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package breeze.optimize
Copyright 2009 David Hall, Daniel Ramage
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, DenseVector}
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.optimize.FirstOrderMinimizer.{ConvergenceCheck, ProjectedStepConverged, State}
import breeze.util.SerializableLogging
import breeze.util.Implicits._
import spire.syntax.cfor._
* This algorithm is refered the paper
* Richard H.Byrd Peihuang Lu Jorge Nocedal and Ciyou Zhu
* Created by fanming.chen on 2015/3/7 0007.
* If StrongWolfeLineSearch(maxZoomIter,maxLineSearchIter) is small, the wolfeRuleSearch.minimize may throw FirstOrderException,
* it should increase the two variables to appropriate value
class LBFGSB(lowerBounds: DenseVector[Double],
upperBounds: DenseVector[Double],
maxIter:Int = 100, m:Int = 5, tolerance:Double = 1E-8,
maxZoomIter:Int = 64, maxLineSearchIter:Int = 64) extends FirstOrderMinimizer[DenseVector[Double], DiffFunction[DenseVector[Double]]](
LBFGSB.defaultConvergenceCheck(lowerBounds, upperBounds, tolerance, maxIter)) with SerializableLogging {
protected val EPS = 2.2E-16
* @param theta
* @param W [Yk theta * Sk]
* @param M
* @param yHistory
* @param sHistory
case class History(theta: Double,
W: DenseMatrix[Double],
M: DenseMatrix[Double],
yHistory: DenseMatrix[Double],
sHistory: DenseMatrix[Double])
//initialize only is called once, so it can be used to init some arguments
override protected def initialHistory(f: DiffFunction[DenseVector[Double]], init: DenseVector[Double]):History = {
initialize(f, init)
override protected def updateHistory(newX: DenseVector[Double], newGrad: DenseVector[Double], newVal: Double, f: DiffFunction[DenseVector[Double]], oldState: State): History = {
updateSkYkHessianApproxMat(oldState.history, newX - oldState.x, newGrad -:- oldState.grad)
override protected def chooseDescentDirection(state: State, f: DiffFunction[DenseVector[Double]]): DenseVector[Double] = {
val x = state.x
val g = state.grad
//step2:compute the cauchy point by algorithm CP
val (cauchyPoint, c) = getGeneralizedCauchyPoint(state.history, x, g)
val dirk = if(0 == state.iter) cauchyPoint - x else {
//step3:compute a search direction d_k by the primal method
val subspaceMin = subspaceMinimization(state.history, cauchyPoint, x, c, g)
subspaceMin - x
override protected def determineStepSize(state: State, f: DiffFunction[DenseVector[Double]], direction: DenseVector[Double]): Double = {
val ff = new DiffFunction[Double] {
def calculate(alpha: Double) = {
val newX = takeStep(state, direction, alpha)
val (ff, grad) = f.calculate(newX)
ff -> (grad dot direction)
val wolfeRuleSearch = new StrongWolfeLineSearch(maxZoomIter, maxLineSearchIter) // TODO: Need good default values here.
var minStepBound = Double.PositiveInfinity
var i = 0
while (i < lowerBounds.length) {
val dir = direction(i)
if (dir != 0.0) {
val bound = if (dir < 0.0) lowerBounds(i) else upperBounds(i)
val stepBound = (bound - state.x(i)) / dir
assert(stepBound > 0.0)
if (stepBound < minStepBound) {
minStepBound = stepBound
i += 1
wolfeRuleSearch.minimizeWithBound(ff, 1.0, minStepBound)
override protected def takeStep(state: State, dir: DenseVector[Double], stepSize: Double) = {
val newX = state.x + (dir :* stepSize)
def adjustWithinBound(point: DenseVector[Double]): Unit = {
cforRange(0 until point.length) { i =>
if (point(i) > upperBounds(i)) {
point(i) = upperBounds(i)
if (point(i) < lowerBounds(i)) {
point(i) = lowerBounds(i)
private def initialize(f: DiffFunction[DenseVector[Double]], x0: DenseVector[Double]) = {
val DIM = x0.length
require(lowerBounds.length == x0.length, s"Mismatch between x0 length (${x0.length}) and lowerBounds length ${lowerBounds.length}")
require(upperBounds.length == x0.length, s"Mismatch between x0 length (${x0.length}) and upperBounds length ${upperBounds.length}")
require(x0.forall( (i, v) => (lowerBounds(i) <= v && v <= upperBounds(i))),
"seed is not feasible (violates lower bound or upperBounds)")
theta = 1.0,
W = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](DIM, 2*m),
M = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](2*m, 2*m),
yHistory = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](0, 0),
sHistory = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](0, 0)
protected def getGeneralizedCauchyPoint(history: History, x:DenseVector[Double], g: DenseVector[Double]) = {
import history._
//Algorithm CP:Computation of generalized Cauchy point
val n = x.length
val d = DenseVector.zeros[Double](n)
val t = g.mapPairs{ (i, gi) =>
if (0 == gi) {
(i, Double.MaxValue)
} else {
val ti = if (gi < 0) {
(x(i) - upperBounds(i)) / gi
} else {
(x(i) - lowerBounds(i)) / gi
d(i) = if(0 == ti) 0 else -gi
(i, ti)
val xCauchy = x.copy;
var p = W.t*d
var c = DenseVector.zeros[Double](M.rows)
var fDerivative:Double =
var fSecondDerivative = (-1.0*theta) * fDerivative -*p)
var dtMin = - (fDerivative/fSecondDerivative)
var oldT = 0.0
val sortedIndeces = => x._1).toArray.
sortWith((ia, ib) => t(ia)._2 < t(ib)._2)
var i = sortedIndeces.indexWhere(idx => 0 != t(idx)._2)
var b = sortedIndeces(i)
var minT = t(b)._2
var deltaT = minT - oldT
//examination of subsequent segments
while(deltaT <= dtMin && (i < n)) {
xCauchy(b) = if (0 < d(b)) upperBounds(b) else lowerBounds(b)
val zb = xCauchy(b) - x(b)
c = c + p *:* deltaT
val bRowOfW:DenseVector[Double] = W(b, ::).t
fDerivative += deltaT*fSecondDerivative + g(b)*g(b) + theta*g(b)*zb - (bRowOfW.t *:* g(b))*(M*c)
fSecondDerivative += -1.0*theta*g(b)*g(b) - 2.0*(g(b) * (*p))) - g(b)*g(b) * (bRowOfW.t*(M*bRowOfW))
p += (bRowOfW *:* g(b));
d(b) = 0.0
dtMin = -fDerivative/fSecondDerivative
oldT = minT
i += 1
if (i < n) {
b = sortedIndeces(i)
minT = t(b)._2
deltaT = minT - oldT
dtMin = math.max(dtMin , 0)
oldT += dtMin
for(sortIdx <- i until n ) {
xCauchy(sortedIndeces(sortIdx)) = x(sortedIndeces(sortIdx)) + oldT * d(sortedIndeces(sortIdx))
c += p *:* dtMin
(xCauchy, c)
* @param xCauchy generalize cauchy point
* @param du gradient directiong
* @param freeVarIndex
* @return starAlpha = max{a : a <= 1 and l_i-xc_i <= a*d_i <= u_i-xc_i}
protected def findAlpha(xCauchy: DenseVector[Double], du: Vector[Double],
freeVarIndex: Array[Int]) = {
var starAlpha = 1.0
for ((vIdx, i) <- freeVarIndex.zipWithIndex) {
if (0 < du(i)) {
starAlpha = math.min(starAlpha, (upperBounds(vIdx) - xCauchy(vIdx)) / du(i))
} else if (0 > du(i)) {
starAlpha = math.min(starAlpha, (lowerBounds(vIdx) - xCauchy(vIdx)) / du(i))
assert(starAlpha >= 0.0 && starAlpha <= 1.0)
//use Direct Primal Method
protected def subspaceMinimization(history: History, xCauchy:DenseVector[Double],
x:DenseVector[Double], c:DenseVector[Double], g:DenseVector[Double]) = {
import history._
val invTheta = 1.0/theta
var freeVariableIndexes = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
xCauchy.mapPairs { (i, v) =>
if (v != upperBounds(i) && v != lowerBounds(i)) {
freeVariableIndexes += i
val freeVarCount = freeVariableIndexes.length
//WZ = W^T*Z
val WZ = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](W.cols, freeVarCount)
for (i <- 0 until freeVarCount) {
WZ(::, i) := W(freeVariableIndexes(i), ::).t
// r=(g+theta*(x_cauchy-x)-W*(M*c));
val dirTheta:DenseVector[Double] = (xCauchy - x) *:* theta;
val fullR = g + dirTheta - W*(M*c)
val rc = fullR(freeVariableIndexes)
//step2 && step3 v=M*W^T*Z*rc
var v:DenseVector[Double] = M*(WZ * rc)
//step4 N = 1/theta * W^T*Z * (W^T*Z)^T
var N:DenseMatrix[Double] = WZ*WZ.t;
N = N *:* invTheta
N = DenseMatrix.eye[Double](N.rows) - M*N;
//step5:v = N^(-1) * v
val invN = inv(N)
val invNv = invN*v
v = N \ v
val wzv:DenseVector[Double] = WZ.t*v *:* (invTheta * invTheta)
val thetaRC = rc *:* invTheta
val du = (thetaRC + wzv) *:* (-1.0)
//step7 find star alpha
val starAlpha = findAlpha(xCauchy, du, freeVariableIndexes.toArray)
val dStar = du *:* starAlpha
val subspaceMinX = xCauchy.copy
for((freeVarIdx, i) <- freeVariableIndexes.zipWithIndex) {
subspaceMinX(freeVarIdx) = subspaceMinX(freeVarIdx) + dStar(i)
protected def updateSkYkHessianApproxMat(history: History, newS:DenseVector[Double], newY:DenseVector[Double]) = {
val newHistory = {
import history._
if (0 == yHistory.cols) {//yHistory.cols means update times
history.copy(yHistory = newY.toDenseMatrix.t, sHistory = newS.toDenseMatrix.t)
} else if(yHistory.cols < m) {
yHistory = DenseMatrix.horzcat(yHistory, newY.toDenseMatrix.t),
sHistory = DenseMatrix.horzcat(sHistory, newS.toDenseMatrix.t)
} else {//m <= k discard the oldest yk and sk
yHistory = DenseMatrix.horzcat(yHistory(::, 1 until m), newY.toDenseMatrix.t),
sHistory = DenseMatrix.horzcat(sHistory(::, 1 until m), newS.toDenseMatrix.t)
import newHistory._
/*step6:test If yk satisfies curvature condition sk'*yk > eps||y||^2 with eps = 2.2*10^(-16),add sk and yk into Sk and Yk.
*If more than m updates are stored, delete the old columns from Sk and Yk
val curvatureTest = math.abs(
if (EPS*norm(newY, 2) < curvatureTest) {
//step7:update Sk'Sk, Yk'Yk, Lk and Rk, and set theta = yk'*yk/yk'*sk
val newTheta = newY.t*newY / (newY.t*newS)
val newW = DenseMatrix.horzcat(yHistory, sHistory *:* newTheta)
val A:DenseMatrix[Double] = sHistory.t * yHistory
val L = strictlyLowerTriangular(A)
val D:DenseMatrix[Double] = diag(diag(A)) *:* (-1.0)
val STS:DenseMatrix[Double] = sHistory.t*sHistory
val MM = DenseMatrix.vertcat(DenseMatrix.horzcat(D, L.t) ,
DenseMatrix.horzcat(L, STS *:* newTheta))
val newM = inv(MM)//MM-1 M is defined at formula 3.4
newHistory.copy(newTheta, newW, newM)
} else {
//norm(P(xk-gk, l, u) - xk, INF) < 1E-5
object LBFGSB {
def defaultConvergenceCheck(lowerBounds: DenseVector[Double], upperBounds: DenseVector[Double], tolerance: Double, maxIter: Int) = {
bfgsbConvergenceTest(lowerBounds, upperBounds) || FirstOrderMinimizer.defaultConvergenceCheck(maxIter, tolerance)
protected val PROJ_GRADIENT_EPS = 1E-5
protected def bfgsbConvergenceTest(lowerBounds: DenseVector[Double],
upperBounds: DenseVector[Double]):ConvergenceCheck[DenseVector[Double]] = ConvergenceCheck.fromPartialFunction {
case state if boundedConvCheck(state, lowerBounds, upperBounds) => ProjectedStepConverged
private def boundedConvCheck[H](state: State[DenseVector[Double], _, H], lowerBounds: DenseVector[Double], upperBounds: DenseVector[Double]): Boolean = {
val x = state.x
val g = state.grad
val pMinusX = (x - g).mapPairs { (i, v) =>
if (v <= lowerBounds(i)) {
lowerBounds(i) - x(i)
} else if (upperBounds(i) <= v) {
upperBounds(i) - x(i)
} else {
v - x(i)
val normPMinusX = norm(pMinusX, Double.PositiveInfinity)
math.abs(normPMinusX) < PROJ_GRADIENT_EPS