${sz} (out of dimension ${x.size}). ${ok * 100.0 / tried}%.4g%% ok.")